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Based on the number of planet-approaching cometary orbits at Mars and Venus relative to the Earth, there should be ample opportunities for observing meteor activity at those two planets. The ratio of planet-approaching Jupiter family comets (JFCs) at Mars, Earth, and Venus is 4:2:1 indicating that JFC-related outbursts would be more frequent at Mars than the Earth. The relative numbers of planet-approaching Halley-type comets (HTCs) implies that the respective levels of annual meteor activity at those three planets are similar. We identify several instances where near-comet outbursts (Jenniskens, P.: 1995, Astron. Astrophys. 295, 206–235) may occur. A possible double outburst of this type at Venus related to 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Padjusakova may be observable by the ESA Venus Express spacecraft in the summer of 2006. Similarly, the Japanese Planet-C Venus orbiter may observe an outburst related to 27P/Crommelin’s perihelion passage in July 2011. Several additional opportunities exist to observe such outbursts at Mars from 2019 to 2026 associated with comets 38P/Stephan-Oterma, 13P/Olbers and 114P/Wiseman-Skiff.  相似文献   
Hajduk, et al (1992) have drawn attention to a possible source of error in our earlier analysis of visual and radar observations of shower meteors from which we calculated the ozone concentration at meteor heights. We have considered their main criticism that the features of our data which we used to calculate the ozone concentration may have been due to the constraint that our meteors had to be observed by both methods. We have shown that observations collected from radar-only systems show very similar characteristics and that these can be analysed without recourse to visual data to produce very similar results to those from our original analysis. Presented at theInternational Conference on Meteoroids 23 – 31 August 1994 in Bratislava.Submitted to Earth, Moon and Planets  相似文献   
High Power Large Aperture (HPLA) radars generally observe very high meteor velocities averaging over 50 km s−1. There are only a few events recorded around 30 km s−1, while meteors at 20 km s−1 or slower are very rare. This is a clear and debated contradiction to specular meteor radar results. A high plasma density condition contributes, but the dominating phenomenon is the hyperthermal ionization mechanism due to chemical dynamics of the ionization process. The observed high velocities can be explained in terms of high hyperthermal ionization cross-sections for collisions between ablated meteoroid metal atoms such as Na and/or Fe and atmospheric species.  相似文献   
At altitudes above 93 km in the atmosphere, magnetic and electric fields can affect the modes and rates of non-turbulent diffusion of ionized meteor trails. Anisotropic diffusion is expected. Most theories of anisotropic diffusion, and indeed most experimental studies, have concentrated on the effects of the magnetic field in producing this anisotropy, and different rates of expansion are expected in directions parallel to and perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. In this study, we use interferometric meteor radars to investigate the dependence of the ambipolar diffusion coefficient on viewing direction relative to the magnetic field, and show that the dependence is at best weak when daily averages are used. We then demonstrate that the reason for this effect is that the positions of maximum and minimum diffusion rates varies as a function of time of day, and that daily averaging masks the anisotropy. One possibility to account for the observations is that this strong diurnal variation is a consequence of the electric fields in the upper atmosphere, which are often tidally driven. An alternative possibility is a diurnal cycle in mean meteor entrance speeds. We lean towards the first hypothesis, but both possibilities are discussed. We demonstrate our results with data from several sites, but particularly using the Clovar radar near London, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   
The possibility of impacts between comets belonging to the Jupiter Family and other small bodies orbiting in the main asteroid belt, and the consequences in relation to cometary activity are discussed. The probability of such events and the jumps in cometary brightness caused by impacts are examined. The results are compared with the results of the Deep Impact mission to Comet 9P/Tempel 1. The main conclusion of this paper is in agreement with previous findings, namely that an impact mechanism cannot be the main cause of the outburst activity of comets.  相似文献   
The Leonid meteor storms of 1833 and 1966   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The greatest Leonid meteor storms since the late eighteenth century are generally regarded as being those of 1833 and 1966. They were evidently due to dense meteoroid concentrations within the Leonid stream. At those times, the orbit of Comet 55P/Tempel–Tuttle was significantly nearer that of the Earth than at most perihelion returns, but still some tens of Earth radii away. Significantly reducing this miss distance can be critical for producing a storm. Evaluation of differential gravitational perturbations, comparing meteoroids with the comet, shows that, in 1833 and 1966 respectively, the Earth passed through meteoroid trails generated at the 1800 and 1899 returns.  相似文献   
Observational evidence is sought that the long-term (104 yr) action of a mean motion resonance with Jupiter can produce structure in a meteoroid stream, concentrating meteoroids in a dense swarm. More specifically, predictions tabulated by Asher & Clube of enhanced meteor and fireball activity from a Taurid Complex swarm in the 7:2 resonance are compared with observational data collected in Japan over several decades. The swarm model was proposed for reasons independent of the observations analysed here, and these newly considered data are shown to be consistent with it. This allows increased confidence in the Taurid swarm theory, and more generally could mean that resonant trapping is a dynamical mechanism affecting a significant amount of meteoroidal material in the inner Solar system.  相似文献   
Spectra of persistent meteor trains were observed at wavelength between 300 and 930 nm. Two obtained train spectra during the 1998 and 2001 Leonid meteor showers are reported here. During the 1998 Leonids, one train was detected by a photographic camera with a spectrograph covering 370–640 nm region. On the other hand, during the 2001 Leonids, video observations were carried out using image intensified cameras in ultraviolet (UV), visible and near infrared (near-IR) wavelengths. Temperatures in persistent trains have been measured by atmospheric O2 A(0,1) band at the wavelength near 864.5 nm. From a video spectrum obtained just 7 s after parent fireball’s flare, a rotational temperature of 250 K at altitude of 88.0±0.5 km was estimated. We can say that the cooling time scale of train strongly depends on the initial mass of its fireball at least for Leonids. Based on cooling constant calculated from our results, we estimated a temperature of ∼ ∼130 K as a final exothermic temperature at early stage of persistent trains.  相似文献   
Many Perseid meteors were photographed in the Czech part of the European Fireball Network during the activity of the new strong and sharp maximum on August 12, 1993. Basic data on many of them were evaluated and radiants, atmospheric trajectories and some orbital elements are presented here and compared with atmospheric and orbital data of regular Perseids, which were photographed outside the new activity in 1993 and preceding years. No substantial difference between these two groups of Perseid meteors was found.  相似文献   
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