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V2213 Cyg was discovered as a variable star by Pavlenko (1999) in 1998. We present our photometry of V2213 Cyg from 1998–2003 based on CCD observations with the K-380 Cassegrain telescope of CrAO and the 60 cm Zeiss telescope of SAI. Observations have been carried out mostly in R and sometimes in B and V Johnson system. The total amount of data is 2270 points, covering ∼50 nights. We classify this binary as a W UMa-type contact system. Using all data we determined the orbital period to be 0.350079 ± 0.000007 day. The mean brightness varies between R = 14.35 and 14.05. The mean 1999–2003 orbital light curve has two humps and a primary minimum (I), which is 0.04 mag brighter than the deeper secondary one (II). The mean humps have slightly different height. The difference between two individual maxima varies within 0.1 mag, which may indicate an activity of the components. The highest hump is an asymmetrical one: it has sort of a shoulder at phases 0.75–0.80, before entering the less deep primary minimum (phase 0.0). The system is rather reddened, its colour indices are: BV ∼ 0.8 and VR ∼ 0.7, and give a spectral class of V2213 Cyg earlier than K.  相似文献   
We study the evolution of binary stars in globular clusters using a new Monte Carlo approach combining a population synthesis code ( startrack ) and a simple treatment of dynamical interactions in the dense cluster core using a new tool for computing three- and four-body interactions ( fewbody ). We find that the combination of stellar evolution and dynamical interactions (binary–single and binary–binary) leads to a rapid depletion of the binary population in the cluster core. The maximum binary fraction today in the core of a typical dense cluster such as 47 Tuc, assuming an initial binary fraction of 100 per cent, is only ∼ 5–10 per cent. We show that this is in good agreement with recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of close binaries in the core of 47 Tuc, provided that a realistic distribution of binary periods is used to interpret the results. Our findings also have important consequences for the dynamical modelling of globular clusters, suggesting that 'realistic models' should incorporate much larger initial binary fractions than has usually been the case in the past.  相似文献   
We present an analysis of X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) data of the dwarf nova VW Hyi that were obtained with XMM–Newton during the quiescent state. The X-ray spectrum indicates the presence of an optically thin plasma in the boundary layer that cools as it settles on to the white dwarf. The plasma has a continuous temperature distribution that is well described by a power law or a cooling flow model with a maximum temperature of 6–8 keV. We estimate from the X-ray spectrum a boundary layer luminosity of  8 × 1030 erg s-1  , which is only 20 per cent of the disc luminosity. The rate of accretion on to the white dwarf is  5 × 10−12 M yr−1  , about half of the rate in the disc. From the high-resolution X-ray spectra, we estimate that the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer is rotating with a velocity of 540 km s−1, which is close to the rotation velocity of the white dwarf but is significantly smaller than the Keplerian velocity. We detect a 60-s quasi-periodic oscillation of the X-ray flux, which is likely to be due to the rotation of the boundary layer. The X-ray and the UV flux show strong variability on a time-scale of ∼1500 s. We find that the variability in the two bands is correlated and that the X-ray fluctuations are delayed by ∼100 s. The correlation indicates that the variable UV flux is emitted near the transition region between the disc and the boundary layer and that accretion rate fluctuations in this region are propagated to the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer within ∼100 s. An orbital modulation of the X-ray flux suggests that the inner accretion disc is tilted with respect to the orbital plane. The elemental abundances in the boundary layer are close to their solar values.  相似文献   
A research that we conducted in 1963 on the evolution of the binaries based on the available orbital data to obtain a philosophical degree, led to the establishment of an interesting and new diagram between the logarithm of the total mass and a particular parameterX, bound to the areal constant. This appeared to have a real physical significance but the basic observational material was insufficiently extended to assure its undeniable existence. In 1981, a new research based on a more extended orbital material, has confirmed this diagram. Presently, another important increase in the orbital material and the availability of highly accurate trigonometric parallaxes produced by the Hipparcos satellite, gave us the opportunity to confirm once more the stability of this diagram. This last research is here described.  相似文献   
UV and X-ray space-based interferometry will open unprecedented possibilities for spectral and spatial studies of a wide range of currently unresolvable interacting systems. Ultra-high angular resolution direct imaging of individual} components and transport processes in interacting binary systems is essential for detailed studies and modeling of accretion and activity. Understanding the mass loss characteristics of both components, and the dynamics of the system as a function of time, will provide key inputs to evolutionary models and will revolutionize our view and understanding of the Universe.  相似文献   
We present a collation of the available data on the opening angles of jets in X-ray binaries, which in most cases are small (≲10°). Under the assumption of no confinement, we calculate the Lorentz factors required to produce such small opening angles via the transverse relativistic Doppler effect. The derived Lorentz factors, which are in most cases lower limits, are found to be large, with a mean >10, comparable to those estimated for active galactic nuclei (AGN) and much higher than the commonly assumed values for X-ray binaries of 2–5. Jet power constraints do not, in most cases, rule out such high Lorentz factors. The upper limits on the opening angles show no evidence for smaller Lorentz factors in the steady jets of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. In those sources in which deceleration has been observed (notably  XTE J1550−564  and Cygnus X-3), some confinement of the jets must be occurring, and we briefly discuss possible confinement mechanisms. It is however possible that all the jets could be confined, in which case the requirement for high bulk Lorentz factors can be relaxed.  相似文献   
We present the results of a systematic investigation of spectral evolution in the Z source GX 349+2, using data obtained during 1998 with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on-board the RXTE satellite. The source traced a extended normal branch (NB) and flaring branch (FB) in the colour–colour diagram (CD) and the hardness-intensity diagram (HID) during these observations. The spectra at different positions of the Z-track were best fitted by a model consisting of a disc blackbody and a Comptonized spectrum. A broad (Gaussian) iron line at ∼6.7 keV is also required to improve the fit. The spectral parameters showed a systematic and significant variation with the position along the Z-track. The evolution in spectral parameters is discussed in view of the increasing mass accretion rate scenario, proposed to explain the motion of Z sources in the CD and the HID.  相似文献   
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