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After publication of the Hipparcos catalogue (in 1997), a few new astrometric catalogues have appeared (TYCHO‐2, ARIHIP, etc.), as a good combination of the Hipparcos satellite and ground‐based data, to get more accurate coordinates and proper motions of stars than the Hipparcos catalogue ones. There are also investigations on improving the Hipparcos coordinates and proper motions by using the astrometric observations of latitude and universal time variations (via observed stars referred to Hipparcos catalogue), together with Hipparcos data, carried out during the last few years. These kind of ground‐based data were collected at the end of the last century by J. Vondrák. There are about 4.4 million optical observations made worldwide at 33 observatories and with 47 instruments during 1899.7–1992.0; our Belgrade visual zenith telescope data (for the period 1949.0‐1986.0) were included. First of all, these data were used to determine the Earth Orientation Parameters – EOP, but they are also useful for the opposite task – to check the accuracy of coordinates and proper motions of Hipparcos stars which were observed from the ground over many decades. Here, we use the latitude part of ten Photographic Zenith Tubes – PZT data (more than 0.9 million observations made at 6 observatories during the time interval 1915.8–1992.0), and combine them with the Hipparcos catalogue ones, with suitable weights, in order to check the proper motions in declination for 807 common PZT/Hipparcos stars (and to construct the PZT catalogue of μδ for 807 stars). Our standard errors in proper motions in declination of these stars are less than or equal to the Hipparcos ones for 423 stars. The mean value of standard errors of 313 stars observed over more than 20 years by PZT is 0.40 mas/yr. This is 53% of 0.75 mas/yr (the suitable value from the Hipparcos catalogue). We used the Least Squares Method – LSM with the linear model. Our results are in good agreement with the Earth Orientation Catalogue – EOC‐2 and the new Hipparcos ones. The main steps of the method and the investigations of systematic errors in determined proper motions (the proper motion differences with respect to the Hipparcos values, the EOC‐2 ones and the new Hipparcos ones, as a function of α, δ, and magnitude) are presented here. A comparison of the four catalogues by pairs shows that there is no significant relationship between the differences of their μδ values and magnitudes and color indices of the common 807 stars. All catalogues have relatively small random and systematic errors which are close to each other. However, the comparison shows that our formal errors are too small. They are underestimated by a factor of nearly 1.7 (for EOC‐2, it is 2.0) if we take the new Hipparcos (or Hipparcos) data as reference (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We present the database of maser sources in H2 O, OH and Si O lines that can be used to identify and study variable stars at evolved stages. Detecting the maser emission in H2 O, OH and Si O molecules toward infrared-excess objects is one of the methods for identifing long-period variables(LPVs, including miras and semiregulars), because these stars exhibit maser activity in their circumstellar shells. Our sample contains 1803 known LPV objects. Forty-six percent of these stars(832 objects) manifest maser emission in the line of at least one molecule: H2 O, OH or Si O. We use the database of circumstellar masers in order to search for LPVs which are not included in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS). Our database contains 4806 objects(3866 objects without associations in GCVS) with maser detection in at least one molecule. Therefore it is possible to use the database in order to locate and study the large sample of LPV stars. The database can be accessed at http://maserdb.net.  相似文献   
We selected a sample of luminous infrared galaxies by cross-identification of the Faint Source Catalogue (FSC) and Point Source Catalogue (PSC) of the IRAS Survey with the Second Data Release of the SDSS. The size of our sample is 1267 for FSC and 427 for PSC by using the 2σ significance level cross-section. The "likelihood ratio" method is used to estimate the individual's reliability and for defining two more reliable subsamples (908 for FSC and 356 for PSC). A catalog of infrared, optical and radio data is compiled and will be used in further work. Some statistical results show that luminous infrared galaxies are quite different from ultra-luminous infrared galaxies. The AGN fractions of galaxies at different infrared luminosities and the radio-infrared correlations are consistent with the previous studies.  相似文献   
We have carried out systematic surveys for small bright-rimmed clouds associated with IRAS point sources in/around HII regions. They are candidate sites for star formation due to radiation-driven implosion.  相似文献   
2MASS is the most complete, homogeneous, and least contaminated catalog among the deep all-sky catalogs of stellar data produced to date. These qualities allow it to be successfully used not only for astrophysical studies, but also for solving various problems of all-sky astrometry and for operational support of automated telescopes. However, the lack of optical photometry in the catalog prevents its potential from being completely unveiled. To overcome this shortcoming, we have developed a procedure for transforming the 2MASS near-infrared magnitudes to optical magnitudes R J relative to the UCAC2 magnitudes R U . As a result of applying this procedure, all 2MASS objects have gotten optical magnitudes with effective wavelengths between the V and R bands of the Johnson system. The resulting transformation accuracy \(\varepsilon _{R_J } \) < 0 . m 5). We also give a brief overview of the present-day all-sky catalogs with emphasis on their photometric properties and completeness.  相似文献   
北美防空司令部(North American Aerospace Defense Command, NORAD)发布的双行根数(Two Line Element, TLE)是广大航天工作者最常用的轨道根数,与其对应的轨道模型是SGP4/SDP4 (Simplified General Perturbation Version 4/Simplified Deep-space Perturbation Version 4)解析模型.由于TLE中并没有包含相应的轨道精度信息,编目轨道的应用范围受到很大的限制.基于Space-Track网站发布的历史TLE数据和配套的SGP4/SDP4动力学模型,采用定轨标预报的方法统计并生成了大量目标轨道的预报误差,通过对预报轨道的时间区间划分给出了每个目标的预报误差随预报时间变化的拟合系数,并进一步对不同类型轨道预报误差的演化规律和特征进行了分类讨论,给出了4种轨道类型目标的轨道预报误差随时间演化的平均解析模型,为拓展双行根数的应用提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   
首先,描述了白矮星的颜色特点和光谱型分类。白矮星是大多数恒星的终极状态,它会随着时间的推移而逐渐冷却。根据表面大气成分,它被划分成DA和DB等不同的光谱型。对某一颗白矮星来说,其光谱型分类可能会随着时间的推移而发生变化,这主要是由于其大气包层中的元素含量被对流过程改变引起的。为了对各类光谱型有更深入的研究,样本的完备性不可或缺。得益于近十几年来大型巡天项目的开展(如斯隆数字巡天、郭守敬望远镜的光谱巡天等),目前通过光谱证认的白矮星已超过4×10~4颗,其中绝大多数是H主导的DA型白矮星,另外还包含2 000多颗He主导的DB白矮星。此外,GALEX项目和GAIA卫星分别提供了有价值的白矮星紫外数据、空间位置和速度等信息。这些数据和信息对于白矮星的研究工作起到了非常大的促进作用。随后,对白矮星的大气参数、质量和运动学等内容作了简单的总结。人们利用模板匹配测量了绝大多数已知白矮星的大气参数,并获得了DB型白矮星的有效温度与紫外颜色间的线性关系。基于斯隆数字巡天的光谱数据,白矮星的质量分布和质量-半径关系也得到了较深入的研究。小质量白矮星具有较大的速度弥散,而大质量的则相反。最后,讨论了白矮星的形成和演化机制,这些机制都是基于现有的理论模型得到的。随着巡天项目中白矮星样本的增加,现有的模型会逐渐被修正和完善,新的模型也将随之建立。  相似文献   
天体搜索是天文数据处理流程的一个重要环节,也是以平方公里阵列射电望远镜(Square Kilometre Array, SKA)为代表的下一代射电望远镜在面向海量数据处理中的挑战之一.现今天体自动搜索算法、软件已日趋成熟并投入应用,不过在自动化、兼容性等方面仍具有提升空间.以更自动化、更适应海量数据需求的天体搜索算法研究为宗旨,以现有算法为研究基础,天体自动搜索软件系统得到设计和开发.该系统包含友好的交互式用户操作界面,具备可视化输出数据显示、兼容不同数据输入和输出并包含为实际应用服务的文件管理功能.该系统对于大天区图以及图像集,均能够很好地进行自动化处理.测试结果显示,上述方法对于天体搜索的改进有一定成效.后续将在此基础上对该集成系统做进一步的改进开发,以适应更多的需求.  相似文献   
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