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小行星族作为灾变碰撞的残留物,其基础物理性质提供了其母体以及后续演化信息.其中轨道以及自转特性分别反映了Yarkovsky效应以及Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack效应(YORP效应)对于小行星族演化的影响.基于小行星光变数据库(Asteroid Lightcurve Database),通过对Flora小行星族自转速率分布进行研究,发现随着直径减小,族成员自转速率倾向于主要集中在3–5 d-1的范围内.同时,可以注意到Flora小行星族整体表现出更倾向于顺行自转状态的现象,但对于轨道半长轴小于2.2au的成员来说,其顺行自转与逆行自转状态成员数目比接近于近地小行星中顺逆行自转状态源1:3的比例;此外,对于轨道半长轴大于2.2 au且具有顺行自转状态的部分族成员,在轨道半长轴-绝对星等分布中表现出聚集现象,并在聚集区域中有9颗成员展现出类似Slivan状态特征.  相似文献   
Large asteroid impacts are rare, and those into the deep ocean are rarer still. The Eltanin asteroid impact around 2.51 ± 0.07 Ma occurred at a time of great climatic and geological change associated with the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary. Numerical models of the event indicate that a megatsunami was generated, although there is debate concerning its magnitude and the region‐wide extent of its influence. We summarise the existing evidence for possible Eltanin megatsunami deposits in Antarctica, Chile and New Zealand, while also examining other potential sites from several locations, mainly around the South Pacific region. In reviewing these data we note that these events were unfolding at the same time as those associated with the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary and, as such, most of the geological evidence from that time has a climatic interpretation. The potential climatic and geological ramifications of the Eltanin asteroid impact, however, have failed to be considered by most researchers studying this time period. Although we are not advocating that all geological activity at that time is connected with the Eltanin asteroid impact, it raises interesting questions about the role potentially played by such catastrophic events in contributing to or even triggering epochal transitions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
It is shown that the size-frequency distribution (SFD) of a time-averaged projectile population derived from the lunar crater SFD of Neukum and Ivanov (in Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids (T. Gehrels, Ed.), 1994, pp. 359-416, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson) provides a convincing fit to the SFD of the current near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population, as deduced from the results of asteroid search programs. Our results suggest that the shape of the SFD of the impactor flux has remained in a steady state since the late heavy bombardment, so that the current NEA population can be viewed as a snapshot of the flux of impactors on the Moon. The number of bodies in the projectile population with diameters of 1 km or more is 700±130, which is in good agreement with recent estimates of the total number of NEAs in this size range. Our results imply that the contribution to the projectile flux from comets is small for diameters below 10 km.  相似文献   
The Mjølnir impact crater in the Norwegian Barents Sea features among the 20 largest impact craters listed in the Earth Impact Database. The impact is dated to 142 ± 2.6 Ma, corresponding closely to the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Boreal stratigraphy. Multidisciplinary studies carried out over the last three decades have suggested that the up to 40 km wide crater was created by a 1–3 km diameter impactor colliding with a shallow epicontinental sea, causing regional havoc and a regional ecological crisis that followed in its wake. Only minor evidence for the consequences of the impact for the surrounding depositional basins has been documented so far. This study describes a large submarine slump penetrated by hydrocarbon exploration well 7121/9-1, located in the southern Hammerfest Basin and approximately 350 km away from the impact site. The slump is dated by a black shale drape, which contains characteristic impact-related biotic assemblages and potential ejecta material. This precise dating enables us to associate the slump with large-scale fault movements and footwall collapse along the basin-bounding Troms-Finnmark Fault Complex, which we conclude were caused by shock waves from the Mjølnir impact and the passage of associated tsunami trains. The draping black shale is interpreted to represent significant reworking of material from the contemporary seabed by tsunamis and currents set up by the impact.  相似文献   
The solar system, as we know it today, is about 4.5 billion years old. It is widely believed that it was essentially completed 100 million years after the formation of the Sun, which itself took less than 1 million years, although the exact chronology remains highly uncertain. For instance: which, of the giant planets or the terrestrial planets, formed first, and how? How did they acquire their mass? What was the early evolution of the “primitive solar nebula” (solar nebula for short)? What is its relation with the circumstellar disks that are ubiquitous around young low-mass stars today? Is it possible to define a “time zero” (t 0), the epoch of the formation of the solar system? Is the solar system exceptional or common? This astronomical chapter focuses on the early stages, which determine in large part the subsequent evolution of the proto-solar system. This evolution is logarithmic, being very fast initially, then gradually slowing down. The chapter is thus divided in three parts: (1) The first million years: the stellar era. The dominant phase is the formation of the Sun in a stellar cluster, via accretion of material from a circumstellar disk, itself fed by a progressively vanishing circumstellar envelope. (2) The first 10 million years: the disk era. The dominant phase is the evolution and progressive disappearance of circumstellar disks around evolved young stars; planets will start to form at this stage. Important constraints on the solar nebula and on planet formation are drawn from the most primitive objects in the solar system, i.e., meteorites. (3) The first 100 million years: the “telluric” era. This phase is dominated by terrestrial (rocky) planet formation and differentiation, and the appearance of oceans and atmospheres.  相似文献   
We measured the light-curve of the asteroid (147) Protogeneia in November 2004, with a CCD detector attached to the 1-meter telescope at the Yunnan Observatory, China. The synodic period and maximum amplitude of (147) at this apparition are 7.852 hours and 0.25 mag, respectively. The value of a/b for (147), from a preliminary estimation, is not less than 1.26:1.  相似文献   
Many asteroids with a semimajor axis close to that of Mars have been discovered in the last several years. Potentially some of these could be in 1:1 resonance with Mars, much as are the classic Trojan asteroids with Jupiter, and its lesser-known horseshoe companions with Earth. In the 1990s, two Trojan companions of Mars, 5261 Eureka and 1998 VF31, were discovered, librating about the L5 Lagrange point, 60° behind Mars in its orbit. Although several other potential Mars Trojans have been identified, our orbital calculations show only one other known asteroid, 1999 UJ7, to be a Trojan, associated with the L4 Lagrange point, 60° ahead of Mars in its orbit. We further find that asteroid 36017 (1999 ND43) is a horseshoe librator, alternating with periods of Trojan motion. This asteroid makes repeated close approaches to Earth and has a chaotic orbit whose behavior can be confidently predicted for less than 3000 years. We identify two objects, 2001 HW15 and 2000 TG2, within the resonant region capable of undergoing what we designate “circulation transition”, in which objects can pass between circulation outside the orbit of Mars and circulation inside it, or vice versa. The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars appears to play an important role in circulation transition and in horseshoe motion. Based on the orbits and on spectroscopic data, the Trojan asteroids of Mars may be primordial bodies, while some co-orbital bodies may be in a temporary state of motion.  相似文献   
埃尔塔宁小行星是一颗215 万年前在南太平洋撞击地球的小行星,它也是目前唯一的深海区与地球碰撞的小行星。根据埃尔塔宁号和Polarstern 号海洋调查船在陨击海区勘查的小行星残骸分布密度,我们估计埃尔塔宁小行星质量为2 .3 ×1013g ,对应于它的直径为0 .23 公里。这比Kyte 等人(1988) 估计的质量小了10 倍,然而它更接近埃尔塔宁小行星撞击事件的实际情况,可以作为埃尔塔宁小行星质量下限和半径下限更合理的估计值。  相似文献   
In this paper a theoretical perturbation approach to the problem of the dynamics in secular resonance is exposed. This approach avoids any expansion of the main term of the Hamiltonian (linear term in the masses) with respect to the eccentricity or the inclination of the asteroid, in order to achieve results valid for any value of these variables. Moreover suitable action-angle variables are introduced to take properly into account the dynamics related to the motion of the argument of perihelion of the asteroid, which is relevant at high inclination. A class of secular resonances wider than that usually considered is found. An explicit computation of the location of the main secular resonances, estimating also the contribution of the quadratic term in the masses by means of classical series expansion, is reported in the last sections. The accuracy of computations obtained by series expansion is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
For about five years the wavelet transform technique has given interesting results in a great number of different fields such as mathematics, quantum mechanics, signal analysis and image processing, cluster analysis... The wavelet transform appears as a new time-frequency method which is particularly well-suited to detect and to localize discontinuities and scaling behaviours in signals. The main properties of the wavelet transform and its improvements over classical analyzing methods are summarized. Some results among the first applications to the dynamical systems are presented: solution of partial differential equations, fractal and turbulence characterization, and asteroid family determination from cluster analysis.  相似文献   
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