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Raju J. Das 《Geoforum》2002,33(1):55-72
The paper deals with the effects of the green revolution (GR) technology on poverty both conceptually and empirically. It provides a brief overview of the GR debate and then presents a `slice' of this debate in detail - in particular, Lipton's and others' views on the supposed positive and negative benefits of the GR for the poor. The paper then provides a provocative critique of this literature for its underlying neo-Malthusianism of a specific type, for ignoring class issues in the analysis of the GR-poverty relation, and for treating this relation as a necessary relation. It subsequently presents an alternative statement on the GR-poverty issue, arguing that it is class relations that set limit within which population and technology work and affect poverty and that the GR-poverty relation is a contingent one, rather than necessary. In the light of the paper's criticisms and the alternative view it provides, a statistical analysis of the relation between the GR and the population factor on the one hand and poverty level and poverty reduction on the other in India is performed. This analysis is generally consistent with the paper's critique of the Liptonian framework.  相似文献   
利用1957—2009年南澳县小型蒸发皿蒸发量资料,分析了南澳蒸发量的气候变化趋势。结果表明:南澳10月蒸发量最大,2月蒸发量最少;秋季蒸发量最大,夏季次之,冬季最少。1957—2009年蒸发量呈明显下降趋势,20世纪60—90年代基本上是锐减,21世纪的第1个10 a反而上升,平均以7.2 mm/a的趋势下降;11月减幅最大,7月减幅最小;冬季减幅最大,秋季次之,夏季最小。对蒸发量下降的原因分析表明,日照时数和平均风速的减少与蒸发量的减少呈显著相关,是蒸发量减少的主要影响因子;低云量的增多导致日照时数减少;低云量、总云量、相对湿度、降水量、水汽压与蒸发量呈负相关关系,其中低云量、总云量与蒸发量负相关显著。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the complex impact of climate change on gender relations and associated vulnerability on the Eastern Gangetic Plains of Nepal and India. Field research has identified that gendered vulnerability to climate change is intricately connected to local and macro level political economic processes. Rather than being a single driver of change, climate is one among several stresses on agriculture, alongside a broader set of non-climatic processes. While these pressures are linked to large scale political–economic processes, the response on the ground is mediated by the local level relations of class and caste, creating stratified patterns of vulnerability. The primary form of gendered vulnerability in the context of agrarian stress emerges from male out-migration, which has affected the distribution of labour and resources. While migration occurs amongst all socio-economic groups, women from marginal farmer and tenant households are most vulnerable. While the causes of migration are only indirectly associated with climate change, migration itself is rendering women who are left behind from marginal households, more vulnerable to ecological shocks such as droughts due to the sporadic flow of income and their reduced capacity for investment in off-farm activities. It is clear that policies and initiatives to address climate change in stratified social formations such as the Eastern Gangetic Plains, will be ineffective without addressing the deeper structural intersections between class, caste and gender.  相似文献   
青藏高原对流云的偏振雷达观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅垚  胡志群  黄兴友  陈超 《气象学报》2018,76(6):1014-1028
利用可移动式C波段双偏振雷达(C-POL),以及那曲新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/CD)于2014年7月30日和8月5日在西藏那曲地区的观测资料,并通过双多普勒雷达风场反演、偏振雷达相态识别,清晰展示了这两次高原冰雹云发生发展的动力、微物理、热力结构特征。结果表明:青藏高原地区的对流云多在午后出现,水平及垂直尺度不大,但是对流云发生频繁、生消快,一般持续几十分钟。从RHI扫描的水平偏振反射率因子(ZH)、差分反射率因子(ZDR),以及反演的相态(Class)分布上可以明显看出,粒子跟随"0线"抬高,不断增长,回波强度也越来越大,并最终超过主上升气流从另一侧降落,形成冰雹墙的整个动力与微物理过程。从连续时次的RHI上还观测到一次对流单体发生、发展过程中相态从湿雪到冰雹的变化,单体刚刚触发时,回波高度不高,强度还很弱,但是却出现成片的湿雪区域,说明上升气流非常旺盛,将本来落到0℃层以下的未完全融化的湿雪重新带到0℃层以上,通过凝华、凇附、攀附等物理过程,仅仅10多分钟,这些湿雪就能够迅速增长成为冰雹。这些湿雪重新凝结过程中,释放潜热,进一步促进了不稳定结构,加强了上升气流和下沉气流。因此,如果某个刚刚生成的弱回波区域内,在融化层以上出现大量的湿雪,往往预示着该区域上升气流强劲,会迅速发展成强回波单体。   相似文献   
We investigated the size fraction and pigment-derived class compositions of phytoplankton within the euphotic zone of the Antarctic marginal ice zone between 63.3°S and 66.5°S along the 140°E meridian on two consecutive cruises in the late austral summer and early austral autumn of 2003. We observed significant temporal and spatial variations in phytoplankton size and taxonomic composition, although chlorophyll a concentrations were generally below 1 μg l−1 during both periods. Microphytoplankton (>20 μm), mainly diatoms, were prominent in the euphotic zone in the southernmost area around 66.5°S during late summer. In the rest of the study area during both cruises, the phytoplankton community was dominated by pico- and nano-sized populations (<20 μm) throughout the euphotic zone. The small-size populations mostly consisted of diatoms and haptophytes, although chlorophytes were dominant in extremely cold water (−1.5°C) below the overlying warm water around 65.5°S during late summer. From late summer to early autumn, chlorophytes declined in abundance, probably due to increasing temperature within the euphotic zone (−1 to 0°C). These pico- and nano-phytoplankton-dominated populations were often accompanied by relatively high concentrations of ammonium, suggesting the active regeneration of nutrients within the small-size plankton community.  相似文献   
The growth of intensive export-oriented Pangasius catfish production in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta is unparalleled in terms of rapidity and scale by any other agricultural sector, with production climbing from a low base to more than 1 million tons in a single decade. This paper examines the effects of this remarkable change on the rural class structure in locations where catfish farming has boomed, and analyses the role of local state-society relations in mediating outcomes resulting from the integration of local actors into the global value chain. We conclude that private economic activity is deeply embedded in informal relations with the state bureaucracy in Vietnam, with the result that the expansion of catfish aquaculture has generally acted to reproduce and entrench existing class relations rather leading to a radical reconfiguration of the rural class structure.  相似文献   
陈苗  胡小飞  王维 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1702-1713
河流水力侵蚀物理模型表明基岩河道纵剖面在均衡状态时表现为平滑上凹的形态,其特征反映了构造、基岩抗侵蚀能力和气候的作用;然而自然界河道纵剖面多呈现以裂点为特征的不均衡形态,不均衡的剖面形态以及裂点的研究同样可以对外力作用的变化起到很好的指示作用。位于北祁连的走廊南山高海拔河道纵剖面普遍呈现不均衡形式且发育海拔较高的裂点。通过对裂点成因分析发现,这些裂点并不主要受控于岩性、气候、构造等因素,而反映了冰川作用遗留地形与河流地形的分界。这一结果说明在对河道纵剖面高海拔裂点进行分析时要考虑到古冰川遗留地形也会对现代河道纵剖面产生重要影响,为进一步认识和理解造山带地貌演化以及控制因素提供了思路。  相似文献   
闽东南长乐南澳构造带沿线出露大面积白垩纪花岗岩岩基,普遍存在岩浆混合现象,肖厝侵入岩是其中的代表性岩体.野外观察和化学分析表明,肖厝侵入岩由二长花岗岩和辉长闪长岩、以及该两种混合端员岩浆混合形成的闪长质-花岗闪长质-花岗质过渡岩类组成;岩石总体富碱、富LREE和LILE、贫HFSE; A/CNK=0.82~1.05,属准铝质微过铝质钙碱性系列,部分受流体交代的岩石A/CNK值可升高至1.69;岩浆混合过程中发生了元素的选择性富集/亏损和同位素组成的均一化,(87Sr/86Sr)为0.7055~0.7061,εNd(t)为-1.9~-3.0.锆石年代学研究表明,肖厝侵入岩的岩浆混合开始于约136Ma,于121Ma时初始侵位于下地壳.结合区域地质特征,分析了肖厝侵入岩的成岩机制,提出岩体侵位早于长乐-南澳构造带的变质变形作用,两者不存在成因上的联系;118~~100Ma时该构造带曾发生过深层次地壳逆冲推覆,使形成于中—下地壳的韧性剪切带和肖厝侵入岩共同快速上升至地表.  相似文献   
Nan suture in northern Thailand, representing a complex zone with complex geology and structures, has been selected for airborne geophysical investiga-tions. The suture has been widely accepted as an early Triassic collision zone between Shan-Thai and Indo-china microcontinental blocks. Our field data suggest the occurrence of a mélange zone in response to com-pression tectonics. Moreover, previous petrochemical and field investigations suggest that the Nan suture may have been formed as a result of a subduction zone.  相似文献   
Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations are characterized by a permeable hydrate-bearing interval overlying a permeable interval with mobile gas, sandwiched between two impermeable intervals. Depressurization-induced dissociation is currently the favored technology for producing gas from Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations. The depressurization production technology requires heat transfer from the surrounding environment to sustain dissociation as the temperature drops toward the hydrate equilibrium point and leaves the reservoir void of gas hydrate. Production of gas hydrate accumulations by exchanging carbon dioxide with methane in the clathrate structure has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments and proposed as a field-scale technology. The carbon dioxide exchange technology has the potential for yielding higher production rates and mechanically stabilizing the reservoir by maintaining hydrate saturations. We used numerical simulation to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using carbon dioxide injection to enhance the production of methane from Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations. Numerical simulations in this study were primarily concerned with the mechanisms and approaches of carbon dioxide injection to investigate whether methane production could be enhanced through this approach. To avoid excessive simulation execution times, a five-spot well pattern with a 500-m well spacing was approximated using a two-dimensional domain having well boundaries on the vertical sides and impermeable boundaries on the horizontal sides. Impermeable over- and under burden were included to account for heat transfer into the production interval. Simulation results indicate that low injection pressures can be used to reduce secondary hydrate formation and that direct contact of injected carbon dioxide with the methane hydrate present in the formation is limited due to bypass through the higher permeability gas zone.  相似文献   
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