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The relevance of analyzing effects of environmental regulation on innovation cannot be overemphasized. In this paper, we first develop a theoretical model to predict how command-and-control environmental regulation affects innovation, and then we derive its channels. Using the difference-in-difference-in-differences strategy and a comprehensive dataset at city-industry-year level of manufacturing sectors in China, we found that the more stringent environmental regulations that are faced by cities, measured by the reduction targets of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) during the eleventh Five-Year Plan, are negatively associated with innovation. Thus, the evidence contradicts the Porter Hypothesis. On average, a one standard deviation increase in the reduction targets of COD (SO2) is associated with a 0.023 (0.016) standard deviation decrease in the innovation index. We controlled carefully for various potential confounders, and the results were supported by robustness and falsification checks. There exists an evident heterogeneity effect across regions and industries with different pollution intensities. The channel analysis shows that stricter environmental regulation also accounts for a sharp decline in labor demand, firm entry, and inbound foreign direct investment. Our findings are also robust to alternative measures for innovation and environmental regulation.  相似文献   
By using the hourly data from surface meteorological stations in China, the 3-hour precipitation data from CRA-Interim (Chinese Reanalysis-Interim), ERA5 (ECMWF Reanalysis 5) and JRA-55 (Japanese Reanalysis-55) are compared, both on the spatial-temporal distributions and on bias with observation precipitation in China. The results show that: (1) The three sets of reanalysis datasets can all reflect the basic spatial distribution characteristics of annual average precipitation in China. The simulation of topographic forced precipitation in complex terrain by CRA-interim is more detailed, while CRA-interim has larger negative bias in central and East China, and larger positive bias in southwest China. (2) In terms of seasonal precipitation, the three sets of reanalysis datasets overestimate the precipitation in the heavy rainfall zone of spring and summer, especially in southwest China. CRA interim’s location of the rain belt in the First Rainy Season in South China is west by south, the summer precipitation has positive bias in southwest and South China. (3) All of the reanalysis datasets can basically reflect the distribution difference of inter-annual variation of drought and flood, but the overall the CRA-Interim generally shows negative bias, while the ERA5 and JRA-55 exhibit positive bias. (4) For the diurnal variation of precipitation in summer, all the reanalysis datasets perform better in simulating the daytime precipitation than in the night, and bias of CRA-interim is less in southeast and northeast than elsewhere. (5) ERA5 generally performs the best on the evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecast, the JRA-55 is the next, followed by the CRA-Interim. CRA-Interim has higher missing rate and lower threat score for heavy rains; however, at the level of downpour, the CRA-Interim performs slightly better.  相似文献   
吴蒙  李墨非  孙黎 《海洋科学》2022,46(7):24-31
CD55蛋白在哺乳动物中是一种补体调控因子,但其在鱼类中的功能未知。本研究探索了大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus) CD55(SmCD55)蛋白的功能。结果表明,SmCD55蛋白由344个氨基酸残基构成,含有一个N端信号肽和3个补体调控蛋白(CCP)功能域。SmCD55基因在大菱鲆多种组织中均有表达,其中,在肌肉中表达量最低,在脑组织的表达量最高。通过原核表达获得了重组的SmCD55(rSmCD55)蛋白,发现rSmCD55蛋白能够抑制大菱鲆血清的溶血活性和杀菌活性,表明其负调控补体系统的激活。此外,本研究还发现rSmCD55蛋白可以结合包括重要水产病原菌迟缓爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)、荧光假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)、鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguilla­rum)、哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)和海豚链球菌(Strep­tococcus iniae)在内的多种细菌,其中与哈维氏弧菌的结合能力最强。以上这些研究结果丰富了鱼类补体系统的理论知识,加深了对鱼类补体激活调控的了解。  相似文献   
A numerical model of the Leonid stream is developed, based on an earlier model which has been applied to the Perseid stream. The results for this model are applied to the 2001 Leonid return. By examining the full three-dimensional dispersion of individual 'streamlets' released from the Leonid parent comet, 55P/Tempel–Tuttle, we have derived an estimate for the temporal change in spatial density of each trail. Using this result along with an estimate for the location of the centres for individual streamlets and fits to previous Leonid storm profiles, we estimate that the activity from the shower will be broad and relatively strong (zenithal hourly rates perhaps in excess of 1000). In particular, streamlets from the 1766 and 1799 ejections contribute to activity peaking near 10 and 12 ut on 2001 November 18, respectively. Additional older material from 1633, 1666 and 1699, as well as more recent ejections from 1866 and 1833, contributes to a much broader secondary maximum near 17.5 ut on November 18. Comparison with other published models of predicted Leonid activity in 2001 shows general agreement in terms of timing, but the models differ significantly in terms of the relative magnitude of the activity (which other models suggest will be larger). Significant anisotropy in the impact hazard exists for satellites in the geostationary belt, with those over western longitudes most likely to be affected. Integrated fluences for the 2001 Leonid return suggest a hazard of order one magnitude greater than occurred for the 1999 Leonid storm.  相似文献   
再分析风场资料已广泛应用于我国舟山群岛海域可再生能源评估、海洋灾害预防决策以及港口运维和船舶运输等涉海发展领域,然而不同业务机构所提供的再分析数据在舟山近海的性能表现不一,严重阻碍了此类数据的有效应用。基于2018年全年单点浮标观测资料,综合评价了舟山群岛近海面(10 m)风场的长期变化趋势,并利用误差分析和风玫瑰图等统计工具对6种主流海表风场再分析资料,包括:ECMWF第五代全球大气再分析数据(the 5th generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis,ERA5)、NECP第二版全球高分辨率再分析数据(climate forecast system version 2,CFSv2)、美国宇航局物理海洋学分布存档中心的多卫星融合资料(cross-calibrated multi-platform,CCMP)、日本55年再分析数据(Japanese 55-year reanalysis,JRA-55)、第二版现代研究与应用回顾性分析数据(modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications version 2,MERRA-2)和ECMWF哥白尼大气监测服务再分析数据(the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service,CAMS)在时间变化特征上进行了对比与评估。研究表明:在综合性能方面,ERA5对风场的再现能力最优,其次为JRA-55;在要素可信度方面,ERA5对风速的再现情况相对较优,而CFSv2的风向再现情况较好;风场产品在不同季节的模拟能力有所差异;不同风场产品在不同风速区间的重构能力也有所不同;在全年风向分布方面,各再分析资料都存在显著的东向偏差。研究结果为不同应用场景下风场资料的选取提供评估依据,并为进一步开发适用于舟山群岛近海的高精度长周期风场数据产品奠定基础。  相似文献   
Losses of pelagic diatom production resulting from silica limitation have not only been blamed for toxic algal blooms, but for the reduction in ability of coastal food webs to support higher trophic levels. Recent research has shown the importance of advective seepage water fluxes of dissolved silica (DSi) from freshwater marshes to pelagic waters during moments of riverine Si-limitation. In this study, we investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes (CRT). Nine mass-balance studies were conducted in a newly constructed CRT in the freshwater Schelde estuary. During complete tidal cycles both DSi and amorphous silica (ASi) concentrations were monitored at the entrance culverts and in different habitats in the marsh. A swift DSi-delivery capacity was observed despite the shifted spatiotemporal frame of exchange processes compared to reference marshes. As silica-accumulating vegetation is not yet present, and difference with reference marshes’ deliveries is surprisingly small, we indicate diatomaceous debris and phytoliths to be the main silica source. Although further research is necessary on the driving forces of the different processes involved, restoration of former agricultural areas under CRT-regime provide the potential to buffer silica in the estuary.  相似文献   
The Leonid meteor storms of 1833 and 1966   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The greatest Leonid meteor storms since the late eighteenth century are generally regarded as being those of 1833 and 1966. They were evidently due to dense meteoroid concentrations within the Leonid stream. At those times, the orbit of Comet 55P/Tempel–Tuttle was significantly nearer that of the Earth than at most perihelion returns, but still some tens of Earth radii away. Significantly reducing this miss distance can be critical for producing a storm. Evaluation of differential gravitational perturbations, comparing meteoroids with the comet, shows that, in 1833 and 1966 respectively, the Earth passed through meteoroid trails generated at the 1800 and 1899 returns.  相似文献   
李文毅  张洋 《气象科学》2023,43(4):427-437
本文通过对观测和再分析数据采用最大协方差分析以及回归、合成等分析方法,研究了青藏高原夏季地表气温与南半球大气环流之间的遥相关关系。结果表明,前期(4月)南半球极地—中高纬度大气环流呈现负位势高度异常、较低纬度印度洋—西太平洋区域呈现正位势高度异常时,高原中部和东部大部分区域夏季出现暖异常。在上述遥相关中,印度洋—西太平洋海温异常可能起到了重要的中间桥梁作用。在高原夏季温度偏高的年份,前期跨赤道的印度洋—西太平洋海温也持续偏暖,带来的海陆热力对比减小、经向跨赤道气流减弱有利于削弱夏季的季风环流,使得高原夏季降水偏少,有利于形成高原夏季的暖异常。在这一高原气温—南半球大气环流的遥相关关系中,4月南半球的大气位势高度场异常和与印度洋—西太平洋海温异常相关的异常高度场分布也十分相似。这一前期的跨赤道区域海温异常与南半球中高纬度位势高度场异常的因果关系仍有待进一步揭示。  相似文献   
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