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We present the results of our analysis of the RXTE observations for two transient sources, IGR J17091-3624 and IGR J18539+0727, in April 2003. The derived energy spectra of the sources and the power-density spectra of their light curves make it possible to classify them as low/hard-state X-ray binaries. The parameters of the power spectrum for IGR J18539+0727 lead us to tentatively conclude that the compact object in this binary is a black hole.  相似文献   
Based on the laws of X-ray diffraction in crystals, Laue lenses offer a promising way to achieve the sensitivity and angular resolution leap required for the next generation of hard X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes.The present paper describes the instrumental responses of Laue diffraction lenses designed for nuclear astrophysics. Different possible geometries are discussed, as well as the corresponding spectral and imaging capabilities. These theoretical predictions are then compared with Monte-Carlo simulations and experimental results (ground and stratospheric observations from the CLAIRE project). PACS 95.55.Ka, 61.50.Ah, 61.10.−i, 41.50.+h  相似文献   
城市缺水是目前带有普遍性的重大问题 ,但在城市建设过程中 ,宝贵的地下水资源遭到浪费的现象又大量存在 ,解决好施工降水与环境保护问题是关系到城市发展的重要问题之一 ,结合郑州市的工程实践 ,谈谈施工降水中的环境保护及水资源合理利用问题。  相似文献   
γ测井资料反褶积分层解释法在8411矿床的试验对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
γ测井资料的反褶积分层解释法具有方法简单,精度高,速度快,分辨能力强,用微机进行计算等优点。作者通过用反褶积法对8411矿床γ测井资料的解释,对视特征参数的选择条件,γ强度底数的确定和划分矿层边界的原则,提出了初步看法。将该法的试验结果与传统的平均含量法和矿心分析结果进行了对比,还分析了视特征参数的取值大小对矿层线储量及矿化分层的影响,并讨论了引起线储量相对误差的原因。  相似文献   
山东地区黄土研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
山东地区黄土开始堆积时期普遍较晚,目前已见的剖面中,以青州傅家庄剖面堆积厚度最大(30 m以上),起始堆积时间最早,出露的最老层位为L9,TL测年时间约为0.8 Ma B.P.。山东地区黄土成因类型多样,物质来源广泛,其岩性特征与其他地区的黄土有明显的差别;在本地区内部,黄土的差异也比较明显,大体可分为两大成因分布区:渤海湾滨海与岛屿区和鲁中山前区。前者黄土粒度较粗,且普遍含有海相微体化石,其物质来源主要为末次冰期时期出露的渤海陆架物质,西北气流携带而来的内陆远源物质占次要地位。而后者黄土类型成因多样,东部的潍坊、青州黄土分布区,受到末次冰期时强劲冬季风的影响,物质来源主要为北部出露的渤海湾,向西至淄博、济南地区则已逐渐过渡为西北内陆风尘物质成分占据主导。  相似文献   
于桥水库流域农业非点源磷污染控制区划研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以于桥水库流域28个次级小流域作为区划对象,以影响该区域农业非点源磷污染的6个主要因子,包括降雨侵蚀力因子(R),土壤可蚀性因子(K),地形因子(LS),植被覆盖因子(C)以及土壤有效磷含量(SAP)和化肥磷施用量(FP),作为区划因子,采用系统聚类法进行区划,将于桥水库流域分为4类磷污染控制类型区,分析了各个类型区的生态环境特征、农业非点源磷污染特征和主要影响因子,提出相应的控制措施。为进一步进行更深入的研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
太湖地区农业源污染核算研究进展   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
太湖地区水体污染严重,控制太湖污染、改善太湖水质,对发挥太湖的综合服务功能,促进全流域经济可持续发展和社会稳定具有重要的战略意义.充分把握和核算太湖地区农业源污染排放量、入河量及其时空分布是落实太湖地区污染物科学减排从而进一步改善太湖水质的基础.本研究总结和概述了太湖地区农业源污染现有的核算方法、产排污参数、控制途径等,结合太湖地区农业源污染构成、排放与布局的复杂情况,提出综合运用各种核算研究方法,充分考虑各污染来源,确定农业源污染的产污量、排污量和入河量,并通过建立分期、分区、细分类型的农业源污染排放、入河参数,为科学确定农业源污染减排指标以及制定减排措施提供依据.  相似文献   
Iodine enrichment in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is widespread and varies significantly between reservoirs, including nitrate-rich “caliche” soils, supergene Cu deposits and marine sedimentary rocks. Recent studies have suggested that groundwater has played a key role in the remobilization, transport and deposition of iodine in Atacama over scales of millions-of-years. However, and considering that natural waters are also anomalously enriched in iodine in the region, the relative source contributions of iodine in the waters and its extent of mixing remain unconstrained. In this study we provide new halogen data and isotopic ratios of iodine (129I/I) in shallow seawater, rivers, salt lakes, cold and thermal spring water, rainwater and groundwater that help to constrain the relative influence of meteoric, marine and crustal sources in the Atacama waters. Iodine concentrations in surface and ground waters range between 0.35 μM and 26 μM in the Tarapacá region and between 0.25 μM and 48 μM in the Antofagasta region, and show strong enrichment when compared with seawater concentrations (I = ∼0.4 μM). In contrast, no bromine enrichment is detected (1.3–45.7 μM for Tarapacá and 1.7–87.4 μM for Antofagasta) relative to seawater (Br = ∼600 μM). These data, coupled to the high I/Cl and low Br/Cl ratios are indicative of an organic-rich sedimentary source (related with an “initial” fluid) that interacted with meteoric water to produce a mixed fluid, and preclude an exclusively seawater origin for iodine in Atacama natural waters. Iodine isotopic ratios (129I/I) are consistent with halogen chemistry and confirm that most of the iodine present in natural waters derives from a deep initial fluid source (i.e., groundwater which has interacted with Jurassic marine basement), with variable influence of at least one atmospheric or meteoric source. Samples with the lowest isotopic ratios (129I/I from ∼215 to ∼1000 × 10−15) strongly suggest mixing between the groundwater and iodine storage in organic-rich rocks (with variable influence of volcanic fluids) and pre-anthropogenic meteoric water, while samples with higher values (∼2000–93,700 × 10−15) indicate the input of anthropogenic meteoric fluid. Taking into account the geological, hydrologic and climatic features of the Atacama region, we propose that the mean contribution of anthropogenic 129I is associated with 129I releases during nuclear weapon tests carried out in the central Pacific Ocean until the mid 1990's (129I/I = ∼12,000 × 10−15). This source reflects rapid redistribution of this radioisotope on a global scale. Our results support the notion of a long-lived continental iodine cycle in the hyperarid margin of western South America, which is driven by local hydrological and climate conditions, and confirm that groundwater was a key agent for iodine remobilization and formation of the extensive iodine-rich soils of Atacama.  相似文献   
In the identifying process of an oil spill accident, manual integral and artificial visual comparison are commonly used at present to determine the oil spill sources, these methods are time-consuming and easily affected by human factors. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of rapid identification of an oil spill accident. In this paper, an intelligent method of automatic recognition, integration and calculation of diagnostic ratio of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) spectrum are established. Firstly, four hundreds of samples collected around the world were analyzed using a standard method and Retention time locking technology (RTL) was applied to reduce the change of retention time of GC/MS spectrum. Secondly, the automatic identification, integration of n-alkanes, biomarker compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and calculation of the diagnostic ratios were realized by MATLAB software. Finally, a database of oil fingerprints were established and applied successfully in a spill oil accident. Based on the new method and database, we could acquire the diagnostic ratios of an oil sample and find out the suspected oil within a few minutes. This method and database can improve the efficiency in spilled oil identification.  相似文献   
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