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A new criterion for lunar crescent visibility has been established using 737 observations, almost half of them obtained by the Islamic Crescent Observation Project (ICOP). This criterion is based on two variables, viz. the topocentric arc of vision and the topocentric crescent width. The new model is able to predict the visibility of the lunar crescent both for naked eye and optically aided observations. From the database we found a Danjon limit of 6.4 degrees. Vice-President of “Crescents, Calendars and Mawaqeet Committee” of AUASS.  相似文献   
在分析月牙泉多年动态变化趋势的基础上,依据最新水文地质勘探资料和编绘的月牙泉周围年丰水期、枯水期地下水等水位线图,从地下水流场和含水介质的角度分析研究了月牙泉形成原因。月牙泉上游地下水基本呈自西南向东北径流,在地势低洼的沙漠丘间地带出露形成月牙泉;地下水补给来源为上游党河右岸黑山咀子东侧浅层地下潜水的侧向径流,黑山咀子至月牙泉之间的地下水水力坡度在丰水期为4. 813‰,枯水期为 4. 622‰;月牙泉泉水与周边地下水是统一的水力系统;月牙泉附近含水层是党河冲洪积层的连续的过渡关系,泉水出露形成是含水层与特殊地形地貌结合的产物。  相似文献   
对月牙泉外围沙山表面沉积物进行系统采样,结合区域风况,分析了沙山典型部位的粒度分布及其参数特征。月牙泉北侧金字塔沙丘沙粒较粗,分选性较差,正偏趋势显著;月牙泉南侧线形沙丘以细沙为主,分选性较好,分布属正偏态。北侧金字塔沙丘从西南和西北两个坡面到东侧坡面,粗颗粒减少、分选性变好,但趋势不明显,说明金字塔沙丘未发生明显移动;而南侧线形沙丘自南侧坡面向北侧坡面沙粒粒径变小、分选变好,较细的沙粒被搬运并沉积北侧坡面,搬运作用十分明显,即线形沙丘向月牙泉方向发生明显移动。通过粒度分析风沙动力环境表明,月牙泉风沙危害主要来自南侧沙山北移。  相似文献   
利用鸣沙山-月牙泉景区多点同步风况和输沙通量资料,探讨了近地表流场特征、风沙活动强度及输移路径;基于1985和2009年两期遥感影像,揭示高大沙山动态变化及其对月牙泉的影响。月牙泉主要受南北沙山夹击,尤其是北沙山南移更为突出,直接威胁月牙泉存在。近年来,受地形、周边建筑物和外围树木的影响,月牙泉景区近地表流场改变,导致区域输沙动态平衡破坏。因此,月牙泉风沙防治应从恢复近地表风沙流场角度考虑,遵循风沙动态平衡原则,打通月牙泉景区东风通道,恢复均衡环流结构,这是维系高大沙山与月牙泉共存的关键。  相似文献   
金字塔沙丘近地表流场及其对月牙泉影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对月牙泉景区气象站点资料和积沙量统计分析以及月牙泉北侧金字塔沙丘近地表流场野外观测表明:受地形影响,月牙泉景区和金字塔沙丘各点起沙风玫瑰和输沙势玫瑰在监测期内差别较大。在金字塔沙丘影响下,不同风向下气流发生多次分离和汇集,沙丘近地表气流发生明显变化,携沙气流行进方向发生改变。金字塔沙丘坡面上各点合成输沙势和起沙风与坡面走向呈垂直角度,气流沿坡面爬越沙丘时,动能发生损耗,携沙能力减弱,减少了进入月牙泉的风沙量,减弱了月牙泉的风沙灾害。  相似文献   
Recent geodynamic analyses have emphasized the relationship between modern flat-slab subduction zones and the overriding of buoyant oceanic crust. Although most models for the evolution of the Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic Laramide orogeny in the southwestern United States involve flat-slab subduction, the mechanisms proposed are controversial. An examination of the geological evolution of the 60–50-Ma Crescent terrane of the Coast Ranges indicates that it was formed in a shallowing-upward Loihi-type oceanic setting culminating in the eruption of subaerial lavas. Plate reconstructions indicate that the Crescent terrane was emplaced into ca. 20-Ma crust, and the presence of subaerial lavas implies an uplift due to the plume of ca. 4.2 km, which we use to calculate a minimum buoyancy flux of 1.1 Mg s−1, similar to that of the modern Yellowstone plume.Published paleomagnetic data indicate that the Crescent terrane was formed at a paleolatitude similar to that of the Yellowstone plume. The Crescent seamount was accreted within 5 My of the cessation of plume magmatism. Plate reconstructions indicate that it would have originated about 750 km to the west of the North American plate margin if it developed above a fixed Yellowstone plume, and are therefore consistent with the recorded very short interval between its formation and tectonic emplacement.We interpret the Crescent terrane as due to the ancestral Yellowstone plume. Such a plume would have generated an elongate swell and related plateau that would have been overridden by the North American margin. Taken together, the relationship between flat-slab and overriding of oceanic plateau in Laramide times would have been analogous to the relationship between modern Andean flat-slab subduction zones and the Juan Fernandez and Nazca oceanic plateaus.  相似文献   
Holocene environmental changes in the northern Fertile Crescent remain poorly understood because of the scarcity of local proxy records in the region. In this study we investigated pedogenic (soil-formed) carbonate coatings on stones at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe as an indicator of local early-mid Holocene environmental changes. The 14C ages and stable isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in thin (0.2–0.3 mm thick) pedogenic carbonate lamina indicate two main periods of coating formation: the early-Holocene (ca. 10000–6000 cal yr BP) and the mid-Holocene (ca. 6000–4000 cal yr BP). During the first period, there was an inverse relationship between δ13C and δ18O curves: a decrease in δ13C values coincide with an increase in δ18O values. For this period a trend towards higher temperatures is suggested. In the mid-Holocene, the mean rate of coating growth was 2–3 times higher than in the early Holocene. Both δ13C and δ18O reached their maximum values during this time and the direction of changes of the δ13C and δ18O curves became similar. The combination of data suggests that this period was the most humid in the Holocene and on average warmer than the early Holocene. At ca. 4000 cal yr BP secondary accumulation of carbonate ceased, presumably reflecting a shift to a more arid climate.  相似文献   
施锦  王建红 《地下水》2014,(6):57-58
通过对月牙泉周边区域的水量均衡计算范围、地下水水位监测孔的水位年内变化及牙泉水位下降过程的分析,明确对月牙泉水位产生影响的机井开采区,提出关闭合水村和鸣山村及敦煌城市自来水厂、七里镇自来水厂机井。共关闭机井155眼,减少年开采量1 297.8万/m^3,以应对月牙泉的水位因机井开采而持续下降的问题。  相似文献   
敦煌月牙泉形成于第四纪全新世,距今约12 ka。因泉湖地处鸣沙山环抱之中,形似月牙并兼具沙水共生的淡水泉湖特征,成为世界瞩目的自然地理环境的重要地质遗迹。对月牙泉湖近百年水位动态变化进行了综合分析,认为月牙泉湖水位动态变化的综合原因可归结为气候和人为因素。1960年开始农业打井灌溉、党河水库和渠系的修建导致地下水补、排失衡,到2001年月牙泉湖水位下降9. 98 m,年均下降0. 24 m,致使区域性地下水位的下降是造成月牙泉湖水位下降的主要原因,气温的升高加大蒸发量是月牙泉湖水位动态变化的次要原因。通过月牙泉人工补水工程,2018~2019年月牙泉湖水位上升1. 58 m,湖水域面积由9472. 59 m2逐渐扩大到13334. 75 m2,昔日古人心中美丽的月牙泉面貌再次展现在我们的眼前。  相似文献   
敦煌鸣沙山月牙泉景区风沙环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于月牙泉周边7个气象站点同步风况资料,探讨月牙泉周边起沙风况、输沙势以及主导输沙方向的空间分布特征。结合月牙泉周边沙山、建筑物、树木等的方位特点,剖析了近年来月牙泉受沙害困扰的缘由。由于受南北两高大沙山的夹击,该区北风相对较少,西风和南风较强,南侧沙山的北移最为突出,直接威胁月牙泉的存亡。  相似文献   
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