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Because of its proximity to the Sun and its small size, Mercury has not been able to retain its atmosphere and only a thin exosphere surrounds the planet. The exospheric pressure at the planetary surface is approximately 10−10 mbar, set by the Mariner 10 occultation experiment. The existence of gaseous species H, He, and O has been established by Mariner 10. In addition Na, K, and Ca have been observed by ground based instrumentation. Other elements are expected to be found in Mercury's exosphere since the total pressure of the known species is almost two orders of magnitude less than the exospheric pressure.It is intended to measure these exospheric particle densities in situ with an instrument on board of ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft. Since the expected exospheric densities are very small we developed a Monte-Carlo computer model to investigate if such a measurement is feasible along the MPO spacecraft orbit. We model energy and ejection angle distributions of the particles at the surface, with the emission process determining the actual distribution functions. Our model follows the trajectory of each particle by numerical integration until the particle hits Mercury's surface again or escapes from the calculation domain. Using a large set of these trajectories bulk parameters of the exospheric gas are derived, e.g., particle densities for various atomic and molecular species. Our study suggests that a mass spectrometric measurement is feasible and, at least at MPO's periherm, all species that are released from the surface will be observed.  相似文献   
The relative importance of the contribution of the lower crust and of the lithospheric mantle to the total strength of the continental lithosphere is assessed systematically for realistic ranges of layer thickness, composition, and temperature. Results are presented as relative strength maps, giving the ratio of the lower crust to upper mantle contribution in terms of crustal thickness and surface heat flow. The lithosphere shows a “jelly sandwich” rheological layering for low surface heat flow, thin to average crustal thickness, and felsic or wet mafic lower crustal compositions. On the other hand, most of the total strength resides in the seismogenic crust in regions of high surface heat flow, crust of any thickness, and dry mafic lower crustal composition.  相似文献   
根据电子地图屏幕显示与阅读的特点,应用地图视觉感受理论及地图符号学理论对电子地图符号的构图规律进行研究,是有效地改进电子地图设计所必需的。本文从电子地图符号构图规律研究的必要性入手,根据对电子地图视觉变量的理解,应用地图视觉感受理论和地图符号学理论,对电子地形图符号体系进行研究,同时根据符号库建库的需要,将所有符号分解为最小图元,提出了点状、线状及面状符号的构图规律。  相似文献   
黄土碳酸盐碳同位素广泛应用于第四纪气候环境变化的研究中,以往研究中多利用钙结核、次生碳酸盐或成壤碳酸盐,认为其反映了C4植物的丰度。黄土高原碳酸盐碳同位素表现为黄土层高,古土壤层中低,即黄土层中C4植物丰度高于古土壤层。然而,这样的结果和黄土有机碳同位素得到的结果矛盾,有机碳同位素的结果表明温度对C4植物的分布起到了决定性作用。由于有机碳同位素对植物类型的反映更为直接而可靠,因此碳酸盐碳同位素反映C4植物丰度存在疑问。对黄土高原黄土碳酸盐碳同位素的系统概括后认为,第四纪期间黄土碳酸盐碳同位素与C4植物有直接联系,但C4植物丰度不是唯一决定性的因素,碳酸盐碳同位素的指示意义存在复杂性。在黄土高原地区,植被发育程度、与大气CO2交换程度、植被本身的碳同位素值的变化以及原生碳酸盐的影响等因素都会对碳酸盐碳同位素产生影响。由黄土碳酸盐碳同位素的讨论可延伸到不同土壤碳酸盐碳同位素揭示的环境指示意义,不同的土壤环境,其气候条件、植被类型及发育程度...  相似文献   
视剖面图温压计研究进展评述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
吴佳林  翟明国  张红  贾晓亮 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1711-1721
视剖面图温压计是目前定量估算变质温度和压力的主要方法之一。其理论基础为热力学平衡原理与质量守恒定律。利用内恰的热力学数据库和相应的成分-活度模型对特定成分体系进行视剖面图计算,可以正演模拟给定温度和压力条件下的矿物组合、矿物丰度及其成分,与实测岩石对比,可以准确获取岩石的形成温度和压力。在应用视剖面图温压计时,应选择受全岩成分影响小、且受退变质作用影响微弱的矿物成分;对于有成分变化的体系,应结合多种方法恢复有效全岩成分。文中通过视剖面图对KFMASH(K2O-Fe O-Mg O-Al2O3-Si O2-H2O)体系下不同矿物组合内多硅白云母硅含量及其等值线斜率的研究,认为多硅白云母硅含量及其等值线斜率主要由不同矿物组合内多硅白云母参与的契尔马克替换及纯转换端元反应中的主导反应决定,进一步深化了对变质过程中控制矿物成分变化的内部缓冲反应机制的理解,从而也可为选择和应用矿物温压计提供指导。因此,视剖面图方法是目前研究变质岩石形成条件及变质作用精细过程的最佳方法之一。  相似文献   
粤中早白垩世亚髻山正长质杂岩体的成分分异及岩石成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南的碱性岩浆往往以小岩株形式侵位于早期花岗岩中,指示了伸展拉张的大地构造背景。本文通过对华南代表性的碱性岩体——粤中亚髻山正长质杂岩体不同相带岩石的研究,发现它们可按照岩性和成分的差异划分三组,其成因与岩浆过程和岩浆期后流体作用密切相关。化学成分上,三组的差异体现在:1)Group 1显示最低的Si O2(59.37%~64.10%)、K2O/Na2O(0.70~1.11)、I Sr值(0.70741~0.710032)、t2DM模式年龄(1.0~1.1Ga),最高的Al2O3(17.30%~19.18%)、全碱(K2O+Na2O:11.13%~13.76%)、εNd(t)值(-1.6~-0.9)和碱性-过碱性、准铝质特征;稀土配分曲线呈明显右倾,在原始地幔标准化蛛网图上,表现出Ba、Ti、Sr和P负异常;具有球粒陨石质Nb/Ta比值(平均为19.6)和超球粒陨石值Zr/Hf比值(平均为47.1);2)Group 2显示最高的Ti O2(0.47%~0.49%)、Mg O(0.98%~1.07%)、P2O5(0.15%~0.16%)、K2O/Na2O(2.57~6.69)和中等低的I Sr(0.70845)、εNd(t)值(-7.9~-7.8),具有强过铝质且碱性-钙碱性过渡的特征;稀土配分曲线呈明显右倾,在原始地幔标准化蛛网图上,表现出Nb-Ta、LREE、P和Ti负异常;其Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值均近似于平均陆壳(平均值分别为11.6和36.3);3)Group 3具有最低的镁铁质含量、Al2O3(13.00%~13.16%)、εNd(t)值(-8.3)和最高的Si O2(77.50%~76.54%)、I Sr(0.72563)以及与过渡带相似的t2DM模式年龄(1.6Ga),总体显示碱性、强过铝质的特征;稀土配分曲线近似于"海鸥形",Eu异常明显,在原始地幔标准化蛛网图上,显示Ba、Nb、LREE、Sr、P、Ti负异常和Rb、Th、U、Ta、Pb正异常。其Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值均远低于平均陆壳(平均值分别为3.0和18.5)。Group 3中锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年获得了2个加权平均年龄,即140.9±1.4Ma(MSWD=2.0)和141.4±0.9Ma(MSWD=1.6),与之前报道的Group 1的形成时代一致,表明它们都是早白垩世同一次岩浆作用的产物。这些成分的差异也体现在岩石成因类型判别上,结果显示Group 1属于A型岩套中典型的A1型亚类,而Group 2和Group 3显示似是而非的类型,比如,Group 2具有A型向I型过渡的特征,Group 3则既具有高演化花岗岩的特征,又类似于铝质A型花岗岩。基于Sr-Nd同位素和主、微量元素成分特征,我们认为亚髻山正长质杂岩体中的Group 1形成自富集的上地幔分异的硅不饱和碱性岩浆,较少陆壳物质混染;Group 2岩石则是硅不饱和碱性岩浆在侵位过程中大比例同化混染了外围的佛冈花岗岩而成;而Group 3岩石则是Group 2岩浆发生长石、钛铁矿、磷灰石等矿物分离结晶后再与富氟流体发生显著的相互作用而形成。因此,杂岩体各组岩石成分的明显差异,是碱性岩浆与围岩同化混染及后期流体改造、分异的结果。这进一步暗示诸多似是而非岩石类型的花岗岩,其岩浆过程及其后的流体交代对于其源区岩浆的地球化学特征的影响不容忽视;而这些过程很可能对于一些碱性火成岩及中酸性岩岩体的成分环带的形成及成矿作用具有至关重要的意义。  相似文献   
Surface sediments were collected from sixteen locations in order to assess levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of Qatar exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Samples were analyzed for 16 parent PAHs, 18 alkyl homologs and for dibenzothiophenes. Total PAHs concentration (∑PAHs) ranged from 2.6 ng g−1 to 1025 ng g−1. The highest PAHs concentrations were in sediments in and adjacent to harbors. Alkylated PAHs predominated most of the sampling locations reaching up to 80% in offshore locations. Parent PAHs and parent high molecular weight PAHs dominated location adjacent to industrial activities and urban areas. The origin of PAHs sources to the sediments was elucidated using ternary plot, indices, and molecular ratios of specific compounds such as (Ant/Phe + Ant), (Flt/Flt + Pyr). PAHs inputs to most coastal sites consisted of mixture of petroleum and combustion derived sources. However, inputs to the offshore sediments were mainly of petroleum origin.  相似文献   
We investigate the thermo-mechanical properties beneath the young orogenic belt of Taiwan by constructing a shear strength profile from a vertical stratified rheological structure. The stratified rheological structure is estimated based on the recently developed thermal structure and its likely composition. Subduction–collision in the young orogenic belts and the thick accretionary wedge make a significant contribution to the growth of sialic crust in the hinterland. The sialic bulk crust not only results in a low seismic velocity but also produces weak crust in the hinterland. The earthquake depth–frequency distribution in the foreland and hinterland correlates very well with the regimes of the brittle/ductile transition revealed in the strength profile. Our results show that the observed two-layer seismicity in the foreland is due to a moderate geotherm and an intermediate mafic bulk composition; while single-layer seismicity in the hinterland is due to its felsic bulk composition. In the foreland, the mechanically strong crust (MSC) and the mechanically strong lithosphere (MSL) coincide with frequent seismicity. The shallow MSC in the hinterland is consistent with the 20- to 25-km seismicity occurring there. The total lithospheric integrated strength (LIS) in the hinterland is only about half of that in the foreland, suggesting a weak lower crust and lithosphere mantle in the hinterland. The results confirm that the earthquake cutoff depth is a proxy for temperature. The calculated decrease of effective elastic thickness (EET) from the orogenic margin (foreland) to the center (hinterland) is consistent with the results of flexure modeling in most orogenic belts. Due to the weak LIS in the hinterland, crustal thinning and rifting may occur in the future. Our results, thus, suggest that the mechanical structure is also closely related to the composition and is not directly reflected in the thermal structure.  相似文献   
利用 Gresens( 1967)质量平衡方程及 Brimhall等 ( 1987)提出的元素不活动组份ΔX- fv 图解 ,对复杂热液成矿体系的元素不活动组份进行了深入探讨。指出了复杂体系内部各个子体系间元素不活动组份及体积变化上的差异。并结合库布苏金矿中矿带元素不活动组份进行了研究。同时对一些矿床地质现象的形成及成矿物质来源从元素地球化学角度进行了解释和判断。  相似文献   
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