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The optical flash accompanying GRB 990123 is believed to be powered by the reverse shock of a thin shell. With the best-fit physical parameters for GRB 990123 and the assumption that the parameters in the optical flash are the same as in the afterglow, we show that: 1) the shell is thick rather than thin, and we have provided the light curve for the thick shell case which coincides with the observation; 2) the theoretical peak flux of the optical flash accounts for only 3×10~-4 of the observed. In order to remove this discrepancy, the physical parameters, the electron energy and magnetic ratios, εe and εB, should be 0.61 and 0.39, which are very different from their values for the late afterglow.  相似文献   
本文首先对Gamma暴的观测特性和物理过程作了简要的介绍 ,而后 ,对火球模型的相对论流体动力学机制和同步加速辐射机制作了论述。主要工作是 :具体研究火球所抛出壳层的相对论流体动力学演化 ,应用同步加速辐射机制 ,通过由共动坐标系到实验室坐标系的相对论变换 ,得到Gamma暴余辉的光变曲线。对于火球壳层的不同的动力学演化规律 ,各向同性或各向异性的壳层抛出形式 ,以及不同的外部介质环境 ,所得到的光变曲线都各不相同。通过对这些不同的光变曲线的比较 ,明确了Gamma暴余辉的整体的物理演化图象以及各种物理过程在Gamma暴余辉演化过程中所起的作用 ,并从余辉演化的方面进一步理解了Gamma暴的物理本质  相似文献   
Swift时代伽马暴的观测及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swift卫星从2004年11月20日升空开始运转到现在已有2年多时间.到目前为止,它-共观测到了200多个伽马暴及其余辉现象.由于Swift观测到了早期X射线余辉、短暴余辉和高红移伽马暴等新的重要现象,伽马暴研究进入了新的时代.该文首先对伽马暴的研究历史做简短回顾,然后简要介绍伽马暴的物理图像和Swift卫星的构成及特点,最后全面评述Swift的观测成就及由此引起的理论挑战.  相似文献   
研究亮暴和暗暴的X射线余辉,发现它们的X射线和γ流量的分布基本上相同。即:从统计学的角度上讲,亮暴和暗暴没有本质不同,它们的中心机制应该是相同的,暗暴的形成应该是由环境原因引起的。  相似文献   
As indicated by observed X-ray flares,a great amount of energy can be intermittently released from the postburst central engine of gamma-ray bursts(GRBs).As a natural consequence,the GRB’s external shock could be repeatedly energized.With such a multiple energy injection model,we explore the unique X-ray afterglow light curve of GRB 050712,which exhibits four shallow decay plateaus.Together with three early X-ray flares,the central engine of GRB 050712 is believed to have released energy at least seven times after the burst.Furthermore,we find that the energies released during the four plateaus are all on the same order of magnitude,but the luminosity significantly decreased with time.These results may provide some interesting implications for the GRB central engine.  相似文献   
用谐振探针在余辉式等离子体中进行测量,观察到了谐振效应。与某些作者的结论不同的是:可证明这一谐振发生在等离子体频率ωp处而没有强的阻尼。如果用这一方法进行等离子体浓度测量也不受探针污染的影响。进而指出这一技术在空间等离子体研究方面可能的应用。  相似文献   
Observations on relativistic jets in radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and "microquasars" revealed that many of these outflows are cylindrical, not conical. So it is worthwhile to investigate the evolution of cylindrical jets in gamma-ray bursts. We discuss afterglows from cylindrical jets in a wind environment. Numerical results as well as analytic solutions in some special cases are presented. Our light curves are steeper compared to those in the homogeneous interstellar medium case, carefully considered by Cheng, Huang & Lu. We conclude that some afterglows, used to be interpreted as isotropic fireballs in a wind environment, can be fitted as well by cylindrical jets interacting with a wind.  相似文献   
采用溶胶-凝胶法在低温、还原气氛下制备了长余辉发光材料SrAl2O4:Eu^2 ,Dy^3 用X射线粉晶衍射对其进行了物相鉴定,表明在1050℃已经得到纯相的SrAl2O4产物,1150-1400℃物相没有改变.仍是SrAl2O4相.研究了灼烧工艺、铕和锶的比值、硼酸的加入量、激活剂铕和镝的比值、基质元素铝和锶的比值等条件对SrAl2O4:Eu^2 ,Dy^3 长余辉发光材料的相对发光强度的影响.结果表明:采用H2作还原气氛,灼烧温度为1200℃,恒温2h,然后随炉自然降温的生产工艺,可制备出发光性能优良的长余辉发光材料.  相似文献   
暗物质既是宇宙必需的组成部分,更是一个依然扑朔迷离的难题。根据对宇宙大爆炸余辉——微波背景辐射——的研究,你、我、每一件日常用品、行星、恒星、星云和星系等,我们周围可见的所有物质仅占据宇宙质量能量的4.9%。与之形成对比的是,暗物质占据了宇宙的26.8%,是普通物质的5倍多,但它们的本质至今不明。  相似文献   
持续时标较长的γ射线暴(Gamama-Ray Burst)起源于大质量恒星的塌缩,这是目前对γ射线暴能源机制的流行看法。在大质量恒星周围的星风环境又是不可避免,而现在普遍认为γ射线暴存在着喷流。在这两点基础之一,详细地计算了喷流在星风环境下的演化。在计算时,由于传统的描述喷流的动力学公式在跨相对论时存在着严重的问题,利用了修正过的公式。由于传统的描述喷流的动力学公式在跨相对论时存在着严重的问题,利  相似文献   
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