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Temperature data from 18 measurement series obtained during logging of the Oseberg field in the northern North Sea are presented. Because the measurement series are taken at approximately the same depth, they should give identical temperatures after depth correction, and are suitable for assessing the performance of different models used to determine virgin rock temperatures from well log information.We have used this data set to test the properties of the different models given by Shen and Beck (1986). Although these models were built to simulate closely the thermal recovery of a well and are unbiased, the uncertainties in the temperature estimates when applied to real data are found to be no less than those from simpler (biased) models. This fact confirms the conclusion of Hermanrud (1989a) who showed that physical factors other than those presently accounted for significantly influence the thermal recovery of a borehole.  相似文献   
利用卫星遥感资料对南海北部陆架海洋表层温度锋的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用7年(1993~1999)月平均的SST卫星遥感资料,分析了南海北部陆架区域海洋表层温度锋在一年中的逐月变化特征,表明南海北部陆架海洋表层温度锋存在明显的季节内变化。结合风场的卫星遥感资料,分析了东北季风对南海北部陆架温度锋的影响,表明东北季风风速的增加有利于温度锋强度的增强。通过对黑潮南海流套入侵较强的1999年2月与流套入侵较弱的1998年2月的SST卫星遥感资料的对比分析,考察了黑潮南海流套的入侵对南海北部陆架温度锋的影响,结果表明黑潮流套的较强入侵能够增加陆架温度锋的强度,对温度锋的走向也会产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
Predictably, in a country such as Britain, with its preponderance of consolidated, sedimentary, mainly fissure-flow aquifers, there is a very large number of springs, many of which are, or have been, used for public supply. Migratory springs are a feature of the British (Ur. Cretaceous) Chalk, the most important British aquifer. The Chalk's low specific yield and high capillary moisture retention together give rise to very considerable fluctuations (more than 33 m in some areas) of the unconfined water table. Along the gentle dip slopes of the Chalk (North and South Downs of southern and southeastern England) springs may migrate laterally for several miles, giving rise to seasonal streams locally known as bournes or lavants. However, springs such as at Duncton, West Sussex, at the base of the much steeper scarp slopes of the Chalk, form point sources, the flows from which tend to be relatively steady; such springs commonly supply and are the original reason for the existence of many of the small towns and villages which nestle along the bases of the chalk scarps of Sussex and Kent.Where the Chalk forms coastal cliffs, a number of springs break out at the base of the cliff between high and low tide levels; there are major chalk coastal springs, for instance, at St. Margaret's Bay (Kent) and at Arish Mells, east of Lulworth Cove, Dorset. Such springs are not used for direct supply (their salinity is usually too high) but are indicators of the presence of local reserves of groundwater for possible future development.  相似文献   
Controls on low-pressure anatexis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low-pressure anatexis, whereby rocks melt in place after passing through the andalusite stability field, develops under more restricted conditions than does low-pressure metamorphism. Our thermal modelling and review of published work indicate that the following mechanisms, operating alone, may induce anatexis in typical pelitic rocks without inducing wholesale melting in the lower crust: (i) magmatic advection by pervasive flow; (ii) crustal-scale detachment faulting; and (iii) the presence of a high heat-producing layer. Of these, only magmatic advection by pervasive flow and crustal-scale detachment faulting have been shown quantitatively to provide sufficient heat to cause widespread melting. Combinations of the above mechanisms with pluton-scale magmatic advection, shear heating, removal of the lithospheric mantle, or with each other provide additional means of developing suitable high temperatures at shallow crustal levels to generate low-pressure anatexis.  相似文献   
High‐T, low‐P metamorphic rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic central Halls Creek Orogen in northern Australia are characterised by low radiogenic heat production, high upper crustal thermal gradients (locally exceeding 40 °C km?1) sustained for over 30 Myr, and a large number of layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions with mantle‐related geochemical signatures. In order to account for this combination of geological and thermal characteristics, we model the middle crustal response to a transient mantle‐related heat pulse resulting from a temporary reduction in the thickness of the mantle lithosphere. This mechanism has the potential to raise mid‐crustal temperatures by 150–400 °C within 10–20 Myr following initiation of the mantle temperature anomaly, via conductive dissipation through the crust. The magnitude and timing of maximum temperatures attained depend strongly on the proximity, duration and lateral extent of the thermal anomaly in the mantle lithosphere, and decrease sharply in response to anomalies that are seated deeper than 50–60 km, maintained for <5 Myr in duration and/or have half‐widths <100 km. Maximum temperatures are also intimately linked to the thermal properties of the model crust, primarily due to their influence on the steady‐state (background) thermal gradient. The amplitudes of temperature increases in the crust are principally a function of depth, and are broadly independent of crustal thermal parameters. Mid‐crustal felsic and mafic plutonism is a predictable consequence of perturbed thermal regimes in the mantle and the lowermost crust, and the advection of voluminous magmas has the potential to raise temperatures in the middle crust very quickly. Although pluton‐related thermal signatures significantly dissipate within <10 Myr (even for very large, high‐temperature intrusive bodies), the interaction of pluton‐ and mantle‐related thermal effects has the potential to maintain host rock temperatures in excess of 400–450 °C for up to 30 Myr in some parts of the mid‐crust. The numerical models presented here support the notion that transient mantle‐related heat sources have the capacity to contribute significantly to the thermal budget of metamorphism in high‐T, low‐P metamorphic belts, especially in those characterised by low surface heat flow, very high peak metamorphic geothermal gradients and abundant mafic intrusions.  相似文献   
青藏铁路管道通风试验路基地温变化及热状况分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
基于青藏铁路北麓河试验段管道通风路基在2个冻融循环周期内的地温监测资料,分析了路基温度的发展、温度场分布特征及多年冻土的热流量变化.结果表明:通风管埋设于路堤中部的路基温度变化和发展情况与一般路基类似,路基在施工后的2个冻融周期内仍处于整体升温的过程;通风管埋设于路堤下部的路基,虽然前2个冻融循环周期内土体温度与原始状态相比同样有所升高,但开始出现逐渐降低的趋势,同时地温场的分布在横向上的对称性也比较好,在热交换方面,一般填土路基和通风管位于路堤中部的路基在施工后的前2个冻融循环周期内一直处于吸热过程,而通风管位于路堤下部的路基在经历了第1个周期的持续吸热过程后,在第2个冻融循环周期内已经开始放热。  相似文献   
多年冻土地区建筑物地基的热稳定性技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal stabilization of soils (including freezing of thawed soils and cooling of permafrost) is known to be the effective method providing stable support for buildings and structures in cold regions.Seasonal thermo-stabilizers (STS) are mainly used in construction. The predicted climate warming because of natural and man-caused factors determines wide application of STS in permafrost regions. A STS transfers heat from its underground part (evaporator) to the aerial part (condenser) owing to natural temperature difference between them during a cold season. We have been working out and manufacturing different types of two-phase, vapor-liquid STS. Aluminum alloys are used in our STS to prevent corrosion and to increase their efficiency. They are successfully used in the northern regions of Western Siberia, in particular, at the railway Obskaya Bovanenkovo. The paper presents some technical parameters of new STS, the results of their experimental study and computer simulation, as well as experience features.  相似文献   
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