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Amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri, a closest relative of vertebrates, is at a high risk of extinction due to a combination of low effective population size, altered native habitats and environmental pollution, yet little is known about cryopreservation of its gametes. This study deals with the cryopreservation of amphioxus semen. The main findings are that (1) the extender of Yao et al. is the best one among the four extenders examined; (2) the appropriate ratio of semen to extender of Yao et al. plus cryoprotectant is from 1:5 to 1:7; (3) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol are the better cryoprotectants than glycerol, with DMSO giving the best results; (4) the eggs fertilized with post-thaw spermatozoa are capable of developing to at least hatching stage, and the highest hatching rate is (12.4±3.0)%. This is the first report on freezing and thawing of amphioxus spermatozoa, providing a simple and practical protocol for cryopreservation of amphioxus spermatozoa and laying a foundation for safeguarding this endangered species.  相似文献   
作者采用2 mL 的冷存管和程序降温仪高效超低温保存美洲黑石斑(Centropristis striata L.)精子.分析比较了4种不同浓度抗冻剂15%DMSO(二甲基亚砜)、15%EG(乙二醇)、15%PG(丙二醇)和10%Meth(甲醇),5种降温速率(10,15,20,25,30℃/min)和5种解冻温度(30,35,40,45,50℃)对美洲黑石斑精子超低温保存效果的影响.实验结果表明,采用 Hanks’作为稀释液,15% DMSO、15% EG、15% PG 作为抗冻剂,30℃/min 的降温速率对精液进行超低温保存35℃水浴解冻,冻精激活后获得理想的运动率(>60%).通过对抗冻剂、降温速率、解冻温度的筛选,作者建立了美洲黑石斑精液高效超低温保存的方法,并对冻精进行长期保存.美洲黑石斑精子超低温保存方法的建立对于海水鱼类精子库的建立以及种质资源的保存和生物多样性的保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Protandrism was confirmed in Crepidula fecunda Gallardo 1979 by histological analysis of the gonad. Individuals were classified as immature (12 mm or less in shell length), male (13–26 mm), intersex (25–28 mm), and female (over 26 mm). There was an evident loss of mobility with growth— large females became completely sessile. The presence of epithelial glands in mobile individuals was associated with the need for lubrication during crawling, whereas the proliferation of subepithelial glands in sessile females was associated with adhesion. Mobility of immature and male individuals was related to grazing activities on biofilms, and in males was also associated with copulation. Grazing activity of motile individuals was carried out so that the radula teeth did not come into direct contact with the substratum, but rather harvested the biofilm surface. Sessile females used the radula to rasp the area under their shells, thus cleaning the substratum in preparation for oviposition. Since this process required that the radula enter into direct contact with the substratum, it suffered abrasion of radular teeth and loss of radular denticles, producing important alterations in its appearance in mature females. A complex interaction was observed between size, mobility, histological changes in the foot, activity, and tooth‐wear of the radula, which have been related to the sessile habit, sex change, and the oviposition process in this species.  相似文献   
Nonylphenol, a widespread aquatic pollutant with endocrine-disrupting potential has been found to affect sperm motility in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). This marine invertebrate, a global aquaculture species, was exposed to nonylphenol at concentrations of 1 and 100 μg l−1 for a duration of 72 h during the period of gametogenesis. Growth was monitored at regular intervals until sexual maturity when sperm motility was assessed. The growth rate of C. gigas remained unaffected by exposure to nonylphenol during gametogenesis. However, the number of individuals with motile sperm was significantly reduced.  相似文献   
为探讨绿鳍马面鲀(Thamnaconus septentrionalis)精子的超微结构,作者应用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了其精子外部形态与各部位的横切结构。结果表明:绿鳍马面鲀精子由头部和尾部两部分组成。精子头部呈卵圆形,无顶体,头部主要结构是细胞核,染色质致密,核内存在少量染色质空隙,无液泡;核后端正中有凹入核内的植入窝,呈棒状,植入窝较深,最深处占细胞核纵长的5/6,最宽处在细胞核末端,约占头部宽度的1/3。中心粒复合体位于植入窝内,由近端中心粒、中心粒间体和基体组成,近端中心粒的长轴与基体的纵轴垂直,排列方式为"T"型;头部末端为袖套,内含5个或6个均匀分布的线粒体球和少量随机分布的囊泡。尾部细长,自基体向后伸出,尾部无侧鳍结构,其核心结构是轴丝,轴丝为典型的"9+2"微管复合体结构。揭示其精子的形态结构,以期丰富硬骨鱼类繁殖生理学内容,同时为鱼种鉴别提供依据。  相似文献   
皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)精子的超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
皱纹盘鲍(Haliotisdiscushannai)的精子属于“原始型”,由顶体(2.2μm×1.0μm)、细胞核(3.1μm×0.83μm)、中段(0.74μm×1.4μm)和鞭毛(52μm×0.22μm)组成。顶体弹头状,由两部分组成:(1)顶体的前端是一呈卵形的高电子密度的部分;(2)顶体的后端为一呈翼状的低电子密度的部分。细胞核呈长柱状。在顶体凹陷和细胞核凹陷之间为顶体下腔,内有微丝束结构。中段包括5或6个线粒体,一对中心粒及一些泡状结构。鞭毛为典型的“9+2”结构。  相似文献   
This study examined the interactive effects of copper and elevated temperature and subsequent depuration on Platygyra acuta coral larvae. Larval mortality and motility were significantly affected by copper alone (70% and 100% inhibition respectively). Their respective lethal/inhibitory concentration (LC50/IC50) were 10–130% and 86–193% higher than those reported for other larvae. Temperature (ambient, 27 °C and elevated, 30 °C) alone and the combination of temperature and copper did not significantly affect both endpoints. This study provides the first quantitative data on depuration effect on resumption of larval motility after copper exposure, although no sign of larval recovery was observed. These findings suggest that the effects of copper pollution outweigh the thermal tolerance of coral larvae. High LC50 and IC50 recorded may be unique for corals from marginal reefs like Hong Kong which have already been exposed to high levels of copper pollution.  相似文献   
为揭示赤点石斑鱼精子的超微结构及环境因子对其精子活力的影响,利用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察赤点石斑鱼精子的超微结构,设置不同梯度的温度、盐度、pH值及不同浓度的NaCl、KCl、CaCl2、MgCl2、EDTANa2溶液,探究这些因子对赤点石斑鱼精子活力的影响。结果表明:赤点石斑鱼成熟精子的结构特点是细胞核圆形或卵圆形,核内染色质致密,没有核泡(核空隙)。精子尾部细长,横切面为典型的"9+2"微管结构。温度、盐度、pH值等环境因子对精子活力的影响表明,精子活力的适宜温度范围为23~31℃,27.5℃时精子寿命最长为37min;适宜的盐度范围为15~35,盐度15时精子寿命最长为50min;适宜的pH范围为7~9,pH为9时精子的运动时间最长为33min。赤点石斑鱼精子在EDTANa2溶液中呈抑制状态,在400~700 mmol/L的NaCl溶液、400~600mmol/L的KCl溶液和500 mmol/L的CaCl2溶液中精子均具有较好的活动能力。在MgCl2溶液中赤点石斑鱼精子的活动能力不佳。赤点石斑鱼精子的最适温度范围与繁殖季节的最适水温范围符合,适宜盐度范围较广,对pH值的变化适应性较强。赤点石斑鱼精子在NaCl、KCl、CaCl2溶液中活力较佳,在MgCl2溶液和EDTANa2溶液中呈抑制状态。  相似文献   
借助透射电镜分别对石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus)、大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus L.)和牙鲆(Paralich- thys olivaceus)成熟精子的超微结构进行了比较研究,进一步测定了石鲽和牙鲆精子的基本生理特性,并研究了17℃和4℃保存精子的活力变化。结果显示3种鱼类精子均为有鞭毛精子,无顶体,尾部轴丝9+2型。不同之处包括:成熟精子的核致密度不同,以石鲽最高,大菱鲆和牙鲆则较低;在大菱鲆和牙鲆精子头部,核前端侧面都有一缺刻状结构,石鲽精子未发现此结构;头部核膜与质膜之间的细胞质含量以大菱鲆的最多;精子中段的线粒体数量不同,大菱鲆较多(10个左右),石鲽次之(8个左右),牙鲆最少,仅为5个左右;中段植入窝深度不同,以大菱鲆陷入核中最深,其他2种比较接近。石鲽和牙鲆精液的pH值比较接近。精子密度以牙鲆较高,为10.18×10~9个/mL±3.37×10~9个/mL。牙鲆和石鲽精子活力的保存时间在17℃下分别为48 h和36 h,4℃下分别为7 d和8 d。精子活力完全失去之前,随着保存时间的延长,精子的激活率和寿命逐渐下降,而涡动时间则相差不大。  相似文献   
采用罗丹明123(Rh123)和碘化丙啶(PI)两种荧光染料对栉江珧(Atrina pectinata)精子线粒体活性进行检测,比较不同染液浓度和染色时间的检测效果,并用该方法检测和比较超低温冷冻保存对线粒体活性的影响。结果显示:Rh123和PI染色的最适染液浓度均为10μg/mL,染色时间控制在10 min之内;染色后具有线粒体活性的精子发出绿色荧光,死精子发出红色荧光,质膜受损但线粒体还未受损的精子发出红绿色荧光,表明Rh123和PI双荧光染色检测栉江珧精子线粒体活性是可行的;精液经冷冻后,线粒体活性为61.9%、质膜完整率56.8%,显著低于新鲜精液组(95.3%、93.5%),表明冷冻对精子结构会造成不同程度的损伤,Rh123和PI双荧光染色法可用来检测栉江珧精子质量。  相似文献   
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