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This paper goes some way towards redressing the lack of geographical literature on charity through exploring the geography of the British domestic charitable sector. The size and geography of the third sector is outlined, followed by an analysis of how almshouses can be understood as inherently geographical and deeply embedded in local social networks of inclusion as well as exclusion.  相似文献   
The analytical capabilities of laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS in determining Li, Be and B at trace levels in geological samples have been tested on a series of glass reference materials and natural samples. The LA-ICP-MS instrument used consisted of a sector-field ICP-MS coupled with a laser ablation microprobe operating at either 266 or 213 nm wavelength. Reference glasses from NIST (SRM 612, 614 and 616) and MPI-DING (KL2-G, ML3B-G, StHs6/80-G, GOR128-G, GOR132-G, T1-G and ATHO-G) were selected to develop the analytical method and to assess the best instrumental configuration. A series of calcic amphiboles with different Li, Be and B concentrations were also analysed using both LA-ICP-MS and SIMS to test the applicability of the method to natural minerals. Results indicated that with a spot size of 40 μm the agreement between measured and reference values of Li, Be and B is generally better than 10% for NIST SRM 612 and 20% for NIST SRM 614. Average reproducibility at the 2s level was 10% for Li, 20% for Be and 15% for B. Limits of detection were approximately 100 ng g-1 for Be and B and 200 ng g-1 for Li. These results were confirmed by analyses carried out on natural amphiboles and compared well in terms of precision and accuracy with those commonly achieved by SIMS.  相似文献   
廖友常 《贵州地质》2010,27(2):116-117
建议:一、将资源/储量核实报告中消耗的资源量不赋予资源/储量类别,用消耗二字拼音的首字母"XH"来代替;但应说明消耗的是原"报告"中什么类别的资源/储量及本次工作各类资源/储量的变化情况。二、地质报告中"矿体"的划分应根据成矿时有用矿物聚积体的赋存状态来划分,而不是以现在的存在方式来划分;三、勘查线剖面的终点应标注在倾斜方向或按左东右西的原则标注在方位角小的端点处,方位为正北时取360°。  相似文献   
针对具有预测功能的矢量数据压缩方法效率低下的问题,提出一种基于扇形筛选法的矢量数据压缩方法。在预测区域内利用扇形筛选法,能显著减少待选点,从而提高压缩效率。实验结果证明,该方法的效率与改进前方法相比提升了30%~40%。此外,与传统的Douglas-Peucker算法相比,该方法在相同阈值下可以得到更大的压缩比,且在较小阈值下具有更高的计算效率。  相似文献   
民主评议政风行风是促进单位部门转变职能、提高效率、优化服务的重要举措。山亭国土资源分局以民主评议政风行风为契机,通过"五个结合",实现了服务质量和工作效率的"三个转变",得到了社会各界的好评。  相似文献   
The fisheries sector is currently contending with the hectic development of its own political economy framework being convulsed by the dynamics of decentralisation. This process is enshrouded in an environment of economic globalisation, taking place against the backdrop of the governance approach. With this situation as the starting point, the main goal of this paper is to quantify the effects that the Spanish port devolution process might have on the Spanish fisheries sector through the use of a transfer function model; the volumes of landings at State ports of general interest and their cash value are taken as dependent variables.  相似文献   
王建军 《甘肃地质》2014,23(3):9-14
在北祁连西段三岔口等6幅1∶5万区域地质调查中,对祁青构造混杂岩进行了调查研究,通过LA-ICPMS法单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得206Pb/238U表面加权平均年龄494±15Ma,相当于中寒武世,故将该混杂岩解体,部分归为中寒武世黑刺沟组。  相似文献   
冯晋勤  俞小鼎  蔡菁  赖巧珍 《气象》2017,43(11):1354-1363
根据2002—2013年福建26次春季强对流天气过程中12例由西南急流暖湿强迫产生的强对流天气的高低空环流配置,利用常规高空、地面观测资料以及NCEP再分析资料,运用中尺度对流天气的天气图分析技术建立福建春季西南风低空急流暖湿强迫背景下的强对流天气流型的识别方法,并统计静力稳定度、水汽、抬升和垂直风切变条件及相应物理量要素,初步揭示了福建省春季西南急流暖湿强迫背景下的强对流天气过程的特征和规律。此类强对流天气是由对流层中、高层干冷空气位于低层强烈发展的暖湿平流之上形成显著条件不稳定层结,逆温、干暖盖、中低层有利的水汽条件,上干下湿的温湿廓线以及低空辐合、高空辐散为强对流天气的发生提供了有利的环境条件,强对流天气系统由地面的锋面、辐合线、热低压、925 hPa辐合线以及西南急流脉动等中尺度天气系统触发,对流生成后在西南风急流引导下移入有利于对流发展的不稳定区域使得对流持续发展,强垂直风切变配合较大的对流有效位能有利于对流风暴持续发展。  相似文献   
Political regulation has traditionally been regarded as antagonistic to innovation, whereas the removal of regulations has been perceived as a precondition for innovations. This paper proposes an alternative position and claim that regulations can have various connections with the innovation process. Regulations can obviously restrict innovations, but they can also facilitate such processes. Systematic empirical research on the relation between political-administrative regulation and innovation has been moderate, and the debate has been highly anecdotal. This article presents an empirical study on how political-administrative regulation within the pelagic fisheries sector in Norway affects innovation. The study confirms that regulations had varied influences on the innovation process, and documents that actor's appraisals of regulations were affected by whether a given regulation is beneficial for the firms and their competitive position or not. Finally, the paper corroborate that the implementation of regulations can promote innovation in firms by providing them with deeper insights into their production processes and to encourage a more intense focus on development and improvement. Implementation of regulations also implies learning, which can increase the firms’ abilities to innovate as well as their insight into the necessity of such practices. The analysis is based on survey data from processors and vessels in the pelagic sector.  相似文献   
自然保护区是我国社会经济可持续发展赖以实现的重要自然基础,林业系统占了我国自然保护区的绝大多数。本文对林业系统内湿地类型的自然保护区的类别、级别、区域和面积进行了统计和分析,并根据存在的问题提出了针对性的解决对策。  相似文献   
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