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We acquired bulk-rock analyses of Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) harzburgites in order to understand the influence of submarine igneous and metamorphic processes on the distribution of incompatible elements (especially rare Earth elements or REEs) in abyssal peridotites. The geochemical characteristics of these Logatchev Massif serpentinized and talc-altered harzburgites, and spatially associated metagabbros were then compared with a compilation of global abyssal peridotites. The Logatchev harzburgites show light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments (average La N /Yb N = 2.81), positive correlations between LREEs (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) and high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb and Zr), and positive correlations between HFSEs and Th. Most global abyssal peridotites show similar trends. We suggest that the systematic enrichment of incompatible elements probably reflects a post-partial fusion magmatic refertilization. The compositional scatter exhibited by some serpentinized peridotites in Nb-LREE diagrams is probably due to the elimination of diopside during partial melting and significant impregnation by a melt produced in the Opx–Ol–Sp melting field rather than to later hydrothermal alteration. The correlation between Pb and Nd observed for most global abyssal peridotites, including the Logatchev harzburgites, indicates magmatic generation. The scatter of Pb in some rocks suggests that lead is likely mobile during serpentinization or weathering. Low to moderate water/rock (W/R) ratios in the harzburgites calculated from Sr isotopic compositions (5.98–26.20 for a close system and 1.66–2.72 for an open system), and the low abundance of REEs in Logatchev hydrothermal fluids indicate that the REE contents of abyssal peridotites probably were little influenced by hydrothermal alteration. Compared to this later alteration, the presence of small proportions of gabbroic melt (from 1:30 to 1:3 in our sample) that crystallized in the residual harzburgites modified their REE patterns significantly by elevating the LREEs.  相似文献   
周志强 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):981-993
青海茫崖石棉矿区超基性岩体是由原岩以纯橄岩、辉橄岩和橄辉岩为主体组成的富镁质超基性岩体,经历自变质和后期多期热液的叠加变质蚀变作用,经蛇纹石化后形成蚀变完全的蛇纹岩岩体,其中部分蛇纹岩又进一步发生滑石化及碳酸盐化蚀变为滑石菱镁片岩、菱镁滑石片岩、滑石片岩和菱镁岩等。本文在野外地质调查基础上,在室内通过镜下岩矿综合鉴定、全岩化学成分分析以及电子探针成分分析等手段进行了岩石化学特征、矿物学特征及其蚀变演化过程研究。结果表明,该变质超基性岩体蛇纹岩主要特征组合矿物为蛇纹石(利蛇纹石、叶蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石)、磁铁矿、菱镁矿、滑石、水镁石、铬铁矿,变余矿物有斜方辉石、单斜辉石和铬铁矿,滑石菱镁片岩类主要组成矿物为菱镁矿、滑石、蛇纹石及磁铁矿,局部可见石英脉。该地区变质超基性岩体较完整地记录了橄榄岩水化、滑石化及碳酸盐化作用过程的各个阶段,超基性岩蚀变演化过程主要有两个作用阶段:(Ⅰ)橄榄石、辉石类矿物的蛇纹石化作用及蛇纹石绿泥石化作用;(Ⅱ)富Ca、CO2流体交代蛇纹石、滑石及水镁石的碳酸盐化作用。蛇纹石化等变质蚀变作用促进了Si、Mg及Fe元素化学活动性,使元素发生富集与迁移,对于次生矿物的形成与演化起到了一定的催化作用。多期不同组成流体热液的交代作用过程,清晰地展示了利蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石的演化序列,以及滑石、水镁石、铬铁矿和磁铁矿的形成过程及标形特征。  相似文献   
NIU  YAOLING 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(12):2423-2458
This paper presents the first comprehensive major and traceelement data for 130 abyssal peridotite samples from the Pacificand Indian ocean ridge–transform systems. The data revealimportant features about the petrogenesis of these rocks, mantlemelting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges,and elemental behaviours. Although abyssal peridotites are serpentinized,and have also experienced seafloor weathering, magmatic signaturesremain well preserved in the bulk-rock compositions. The betterinverse correlation of MgO with progressively heavier rare earthelements (REE) reflects varying amounts of melt depletion. Thismelt depletion may result from recent sub-ridge mantle melting,but could also be inherited from previous melt extraction eventsfrom the fertile mantle source. Light REE (LREE) in bulk-rocksamples are more enriched, not more depleted, than in the constituentclinopyroxenes (cpx) of the same sample suites. If the cpx LREErecord sub-ridge mantle melting processes, then the bulk-rockLREE must reflect post-melting refertilization. The significantcorrelations of LREE (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Nd) with immobile highfield strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb and Zr) suggest thatenrichments of both LREE and HFSE resulted from a common magmaticprocess. The refertilization takes place in the ‘cold’thermal boundary layer (TBL) beneath ridges through which theascending melts migrate and interact with the advanced residues.The refertilization apparently did not affect the cpx relicsanalyzed for trace elements. This observation suggests grain-boundaryporous melt migration in the TBL. The ascending melts may notbe thermally ‘reactive’, and thus may have affectedonly cpx rims, which, together with precipitated olivine, entrappedmelt, and the rest of the rock, were subsequently serpentinized.Very large variations in bulk-rock Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios areobserved, which are unexpected. The correlation between thetwo ratios is consistent with observations on basalts that DZr/DHf< 1 and DNb/DTa < 1. Given the identical charges (5+ forNb and Ta; 4+ for Zr and Hf) and essentially the same ionicradii (RNb/RTa = 1·000 and RZr/RHf = 1·006–1·026),yet a factor of 2 mass differences (MZr/MHf = 0·511 andMNb/MTa = 0·513), it is hypothesized that mass-dependentD values, or diffusion or mass-transfer rates may be importantin causing elemental fractionations during porous melt migrationin the TBL. It is also possible that some ‘exotic’phases with highly fractionated Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios may existin these rocks, thus having ‘nugget’ effects onthe bulk-rock analyses. All these hypotheses need testing byconstraining the storage and distribution of all the incompatibletrace elements in mantle peridotite. As serpentine containsup to 13 wt % H2O, and is stable up to 7 GPa before it is transformedto dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases that are stable atpressures of 5–50 GPa, it is possible that the serpentinizedperidotites may survive, at least partly, subduction-zone dehydration,and transport large amounts of H2O (also Ba, Rb, Cs, K, U, Sr,Pb, etc. with elevated U/Pb ratios) into the deep mantle. Thelatter may contribute to the HIMU component in the source regionsof some oceanic basalts. KEY WORDS: abyssal peridotites; serpentinization; seafloor weathering; bulk-rock major and trace element compositions; mantle melting; melt extraction; melt–residue interaction; porous flows; Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf fractionations; HIMU mantle sources  相似文献   
基于超基性岩蛇纹石化成油理论,根据构造条件和沉积条件,提出了石油勘查概念模型——"BRCF"模型:B代表侵入地壳超基性岩;R代表储油层;C代表盖层;F代表深大断裂。运用该模型分析了波斯湾地区油气田和中国典型油气田油气成藏规律,并预测了中国大陆油气勘查靶区。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1340-1369

Libyan Desert Glass (LDG), rediscovered in modern times in 1932, is an ultrahigh-temperature glass composed of nearly pure SiO2. LDG is found as surface float in Egypt’s Libyan (Western) Desert, its strewnfield defined by the intersection of major faults. Extra-terrestrial components are present in LDG but there is no associated impact crater. LDG is not an impactite, nor do pieces exhibit aerodynamic forms. Extremely viscous silica remained hot long enough to flow several centimetres. Additional constraints on the origin of LDG are imposed by exotic materials found nearby: a dark 30-gram granular micro-diamond mass, mullite-magnetite-silica glass rocks with micro-diamonds, lumps of fine-grained magnetite, titanium filaments, titanium nitride, titanium aluminide, aluminium oxycarbonitride, phosphides, silver, zirconium, zinc, carbonaceous grains, and metal grains coated with carbonaceous materials. The region is underlain by 500–3000 m of flat-lying sandstone composed of quartz grains and little else. To account for LDG and the other unusual materials and nearby outgassing vents, serpentinization is evoked. Products of this complex low-temperature crustal process include serpentine, magnetite, aqueous silica, and great quantities of hydrogen. The hydrogen, produced in Basement rocks beneath the sandstones, may have risen along faults, passing around grains of quartz (with which it does not react) until slowed by tight conditions, perhaps self-sealed by silica produced during serpentinization. Columns of quartz hundreds or thousands of metres high with intergranular spaces filled with H2 (±CH4) may have been established with some hydrogen leaking into the surface domain while still more was produced at depth. Disturbance by occasional impacts or airbursts, large or small, would violently release great columns of pressurized hydrogen, which, ignited, would burn until exhaustion. Such sustained heating events could be repeated. Exotic products might come from materials formed cold in the outer solar system, transformed in a great flickering flame with temperatures perhaps exceeding 1800°C.  相似文献   
The Lanzo peridotite massif is a fragment of oceanic lithosphere generated in an ocean–continent transition context and eclogitized during alpine collision. Despite the subduction history, the massif has preserved its sedimentary oceanic cover, suggesting that it may have preserved its oceanic structure. It is an exceptional case for studying the evolution of a fragment of the lithosphere from its oceanization to its subduction and then exhumation. We present a field and petrological study retracing the different serpentinization episodes and their impact on the massif structure. The Lanzo massif is composed of slightly serpentinized peridotites (<20% serpentinization) surrounded by an envelope of foliated serpentinites (100% serpentinization) bordered by oceanic metabasalts and metasedimentary rocks. The limit between peridotites and serpentinites defines the front of serpentinization. This limit is sharp: it is marked by the presence of massive serpentinites (80% serpentinization) and, locally, by dykes of metagabbros and mylonitic gabbros. The deformation of these gabbros is contemporaneous with the emplacement of the magma. The presence of early lizardite in the peridotites testifies that serpentinization began during the oceanization, which is confirmed by the presence of meta‐ophicarbonates bordering the foliated serpentinite envelope. Two additional generations of serpentine occur in the ultramafic rocks. The first is a prograde antigorite that partially replaced the lizardite and the relict primary minerals of the peridotite during subduction, indicating that serpentinization is an active process at the ridge and in the subduction zone. Locally, this episode is followed by the deserpentinization of antigorite at peak P–T (estimated in eclogitized metagabbros at 2–2.5 GPa and 550–620 °C): it is marked by the crystallization of secondary olivine associated with chlorite and/or antigorite and of clinopyroxene, amphibole and chlorite assemblages. A second antigorite formed during exhumation partially to completely obliterating previous textures in the massive and foliated serpentinites. Serpentinites are an important component of the oceanic lithosphere generated in slow to ultraslow spreading settings, and in these settings, there is a serpentinization gradient with depth in the upper mantle. The seismic Moho limit could correspond to a serpentinization front affecting the mantle. This partially serpentinized zone constitutes a less competent level where, during subduction and exhumation, deformation and fluid circulation are localized. In this zone, the reaction kinetics are increased and the later steps of serpentinization obliterate the evidence of this progressive zone of serpentinization. In the Lanzo massif, this zone fully recrystallized into serpentinite during alpine subduction and collision. Thus, the serpentinite envelope represents the oceanic crust as defined by geophysicists, and the sharp front of serpentinization corresponds to an eclogitized seismic palaeo‐Moho.  相似文献   
We began continuous monitoring of H2 concentration in soil along the San Andreas and Calaveras faults in central California in December 1980, using small H2/O2 fuel-cell sensors. Ten monitoring stations deployed to date have shown that anomalous H2 emissions take place occasionally in addition to diurnal changes. Among the ten sites, the Cienega Winery site has produced data that are characterized by very small diurnal changes, a stable baseline, and remarkably distinct spike-like H2 anomalies since its installation in July 1982. A major peak appeared on 1–10 November 1982, and another on 3 April 1983, and a medium peak on 1 November 1983. The occurrences of these peaks coincided with periods of very low seismicity within a radius of 50 km from the site. In order to methodically assess how these peaks are related to earthquakes, three H2 degassing models were examined. A plausible correlational pattern was obtained by using a model that (1) adopts a hemicircular spreading pattern of H2 along an incipient fracture plane from the hypocenter of an earthquake, (2) relies on the FeO–H2O reaction for H2 generation, and (3) relates the accumulated amount of H2 to the mass of serpentinization of underlying ophiolitic rocks; the mass was tentatively assumed to be proportional to the seismic energy of the earthquake.  相似文献   
对甘肃武山县鸳鸯镇鸳鸯玉的地球化学特征和宝石学特征进行的鉴定、分析和研究表明,鸳鸯玉是富镁铁的辉橄岩经岩浆期后多期热液的叠加蚀变(主要为蛇纹石化)形成的蛇纹岩;鸳鸯玉的主要矿物成分为蛇纹石,且多为叶蛇纹石,含有少量的透闪石、滑石、白云石,还有一定量的金属矿物,如磁铁矿、褐铁矿和水镍矿等。该玉石呈较深的灰绿色和墨绿色,质地细腻,可用于制作"夜光杯"和玉碗等工艺品。鸳鸯玉矿区交通方便,矿石开采成本低,是具有良好开发前景的玉石资源。  相似文献   
Serpentinites (massive and schistose) and listvenite occur as tectonic sheets and lenses within a calcareous metasedimentary mélange of the Tulu Dimtu, western Ethiopia. The massive serpentinite contains high-magnesian metamorphic olivine (forsterite [fo] ~96 mol%) and rare relict primary mantle olivine (Fo90–93). Both massive and schistose serpentinites contain zoned chromian spinel; the cores with the ferritchromite rims preserve a pristine Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio (Cr# = 0.79–0.87), suggesting a highly depleted residual mantle peridotite, likely formed in a suprasubduction zone setting. Listvenite associated with serpentinites of smaller ultramafic lenses also contain relict chromian spinel having identical Cr# to those observed in serpentinites. However, the relict chromian spinel in listvenite has significantly higher Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) atomic ratios. This suggests that a nearly complete metasomatic replacement of ultramafic rocks by magnesite, talc, and quartz to prevent Mg–Fe2+ redistribution between relict chromian spinel and the host, that is, listvenite formation, took place prior to re-equilibration between chromian spinel and the surrounding mafic minerals in serpentinites. Considering together with the regional geological context, low-temperature CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids would have infiltrated into ultramafic rocks from host calcareous sedimentary rocks at a shallow level of accretionary prism before a continental collision to form the East African Orogen (EAO).  相似文献   
宋珏琛  李江海  冯博 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2273-2283
海底热液系统是地球热量平衡的重要组成,也是地球化学循环和成矿作用发生的主要场所,与洋中脊系统在空间上具有很强的联系.慢速-超慢速扩张洋中脊中确认的活跃热液喷口数量约占全球总数量的三分之一,查明热液发育位置及发育岩性与岩浆-构造活动的耦合关系,对于研究海底热液活动演化过程和海底找矿具有很好的指示意义.本文将全球慢速-超慢...  相似文献   
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