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青岛海域小眼绿鳍鱼耳石形态的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2002年6~12月期间采自青岛海域商业渔获的286尾小眼绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys spinosus)标本,以耳石长、耳石宽、周长、面积、矩形趋近率、充实度为基本形态学参数,结合其中傅里叶变换获得的形态特征变量,研究了小眼绿鳍鱼幼鱼生长过程耳石形态的逐月变化特征.结果显示,小眼绿鳍鱼耳石为不规则卵圆形或近四边形,背部弧状隆起,腹部相对略平,前部有一明显缺刻,后部常呈锯齿状尖突.小眼绿鳍鱼耳石长、耳石重、耳石面积皆与体长呈显著相关,耳石长宽比与体长不呈显著相关.随着小眼绿鳍鱼生长,该鱼耳石形态特征随月份变化差异显著;经多因子方差分析和判别分析表明,研究期间小眼绿鳍鱼耳石形态可分为3个特征区间:6月份与其他月份间形态差异显著;7~9月耳石形态特征处于变化间状态;10~12月各方面形态特征趋于稳定.  相似文献   
The relation between otolith weight (OW) and the age of marine fish is studied. A total of 222 individuals of bighead white croaker, Pennahia macrocephalus were sampled seasonally in the mouth of the Beibu Gulf, the South China Sea, in 2007. Since there are no significant differences in sagittal OW between otolith in pairs (P≥0.05), the undamaged left sagittal otolith is used for age determination. The highest correlations among standard length, OW and fish ages are confirmed by linear, exponential and multinomial regression. Results show that sagittal OW overlaps only occasionally among age groups, and to individuals with similar standard length, the older and slower-growing fish has a heavier otolith because of the continued otolith material deposition. There are differences in sagittal OW among different age groups and significant positive linear relationship with age (P<0.05). The age readings can be verified by plotting the sagittal OW versus the standard length for age groups, and the individuals with similar standard length but in different ages can be separated by sagittal OW frequency analysis. Mostly, the predicted ages using the regression between sagittal OW and ages are closed to the observed ages by counting annulus on scale. It indicates that the sagittal OW analysis is a useful technique for validating the accuracy of age determination by annuli counts, especially for individuals of similar size. Furthermore, the technique is applied for Pennahia macrocephalus with discussion in this paper. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30771653) and Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture  相似文献   
对河北白洋淀和北京密云水库的野生鲤鱼耳石和水体中的微量元素进行了定量分析。白洋淀鱼耳石中诸微量元素含量均高于密云水库的鱼耳石,反映了白洋淀各水体较密云水库水体的环境复杂,污染程度高。统计分析结果表明,在鱼耳石中大致存在两类生物地球化学习性不同的元素,水体中第一类元素的变化不会引起耳石中相应元素的响应,如Au、K和Na;第二类元素的变化会引起耳石中相应元素的强烈响应,如As、Ba、Co、Cr、Fe、Sr和Zn。诸微量元素在耳石中富集的强弱顺序为,Zn>Sr>Se>Fe>As>Ba>K>Co>Au>Na>Cr。通过相关性分析发现,白洋淀和密云水库的鱼耳石和水体中对应微量元素平均含量的自然对数值之间均存在良好的线性关系。  相似文献   
In coastal populations of invertebrates and fishes, the distribution of discrete subpopulations is influenced by adult and larval dispersal, as well as by the effects of habitat heterogeneity on site fidelity or connectivity. Here, we examine evidence for spatial structure of sea perch, Helicolenus percoides, populations among four fjords in the Fiordland region of southwestern New Zealand. We examine patterns in adult morphology, length-at-age, δ13C and δ15N of muscle tissue, and trace elemental composition of whole otoliths as proxies for population isolation among the four inner fjord regions. A multivariate analysis of morphometrics reveals significant differences among populations from each of the four sites, suggesting existence of four distinct subpopulations. These patterns are consistent with observed differences in δ13C and δ15N, and length-at-age estimates among the four subpopulations. Differences in whole otolith concentrations of Sr, Ba, Mg and Li, and high classification scores based on the whole otolith elemental fingerprint are also consistent with significant subdivision among areas. Patterns across all four markers are consistent with discrete subpopulation structure of adult sea perch among the four study sites. These data indicate that the newly implemented network of marine protected areas in Fiordland is likely to contain discrete populations of sea perch.  相似文献   
Age verification of rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) was sought using the bomb radiocarbon chronometer procedure. Stable isotopes were investigated for life history characteristics. Radiocarbon (14C) and stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) levels were measured in micro-samples from five otoliths that had been aged using a zone count method. All the core 14C measurements were ‘pre-bomb’ indicating ages of at least 45 years, and the 14C measurements across the otolith sections suggested that the zone-count ageing method described herein is not biased. Maximum estimated age was 100 years. There was no significant between-sex difference in the von Bertalanffy growth curves. The δ18O values indicated that rubyfish are near-surface as juveniles, and move deeper with age. Adults appear to reside in 600–1000 m; this is deeper than most trawl-capture data suggest, but not implausible, and has stock assessment implications. The δ13C values reflect fish metabolic rates, trophic feeding levels and oceanographic conditions. The stable isotopes record the environmental life history of each fish, and have value in distinguishing stocks and/or indicating vertical and latitudinal migratory patterns.  相似文献   

Genypterus blacodes, in terms of its fishing history and local economic importance, is an emblematic species harvested in Chilean Patagonia (41°00’–57°00’S). Most of the current fisheries and biological knowledge of this species come from the open ocean, whereas information about the species in fjords and inner channels is fragmentary. In 2018, two research surveys targeting G. blacodes were conducted in the fjords and inner channels of Chilean Patagonia. A total of 253 pairs of sagittal otoliths were sampled at three different localities, and their contours were modelled using wavelet analysis as a tool for stock discrimination. Contours were compared using canonical analysis, and classification was performed using linear discriminant and Random Forest analyses. The results indicated that the wavelet method is efficient in modelling otolith contours, and the discriminant analyses showed differences among fishing grounds across the latitudinal gradient, thus confirming the hypothesis that G. blacodes conform to at least two separate stock units in Chilean Patagonia. Fishing grounds that were closer in space showed higher levels of misclassification. The discussion focuses on how environmental variables and the geography of fjords shape stock differences and how this information can be used for the sustainable management of G. blacodes.  相似文献   
近年来,东海频现对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)大网捕获(吨级规模以上),引起了对衰退中的野生大黄鱼资源保护的担忧。为查明东海野生大黄鱼洄游规律,本文根据2020−2022年在浙江近海产卵场和外海越冬场采集的不同批次野生大黄鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测定耳石微化学元素,结合聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),对不同大黄鱼群体进行了划分,结合耳石的年轮特征,研究大黄鱼群体的栖息生境,推测大黄鱼洄游路线。结果表明,Ba/Ca $\leqslant$0.004 2时可以判定为海洋栖息生境,Ba/Ca $\geqslant$ 0 .008 1时可以判定为河口栖息生境,0.004 2 < Ba/Ca< 0.008 1时可以判定为混合栖息生境。根据该阈值范围,判定本次采样的大黄鱼的5种生境类型:(1)近海产卵,近海混合水域短暂栖息类型(占22.2%);(2)近海产卵,阶段性往复混合生境栖息类型(占15.6%);(3)近海产卵,河口水域育幼索饵,外海越冬栖息类型(31.1%);(4)河口产卵、混合水域育幼,外海越冬栖息类型(6.7%);(5)近海混合水域短暂产卵,绝大部分时间海洋生境栖息类型(24.4%)。对所有样本的Ba/Ca核心、峰值和边缘值进行PCA,5种栖息类型的样本均匀分布在第一轴的两侧,大部分时间都在海洋生境中的G1、G2和G5,以及受陆源影响较大的G3和G4。同时,PCA结果同时也显示,5种类型样本均会近同步地在近海岛礁处出现,这表明外海、近海和河口的群体由于洄游等因素的影响会出现混合,说明了舟山岛礁水域对大黄鱼产卵育幼的重要性。本研究为东海大黄鱼近海产卵场、索饵场和外海越冬场之间洄游履历,以及大黄鱼洄游路线推测提供一定依据。  相似文献   
研究中经常会用测量耳石称量特征推算饵料鱼类的形态参数,而青岛沿海鱼类相关的研究较少,因此作者根据2015年3、5、8月3个航次在青岛近海的拖网调查数据,分析了捕获的24种共1002尾鱼的耳石秤量特征(耳石长、耳石宽和耳石质量)和鱼体大小(体长、体质量)的关系。结果表明,渔获24种鱼类分属5个目、14个科、24种鱼类的体长体质量呈显著幂函数相关,相关系数R~2的范围为0.779~0.997,幂指数b的范围为2.376~3.591,平均值为3.048±0.327,其中黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等11种鱼类的b值均大于3(P0.05),为正异速生长,其余13种鱼类的b值小于3(P0.05),呈负异速增长。耳石宽-鱼体长的相关性比耳石长-鱼体长的相关性要好,仅有3种鱼(饰鳍斜棘鱼衔(Repomucenus ornatipinnis)、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)和焦氏舌鳎Cynoglossus lighti)未呈现显著相关关系。在耳石质量-鱼体质量的相关关系中,9种鱼(如皮氏叫姑(Johnius belengerii)、扁斜棘?(Repomucenus planus)、石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus)呈显著相关(只是列举了一部分), 5种鱼(锦鳚(Pholis nebulosus)、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)、斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Synechogobius ommaturus)、焦氏舌鳎(Cynoglossus lighti))在现有样品情况下未呈现显著相关关系。  相似文献   
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