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关注微囊藻群体在超声处理下光合活性变化及超声解除后的浮力恢复情况,可以为超声波控藻技术提供理论依据和数据支撑,具有重要的实践意义.本研究采用处理后水柱中叶绿素a浓度的垂向分布比例和叶绿素荧光变化情况分析微囊藻群体在超声波处理下的光合活性变化和沉降过程.结果表明,适量的超声处理(35 kHz、0.0353 W/cm~3)能在避免破裂藻细胞的同时,显著抑制其光合活性;60 s的处理造成了45.5%的光合活性被抑制.然而,在适宜生长条件下,所有实验组藻细胞中受抑制的光合活性均在24 h内恢复至对照组的80%左右.此外,在上述超声条件下,5 s的超声处理能使水柱中叶绿素a浓度在短时间内(0.5 h)的去除率达79.5%.然而,当处理时间小于30 s时,大于90%的沉降藻细胞可在超声解除后的72 h内恢复浮力上浮;而当处理时间延长至60 s以后,藻细胞基本丧失了上浮能力.通过分析发现,超声处理后微囊藻群体的粒径分布对藻细胞沉降及上浮过程起决定性作用,并且还发现微囊藻群体在超声处理时首先表现为藻细胞失去浮力下沉和光合系统受损,进而发生大群体振散.  相似文献   
以实测悬沙粒径、流速、含沙量资料为基础,通过悬沙不同粒级组分、中值粒径以及粒度参数的统计,分析椒江河口最大浑浊带核部悬沙粒径分布变化特性。研究表明,悬沙粒径分选主要受物质来源、潮流动力作用下底部部分物质再悬浮和絮凝沉降3个因素的影响。其中第二个因素起主导作用,大潮期比小潮期显著,第三个因素的作用主要发生在涨落憩前后低流速期,并在表层较近底层的水体明显。  相似文献   
In wind-stressed and unstratified Lough Neagh low aspect ratio sediment traps, which allow for internal resuspension, collected sediment at a rate close to the natural sediment accumulation rate inferred from dated sediment cores. High aspect ratio traps grossly overestimated the natural rate of sediment accumulation as did, but to a lesser extent, burial rate measurements on an artificial stratigraphic marker. The former type of trap deployed over long exposure periods is therefore recommended as providing the best estimate of net downward particle flux in lakes such as Lough Neagh. However, it is emphasized that all sediment trap types, when operated in shallow turbulent lakes, will to a greater or lesser extent be contaminated by secondary or redeposited material and so will not provide a direct measure of primary sedimentation. Use of tube traps in lakes such as Lough Neagh should not, however, be discounted since they can provide a record of the quality of sedimenting material through time.  相似文献   
Muddy sediments with their potential for containing contaminants are commonly deposited and remobilized by tidal currents in estuarine environments. We examined the mobilization and subsequent redeposition of mud in a coastal plain estuary located in the southeastern United States. Time-series data for salinity, suspended sediment concentrations and quality (percent organic matter and pigment concentrations) were obtained over a 13-hour tidal cycle. We found that fast-settling mud particles are found during the highest tidal current speeds. Particle quality analyses suggest that all the material is of similar origin, and that phaeopigment can be used as a tracer of particles in this system. These particles settle onto the bed when current speeds approach slack conditions. We speculate that the quantity of mud mobilized during neap tide is less than during spring tide resulting in an opportunity for the mud to partially consolidate on the bottom and be removed from resuspension. We further speculate that the muddy sediments are mainly derived from fringing marshes in this estuary.  相似文献   
超声波和改性粘土集成技术在去除蓝藻水华上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,改性粘土除藻技术广泛应用于"水华"的治理当中,其原理是藻类与改性粘土絮凝后自然沉降.通过对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、集胞藻(Synechocystis sp.)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)的絮凝比较,发现具气囊的铜绿微囊藻比其他两种藻发生再悬浮的幅度更大,次数更多.针对我国的水华藻类是以微囊藻(Microcystis sp.)等为主的情况,研究超声波和改性粘土集成技术对藻类的去除效果.结果表明,超声波和改性粘土集成技术能将藻类去除率明显提高,该法的絮体稳定性比单一絮凝法明显增强,且对群体形态的藻的去除率提升效果更好.另外,在40kHz、160W超声辐照下,铜绿微囊藻的气囊去除率在95%以上,但细胞壁保持完好,细胞活性不变,藻毒素不会因细胞破裂而释放,因此超声波和改性粘土集成方法,是治理我国蓝藻水华的有效方法.  相似文献   
再悬浮条件下沉积物内源磷迁移-转化机制研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
对沉积物再悬浮的驱动力及其耦合效应、再悬浮-内源磷迁移转化机制及主要影响因素进行了阐述,探讨了该领域未来可能的研究方向。相关研究发现,沉积物再悬浮的各种驱动力既可以单独作用也可相互耦合,其耦合效应具有显著的时空变异性;再悬浮使还原态沉积物暴露于有氧环境,沉积物中铁、锰的氧化以及沉积物颗粒的吸附促进了内源水溶态无机磷(SRP)的去除,而进入水体的内源有机磷则通过生物矿化和光化学分解转化为SRP;沉积物物化特征、水动力、水生生物以及水体理化性质等因素控制着再悬浮过程中内源磷的迁移和转化。指出再悬浮条件下沉积物内源磷迁移转化的多过程耦合效应、沉积物中磷形态的转化及其生物有效性、内源有机磷矿化与光化学分解机制及其调控因素将是本领域需要进一步研究的重点。  相似文献   
This study focuses on two Mediterranean oligotrophic high mountain lakes located in the Sierra Nevada National Park (southern Spain): Río Seco (RS) and La Caldera (LC). A combination of field measurements and laboratory experiments is used: (i) to quantify in situ settling fluxes; (ii) to study the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) release or uptake by settling and resuspended particles; and (iii) to discriminate between the biotic and abiotic contribution for such patterns. In general, all suspensions (lake water untreated and lake water enriched with settling and with resuspended matter) in both study lakes release significantly more SRP to the solution when biological activity was suppressed. Biological uptake from settling and resuspended matter is likely to be limited by the bacterial consumption of P. Despite of these similarities, this study has revealed notable differences in the effect of sediment resuspension on SRP dynamics in both study lakes, when simulating natural conditions (biotic and abiotic processes). While in LC, the enrichment of lake water with settling and with resuspended matter did not cause an increase in SRP concentrations in lake water, SRP concentrations in RS at the end of the experiment were significantly higher (probability P < 0.05) in lake water enriched with resuspended matter (3.2 μg/l) than in natural lake water (lower than the detection limit). Accordingly, it is reasonable to expect that sediment resuspension, which occurs more frequently in RS compared with LC, affects drastically the SRP availability in the water column in RS.  相似文献   
Resuspension estimates given by two different trap methods in a shallow lake were compared. The sensitivity of the methods to errors in estimates of gross sedimentation and organic fraction of trapped material was explored. The methods were label method, in which resuspension is estimated by determining the organic fraction of surface sediment, suspended seston and trapped material, and SPIM/SPM method, where the relationship between settling particulate inorganic matter (SPIM) and total settling particulate matter (SPM) is used. During the whole 111 day study period, according to the label method, at a sheltered station 1949 g m−2 dry weight of sediment was resuspended, whereas SPIM/SPM gave an estimate of 1815 g m−2. The difference in the estimates was probably due to mineralization loss of organic material in the traps during the two week exposure periods. Sensitivity analysis showed that of the two methods, the label method was more sensitive to variations in the organic content of trapped material. At a wind-exposed station, the total amounts of resuspended matter given by the label method and by the SPIM/SPM method were 4966 g m−2 and 4971 g m−2, respectively. Due to wind effects, escape of trapped material took place, which caused underestimation of gross sedimentation and compensated the effects of mineralization loss to diminish the difference between the methods. Of the two methods, the SPIM/SPM method seems thus more suitable for lakes, where bacterial activity is high. If cyanobacterial blooms take place, the label method is probably more reliable, providing that the exposure time of sediment traps is kept adequately short.  相似文献   
Sediment resuspension under action of wind in Taihu Lake,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A field study was undertaken to investigate the changes of the current speed, wave parameters and sediment resuspension under different wind speeds in the Taihu Lake. The Acoustic Doppler Current Profi...  相似文献   
Rapid water level rise due to climate change has the potential to remobilize loose sediments along shorelines and increase the turbidity of nearshore waters, thereby impacting water quality and aquatic ecosystem health. Siling Lake is one of the largest and most rapidly expanding lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Between 2000 and 2017, this lake experienced an increase in water level of about 8 m and a doubling in water turbidity. Here, using this lake as a study site, we used a wave model and high-resolution remote sensing of turbidity (Landsat-8) to assess the potential connection between water-level rise, enhanced wind-driven sediment resuspension and water turbidity. Our analysis revealed that strong bottom shear stresses triggered by wind-generated waves over newly flooded areas were related to an increase in water turbidity. The spatial variability of Siling Lake turbidity showed a strong dependence on local wind characteristics and fetch. Two factors combined to drive the increase in turbidity: (1) high wave energy leading to high bottom shear stresses, and (2) flooding of unvegetated shallow areas. Using a new relationship between wave energy and turbidity developed here, we expect the increase in turbidity of Siling Lake to taper off in the near future due to the steep landscape surrounding the lake that will prevent further flooding. Our results imply that rising water levels along the coast are not only expected to influence terrestrial ecosystems but could also change water quality. The methodology presented herein could be applied to other shorelines affected by a rapid increase in water level. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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