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三个牙鲆育种群体亲本效应及遗传参数估计   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
针对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)养殖品种生长速度变慢、抗病力降低这一问题。近年来构建了牙鲆抗病群体(RS)、日本群体(JS)和黄海群体(YS)3个育种群体,开展牙鲆选择育种,建立了63个家系,收集了所有家系5 328尾鱼苗的体长和体重数据。借助线形混合模型(Linear mixedmodel)、"加性-显性"模型、约束极大似然法(REML)及最佳线性无偏预测(BLUP)分别估计亲本效应值、体重和体长遗传力和遗传相关、父母本效应和杂交效应。预测结果显示,其中父本130,141,146,170,218,229,303和308随机效应达到了极显著效应水平(P<0.01),父本112,122,141,190,212达到显著水平(P<0.05),所有母本体重随机效应达到了极显著水平(P<0.01);体长和体重两性状的加性、显性、表型和基因型相关分量都达到极显著水平(P<0.01),体长和体重的加性方差比率均大于显性方差比率,可见两性状的遗传效应主要取决于基因的加性效应。体长的总遗传效应率为31.20%,体重的总遗传效应率为33.58%,体长和体重的随机方差比率分别达到68.80%和66.41%,说明养殖环境等因素对牙鲆体长和体重的影响较大,同时说明在牙鲆选择育种中消除环境影响极为重要。体长和体重的狭义遗传率分别为0.199和0.256(P<0.01),广义遗传率分别为0.312和0.336(P<0.01),牙鲆在以上两性状上属于中等遗传力,通过选择育种可取得较大的遗传进展。对3个牙鲆育种群体杂交随机效应估计结果显示,抗病群体和黄海群体在体长和体重两性状上加性随机效应显著(P<0.05);抗病群体分别与日本群体、黄海群体杂交,其后代表现出显性随机效应达到0.10的水平(P<0.10),黄海群体自交、日本群体和黄海群体杂交随机效应不显著(P>0.05),因此在杂交组配中选择抗病群体与其他两个群体交配可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   
Bayesian and restricted maximum likelihood(REML) approaches were used to estimate the genetic parameters in a cultured turbot Scophthalmus maximus stock. The data set consisted of harvest body weight from 2 462progenies(17 months old) from 28 families that were produced through artificial insemination using 39 parent fish. An animal model was applied to partition each weight value into a fixed effect, an additive genetic effect, and a residual effect. The average body weight of each family, which was measured at 110 days post-hatching, was considered as a covariate. For Bayesian analysis, heritability and breeding values were estimated using both the posterior mean and mode from the joint posterior conditional distribution. The results revealed that for additive genetic variance, the posterior mean estimate( δ_a~2=9 320) was highest but with the smallest residual variance,REML estimates( δ_a~2=8 088) came second and the posterior mode estimate( δ_a~2=7 849) was lowest. The corresponding three heritability estimates followed the same trend as additive genetic variance and they were all high. The Pearson correlations between each pair of the three estimates of breeding values were all high,particularly that between the posterior mean and REML estimates(0.996 9). These results reveal that the differences between Bayesian and REML methods in terms of estimation of heritability and breeding values were small. This study provides another feasible method of genetic parameter estimation in selective breeding programs of turbot.  相似文献   
We estimated the reproductive success of adult brood fish and the heritability of growth-related traits for large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). We created two independent full-factorial cross groups (1 and 2) by crossing 4 males×4 females and 4 males×3 females, respectively. We measured the body weight (BW), body length (BL), and body height (BH) of 281 individuals from group 1 and 318 individuals from group 2 at 20 months post hatch (harvest age). We also collected a tissue sample from each individual. The parents and offspring were genotyped using six polymorphic microsatellites. Of the 599 offspring, 99.2% were assigned to a single pair of parents. In both groups, some parent pairs produced a large number of offsprings while other pairs did not produce any offspring. The genetic diversity and putative Ne were lower in the offsprings than in the parents in both groups. The heritability estimates at 20-month age were 0.13±0.10 for BW, 0.19±0.13 for BL, and 0.09±0.06 for BH. The genetic and phenotype correlation between BW, BL, and BH was close to 1. The results provide basic information for selective breeding and further genetic characterization of large yellow croaker.  相似文献   
构建了脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)49个全同胞家系, 包括28个半同胞家系, 分别测定了30日龄和50日龄个体的体长和体重。利用SPSS软件的一般线性模型(GLM)过程, 计算表型变量的方差组分, 估计体长和体重性状的遗传力。结果表明, 脊尾白虾30日龄和50日龄体长的遗传力估计值分别在0.14—0.35和0.07—0.31之间, 脊尾白虾30日龄和50日龄体重的遗传力估计值分别在0.12—0.23和0.14—0.33之间; 雄性遗传方差组分均显著大于雌性遗传方差组分, 说明雄性遗传方差组分存在显著的父本效应。经过t检验, 父系半同胞、母系半同胞方差组分估计的遗传力均未达到显著水平, 全同胞方差组分估计的遗传力达到极显著水平。因此可以认为基于全同胞方差组分估计的遗传力是对脊尾白虾两个生长阶段体长和体重狭义遗传力的无偏估计值。本研究结果表明脊尾白虾体长和体重性状属于中度遗传力, 选择育种对于脊尾白虾早期生长的改良具有较大潜力。  相似文献   
马氏珠母贝早期生长性状的遗传参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马氏珠母贝选育系F6代为亲本,采用巢式设计方法和人工解剖授精技术,依照1雄配3雌的原则,建立了8个父系半同胞家系和24个母系全同胞家系,在第8、21、35和50天测定了每个母系全同胞个体的壳长和壳高,以全同胞组内相关分析法估计马氏珠母贝早期生长性状的遗传参数。结果表明,母系半同胞个体具有较大的变异程度,存在着较大的母性效应,父系半同胞组内相关分析法估算的狭义遗传力是马氏珠母贝遗传力的估计值。8-50日龄壳长狭义遗传力估计值为0.11~1.14,壳高狭义遗传力估计值为0.12~1.04,其中利用父系半同胞组内相关法估计壳长的遗传力依次为0.17、0.19、0.12、0.11,壳高的遗传力依次为0.20、0.23、0.13、0.12,属于中等遗传力。马氏珠母贝早期生长性状的遗传相关和表型相关表现为一定的正相关,相关系数的范围分别为0.528~0.746和0.747~0.921。在早期生长阶段以壳长或壳高为参数进行选择育种时,具有较大的遗传改良潜力。  相似文献   
Fishing, selection, and phenotypic evolution   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
基于全同胞组内相关法估计"中科2号"海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)幼虫期壳长的遗传力。通过平衡巢式交配实验设计构建了7个半同胞和21个全同胞"中科2号"海湾扇贝家系。在家系幼虫期的第1天和第6天分别测定每个全同胞家系的30个幼虫个体的壳长。利用SAS 9.0软件的一般线性模型(GLM)计算表型变量的原因方差组分,估算壳长遗传力。分析结果显示,"中科2号"海湾扇贝幼虫1日龄和6日龄壳长的遗传力分别为0.51和0.58。t检验显示两个日龄壳长遗传力的估计值均不显著(P0.05),且6日龄雌性遗传方差组分大于雄性遗传方差组分,说明雌性遗传方差组分随日龄增长可能存在较大母性效应。较大的加性遗传方差表明选择育种对于"中科2号"海湾扇贝的早期生长尚具有较大的改良潜力。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of body width(BW)to body length(BL)ratio(BW/BL)and of body weight traits(BWT)in turbot,and to elucidate the genetic mechanism of the two traits during ontogeny by dynamic genetic analysis.From 3 to 27 months,BW,BL and BWT of each communally stocked fish were measured every 3 months.The BW/BL ratio was measured at different sampling ages.A twotrait animal model was used for genetic evaluation of traits.The results showed that the heritability values of BW/BL ratio ranged from 0.2168 to 0.3148,corresponding to moderate heritability.The BWT heritability values ranged from 0.2702 to 0.3479 corresponding to moderate heritability.The heritability of BW/BL ratio was lower than that of BWT,except at 3 months of age.Genetic correlation between BW/BL ratio and BWT decreased throughout the measurement period.Genetic correlations were higher than the phenotypic correlations.The current results for estimating genetic parameters demonstrate that the BW/BL ratio could be used as a phenotypic marker of fast-growing turbot,and the BW/BL ratio and BWT could be improved simultaneously through selective breeding.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to detect the potential of the base population from diallel crosses of eight introduced strains of the Pacific white shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) for improving the yield. Heterosis and heritability were estimated for pond survival at commercial farm conditions for the base population that included 207 full-sib families from a nested mating design by artificial insemination. Among all the hybrids,the heterosis ranged from –11.37%(UA1×UA2) to 20.53%(UA3×SIN) with an average of 0.953%. The results showed that more than half of the hybrids(51.85%) have negative heterosis for survival rate, but most of the hybrids with positive heterosis have high estimates. The high proportion of negative heterosis for survival rate reminders us that the survival trait also should be considered in the crossbreeding program to avoid yield decrease. However, high positive heterosis manifested in most of the hybrids for survival indicates the usefulness of these hybrids for improving the survival to obtain higher yield by crossbreeding in this breeding program. The heritability estimate for pond survival was 0.092±0.043 when genetic groups were included in the pedigree, and it was significantly different from zero(P0.05). The results from this study also indicated that significant improvement for survival is possible through selection in L. vannamei.  相似文献   
利用7个凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)引进群体,通过双列杂交和巢式交配设计构建家系,建立育种基础群体,估计体重、存活性状的遗传参数和基因型与环境互作效应(genotype by environment interactions,G×E)。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾基础群体体重和存活性状的遗传力估计值范围分别在(0.19±0.09)—(0.43±0.09),(0.27±0.04)—(0.45±0.06),均属于中高遗传力水平,并且统计检验显著(P<0.05)。Z-score检验表明,体重和存活性状遗传力估计值在河北黄骅(HBHH)和青岛鳌山(QBAS)两个测试场间差异均不显著。体重和存活性状的表型和遗传相关系数分别为0.007和0.008,表现为低度线性负相关。对于体重和存活性状,HBHH和QBAS场间的遗传相关分别为0.83±0.04和0.40±0.11。体重性状的G×E效应不显著(K<0.5),但存活性状存在显著的G×E效应(K>0.5)。上述结果显示,凡纳滨对虾基础群体体重和存活性状的遗传变异丰富,多代选择可获得较大的遗传进展。  相似文献   
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