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The results of the U.S. Mussel Watch Monitoring Program for the period 1976–1978 for trace metals and artificial radionuclides in bivalves are presented. The substances analysed included Ag, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am. The analyses of organic substances will be presented elsewhere. The concentrations of these substances in the bivalves may reflect upwelling processes, anthropogenic inputs or natural levels. Off the California coast, mussels show markedly elevated Pu and Cd concentrations in coastal areas adjacent to the most intensive upwelling zones. Elevated levels of Pb, for example, are found in organisms living adjacent to highly urbanized places. The general patterns of distribution repeat themselves year after year at a given site. Thus, it is concluded that annual monitoring activities may not be necessary and that a frequency of sampling of several or so years may be more appropriate to identify pollution problems. Finally, national or regional baselines for metal concentrations in bivalves from unpolluted waters are proposed. National baselines for Pb in the west coast mussels of 1·0 parts 10?6 and for Ag in east coast mussels of 0·05 parts 10?6 are suggested.  相似文献   
Cao  Liguo  Zhou  Zhengchao  Wang  Ning  Xiao  Shun 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(4):605-616
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Due to the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests carried out, terrestrial environments have been extensively contaminated by global fallout of plutonium (Pu)...  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the role of photochemical reactions upon the dissolution of 239 + 240pu and 241Am from marine sediment in sea water. Supplementary information was obtained by comparing their behaviour with that of 54Mn under similar experimental conditions. Irradiation from natural sunlight resulted in more than a ten-fold increase in the extent of 239 + 240Pu desorption relative to that observed in the dark. Remobilisation of 54Mn from sediment was also enhanced by natural sunlight, albeit to a lesser extent than 239 + 240Pu, whilst the behaviour of 241Am was largely unaffected. Data for concentrations of dissolved 239 + 240Pu(IV) and 239 + 240Pu(V) species showed that only the oxidised form was significantly affected by irradiation, indicating remobilisation occurs as a result of photooxidation reactions. Further experiments were carried out using artificial light sources to establish the influence of wavelength. Data from these investigations indicated 239 + 240Pu photooxidation (hence desorption) was a function of both light intensity and wavelength. Remobilisation decreased concomitant with light intensity but increased as the wavelength decreased. Similar trends were observed for photoreduction of 54Mn, although differences were less pronounced than those observed for 239 + 240Pu.  相似文献   
基于数值仿真计算手段,定量分析了含钚材料恐怖事件中炸药爆炸条件下钚材料气溶胶的转化份额;针对不同可吸入气溶胶比例,应用HotSpot核事故后果评价模型计算了有关辐射特征量。结果表明,不同可吸入气溶胶比例对于辐射危害防护及处置有着明显的影响。  相似文献   
Nuclear facilities in coastal locations often discharge low‐level liquid wastes into the sea and the radioisotopes in these discharges are of interest both in assessing possible environmental impacts and as tracers for coastal processes. The distributions of a range of artificial radionuclides, derived from the authorized discharges from British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) Sellafield, have been determined in the sediments of an intertidal salt marsh in the Esk Estuary, Cumbria, UK. Where published discharge histories exist (for 137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu and 241Am), the sediment core‐profile distributions of these radionuclides have been compared with the releases from Sellafield, and consistent values of the accumulation rate (0·226 ± 0·007 g cm?2 yr?1) are obtained. A quantitative model has been developed, describing association of radionuclides with suspended particulate material, which is then accumulated and mixed in an offshore mud patch before resuspension and deposition in the salt marsh. The model has been used to describe radionuclide distributions observed in both the mud patch and the salt marsh, and to identify isotopes for which post‐depositional remobilization or solution transport from the discharge point are important. The behaviour of the commonly studied isotopes (137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu and 241Am) is similar to that observed at this and other nearby locations. The activation product isotope 236U is enhanced in these sediments over the natural baseline by four to eight orders of magnitude, and the results suggest that Sellafield‐derived uranium is comparably mobile to 137Cs in these sediments although the processes governing the behaviour of these two elements may be different. In situ production of 241Am by decay of its 241Pu parent has generated only 17% of the current sediment inventory of this isotope, insufficient to account for the increase over the last 20–25 years, and suggesting that the input material for these sediments is preferentially enriched in Am relative to Pu during transport from the offshore mud patch. The discharge history of 244Cm, which is unknown, has also been reconstructed from the sediment profile and the model.  相似文献   
The determination of natural and artificial radionuclides, such as Th, U and Pu isotopes, in the marine environmental studies is important and has been an active research field in the environmental analytical geochemistry. For example, uranium isotope ratios give information regarding the source of the uranium in the environment, and are important for studying its biogeochemical behavior, while thorium isotope (^230Th) and Pu isotopes are good tracers for particle scavenging process study in the ocean. Due to the extremely low concentrations of these radionuclides in the marine environment, the accurate analysis of these radionuclides is still a challenging task. In this presentation, we will present the recent development of highly sensitive analytical methods for ^230Th, ^234U, ^235U, ^238U, ^239Pu and ^240Pu and their isotope ratios (^234U/^238U, ^235U/^238U, ^240Pu/^239Pu) in radionuclides in marine environmental samples, such as seawater, sediments, settling particles, using quadrupole and sector field ICP-MS. Applications of the radionuclide analysis in the marine environmental studies, such as the radioactivity environmental monitoring,  相似文献   
The behaviour of many radiotoxic elements, which are contained within spent nuclear fuel planned for direct disposal, is strongly dependent on the redox chemistry of the aqueous media present in the deep geological systems, where such disposal options are investigated. Especially actinide elements are known to be sensitive. The knowledge of the speciation of actinides in the case of a possible mobilisation by intruding groundwater is therefore crucial and part of the source term calculation of many countries' performance assessment procedures. In this study, the influence of redox conditions and complexant concentration in two selected groundwaters upon the species distribution of U and Pu is assessed by using the thermodynamic modeling code PHREEQC version 2.3. The modeled systems were derived from laboratory leaching experiments testing nuclear fuel dissolution. For the calculations, critically reviewed data for U and Pu complexation were used. The results show that under the conditions calculated, U and Pu are present mainly as U(VI) and Pu(IV). The presence of solid UO2 substrate is supposed to change this distribution. The calculational use of different groundwaters as aqueous phase, implying a slightly different solution composition, affects U and Pu speciation: U species distribution is affected mainly by complexant concentration, Pu species are influenced by pH changes. A sensitivity study on Pu speciation is performed; constants changed within their confidence intervals were applied. The results are compared with experimental observations, and differences and possible expected effects during the dissolution of real, complex materials are discussed.  相似文献   
Geomorphic controls on contaminant distribution along an ephemeral stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment‐borne contamination in a watershed can be highly variable as a result of ?uvial processes operating over a range of time scales. This study presents a detailed analysis of the distribution of one contaminant along an ephemeral stream after 55 years of sediment transport, deposition, and exchange by ?ash ?oods. Wastewater containing plutonium was discharged into the Pueblo Canyon watershed from 1945 until 1964, and plutonium concentrations in ?uvial deposits vary over ?ve orders of magnitude. These variations can be attributed to three primary factors: time since contaminant releases, particle‐size sorting, and mixing of sediment from different sources. The highest concentrations occur in ?ne‐grained sediment deposits near the source that date to the period of ef?uent releases, and concentrations are lower in younger deposits, in coarser‐grained deposits, and in deposits farther downstream. The spatial distribution of plutonium is strongly affected by longitudinal variations in the size of sediment deposits of different age. A major aggradation–degradation cycle in the lower canyon overlapped with the period of active ef?uent releases, and a signi?cant portion of the total plutonium inventory is contained within large coarse‐grained deposits below ?ll terraces that post‐date 1945. The spatial pattern of contamination is thus determined by the speci?c geomorphic history of the watershed, in addition to processes of mixing and sorting during transport that occur in all ?uvial systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Results of the radiochemical determination of 239+240Pu and 238Pu in seawater, plankton, marine organisms and sediment are reported. The samples were collected in the Taranto Gulf, and the data are compared with those obtained from other stations in the Mediterranean Sea. The vertical distribution of plutonium isotopes in sediments is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   
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