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Yush.  NP 《地学前缘》1999,6(1):71-78
生物和矿物体系的结构、功能和演化的比较分析与生物有机体中生命矿物的功能令人对生物世界矿物根的存在产生了怀疑。文章提出,应在非生物成因有序碳氢分子体系(硬沥青)中寻找前生物信息结构、基因之祖和原生有机体。前生物有机体的理想模型是纤维状黄绿蛭石,它是按照VLS机制在伟晶岩的孔洞中结晶出来的,其形态、结构和成分与生物有机体十分相似。生命世界不是矿物世界转化的产物。生命世界和矿物世界都有共同的来源———非紧密离子分子体系,在该体系中,它们相互和谐作用,以不同的结晶机理发生和发展。生命作为统一的整体,作为复杂碳氢体系结晶作用的完整结果产生和演化,而不是偶然事件巧合或不同成因组分结合的结果。矿物和生物有机体的演化受控于共同的个体发生律。根据纤维状黄绿蛭石晶体的研究而提出的晶质原生有机体模型,消除了在创立统一的自然发生论概念(结构组织、大分子集合、继承机理、手性选择等等)方面的主要分歧和障碍。这就使把解决生命起源问题带入实验模拟层次成为现实  相似文献   
To investigate whether or not regional–temporal patterns of seagrass habitat use by fishes existed at the Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan), visual surveys were conducted in seagrass beds and adjacent coral reefs in northern, central, and southern Ryukyu Islands, in November 2004, and May, August, and November 2005, the northern region having less extensive seagrass beds compared with the central and southern regions. During the study period, the seagrass beds were utilized primarily by 31 species, the densities of some of the latter differing significantly among regions. With the exception of Apogonidae and Holocentridae, all species were diurnal and could be divided into 6 groups based on seagrass habitat use patterns; (1) permanent residents A (10 species, e.g. Stethojulis strigiventer), juveniles and adults living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (2) permanent residents B (5 species, e.g. Calotomus spinidens), juveniles and adults living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (3) seasonal residents A (4 species, e.g. Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus), juveniles living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (4) seasonal residents B (6 species, e.g. Lethrinus atkinsoni), juveniles living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (5) transients (5 species, e.g. Parupeneus indicus), occurring in seagrass beds in the course of foraging over a variety of habitats; and (6) casual species (1 species, Acanthurus blochii), occurring only occasionally in seagrass beds. Regarding temporal differences, juvenile densities in each group were high in May and August compared with November in each region, whereas adult densities did not differ drastically in each month. For regional differences, juvenile and adult densities of permanent residents A and B were higher in the southern and central regions than in the northern region. Moreover, some seasonal residents showed possible ontogenetic habitat shift from seagrass beds to coral reefs in each region. These results indicated that seagrass habitat use patterns by fishes changed temporally and regionally and there may be habitat connectivity between seagrass beds and coral reefs via ontogenetic migration in the Ryukyu Islands.  相似文献   
Based on two bottom trawl surveys conducted in autumn 2000 and 2001, a total of 1106 stomach samples of Bombay duck Harpadon nehereus between 23–278 mm fork length were collected and analyzed. The results show that Bombay duck prey items consisted of 11 groups or 32 species, of which Apogon lineatus, Leptochela gracilis, Acetes chinensis, and Euphausia pacifi ca were the dominant prey species. Ontogenetic variations were found in feeding habits and feeding activity of Bombay duck. Feeding activity was highest in fi sh smaller than 50 mm, lowest in fi sh between 50 and 99 mm, and then increased with increasing size thereafter. As Bombay duck size increased, fi sh prey increased in importance, whereas euphausiids and decapods decreased in importance. Different trophic guilds were observed in feeding habits across the examined size range. Bombay duck smaller than 50 mm were zooplanktivores, mainly feeding on zooplankton and fi sh larva; those between 50 and 149 mm were generalist predators, mainly feeding on pelagic shrimps, demersal shrimps and fi shes; and those larger than 150 mm were piscivores, mainly feeding on fi shes.  相似文献   
The early life history of Western Atlantic snappers from the Southern hemisphere is largely unknown. Habitat use of different life stages (i.e. size categories) of the dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu) was examined across the largest South Atlantic reef–estuarine complex (Abrolhos Shelf, Brazil, 16–19° S). Visual surveys were conducted in different habitats across the shelf (estuary, inner-shelf reefs and mid-shelf reefs). Lutjanus jocu showed higher densities on inner-shelf habitats, with a clear increase in fish size across the shelf. Individuals <7 cm were associated with both the estuary (mangrove and rocky habitats) and inner-shelf reefs (particularly shallow fore-reefs and tide pools). Individuals ranging 10–30 cm were broadly distributed, but consistently more abundant on inner-shelf reefs. Individuals between 30 and 40 cm were more common on mid-shelf reefs, while individuals >40 cm were recorded only on mid-shelf reefs. Literature data indicate that individuals ranging 70–80 cm are common on deep offshore reefs. This pattern suggests that the dog snapper performs ontogenetic cross-shelf migrations. Protecting portions of the different habitats used by the dog snapper during its post-settlement life cycle is highlighted as an important conservation and management measure.  相似文献   
The diet of hoki was determined from examination of stomach contents of 1992 fish of 26–112 cm total length (TL) sampled at depths of 209–904m on Chatham Rise, New Zealand, from summer research trawl surveys and seasonal commercial fishing trawls, during 2004–2008. Prey was predominantly euphausiids, mesopelagic fishes and natant decapods. Multivariate analyses using distance-based linear models, non-parametric multi-dimensional scaling and similarity percentages indicated that the best predictors of diet variability were the position of the fish in relation to the subtropical front (STF), fish size and longitude. Pasiphaeids were more important to the north of the STF, and sternoptychid fishes and euphausiids more important in the STF convergence area. Euphausiids and sternoptychid fishes were important for smaller hoki (26–55 cm TL), myctophid fishes and natant decapods for larger hoki, and macrourids for the largest hoki (>84 cm TL). The longitudinal effect was characterised by pasiphaeids, euphausiids and sternoptychids to the west, and myctophids in the centre of Chatham Rise. Feeding activity was analysed using generalised additive models, and was found to vary with time of day, sample source (research or commercial), longitude, hoki size and depth. The variability in diet suggested hoki forage opportunistically within their preferred habitat and biological limits.  相似文献   
Tropical shallow-water habitats such as mangroves and seagrass beds are widely acknowledged as important juvenile habitats for various coral reef fish species, most of which are commercially important to fisheries. Spatio-temporal variability in ontogenetic habitat use by fish among these tropical coastal ecosystems has rarely been investigated, yet there are sufficient reasons to believe that this plays an important role. In the present study, we test the spatio-temporal variability in patterns of ontogenetic habitat use by some mangrove/seagrass-associated coral reef fishes (Lethrinus harak, Lethrinus lentjan, Lutjanus fulviflamma and Siganus sutor). Abundances of these four species were investigated during two years in Tanzanian coastal waters, using underwater visual census in mangrove, seagrass, shallow and deep mudflat, and shallow and deep coral reef habitats. The study covered four distinct seasons of the year and was done at two spatially separated (>40 km) locations. Averaged across locations, seasons and years, juveniles (≤10 cm length) of the four study species had significantly higher relative densities in shallow-water (mangroves and seagrass beds) than in deep-water habitats (deep mudflats or coral reefs), whereas the opposite pattern was found for the adults (>15 cm). These findings suggest a strong and general pattern of ontogenetic habitat shifts from shallow- to deep-water habitats. However, specific habitat-use patterns of juveniles as well as adults differed significantly in time and space. Various species showed subtle to considerable flexibility in juvenile as well as adult habitat use across seasons, years, or at different locations. Furthermore, for some species the data suggest presence of ontogenetic habitat shifts at one location but lack thereof at the other location. In summary, ontogenetic habitat use needs to be considered at various spatial and temporal scales for the interpretation of habitat utilization by fish during different life stages. This is important for conservation and management of these habitats, as essential habitats or seasons may be ignored or over-emphasized with respect to their importance for fish during different parts of their life cycle.  相似文献   
Marine turtles are considered keystone consumers in tropical coastal ecosystems and their decline through overexploitation has been implicated in the deterioration of reefs and seagrass pastures in the Caribbean. In the present study, we analysed stomach contents of green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) harvested in the legal turtle fishery of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Caribbean) during 2008–2010. Small juveniles to adult‐sized turtles were sampled. Together with data from habitat surveys, we assessed diet composition and the taxonomic distinctness (and other species diversity measures) in the diets of these sympatric marine turtle species. The diet of green turtles (n = 92) consisted of a total of 47 taxa: including three species of seagrass (present in 99% of individuals), 29 species of algae and eight sponge species. Hawksbill turtles (n = 45) consumed 73 taxa and were largely spongivorous (16 species; sponges present in 100% of individuals) but also foraged on 50 species of algae (present in 73% of individuals) and three species of seagrass. Plastics were found in trace amounts in 4% of green turtle and 9% of hawksbill turtle stomach samples. We expected to find changes in diet that might reflect ontogenetic shifts from small (oceanic‐pelagic) turtles to larger (coastal‐benthic) turtles. Dietary composition (abundance and biomass), however, did not change significantly with turtle size, although average taxonomic distinctness was lower in larger green turtles. There was little overlap in prey between the two turtle species, suggesting niche separation. Taxonomic distinctness routines indicated that green turtles had the most selective diet, whereas hawksbill turtles were less selective than expected when compared with the relative frequency and biomass of diet items. We discuss these findings in relation to the likely important trophic roles that these sympatric turtle species play in reef and seagrass habitats.  相似文献   
大洋性鱿鱼的洄游路径能够给我们重要的信息,帮助我们了解其时空分布的变化。标记-重捕和电子标记方法在施行过程中仍存在一些问题。头足类的硬组织,如角质颚,有着稳定的形态特征和类似耳石的连续生长纹,同时包含丰富的生态信息,可以为我们研究物种的时空分布提供相关信息。本研究中,我们以北太平洋柔鱼为研究对象,基于不同角质颚生长阶段进行取样来重建鱿鱼的洄游路径。研究结果认为,通过电感耦合等离子质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)取样,发现角质颚的喙端矢状平面(RSS)检测到9种微量元素。针对上述几种元素,发现不同生长阶段的磷(P)、铜(Cu)和锌(Zn)存在显著差异。利用钠(Na)、磷和锌与海表面温度(SST)建立线性回归模型。基于贝叶斯模型,计算出不同时期柔鱼出现的较高概率的海域。结合不同时期的高概率分布海域,建立起柔鱼的洄游路径,该结果与前人研究结果一致。本研究也证实了角质颚可以为研究大洋性柔鱼的洄游路径提供有效的信息。  相似文献   
Behaviors, activity budgets, and spatial locations of reef-associated schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus) and non-reef-associated checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus) were cataloged in mangrove forests in Caribbean Honduras to see how and where they spent their time and whether this changed as they grew. For schoolmasters, swimming was the most common behavior, while checkered puffers spent the majority of their time resting. Both remained completely within (as opposed to outside) the mangrove roots and in the lower half of the water column most of the time. However, as the size of the fish increased there was a clear decrease in the time spent both within the root system and closer to the substrate; the larger fish spent more time higher up in the water column and outside the root system. This was observed in both the schoolmaster and the puffer; the schoolmaster subsequently moves to reefs while the puffer does not. Coupled with limited feeding, the results suggest a primarily protective function for mangroves.  相似文献   
白志强  白顺良 《地质论评》1993,39(2):130-137
Polygnathus costatus partitus(肋多颚牙形石分亚种)是国际地层委员会(ICS)确定的中泥盆统底部的标准化石,但它与共存的Polygnathus lingui formisbultyncki在形态上难以区分,造成地层划分的困难。经过认真研究,Polygnathuscostatus partitus依据基腔位置可以划分出幼年期和成年期两个发育阶段。Poly-gnathus linguiformis bultyncki依据表面形态可以划分为幼年期、青年期和老年期三个发育阶段;通过两者不同发育阶段的比较研究,笔者提出了三点不同以在鉴定中将两者加以区别,从而提高化石鉴定的精度。  相似文献   
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