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Macroalgae plays an important role in coastal ecosystems. The accurate delineation of macroalgae areas is important for environmental management. This study compared the pixel- and object-based methods using Gaofen satellite no. 2 image to explore an efficient classification approach. Expert system rules and nearest neighbour classifier were adopted for object-based classification, whereas maximum likelihood classifier was implemented in the pixel-based approach. Normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, mean value of the blue band and geometric characteristics were selected as features to distinguish macroalgae farms by considering the spectral and spatial characteristics. Results show that the object-based method achieved a higher overall accuracy and kappa coefficient than the pixel-based method. Moreover, the object-based approach displayed superiority in identifying Porphyra class. These findings suggest that the object-based method can delineate macroalgae farming areas efficiently and be applied in the future to monitor the macroalgae farms with high spatial resolution imagery.  相似文献   
珊瑚礁地貌单元的空间分布对于理解珊瑚礁生态系统的地质构造过程具有重要作用。然而,基于像素的影像分析方法往往获取不到较高精度的分类结果。本文基于面向对象的影像分析方法,利用Landsat 8卫星影像数据对我国西沙地区的珊瑚环礁进行了地貌单元的遥感信息提取。借鉴于美国千年珊瑚礁测绘项目的工作成果,本文首先针对研究区特点定义了十类珊瑚礁地貌单元类型。然后,基于对象的多层次关系特点,并综合利用对象的光谱、形状、上下文关系等特征,建立合适的分类规则集,获取了研究区较大尺度的珊瑚环礁地貌分区图,其分类精度普遍高于80%。虽然研究结果表明基于面向对象的影像分析方法可以有效的进行珊瑚礁遥感信息提取,但其规则集的可移植性仍需要今后的工作加以改善。  相似文献   
This article presents an object-based conceptual framework and numerical algorithms for representing and analyzing coastal morphological and volumetric changes based on repeat airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys. This method identifies and delineates individual zones of erosion and deposition as discrete objects. The explicit object representation of erosion and deposition zones is consistent with the perception and cognition of human analysts and geomorphologists. The extracted objects provide ontological and epistemological foundation to localize, represent, and interpret erosion and deposition patches for better coastal resource management and erosion control. The discrete objects are much better information carriers than the grid cells in the field-based representation of source data. A set of spatial and volumetric attributes are derived to characterize and quantify location, area, shape, orientation, depth, volume, and other properties of erosion and deposition objects. Compared with the conventional cell-by-cell differencing approaches, our object-based method gives a concise and high-level representation of information and knowledge about coastal morphological dynamics. The derived attributes enable the discrimination of true morphological changes from artifacts caused by data noise and processing errors. Furthermore, the concise object representation of erosion and deposition zones facilitates overlay analysis in conjunction with other GIS data layers for understanding the causes and impacts of morphological and volumetric changes. We have implemented a software tool for our object-based morphological analysis, which will be freely available for the public. An example is used to demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of this new method.  相似文献   
高空间分辨率遥感影像为地表变化监测提供了大量细节信息,这使得基于高分辨率影像的变化检测技术成为当前遥感领域的研究热点之一。本文提出了一种历史解译知识引导下组合遥感图谱特征的变化检测方法。首先,通过分割前后时相的组合影像构建空间位置一致的对象,并在提取对象光谱和纹理特征后,引入前期土地覆盖专题图指导2类图谱特征相似度的DS证据融合;然后,利用其历史存档图斑所属区域的优势地类标签指示不同特征相似度的证据差异融合;最后,基于GMM(Gaussian Mixture Mode)模型的二值化方法提取最终的变化区域。实验结果表明,该方法能充分利用历史解译知识指导不同时相高分辨率影像对象特征相似度组合,一定程度上提高了变化检测正确率。  相似文献   
传统的高光谱分类通常仅考虑单一像元的光谱或纹理特征,分类后容易出现地物破碎的现象。鉴于此,本文提出了一种面向对象的混合分类方法,将面向对象的分割结果与传统的像元级分类结果进行有机融合,充分利用对象的光谱特征和空间结构特征。在此基础上,引入了2种具体的混合分类方法,即多尺度分割的SVM分类和多波段分水岭分割的SVM分类。前者将地物光谱的可变性进行弱化处理,转化为多尺度均质对象单元进行分类;后者融入了地物的空间信息和形态学特征,对分割得到的同质区域进行分类。将这2种分类方法应用于航空高光谱数据,实验结果表明:面向对象的混合分类方法的总体精度分别为92.63%和96.13%,与传统的像元级分类法相比,分别提高了10.14%和13.64%,有效地解决了分类后地物的破碎现象。  相似文献   

Turning Earth observation (EO) data consistently and systematically into valuable global information layers is an ongoing challenge for the EO community. Recently, the term ‘big Earth data’ emerged to describe massive EO datasets that confronts analysts and their traditional workflows with a range of challenges. We argue that the altered circumstances must be actively intercepted by an evolution of EO to revolutionise their application in various domains. The disruptive element is that analysts and end-users increasingly rely on Web-based workflows. In this contribution we study selected systems and portals, put them in the context of challenges and opportunities and highlight selected shortcomings and possible future developments that we consider relevant for the imminent uptake of big Earth data.  相似文献   
Within a wide range of best management practices for stormwater management in urban areas, there has been an increasing interest in source control measures. Source controls such as low-impact development (LID) techniques are potentially attractive as retrofit options for older developed areas that lack available land to implement conventional measures such as stormwater management ponds. Hence, distributed urban drainage models requiring detailed representation of developed drainage areas should be developed to accurately estimate the benefits that LIDs may provide. This study (1) presents a two-stage classification process on a high-resolution WorldView-2 image, and (2) demonstrates how to use the extracted land cover information in the subsequent hydrologic modelling and assessment of different LIDs’ performance. The proposed two-stage classification method achieved an overall accuracy of 80.6%, whereas a traditional pixel-based achieved 68.4% in classifying the same urban area into six land cover classes. From the classification results, the hydrologic properties of micro-subcatchments were imported in the United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model to assess the performance of LIDs. A reduction of run-off volume 18.2% and 37.1% was found with the implementation of porous pavement and bioretention, respectively, in a typical low-rise residential area located in the city of San Clemente, California, US. The study demonstrates the use of high-resolution remote sensing image to aid in evaluating LID retrofit options, and thus benefits in situations where detailed drainage area information is not available.  相似文献   
Efficient forest fire management requires precise and up-to-date knowledge regarding the composition and spatial distribution of forest fuels at various spatial and temporal scales. Fuel-type maps are essential for effective fire prevention strategies planning, as well as the alleviation of the environmental impacts of potential wildfire events. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the potential of Disaster Monitoring Constellation and Landsat-8 OLI satellite images (Operational Land Imager), combined with Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA), in operational mapping of the Mediterranean fuel types at a regional scale. The results showcase that although the images of both sensors can be used with GEOBIA analysis for the generation of accurate fuel-type maps, only the OLI images can be considered as applicable for regional mapping of the Mediterranean fuel types on an operational basis.  相似文献   
传统的高光谱分类方法通常基于单一像元的光谱或纹理特征,很少考虑地物空间结构信息与空间相关特征.本文将面向对象规则与基于像元的分类进行融合,利用对象的空间结构特征和光谱特征进行混合分类,旨在克服像元层次分类的不足.本文尝试性的提出了两种混合分类方法:(1)基于分形网络演化的多尺度分割支持向量机分类(2)基于多层分水岭分割的SVM分类,并将这两种方法应用到天宫一号高光谱数据上.结果表明:基于面向对象规则的混合分类方法有效地提高了分类精度,不仅能够改善同谱异物现象,而且解决分类结果中地物破碎的问题.  相似文献   
针对高分辨率影像上日光温室的信息提取问题,该文提出了利用支持向量机、最近邻算法结合纹理特征在不同层上分别提取连片日光温室和独栋日光温室的方法。实验表明:纹理特征能提高分类精度,在大尺度的层上,分类精度提升幅度较大,但在小尺度的层上,分类精度提升幅度会比较小;并不是参与运算特征数越多,分类精度越高,多数情况下光谱+纹理组合的分类精度最高;提取连片日光温室的最优方案是支持向量机和光谱+形状+纹理(7像素×7像素),总精度为92.86%,Kappa系数为0.90,而提取独栋日光温室最优方案为SVM和光谱+纹理(11像素×11像素),总精度为88.39%,Kappa系数为0.86。  相似文献   
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