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High-resolution (3.5 kHz and multi-channel) seismic profiles and piston cores were collected from Maxwell Bay and its tributary embayment, Marian Cove, in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the Korea Antarctic Research Program (1992/93 and 1995/96) to elucidate the glaciomarine sedimentation processes and recent glacial history of the area. Seismic data from Maxwell Bay reveal a rugged bay margin and flattened basin floor covered with well-stratified hemipelagic muds. On the base-of-slope, acoustically transparent debris flows occur, indicating downslope resedimentation of glaciomarine sediments. Despite the subpolar and ice-proximal settings of Marian Cove, the seafloor is highly rugged with a thin sediment drape, suggesting that much of the area has been recently eroded by glaciers. Sediment cores from the cove penetrated three distinct fining-upward lithofacies: (1) basal till in the lower part of the core, accumulated just seaward of the grounding line of the tidewater glacier; (2) interlaminated sand and mud in the middle part, deposited in ice-proximal zone by a combination of episodic subglacial meltwater inflow and iceberg dumping; and (3) pebbly mud in the upper part, deposited in ice-distal zone by both surface meltwater plume and ice-rafting from the glacier front. A reconstruction of the glacial history of these areas since the late glacial maximum shows an ice sheet filling Maxwell Bay in late Wisconsin time and grounding of the tidewater glacier in Marian Cove until about 1300 yr BP.  相似文献   
赵立强  许晨  叶本兰  张业  洪专 《台湾海峡》2007,26(3):410-414
用电生理学方法观察了4种不同浓度的高纯河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX)对蛙离体坐骨神经动作电位的影响.实验结果表明:1μmol/dm3TTX在给药后7 min能显著抑制动作电位的上相幅度(P<0.05),但在给药后10 min才显著抑制动作电位的下相幅度(P<0.01);20μmol/dm3TTX在给药后3 min内能完全抑制动作电位的形成.1μmol/dm3TTX在给药后1~5min对动作电位传导速度的影响没有统计学意义,5μmol/dm3TTX在5min时可显著抑制传导速度(P<0.05),而10μmol/dm3TTX在2min时便显著抑制传导速度(P<0.05).实验结果提示高纯河豚毒素对蛙离体坐骨神经动作电位的影响存在剂量效应关系.  相似文献   
To study the time-varying influence of the Congo River and the Benguela Current on the deposition at the Angola Continental Margin, a high-resolution reflection seismic survey was carried out on the northern Congo Fan. Four seismostratigraphic units have been defined for the upper 800 m (1000 ms TWT) of the data. The units record different depositional environments, ranging from pre-establishment of the Congo River drainage system to the influence of the Benguela Current. An indication of a general change in the turbidite system is provided by a shift in channel distribution and a relocation of the depocentre of coarse material. The ascent of salt is recorded up to the Pliocene. Gas that has migrated out of Lower Cretaceous shales and that was produced from large quantities of organic matter in the younger sediments can be found on the flanks and on top of the salt domes. In a few places, this gas even ascends to the ocean floor along structural pathways through the topmost unit.  相似文献   
麻痹性贝毒(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)毒素由石房蛤毒素(saxitoxin,STX)及其衍生物组成,目前己发现20余种,在赤潮研究、分子生物学和神经生物学基础研究、医药、军事防化等方面都有应用潜力[其结构、类型和应用见本集刊王云峰等(2003)“麻痹性贝毒毒素的应用研究进展”一文]。由于PSP毒素的稀有来源和国际社会对STX交易的禁止,限制了国内PSP毒素应用及研究的全面深入展开,因此本文作者对PSP毒素进行了制备,并采用不同方法对制备的PSP毒素进行了研究。 PSP毒素能够选择性地可逆抑制可兴奋膜的电压依赖钠离子通道的开放,从而阻止神经冲动的发生和传导,使神经、肌肉丧失兴奋性(Frace et al.,1986;Penzotti et al.,1998)。本文利用神经束膜下记录和全细胞膜片钳技术,报道了从塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)中提取的PSP粗毒素对小鼠运动神经末梢膜电流和NG108-15细胞钠离子通道的作用研究结果,并与STX标准毒素的作用结果进行了比较。 NG108-15细胞是由小鼠神经母细胞瘤和大鼠胶质细胞瘤融合的杂交细胞,经分化剂分化后,显示诸+L1196如兴奋性、合成和释放乙酰胆碱、与培养肌细胞形成突触联系等多种神经细胞的基本特性(Hamprcht,1977)和Na+、K+、Ca2+等多种离子通道,已作为神经细胞模型被广泛应用于分析药物对离子通道作用的研究(Enomoto et al.,1992; Docherty et al.,1992;Shi et al.,1993;Hu et al.,1997a;Hu et al.,1997b);发育出具有Na+内流支持的锋电位(Hamprecht,1977),该电位是分析作用于膜钠离子通道药物的好材料。  相似文献   
基于EMD与神经网络的机械故障诊断技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经验模式分解 (EMD)是分析非线性、非平稳信号的有力工具 ,它将信号分解为突出了原信号的不同时间尺度的局部特征信息的内在模函数 (IMF)分量。本文通过将各 IMF分量输入到 BP网络中进行训练学习和故障诊断 ,比直接输入原信号可以提高 BP网络对故障诊断的准确率 ,而且减少了训练时间。  相似文献   
K. Strohle  M. D. Krom 《Marine Geology》1997,140(3-4):231-236
The sediments of the eastern Mediterranean basin contain a series of organic-rich sapropels intercalated with organic-poor nannofossil oozes. Until recently the timing of the onset of sapropel formation was not known accurately because of the low resolution achievable by conventional radiocarbon dating. Compilation of all available 14C-AMS dates show that the base of S-1 (the most recent sapropel) was initiated 8800 years B.P. (14C age corrected by 400 years for reservoir effect) under a 500 m water column and moved progressively into deeper water reaching depths of 3500 m at 8200 years B.P. The linear correlation between the age of S-1 onset and water depth suggests that formation of sapropels moved into deeper water at a rate of 1000 m/200 year. A model is suggested in which export production which sank below the well-mixed surface layers (500 m) was respired consuming dissolved oxygen in the Levantine deep water until a threshold value was reached when sapropels began to be preserved in the sediment. This resulted in a progressively deepening oxygen minimum zone with time until eventually the entire deep water in the basin was oxygen depleted. Assuming that the threshold value for sapropel formation was complete anoxia, it was calculated that primary productivity in the basin during the deposition of S-1 was a factor of 5 greater than that found at present.  相似文献   
The role of relative sea-level rise as a cause for the rapid erosion of Louisiana's barrier island coast is investigated through a numerical implementation of a modified Bruun rule that accounts for the low percentage of sand-sized sediment in the eroding Louisiana shoreface. Shore-normal profiles from 150 km of coastline west of the Mississippi delta are derived from bathymetric surveys conducted during the 1880s, 1930s and 1980s. An RMS difference criterion is employed to test whether an equilibrium profile form is maintained between survey years. Only about half the studied profiles meet the equilibrium criterion; this represents a significant limitation on the potential applicability of the Bruun rule. The profiles meeting the equilibrium criterion, along with measured rates of relative sea-level rise, are used to hindcast shoreline retreat rates at 37 locations within the study area. Modeled and observed shoreline retreat rates show no significant correlation. Thus, in terms of the Bruun approach, relative sea-level rise has no power for hindcasting (and presumably forecasting) rates of coastal erosion for the Louisiana barrier islands.  相似文献   
CFRP对砖墙抗震加固对比试验研究与计算分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
结合一工程实践的需要,通过5片碳纤维布加固的新建墙体在周期反复荷载作用下的试验,研究了碳纤维布加固对砌体结构抗震性能的影响,以及砌砌体在碳纤维布加固后的受力特性,比较了不同加固方案对砖砌体加固效果的影响,在此基础上讨论了对碳纤维布加固砖墙抗剪承载力计算模型,并提出了简化计算公式。  相似文献   
通渝隧道围岩变形的神经网络预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
隧道新奥法施工中 ,常以围岩变形量作为评判围岩稳定性和支护结构经济合理性的重要指标。公路隧道围岩变形量是随时间而变化的数据序列 ,因而可以建立一些实时跟踪预测模型和方法。根据通渝隧道围岩拱顶下沉位移变形的特性 ,采用神经网络技术来预测其变形量 ,结果表明该方法简易、有效  相似文献   
Concentrated plasticity (CP) models are frequently used in static and dynamic building analysis and have been implemented in available commercial software. This investigation deals with three different CP‐models, a simplified macroelement model (SEM) for a complete building story, a frame element with elasto‐plastic interaction hinges (PH), and a frame element with fiber hinges (FB). The objectives of this work are to evaluate the quality of the earthquake responses predicted by these models and to identify important aspects of their implementation and limitations for their use in dynamic analysis. The three elements are tested in a single‐story asymmetric plan building and in a three‐story steel building. Results show that base shear and global response values are usually computed with better accuracy than interstory deformations and local responses. Besides, the main limitation of elasto‐plastic CP models is to control the displacement offsets that result from perfect elasto‐plastic behavior. On the other hand, calibration of the SEM‐model shows that global responses in steel structures may be computed within 20% error in the mean at a computational cost two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the other CP elements considered. However, the three element models considered lead to increasing levels of accuracy in the dynamic response and their use depends on the refinement of the analysis performed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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