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城市化对北京平均气温的影响   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
本文利用北京(观象台)及周围几个气象台站月平均气温资料,滑动平均后,采用主成分分析方法,再进行倾向性分析,探讨了北京城市化对气平均气温的影响,估算对北京(观象台)气温记录的影响约为0.21℃/33a推断市中心二环路以内强烈地影响。  相似文献   
LakeTaihuisalargeshallowlakeinChina,whichpalysanimportantroleinwater-quantityregulation,watersupply,cultivationetc.Withrapiddevelopmentofagricultureandindustryinthearea,alargenumberofpollutantshavebeendischargedintothelake,leadingtoanincreaseinnutrients…  相似文献   
Sampling is to, by efficient selection of samples, acquire the accurate information about the population (the research object) at less cost. Spatial sampling is a kind of sampling toward geospatial objects or features with spatial correlation. The differences between effi-cient sampling and completely universal survey lie in quality, time and cost. Sampling provides a kind of economical, prompt and accurate survey[13]. Efficient spatial sampling can be regarded as the optimization of the sampl…  相似文献   
Airborne fine particulate matter across the United States is monitored by different networks, the three prevalent ones presently being the Clean Air Status and Trend Network (CASTNet), the Interagency Monitoring of PROtected Visual Environment Network (IMPROVE) and the Speciation and Trend Network (STN). If combined, these three networks provide speciated fine particulate data at several hundred locations throughout the United States. Yet, differences in sampling protocols and samples handling may not allow their joint use. With these concerns in mind, the objective of this study is to assess the spatial and temporal comparability of the sulfate, nitrate and ammonium concentrations reported by each of these networks. One of the major differences between networks is the sampling frequency they adopted. While CASTNet measures pollution levels on seven-day integrated samples, STN and IMPROVE data pertain to 24-hour samples collected every three days. STN and IMPROVE data therefore exhibit considerably more short-term variability than their CASTNet counterpart. We show that, despite their apparent incongruity, averaging the data with a window size of four to six weeks is sufficient to remove the effects of differences in sampling frequency and duration and allow meaningful comparison of the signals reported by the three networks of concern. After averaging, all the sulfate and, to a lesser degree, ammonium concentrations reported are fairly similar. Nitrate concentrations, on the other hand, are still divergent. We speculate that this divergence originates from the different types of filters used to collect particulate nitrate. Finally, using a rotated principal component technique (RPCA), we determined the number and the geographical organization of the significant temporal modes of variation (clusters) detected by each network for the three pollutants of interest. For sulfate and ammonium, the clusters’ geographical boundaries established for each network and the modes of variations within each cluster seem to correspond. RPCA erformed on nitrate concentrations revealed that, for the CASTNet and IMPROVE networks, the modes of variation do not correspond to unified geographical regions but are found more sporadically. For STN, the clustered areas are unified and easily delineable. We conclude that the possibility of jointly using the data collected by CASTNet, IMPROVE and STN has to be weighed pollutant by pollutant. While sulfate and ammonium data show some potential for joint use, at this point, combining the nitrate data from these monitoring networks may not be a judicious choice.  相似文献   
地层不整合结构的量化判识是油气藏,特别是地层不整合油气藏成藏研究的关键问题。针对断陷盆地覆盖区不整合结构研究相对局限、量化判识不够的现状,研究了济阳坳陷第三系不整合纵向结构的发育特征,将不整合结构划分为Ⅰ1,Ⅰ2 和Ⅱ三种类型,它们可通过实验室岩芯样品的分析测试量化判识。由于不整合各层结构在测井曲线上都有一定的响应,因而根据多种测井曲线构建了综合分层曲线,并用最优分割法确定了地层中不整合面的位置。在此基础上,根据GR,AC和SP 曲线建立了主成分曲线,并综合岩芯地质和分析测试研究成果,提出了量化判识不整合结构的量化标准图版。该方法应用于济阳坳陷地层不整合油气藏勘探中,取得良好效果。  相似文献   
基于相关系数和Fisher最优分割法的汛期分期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从径流形成原理出发,提出了采用降雨径流相关系数作为汛期分期指标的基本思路。以陕西省石头河水库1954~2007年的日降水和日流量资料为基础,采用主成分分析法对影响时段径流的因素进行了分析,筛选出了影响不同时段径流量的主要因素,计算了主要影响因素与时段径流量的相关系数,采用Fisher最优分割法将石头河水库汛期划分为汛前过渡期(4月1日~5月20日)、前汛期(5月21日~7月10日)、主汛期(7月11日~8月10日)、后汛期(8月11日~9月20日)和汛后过渡期(9月21日~10月31日),并结合区域气候特点和实际发生的洪水对成果进行了合理性论证。该方法资料要求低,计算简便,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
将 1 960~ 1 991年的月平均 FSU风应力资料分解为旋转部分和辐散辐合部分 ,分别用以强迫模式海洋。所用的模式为一个 2层热带太平洋区域海洋模式。结果表明 ,就季节变化而言 ,不论是用旋转分量还是散合分量强迫海洋 ,都不能产生合理的冷舌 ,哪怕将旋转或散合分量放大一倍或缩小二分之一 ,也不能使冷舌的强度和分布得到合理的改善。若采用气候平均的含有季节变化的风应力 (未对旋转和辐散分量进行分离 ) ,则可产生与实际相符的海表温度分布。在此基础上 ,分别叠加旋转和辐散分量的年际异常部分 ,通过对海洋的强迫 ,可产生海表温度异常。在年际异常旋转分量的强迫下 ,可产生较强的 SSTA振荡且具有明显的 ENSO周期 ;而在辐散辐合年际异常风应力的强迫下 ,则产生较弱的 SSTA,且振荡频率较高 ,ENSO周期不很明显。这些结果说明 ,风应力的涡旋和辐散辐合分量在海温季节变化和年际变化的形成中具有不同的作用 ,即合理的冷舌分布需要风应力旋转分量和散合分量同时作用于海洋方可产生 ,而仅有异常风应力的旋转强迫就可产生合理的 EL Nino/ La Nina现象。同时 ,风应力的辐散辐合分量在海洋平均状态的形成过程中是重要的 ,但在 EN-SO过程中就对海洋的作用而言则不如旋转分量重要。  相似文献   
用多角度遥感数据反演混合像元组分温度的可行性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用多通道信息反演陆面温度的传统方法,由于通道间信息的高度相关使反演结果的精度难以提高,并且无法得到混合像元中的组分温度。文中以非同温混合像元热红外辐射方向性规律为基础,建立了连续植被类型非同温混合像元热红外辐射模型,用蒙特卡罗方法模拟分析了连续植被的组分有效比辐射率与变量的关系。结果表明:连续植被热辐射亮度值是组分温度TvTs,叶面积指数LAI,叶倾角分布LAD,以及单叶面比辐射率εv(θ)和土壤表面比辐射率εv(θ)的函数。利用先验知识对变量进行分析后表明,6个变量中只有TvTsLAIεv(0)需要反演。由于多角度间组分辐射亮度的相关性低,从理论上讲只需要4个角度的辐射亮度观测值就可以解出4个未知量而达到反演组分温度的目的。这4个角度数据除选择垂直方向上辐射亮度数据外,应在30°~50°视角范围内选择另外3个热辐射亮度数据。  相似文献   
根据天然气地球化学基本理论,对柴达木盆地西部(柴西)地区天然气的地球化学特征进行分析。测试和收集该地区18个油气田及含油气构造的83个天然气样品,分析其组分和C同位素数据,结果显示,该区天然气以烃类气体为主,烃类含量介于79.24%~99.81%之间,天然气比重介于0.72~1.36之间,天然气干燥系数(C1/C2+)介于1.04~617.8之间,甲烷C同位素值介于-51.4‰~-24.2‰之间,乙烷C同位素值介于-34.2‰~-17.4‰之间。在此基础上,对该区不同构造带的天然气成因类型进行研究。研究结果表明,柴达木盆地西部地区天然气类型可划分为腐泥型气、腐殖型气、混合气3类,柴西北部天然气主要为腐泥型气和混合气,少量腐殖型气;柴西南部主要为腐泥型气,少量混合气。同时,建立了天然气成因类型的判识指标,对该区的天然气地球化学特征有了较为深入的认识,对今后的天然气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   
为进一步探明陇中黄土高原区旱地春小麦产量形成对不同干旱胁迫的响应机制,依据甘肃省定西市安定区凤翔镇安家沟村2016—2018年大田控水试验数据以及定西市安定区1971—2018年气象数据,验证农业生产系统模拟(Agricultural production systems simulation,APSIM)模型模拟不同...  相似文献   
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