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Managed relocation is explained and examined as an option to add to the usual categories considered in relation to managing coastal erosion. The paper considers the relocation of buildings in one unit, as opposed to demolition and re-construction. The standard coastal erosion management options are briefly noted and how managed relocation can fit into these options is explained. This paper focuses on four case studies. Two examples are from the USA and two from the UK; of these, two (one in each of the UK and USA) took place during the nineteenth century. Managed relocation is proposed as being feasible in particular cases, particularly where there are isolated historic or high value buildings.  相似文献   
中国西北地区城市网络体系分析——基于民营企业布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从民营企业视角对中国西北地区的城市网络体系进行实证分析,透视民营企业对其城市网络形成的作用。利用民营企业的分布数据,借鉴城市网络分析方法,从服务值、连通性、网络性3个方面对西北地区的城市网络体系进行了分析。基于民营企业视角,西北地区的城市构成了以西安和乌鲁木齐为主副双核、省会城市为核心节点、其他城市可作为其辐射区域的网络系统,且基于民营企业的城市网络体系尚处于初级发展阶段。  相似文献   
Managed aquifer recharge is an effective method for utilizing excess flood flows, but clogging of porous media is a limiting factor in the implementation of this water storage technique. In recent years, much research on the physical clogging of porous media during artificial recharge has been conducted. However, the understanding of clogging due to silt‐sized suspended solids (SS) is still inadequate, especially under varying physical conditions. Here, we subjected sand columns to controlled rates of flow and SS suspensions to investigate the influence of media size, SS size, SS concentration, and flow velocity on the clogging of porous media by silt‐sized SS. The results show that the diameter ratio of SS particles to sand grains is the dominant factor influencing the position of physical clogging. As pore velocity increased, the mobility of silt‐sized SS was enhanced and retention in the porous media decreased noticeably. The spatial retention profiles in the porous media were found to vary greatly at different flow velocities. The SS concentration of the infiltrating suspension also dramatically influenced the mobility and deposition of silt‐sized SS particles, such that high concentrations accelerated the clogging process. As the different physical factors changed, the breakthrough curves and retention profiles of silt‐sized SS particles changed obviously and the mechanisms of retention differed. On the whole, clogging position is mainly determined by particle size ratio, but clogging rate is dominated by a variety of factors including particle size ratio, SS concentration, and flow velocity.  相似文献   
屋面雨水回灌裂隙岩溶水工程风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
济南城市雨洪水回灌岩溶含水层是维护自然水循环,增加地下水补给量,维持济南泉群喷涌以及城市防洪的有效途径。但由于裂隙岩溶含水层具有渗透系数大、水流速度快,地下水一旦污染很难短时间恢复等特点,需要对回灌工程开展风险评价。本文以济南大学西校区的屋面雨水深井回灌裂隙岩溶水工程为例,利用澳大利亚MAR指南对工程进行风险评价。主要由初级风险评估、试运行调查、试运行风险评价及风险控制与管理4部分组成。初级风险评估结果显示屋面雨水回灌裂隙岩溶含水层工程的总体难度水平较低,项目可行。试运行调查期间监测的屋面雨水和回灌前后地下水水质可知屋面雨水经初期弃流、沉淀和过滤后,除浊度外基本达到地下水Ⅲ类标准,且处理后达标的雨水可迅速补充地下水。试运行风险评价结果显示屋面雨水中浊度经预处理后仍较高,使其成为该系统的最大风险项和关键控制点,故本项目的风险控制措施为改进预处理设施,降低雨水中的浊度。为保证工程能够高效持续运行,加强后期管理也尤为重要。   相似文献   
马国民  吕恩春 《探矿工程》2011,38(10):80-82
近年来,欠平衡钻井(UBD)和控制压力钻井(MPD)因能大幅度提高机械钻速、有效降低井下复杂情况的发生、减少非生产时间而得到了飞速发展,国内外也对两项技术制定了相关标准。从石油行业标准I、ADC标准、API标准入手,着重讨论欠平衡钻井和控制压力钻井的标准现状,探讨建立控制压力标准应包含的主要内容。  相似文献   
济南以泉城而闻名,保泉和供水安全问题是其面临的巨大挑战,利用多水源进行岩溶水回灌是解决问题的有效措施之一,但是补给水源水质相对岩溶水而言较差,回灌到地下可能存在一定健康和环境风险,需要对回灌系统的水质进行风险评价。本文对比地下水质量标准和地下水水质背景值,重点选择地表源水超标和劣于背景值的风险源监测指标,借鉴澳大利亚含水层补给管理指南,对玉符河多水源回灌岩溶含水层工程运行期的水质风险进行评价。2015年对黄河水、卧虎山水库两种水源多次回灌期间的源水、孔隙水和岩溶水的22项指标进行水质监测和指标分析,风险残余评价结果表明黄河水回灌补源期间,平均浊度的标准指数源水是1.4,孔隙水1.7,岩溶水0.93,硫酸盐平均含量的标准指数源水是0.93,孔隙水0.9,岩溶水0.73,氯离子虽没有超过地下水III类标准,但是在源水中含量是地下水含量的2倍多;卧虎山水库水回灌补源期间,平均浊度的标准指数源水是2.4,孔隙水1.1,岩溶水0.43,硫酸盐平均含量的标准指数在源水0.75,孔隙水0.84,岩溶水0.66,氨氮的平均含量的标准指数源水1.14,孔隙水1.47,岩溶水1.35。因此,浊度、硫酸盐和溶质在裂隙岩溶含水层迁移较快为两种水源玉符河回灌补源工程的共同高风险项和关键控制点。此外,黄河水补源还需注意盐度,卧虎山水库水补源还需控制营养物的污染风险。基于以上评价,还提出了限制回灌量占区域岩溶水资源量比例等建议。   相似文献   
This paper presents an approach to estimate the effects of a managed recharge experiment in a multilayer aquifer characterized by the presence of perched water tables in the Medina del Campo groundwater body, Douro basin, central Spain. A numerical model was developed to evaluate the effect of artificial recharge on the shallow sector of a regional-scale aquifer and on formerly active wetlands. The model was developed in the Visual MODFLOW Pro v.2011.1 environment in order to represent and analyse the regional impact of this artificial recharge event. Results suggest that the assumption of a single perched system may prove useful in regional contexts where data is limited. From a study site perspective, managed recharge is observed to increase shallow storage along the riverbanks, which is considered valuable for environmental purposes. However, downstream wetlands are unlikely to experience a significant recovery. Furthermore, only a small percentage of artificial recharge is expected to reach the deep regional aquifer. This method can be exported to settings characterized by the presence of perched aquifers and associated groundwater dependent ecosystems.  相似文献   
中东YD油田为海相碳酸盐岩地层,Kazh地层分布着活跃的非均质沥青质稠油,高压并含有酸性气体,为非目的层,需要钻穿并封隔该层后对下部产层进行开发。由于沥青质稠油层分布不均,孔隙压力不确定,对钻井工程造成了极大的挑战。在一期施工中,3口井由于沥青质稠油的侵入被迫工程弃井,未能实现工程目的。针对此世界性难点问题,开展了沥青质稠油侵入机理实验研究、固化剂研制、控压钻井技术应用等一系列配套工艺技术研究,提出了复杂沥青质稠油层安全钻井技术对策,现场应用取得较好的效果。  相似文献   
随着涪陵页岩气田勘探开发进程的不断深入,长水平段页岩气井在钻井过程中遇到的复杂事故愈发凸显。目的层龙马溪组,裂缝发育、岩性构成复杂且破碎严重,钻井中钻井液密度窗口窄,易发生垮塌、溢漏同存、水平井段漏失大量油基泥浆等问题。为了快速、安全有效地钻穿复杂页岩层段,采用控压钻井技术破解长水平段页岩气井井漏的钻井难题,在焦页33-4HF井应用控压钻井技术,在长水平段钻遇多个不同压力系数的漏失显示层,安全钻达完钻井深,大大减少了油基泥浆的漏失及其不良影响,减小了经济损失,取得了显著应用效果。  相似文献   
Seagrass meadows provide important nursery and feeding grounds for many commercially valuable fish species. Here, we address the paucity of published information on the status of seagrasses in Madagascar by documenting the results from ecological surveys of 11 seagrass beds in Velondriake, a locally managed marine area (LMMA) in south-west Madagascar. The diversity and coverage of meadows was highest in the north of the LMMA with up to 51% coverage, and lowest in the south (26%). Overall, eight seagrass species were recorded: Cymodocea rotundata, C. serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, H. stipulacea, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii and Thalassodendron ciliatum. We discuss the natural and anthropogenic factors that may account for the observed low diversity of seagrasses in southern Velondriake, including overfishing, beach-seining, cyclones, siltation and mangrove deforestation. Based on these baseline surveys, as well as discussions with local communities, it is recommended that measures should be taken to reinforce efforts to ban beach-seines and that the role of seagrasses as carbon sinks and potential sustainable financing options through blue carbon initiatives should be investigated through further, more detailed surveys.  相似文献   
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