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底部弱层非规则布置隔震结构的计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了层单元方法,将楼板视为剪切弯曲深梁,用二次位移函数和一次转角函数描述楼面运动。同时建立了平面非规则房屋隔震结构动力反应的计算模型,用反应谱方法和时程分析方法计算分析了U型和L型底部弱层非规则布置隔震结构的局部变形的基本动力性能。  相似文献   
以HDR隔震梁桥多自由度(MDOF)模型和等效双线性单自由度(SDOF)模型为研究对象,以典型近场地震动作为输入,研究HDR支座双向耦合效应对HDR隔震梁桥地震响应的影响。研究结果表明:不考虑双向耦合效应的HDR支座滞回曲线呈典型双线性;考虑双向耦合效应的HDR支座滞回曲线面积小于不考虑双向耦合效应的HDR支座滞回曲线面积。不考虑双向耦合效应的顺桥向HDR支座位移峰值db大于考虑双向耦合效应时,但横桥向的结果相反。近场地震作用下,对梁桥进行HDR支座隔震设计时,忽略双向耦合效应计算得到的墩底剪力峰值和弯矩峰值均偏于保守。可忽略HDR支座双向耦合效应对HDR隔震梁桥近场地震能量的影响。  相似文献   
建立双向地震作用下层间隔震双向偏心结构侧扭耦联分析模型;考虑上部结构及下部结构的弹塑性模型,隔震支座采用双向耦合非线性Bouc-wen模型模拟;分析偏心参数对层间隔震双向偏心结构的影响规律;评价双向地震作用下我国抗震规范给出的扭转影响系数静力预测值的准确性。结果表明,双向地震作用下设置中间柔性隔震层可以减小上\,下部结构扭转的耦连效应;下部结构存在双向偏心会对隔震层和下部结构扭转反应带来不利影响;LRB耦合效应对层间隔震地震响应影响较小;当下部结构偏心率较大时现行规范计算扭转系数偏于不安全。  相似文献   
研究不同高径比橡胶基底隔震储罐的频率特征,探讨储罐隔震体系3种不同振动频率随支座隔震频率变化规律.分析在不同频谱特性地震波激励下,隔震体系各振型组分对地震响应(基底剪力、支座位移和晃动波高)的影响,以及响应峰值随支座隔震频率和阻尼比的变化特点.研究表明,基底剪力峰值与场地地震波频谱特性密切相关.支座隔震频率不能完全反映减震机理的实质,隔震振型频率是影响基底剪力的重要参数.在软弱场地上隔震储罐的减震效率低,有效隔震频率范围窄.晃动波高峰值是储罐自振特性和地震波频谱特性等多种因素导致的结果,隔震系统设计时需特别考虑晃动波高增大的影响.  相似文献   
During the early Middle Devonian in South China, an extensive carbonate platform was broken up through extension to create a complex pattern of platforms, and interplatform basins. In Givetian and Frasnian carbonate successions, five depositional facies, including peritidal, restricted shallow subtidal, semi‐restricted subtidal, intermediate subtidal and deep subtidal facies, and 18 lithofacies units are recognized from measured sections on three isolated platforms. These deposits are arranged into metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing peritidal and subtidal cycles. Nine third‐order sequences are identified from changes in cycle stacking patterns, vertical facies changes and the stratigraphic distribution of subaerial exposure indicators. These sequences mostly consist of a lower transgressive part and an upper regressive part. Transgressive packages are dominated by thicker‐than‐average subtidal cycles, and regressive packages by thinner‐than‐average peritidal cycles. Sequence boundaries are transitional zones composed of stacked, high‐frequency, thinner‐than‐average cycles with upward‐increasing intensity of subaerial exposure, rather than individual, laterally traceable surfaces. These sequences can be further grouped into catch‐up and keep‐up sequence sets from the long‐term (second‐order) changes in accommodation and vertical facies changes. Catch‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thick cycle packages with a high percentage of intermediate to shallow subtidal facies, and even deep subtidal facies locally within some individual sequences, recording long‐term accommodation gain. Keep‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thin cycle packages with a high percentage of peritidal facies within sequences, recording long‐term accommodation loss. Correlation of long‐term accommodation changes expressed by Fischer plots reveals that during the late Givetian to early Frasnian increased accommodation loss on platforms coincided with increased accommodation gain in interplatform basins. This suggests that movement on faults resulted in the relative uplift of platforms and subsidence of interplatform basins. In the early Frasnian, extensive siliceous deposits in most interplatform basins and megabreccias at basin margins correspond to exposure disconformities on platforms.  相似文献   
使用1951年以来66 a的观测和再分析资料,通过合成分析的方法对比分析了厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜(El Niño /La Niña)伴随正/负印度洋偶极子(positive/negative Indian Ocean Dipole,pIOD/nIOD)发生年或独立发生年山东夏、秋季气温和降水的年际变化特征,结果表明,伴随IOD型和独立型El Niño/La Niña对山东夏、秋季气温和降水的影响在强度、范围、正负位相、空间型态上存在很大的差异。在气温方面,El Niño在pIOD的调制作用下对山东南部地区夏季气温年际变化的影响加强;El Niño与pIOD伴随发生时,山东秋季气温较常年偏高,而独立发生时气温则偏低,呈反位相变化;La Niña与nIOD伴随发生年夏季鲁西北气温较常年偏低,La Niña独立发生年夏季半岛东部气温较常年偏高,气温异常呈反位相变化;nIOD对La Niña的调制促进作用有利于山东秋季气温较常年异常偏高;850 hPa气温异常与山东表面气温异常有很强的正相关关系。在降水方面,El Niño在pIOD的调制作用下容易引起山东北部地区夏季降水偏少,但会削弱其对山东中部地区秋季降水负异常的影响;La Niña在nIOD的调制作用下山东境内降水都较常年偏多,但降水异常地域分布非常不均,鲁西北降水较常年显著偏多;独立型La Niña更易引起鲁西北西部、鲁中、鲁南大部分地区夏季降水偏少。850 hPa环流异常配合温度场异常对山东夏、秋季降水异常分布有一定的影响。  相似文献   
风化成壤对原始粉尘粒度组成的改造证据   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
对现代粉尘、黄土、古土壤、红粘土全样和对应石英样的粒度分析结果表明,现代粉尘和对应石英样的粒度组成最为相似,而其它经历了风化成壤改造后的全样,粒度组成发生了不同程度的变化,其中以古土壤和红粘土样尤为显著。全样和石英样品的平均粒径比值变化,反映了原始粉尘经风化成壤改造而细化的程度,可能与夏季风强度关系密切。灵台剖面L6以来的黄土—古土壤序列的磁化率、全样和石英样平均粒径及其比值变化对比表明,在冰期-间冰期旋回时间尺度上,全样和石英样平均粒径记录的冬季风变化特征类似,但在千年时间尺度上,平均粒径比值和石英样的平均粒径变化则揭示出东亚季风具有更高频次的变率特征。  相似文献   
利用河南濮阳CINRDA/SB多普勒雷达探测资料,结合常规天气图资料、地面自动站资料等,对2011年7月10日发生在河南濮阳的下击暴流天气进行诊断分析。分析表明:此次下击暴流天气以高空快速下滑的低压槽为背景,高空冷空气叠加在低空暖舌之上,使大气具有强烈的层结不稳定。大气环境场呈倒"V"形的垂直温湿分布:云底位于700 h Pa高度,云底以下空气干燥,气温直减率约为9℃/km,接近干绝热气温直减率,有利于干下击暴流的发生。地面辐合线的存在和弱冷空气的侵袭,为强风暴单体的产生提供了动力抬升条件。从多普勒雷达产品上看,风暴初始回波发生在一条稳定的晴空窄带回波上,通过单体间的合并加强,发展成为孤立的多单体强风暴;风暴反射率因子反复在3—6 km高度强烈发展,风暴反射率因子强核高度反复4次快速下降,形成强烈的冷下沉气流,在底层出现强烈的径向辐散风;径向速度图上中层一直存在向着反射率因子核心的辐合特征,这正是下击暴流的风场特征。  相似文献   
In this paper the efficiency of various dissipative mechanisms to protect structures from pulse‐type and near‐source ground motions is examined. Physically realizable cycloidal pulses are introduced, and their resemblance to recorded near‐source ground motions is illustrated. The study uncovers the coherent component of some near‐source acceleration records, and the shaking potential of these records is examined. It is found that the response of structures with relatively low isolation periods is substantially affected by the high‐frequency fluctuations that override the long duration pulse. Therefore, the concept of seismic isolation is beneficial even for motions that contain a long duration pulse which generates most of the unusually large recorded displacements and velocities. Dissipation forces of the plastic (friction) type are very efficient in reducing displacement demands although occasionally they are responsible for substantial permanent displacements. It is found that the benefits by hysteretic dissipation are nearly indifferent to the level of the yield displacement of the hysteretic mechanism and that they depend primarily on the level of the plastic (friction) force. The study concludes that a combination of relatively low friction and viscous forces is attractive since base displacements are substantially reduced without appreciably increasing base shears and superstructure accelerations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过在距离隔震层一定位移处设置由弹簧和与其串联的限位挡板组成的变刚度保护装置作为第二道防线,成功地进行了五层框架的变刚度隔震保护模拟地震振动台试验。理论分析和试验结果表明,变刚度隔震保护装置能有效改变结构动力特性,减小隔震层的变形,使之限制在允许的范围内。  相似文献   
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