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Abstract. .The reproductive cycle of the brittlestar Ophioderma brevispinum is described using histological and organ index data for a population in Massachusetts, U.S.A. The cycle consists of a one month mid-summer spawning phase followed by gametogenesis and gradual gonadal growth during the winter, and greatly accelerated gonadal growth from May to June. At the end of the spawning season, oogonia proliferate near the base of the ovary, and a continuous layer of spermatogonia lines the testis. As oocytes grow to a maximum diameter of 350 um, yolk granules accumulate and the cytoplasm becomes less basophilic. Prior to spawning, the testis becomes branched and sulcate, and a whorl of spermatozoa produced by columns of spermatids accumulates in the lumen. Comparisons between the reproductive cycles of different populations of O. brevispinum and its congeners support the hypothesis that temperature may be a critical exogenous factor, but definitely not the only factor, in the initiation and duration of the growth and spawning phases of the ophiuroid reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
The fitness of parasitic organisms is strongly driven by their ability to infect potential hosts. Although transmission to a host organism is a key component to the parasitic lifestyle, surviving and reproducing within a host poses additional challenges. Cymothoa excisa is a parasitic isopod that infects Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, along the Texas coast and has evolved mechanisms to successfully survive and reproduce within its host. Cymothoa excisa is known to exhibit sex‐change strategies but limited information exists on morphological changes, reproductive output and the timing at which sex change becomes optimal. This study collected Atlantic croaker during a 22‐month survey period and identified parasite prevalence and intensity in the host fish population. Infection rates were constant throughout the year at 19.88% and intensity increased through the season up to a maximum of four parasites. Following collection, isopod morphological parameters were quantified for each life stage (including female, transitional, male and juvenile), identifying shape and size transitions through ontogeny and sex change. Transitional C. excisa isopods only occurred when only one isopod was present in a fish, suggesting that isopods change sex from male to female if they are the first to recruit to an uninfected host. As isopods transition to females they have a large increase in size, legs, and pleotelson (which influence fecundity and anchoring ability), whereas the gonopod, eyes and uropod show a reduction (which are no longer needed for swimming and finding hosts). Data suggest that C. excisa sex change is related to the timing of infection and brood size increases with female size and host size. Therefore, it would be advantageous to be the first isopod to infect a host, as it could change into a female and increase reproductive potential. We discuss hypotheses that could explain the mating behavior of parasitic isopods.  相似文献   
采用石蜡切片法,对分布于粤西沿海的斗嫁蜮Cellana grata(Gould)的精子发生和雄性性腺的组织结构进行了研究。斗嫁蜮精子发生经历雄性性细胞的增殖、生长、成熟、变态等阶段.依据精子发生过程中生精细胞形态的变化,精子发生过程可分为精原细胞期、初级精母细胞期、次级精母细胞期、精细胞期和精子形成期等5期。雄性性腺组织主要由滤泡构成,滤泡为生殖细胞增殖、生长、成熟、变态的场所,滤泡腔中的精子经生殖输送管向外输送。显微观察与分析表明:(1)精子发生中,生长期不明显,初级精母细胞较精原细胞小;(2)生精细胞及核的大小随发育逐渐变小,核嗜碱性逐渐增强;(3)精子发生过程中的变态期长,易观察到变态过程中的不同形态的精细胞;(4)成熟精子为鞭毛型,头部短杆状,约0.5×(3~4)μm,尾部细长呈鞭毛状;(5)生长-成熟期的雄性性腺由形态较规则的(多边形)滤泡构成,滤泡界限清晰;(6)雄性滤泡壁由不同发育时期的生精细胞依次排列,较原始的生精细胞呈嗜酸性,靠近滤泡膜分布,而发育晚期的生精细胞呈嗜碱性,渐离滤泡膜分布,成熟精子群集并呈涡旋状分布于腔中;(7)成熟雄性性腺可伸入足部或肝组织中;在肝组织切片中,可观察到结构不同的4个级别的生殖输送管;8)斗嫁蜮雌雄异体,但存在雌雄同体、性转化现象。还对斗嫁蜮精子发生与成熟过程及雌雄同体的有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
池养黑鲷性逆转组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)为具性逆转的珍贵海产鱼类,其个体在第3龄期雄性转为雌性,但性逆转发生的详细过程尚不清楚。为了解黑鲷性腺逆转发生的过程,作者通过对池塘养殖黑鲷3~4龄期个体进行定期跟踪取样观察,结合组织切片显微检测性腺变化过程。结果显示:黑鲷性腺在繁殖前后变化趋势不同;繁殖期雌性个体约占15%;繁殖后至7月份是性腺由雄逆转为雌主要时期;8月份全部个体性腺外观表现为卵巢形式;到9月底,个别性腺的精巢组织又开始发育;到12月底样本性腺有雄性、雌性及雌雄同体同时发育3种形式。此外,分析了黑鲷性腺成熟系数与肝质量系数的周年变化趋势。研究获得了详细的3~4龄黑鲷性逆转发生过程及性逆转结果,并针对与先前报道的有关研究结果差异展开分析,为掌握不同海区黑鲷性逆转特性及育种研究提供了更多资料,也为雌雄同体鱼类资源利用研究提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   
本文报道了在全雌鲻鱼培育过程中,未经激素处理的对照组鲻鱼雌雄性比例为2.5%和97.5%。在对照组精巢和卵巢发育分别处于精原细胞期和卵原细胞期,而实验组则进入小生长期。同时,还观察到两尾鲻鱼为雌雄同体,其中一尾以精巢为主,只存在少数小的卵原细胞,另一尾则以卵巢为主,精巢正在发育。文中还讨论了对照组雄性比例高可能的原因。  相似文献   
The reproductive style of Diplodus capensis was examined in an unexploited coastal area in southern Angola. The mean length of females was significantly greater than that of males and, although not significant, females dominated the older age classes. The overall sex ratio was 1 male:4.7 females and female dominance increased with size. Histological analysis of gonads revealed that this species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite, with individuals possessing a non-functional bipotential ovotes-tis in the juvenile phase. Histological examination of the gonads of four macroscopically staged ‘intersex’ individuals suggested that they were functional males with a persistent ovarian portion in their gonads from the juvenile ovotestis. The heavily female-biased sex ratio and female dominance in the larger length classes are thought to be an alternative to sex change that is more resilient to exploitation when compared with the protandrous strategy displayed by the South African population of D. capensis.  相似文献   
紫红笛鲷繁殖特性及诱导产卵的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
描述紫红笛鲷Lutjanusargentimaculatus繁殖特性及人工诱导产卵的试验结果。紫红笛鲷养殖群体具有不完全的先雄后雌的性转化现象。1、2龄鱼全部为雄鱼,性腺成熟系数(GSI)为2.07%—4.85%;3龄亲鱼80%为雄鱼,20%转化为雌雄同体;4龄亲鱼性别转化基本确定,多数亲鱼为纯粹具有生殖机能的雄鱼,而在雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺中具有明显雌性第一性征的雌鱼仅占30%左右;雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺GSI为4.12%—8.09%,其中的卵巢GSI小于2%,4龄雌鱼怀卵量约70—100万粒;紫红笛鲷卵母细胞属非同步性发育,一个生殖季节能多次产卵。试验结果表明:低剂量的LHRH A2(3μg·kg-1)多次注射能有效地促进性腺发育、逐步成熟,并最终产卵,但对卵径小于300μm的亲鱼卵巢没有明显的诱导效果。在5μgLHRH A2+1000I UHCG·kg-1或5μgLHRH A2+500IUHCG·kg-1两种不同剂量的混合激素作用下,亲鱼的性腺都能迅速发育成熟,并能在小型循环式产卵池中自然产卵和受精。在水温为26.0—29.5℃的产卵池中,激素效应时间为35—43h。LHRH A2和HCG混合激素对卵母细胞直径达到400μm以上的紫红笛鲷亲鱼具有良好的促熟和催产效果,催产率达100%。如何减轻亲鱼之间相互残杀是改善雄鱼生理状况、保证雄鱼质量和提高卵子受精率必需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   
虾夷扇贝雌雄同体自体受精繁殖生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以虾夷扇贝的雌雄同体个体为实验材料,对成熟个体的性腺进行组织切片观察,并通过对雌雄同体自体受精、早期胚胎发育和幼虫培养的研究,发现虾夷扇贝自体繁殖的产卵量、受精率和卵裂率与对照组没有很大差异,但是其孵化率和畸形率有明显差异分别为82%和17.3%,而对照组为90%和9.6%;幼虫培育期间的生长没有明显差异,但成活率差异极明显为4%,而对照组为40%。  相似文献   
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