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To determine if defoliation of a woody plant affects foraging by folivorous insects, we examined the infection rate (number of leaves damaged per total number of leaves sampled on marked stems) ofAnthyllis cytisoidesunder three experimental treatments: 10, 50 and 90% plant defoliation. Observations were made for three age classes, established by trunk base perimeter (equal to or lower than 11 cm, between 11 and 20 cm, larger than 20 cm). Plants respond positively to artificial defoliation by increasing total vegetative length of the stem and total inflorescence length. This response is most evident in young individuals.Response to herbivory was measured as overall infection rate and also as infection rate by different feeding guilds—chewing, mining, or sucking insects. We found that increased defoliation elicited increased resistance of leaves to insect attack. This was particularly evident in young plants. Different insect guilds respond in different ways. Attack by chewing insects declines with defoliation for all plant age classes; only sucking insects which feed on the oldest plants reduce feeding rate with plant defoliation. Finally, mining insects present the opposite trend in young and senescent plants.  相似文献   
In Europe, fossil fruits and seeds of Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) have been described from the Upper Cretaceous to the Miocene, whereas no fossil record of Rhodoleia has been reported in Asia, where the modern species occur. Herein, 21 fossil leaves identified as Rhodoleia tengchongensis sp. nov. are described from the Upper Pliocene of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The fossils exhibit elliptic lamina with entire margins, simple brochidodromous major secondary veins, mixed percurrent intercostal tertiary veins, and looped exterior tertiaries. The leaf cuticle is characterized by pentagonal or hexagonal cells, stellate multicellular trichomes, and paracytic stomata. The combination of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics suggests that the fossil leaves should be classified into the genus Rhodoleia. The fossil distributions indicate that the genus Rhodoleia might originate from Central Europe, and that migrated to Asia prior to the Late Pliocene. Additionally, insect damage is investigated, and different types of damage, such as hole feeding, margin feeding, surface feeding, and galling, are observed on the thirteen fossil leaves. Based on the damage frequencies for the fossil and extant leaves, the specific feeding behavior of insects on Rhodoleia trees appears to have been established as early as the Late Pliocene. The high occurrence of Rhodoleia insect herbivory may attract the insect-foraging birds, thereby increasing the probability of pollination.  相似文献   
肖丽芳  林晓丹  任东 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1654-1679
昆虫植食是昆虫与植物相互作用关系中最重要的组成部分。探索地史时期陆地生态系统中昆虫植食行为的起源与演化是探究古环境重建及古气候变化的重要切入点,其结果将更好地揭示现生昆虫取食行为背后的生物学及生态学意义。本文梳理了昆虫植食的研究历史;阐述了植物化石上的生物损伤与非生物损伤的主要区别;介绍了昆虫植食研究的化石证据以及功能性取食组 损伤类型研究体系(Functional feeding group damage type, FFG DT)。昆虫植食多样性在地质历史时期的演化过程分为8个阶段:① 志留纪—泥盆纪(444~359 Ma)为昆虫植食的起源时期;② 石炭纪(359~299 Ma)为昆虫植食的扩张时期;③ 二叠纪(299~252 Ma)为昆虫植食的稳定时期;④ 三叠纪(252~201 Ma)晚期,昆虫植食再次多样化;⑤ 侏罗纪(201~145 Ma)昆虫植食程度进一步加强;⑥ 白垩纪(145~66 Ma)裸子植物逐渐为被子植物所替代,昆虫植食大幅度增加;白垩纪末期,昆虫植食水平下降;⑦ 古近纪(66~23 Ma)昆虫植食水平提高;⑧ 新近纪(23~26 Ma)昆虫植食与现代基本相似。影响昆虫植食的主要因素包括气候环境、昆虫和植被多样性、昆虫口器类型、植物群落组成和微生物等。目前,统一昆虫植食研究体系和方法、填补各历史阶段的缺失信息等问题在昆虫植食研究中亟待解决。  相似文献   
Much of coral reef ecology has focused on how human impacts change coral reefs to macroalgal reefs. However, macroalgae may not always be a good indicator of reef decline, especially on reefs with significant sea urchin populations, as found in Kenya and Hawaii. This study tests the effects of trophic interactions (i.e. herbivory by fishes and sea urchins) and spatial competition (between algae and coral) on algal community structure of reefs surrounding two Hawaiian Islands that vary in their level of human impacts. Reef‐building organisms (corals and crustose coralline algae) were less abundant and turf algae were more abundant on Maui as compared to Lanai, where human impacts are lower. In contrast to previous studies, we found no evidence that macroalgae increased with human impacts. Instead, low turf and macroalgal abundance were best explained by the interactive effects of coral cover and sea urchin abundance. Fishing sea urchin predators appeared to have cascading effects on the benthic community. The absence of sea urchin predators and high sea urchin densities correspond to a disproportionately high abundance of turf and crustose coralline algae. We propose that high turf algal abundance is a better indicator of reef decline in Hawaii than high macroalgal abundance because turf abundance was highest on reefs with low coral cover and few fish. The results of this study emphasize that understanding changes in community composition are context‐dependent and that not all degraded reefs look the same.  相似文献   
沉水植物和螺类都是水生生态系统的重要组成部分,两者的牧食关系也是水生食物网中重要的一环,而不同的基质类型可能会影响两者的生长和改变沉水植物对螺类牧食的防御策略.以耳萝卜螺(Radix auricularia)和苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)为对象,研究基质类型、螺类牧食对沉水植物的生长及防御策略的影响,以及基质类型及沉水植物对螺类生长和生理特征的影响.研究发现,螺类牧食和基质类型对苦草生长和元素特征具有显著的影响,存在螺类牧食时,泥沙基质和沙基质苦草的相对生长速率显著降低,泥沙、沙和泥基质苦草地上生物量分别减少了67.74%、58.58%和17.84%,根冠比分别升高了177.51%、217.23%和1.44%;且泥沙基质中苦草的叶片数显著低于无牧食组.不同基质类型下,牧食对苦草总碳含量无显著影响,但泥和泥沙组中,螺类牧食使苦草的总氮含量均显著降低,碳氮比均显著升高;沙基质下,螺类牧食使苦草总酚含量显著降低.基质类型对螺类的形态特征(除壳宽外)、生长及元素含量均无显著影响.总体来看,基质类型对耳萝卜螺牧食和苦草防御策略具有一定程度的影响,但对螺类的生长及元素特征基本无影响.本研究可以为牧食理论的研究提供基础数据支持,也可为沉水植被恢复、水生生态系统稳定提供参考,但基质类型对螺草牧食关系的长期影响,仍需进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

This review examines the history and current understanding of the ecology of rocky reef fishes in northeastern New Zealand, marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Leigh Marine Laboratory. The cumulative number of publications increased steadily to c. 180 by 2012. Most attention has been on the snapper (Pagrus auratus, f. Sparidae), the largest in size and economically most important species, and on triplefins (Tripterygiidae), the smallest in size and most diverse family. A strong quantitative school emerged in the 1980s, a period when there was little research on temperate reef fishes elsewhere. A ‘bottom-up’ view of the effects of habitat structure on fish emerged, identifying the key roles of depth, topography and macroalgae. By 2000, attention shifted to using marine reserves as laboratories for ecological research. A ‘top-down’ view of fish as predators emerged, documenting cascading effects on prey communities and habitats. The two different viewpoints have not yet been integrated. Research gaps, including population connectivity and climate change, represent major challenges for the next 50 years.  相似文献   
The trophic roles of microzooplankton in marine systems   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Five captive adult female degus (Octodon degus) were offered leaves and twigs to eat from three woody (Adesmia bedwellii,Porlieria chilensisandProustia pungens) and two suffruticose (Baccharis paniculataandChenopodium petiolase) shrubs that provide cover in their natural habitat. The degus discriminated among the plant species, consuming lower amounts ofP. chilensis. Daily body mass losses of degus were significantly higher when they were fed uponP. pungensandP. chilensis. The nutritional value of plants, concomitant with degu nutritional requirements, may explain changes in shrub cover previously found to follow removal of degus from experimental plots.  相似文献   
Many Caribbean reefs have shifted from coral dominance to macroalgal dominance, often by brown algae such as Dictyota and Lobophora. However, the north side of Cayman Brac in the Cayman Islands is dominated seasonally by the green macroalga Microdictyon (percent cover of Microdictyon is 4% in the winter and ~40% of the reef in the summer), although it is absent from the south side of the island and the remainder of the country. Indeed, Microdictyon is rare in much of the Caribbean, so this situation on Cayman Brac provides an opportunity to investigate the conditions that facilitate its distribution and dominance. The impact of herbivory, competition, nutrient input and other abiotic conditions were examined as factors that could influence the distribution and dominance of Microdictyon. While herbivory or nutrient input are frequently found to be key drivers of benthic community composition on coral reefs, here consumption of Microdictyon by herbivores was low, and thus, the alga was not subject to strong top-down control by herbivory. So, in this case, neither herbivore abundance nor feeding preference appeared to influence the distribution of Microdictyon. Nutrient input was also similar to both sides of the island suggesting nutrients played little role in differential distribution. But, in a controlled transplant experiment where Microdictyon was protected from herbivory and competition, it experienced almost complete mortality (93.3%) when transplanted to the south side, compared to only 11.8% mortality on the north. The south side was exposed to the strongest wave action 92% of the days in our study and was on average a slight, but significant 0.2°C warmer. Thus, these data suggest physical forcing (i.e. wave exposure) is the most likely factor dictating Microdictyon distribution. Conversely, a combination of reduced herbivory and increased competitive strength may explain the seasonal dominance of Microdictyon on the north side of Cayman Brac. Microdictyon was a competitive inferior to the other common algae in winter but increased in competitive strength to equal other species in summer. These results add to the literature on Microdictyon and on the forces impacting benthic community structure of coral reefs.  相似文献   
We examined temporal changes at the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand in 1993 and 2002 in the diet of the endemic herbivorous fish Odax cyanoallix (Family Labridae) and in habitat‐forming macroalgae, and compared these with published accounts from 1979. The diet of O. cyanoallix predominantly comprised the laminarian Ecklonia radiata in 1993, and the fucoids Sargassum johnsonii and Landsburgia quercifolia in 2002. In depths <10 m, the endemic fucoid S. johnsonii was dominant in 1979 and 2002 and absent in 1993. E. radiata was absent in 1979, abundant in 1993, and rare in 2002. A period of significantly lower sea‐surface temperatures (SST) at the Three Kings Islands in 1990–95 corresponded to an unusually long El Niño event. The low SST may have resulted in the failure of S. johnsonii to grow and/or recruit during the El Niño event, leading to the observed changes. This study demonstrates variability in fucoid and laminarian assemblages over large time scales that are reflected in diet shifts in a species of herbivorous fish.  相似文献   
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