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文章使用4种分离培养基, 从10个广西涠洲岛柳珊瑚样本中分离可培养真菌, 通过菌落形态观察和内转录间隔区序列系统发育分析, 得到涠洲岛柳珊瑚共附生真菌多样性信息, 并采用96孔板法测定了真菌发酵液乙酸乙酯提取物的抑菌活性和抗生物被膜形成活性。试验结果表明, 从涠洲岛柳珊瑚样本中分离得到191株共附生真菌, 鉴定为26个种。这些真菌均属于子囊菌门, 分布于6个属: 曲霉属(Aspergillus)、青霉属(Penicillium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)、枝孢菌属(Cladosporium)、黑孢霉属(Nigrospora)和Parengyodontium属。曲霉属(Aspergillus)为优势种属, 占总菌株种类的69.23%; 次优属为枝孢菌属(Cladosporium)。抑菌活性筛选发现有11种真菌至少对一种指示菌有抑制活性, 占菌种总数的42.31%; 有7种真菌对表皮葡萄球菌生物被膜形成具有抑制活性, 半数有效浓度(EC50)范围为40.3~155μg·mL-1, 菌株Penicillium cinnamopurpureum GXIMD00518、Aspergillus carneus GXIMD00519具有抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌生物被膜形成活性, EC50分别为105.4μg·mL-1和117.4μg·mL-1。  相似文献   
Gorgonians are important structuring species of the Mediterranean hard‐bottom communities that are threatened by disturbances such as increasing seawater temperature, mucilaginous events and destructive fishing, among others. In this study we assessed for the first time the population structure and conservation status of one of the most common gorgonians in the Eastern Adriatic Sea, the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. During late spring 2009, nine populations dwelling between 30 and 50 m depth were examined by SCUBA diving along 200 km of the Croatian coastline. The density ranged between 7 and 20 colonies·m?2. The mean and maximum colony heights were 31.2 ± 22.7 cm (±SD) and 138 cm, respectively. Two main patterns of P. clavata size frequency distributions were observed: the first one with a higher proportion of juveniles (~30%) observed mostly in the northernmost populations, and the second one with a higher proportion of larger colonies (>25% of colonies >40 cm in height). Regarding the disturbance impact level, the proportion of healthy colonies (with <10% of injured surface) was high in almost all of the studied populations (>60%) and the mean extent of injury (i.e. denuded axis or epibiosis) was 9.7 ± 4% (±SD), indicating low impacts. Contrasting population size structures with high recruitment in mature populations provides new insights into the demographic structure of the Mediterranean gorgonian forests dwelling in their upper bathymetric range (<50 m depth). Furthermore, these size structures and the low impact levels suggest a current favorable conservation status of the studied populations in the Eastern Adriatic Sea and provide a baseline for their monitoring in the future.  相似文献   
通过2种样品前处理方式和4种不同的DNA提取方法相结合,提取橘色刺柳珊瑚(Echinogoria aurantiaca)基因组DNA,并对其18S rRNA基因进行了克隆和测序。实验结果表明,对于2种样品前处理方式,采用纯酒精进行样品前处理比PBS(磷酸缓冲液)进行样品前处理效果要好。在4种不同的DNA提取方法中,以CTAB(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵)法提取基因组DNA效果最好,其余3种方法如PVP(聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮)法、高盐法和酚/氯仿法的提取效果较差。并且不同样品的钙质沉淀对DNA都有一定程度的吸附。最后,通过PCR扩增、克隆测序得到橘色刺柳珊瑚18S rRNA基因序列(AY962532)。BLAST软件进行序列比对表明橘色刺柳珊瑚与弱柳珊瑚(Leptogorgia chilensis)的18S rRNA基因(AF052928)同源性最高,为98.79%。  相似文献   
Pseudopterogorgia acerosa is the tallest gorgonian octocoral found in the Caribbean. In the Cartagena area, Colombia, P. acerosa is commonly harvested as raw material for handicrafts, rendering important the study of its growth and population dynamics. Growth measurements of branches from multiple colonies at two different reefs during 1 year revealed that the main growth was due to rapid elongation of the main (‘mother’) branch and production of daughter branches from the same (or just a few) mother branch(es). Some small colonies doubled their original size in a year. The branches’ absolute growth rate was weakly correlated with size, with no significant relationships between branch size and percent growth. While the pinnate branching pattern in P. acerosa is similar to its congeners Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae and Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata, it produces taller colonies due to the faster growth rate in the primordial mother branch. This growth mode seems advantageous as it augments exposure to light and higher fluxes of suspended food in the benthic boundary layer. Post‐harvesting, clipped colonies exhibited clear signs of regeneration, even in cases where only the holdfast remained. Pseudopterogorgia acerosa seems to have similar regeneration capabilities respect to other Pseudopterogorgia species, where regenerating colonies may grow faster than intact ones.  相似文献   
We present the results of the first study to highlight the demography, morphometry and growth rates of Spinimuricea klavereni, a rare Mediterranean endemic gorgonian exceptionally common in shallow depths of the Northeast Marmara Sea. In the study area, this species forms vast populations on rocks, boulders and attached to pebbles/stones/shells on soft substrates between 20 and 45 m depth, with a total average density of 0.3 colonies·m?2 but comprising patches up to 3 colonies·m?2. Colonies, which are on average 42.9 (±20.1) cm in height, can reach up to 110 cm. Unlike other Mediterranean gorgonians, the colonies studied here showed fast growth rates that decreased with increasing colony height, between 1.5–11.1 and 4.96 ± 3.01 cm·year?1 on average. The low necrosis and high growth rates displayed by this species in the Northeast Marmara Sea confirm the previously hypothesized opportunistic behaviour of the species. The unique community consisting of S. klavereni and other rare gorgonian/soft corals has limited distribution in this area and should be considered to be a vulnerable marine ecosystem. Therefore we recommend that some conservation measures are taken, including the prohibition of all fisheries and anchoring over these assemblages.  相似文献   
湛江徐闻西海岸柳珊瑚的物种多样性和分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年8月对湛江徐闻西海岸柳珊瑚资源进行调查,共采得柳珊瑚16种,分别属于7科14属;基本查清该海区柳珊瑚的分布状况。根据柳珊瑚群体颜色及骨针的形态学特征,系统阐述徐闻西海岸柳珊瑚的系统分类关系,第一次系统研究了徐闻柳珊瑚的资源状况。结合国际上最新的柳珊瑚分类系统,对国内原有的形态分类系统作出了更新和改进,这将有助于国际上认同和了解中国柳珊瑚资源情况。研究发现了1个新记录科、4个新记录属和1个新记录种。等柳珊瑚科Parisididae为新记录科,Parisis、Paraplexaura、Villogorgia、Dichotella为新记录属,鞭柳珊瑚Ellisella maculataStuder,1878,为新记录种。  相似文献   

冷水珊瑚可以提供其生长期内周围环境变化的信息, 有望填补中-深层海洋高分辨率重建材料的空缺。本文利用“深海勇士”号载人深潜器在甘泉海台西南角海山上(16.55°W, 110.89°E; 水深1119.3m)采集的柳珊瑚样品(SY185-9)开展探索性研究, 检验冷水珊瑚高分辨率古环境重建的应用价值。X射线衍射(XRD)分析结果表明SY185-9的矿物成分主要为镁方解石(Mg0.06Ca0.94CO3); 骨骼横切面的14C测年结果显示SY185-9生长于早全新世, 时间跨度为9621±135~8922±114a B.P.; 利用环境扫描电子显微镜结合能谱仪和电子探针, 分析SY185-9骨骼横切面的元素组成和变化, 其中Mg/Ca比值指示了SY185-9生长时期平均海水温度为4.7±0.9℃, 较现代相同位置处的平均海水温度高约0.9℃, 可能反映早全新世南海中层水温度较现代略高的特征, 但也需注意冷水珊瑚Mg/Ca温度计算公式的区域适用性和珊瑚生命效应问题; Mg/Ca记录的频谱分析结果揭示显著的十年-百年际尺度波动, 可能反映中层水温度的自然变率, 或因局地海山地形而造成的中层海水与海表气候之间的密切联系。

通过核糖体18S rDNA探讨柳珊瑚分子系统发育关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对南海3种柳珊瑚的18SrDNA序列的测序,结合Genebank中搜索到的其他26种柳珊瑚的18SrDNA序列,构建了NJ和MP系统发育树,结果表明柳珊瑚可分为两个类群,系统树清楚表明了钙轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系,但未能很好反映全轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系。钙轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系较为清晰,其中枝鳃珊瑚科(Dendrobrachiidae)、红珊瑚科(Coralliidae)和拟柳珊瑚科(Paragorgiidae)的遗传关系非常紧密,三爪珊瑚科(Briareidae)、鞭柳珊瑚科(Ellisellidae)和Erythropodiumcaribaeorum分类地位还待商榷,需要选取更多的样品构建系统树才能弄清楚它们准确的分类地位。全轴珊瑚类群的系统关系非常混乱,可见18SrDNA并不能提供有效的遗传信息,这就需要寻求其他遗传标记来解决全轴珊瑚类群的系统关系。  相似文献   
采用卤虫致死和细胞毒活性筛选模型,对蕾二歧灯芯柳珊瑚Dichotella gemmacea (valenciennes)乙醇提取物及各有机相进行了克生活性测定.结果表明,克生活性物质主要集中在石油醚相中.采用GC/MS技术对石油醚相进行了分析,鉴定了20个低极性化合物,主要为甾醇类、脂肪类化合物.推测甾醇类化合物是蕾二歧灯芯柳珊瑚的主要克生活性物质.  相似文献   
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