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兰坪坳陷油气组群特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰坪坳陷的油气主要见于金顶矿区的下含矿层,储层主要为上三叠统三合洞组的灰岩和角砾状灰岩。油气地球化学特征表明有机母源输入是多源的,沉积成烃水体介质以还原性占优势.具有较高盐度,有机质热演化处于成熟一高成熟阶段.生物降解改造较为强烈。根据原油的母源贡献、生物降解、环境介质条件等特征,将兰坪坳陷原油划分为3类组群。  相似文献   
证明了下面两个定理:(1)设n,k≥2为正整数,a为有穷非零复数,F为区域D上的亚纯函数族,F中任一函数的零点重级至少为k.vf,g∈F,fLn(f)与gLn(g)IM分担a.则F在D上正规,其中L(f)为f(k)+a1f^(k-1)+…+akf,这里a1,…,ak为常数.(2)设n,k为正整数,且n≥2,a为有穷非零复数,F为区域D上的亚纯函数族,F中任一函数的零点重级至少为k,且fLn(f(z))=a能够推出|f^(k)(z)|≤A,其中A为正数,则F在区域D上正规.  相似文献   
华夏家谱GIS的数据组织与系统架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华夏文明源远流长,家谱、正史与方志共同构成了中华文明史的三个重要成分,其中,家谱以家族中的个人信息为基本记录单元,以人与人之间的关系为框架,形成了富有中国特色的对家族从空间分布到时间演化的完整描述体系,家谱资料的蕴含信息和记录粒度是其他历史资料所不能比拟的。家谱GIS扩展了现有家谱信息描述的概念,通过强化其中蕴含的空间信息,以家族谱系为基础,在空间信息技术的支持下,重构个人的空间活动,重现一个家族的兴衰、繁衍与变迁,实现从宏观到微观角度家族历史的全面地反映。本文分析了家谱与GIS的关系,提出了家谱GIS构建所必须的统一的历史地理时空描述框架;在此基础上分析了家谱中信息的组织模式,设计了的家谱的核心数据模型;在Web2.0理念下,以公众参与的开放式系统构建为基础,设计了家谱GIS的系统架构并进行了系统实现。  相似文献   
青岛小珠山花岗岩岩石谱系单位划分及其主要特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周汝国   《山东国土资源》2001,17(6):32-38
青岛小珠山花岗岩体为中生代偏碱性侵入岩,过去通称小珠山岩体,通过15万区域地质填图,将其划分为15个单元,划归为大店和崂山两个超单元.对各单元的岩石学、岩石化学、微量元素及稀土元素特征等进行了分析研究,认为应属A型花岗岩,为燕山晚期之产物.  相似文献   
酪蛋白激酶1 (CK1)是一种重要的蛋白激酶家族,其在DNA损伤应答和修复、细胞增殖和凋亡、胚胎发育和稳态等重要的生物学过程中都具有复杂多样的调控作用。为了理解CK1基因家族在双壳贝类中的特征、进化及生物学功能,实验采用比较基因组学及生物信息学的方法对双壳贝类CK1基因家族进行了鉴定分析,通过虾夷扇贝高温应激实验,研究了CK1基因家族在高温应激时的表达规律。结果显示,在虾夷扇贝、栉孔扇贝、长牡蛎与侏儒蛤中均存在CK1α,CK1αlike,CK1δ,CK1γ3,并发现CK1ε,CK1γ1,CK1γ2在双壳贝类中发生了丢失。时空表达分析发现,双壳贝类CK1基因均在胚胎发育早期集中表达,并以多细胞/囊胚期为界呈现出母源/合子特异性表达模式。CK1为关键基因的基因共表达模块显著富集在错配修复、核苷酸剪切修复等相关通路上,暗示了CK1基因在双壳贝类胚胎发育过程中参与调控DNA损伤修复过程,从而维持早期胚胎发育时的基因组稳定性。双壳贝类CK1基因在成体中呈现组织特异的表达模式,主要在鳃和雄性性腺中具有相对较高的表达量。虾夷扇贝受到高温应激后,其鳃中PyCK1α, PyCK1αlike和PyCK1δ...  相似文献   
To try to define specific physical properties of the dust of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs), we compare the light scattered by them. Amongst the more than 1000 JFCs, less than 200 are numbered, 40 of them being rather bright. In the present work we use data from the latter. In situ observations of three nuclei show low albedo surfaces. The albedo of the dust particles in the coma is low, with generally a red colour. The A(α) product is a measure of cometary activity and secular changes. Images of different regions (jets and fans) give indications on the nucleus rotation and position of the emitting areas, as compared to the position of the rotation axis. Differences in physical properties between the particles in different regions are pointed out by differences in the linear polarization of the scattered light and by spectral variations in brightness and polarization. Jupiter family comets are considered as dust-poor comets. Tails and trails’ studies give an estimation of the size distribution of the particles. However the dust production rates depend on the largest particles (up to centimetre size), which are mainly observed in the trails where large dark compact particles are found. These dark particles are also responsible for the high polarization in the inner most coma of some comets. The meaning, in terms of physical properties, of the linear polarization is discussed through different examples such as 2P/Encke, 9P/Tempel 1 or the fragments of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. Cometary outbursts and splitting events show that the properties of the dust ejected from the interior of the nucleus are similar to the ones of more active comets (new or with larger semi-major axis).  相似文献   
地磁与空间物理资料的组织和相关坐标系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在地磁与空间物理学实验研究和理论研究中,无论是观测资料和实验数据,还是理论计算和数值模拟结果,都需要组织在一定的坐标框架中,或者用一定的函数(函数系)来表达.坐标系或函数系的选择对于合理描述资料和发现自然规律是十分重要的环节.本文综述了地磁与空间物理研究中经常使用的20多种坐标系,着重探索这些坐标系的基本设计思想和相互联系,追踪它们的发展演化轨迹,从而加深对资料组织和坐标系选择的理解.  相似文献   
Mucronella perforata was first discovered from Onagawa Bay, northern Honshu, Japan, in 1937 by Okada and Mawatari. It was reported from Hong Kong and its neighboring waters and was referred to the genusHippopodina Levinsen, 1909 of the Family Hippopodinidae Levinsen, 1909 by Huang et al. (1990) and Huang (1994). According to the astogeny of the species, both the ancestrula and its successor zooids have an ascus proximal to the orifice, and its hyperstomial ovicells are imperforate, so it could not be a member of any known genus of the known families of the superfamily Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883 in the infraorder Lepraliomorpha Gordon, 1989. The new genusPacificincola and the new family Pacificincolidae established respectively on the basis of reexaminations of the Chinese specimens obtained from the southern Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea.Schizoporella insculpta Hincks, 1880 andHippoporina mexicana Soule, Soule et Chaney, 1995 have been referred to the new genus in the paper. Contribution No. 3658 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 39670100 supported by NSFC and work also supported by the Special Foundation of Biota, IOCAS.  相似文献   
The migration of women engaged in transnational domestic work reveals how the uneven impacts of globalisation have intruded into the micro‐world of families and households. In this age of globalisation and migration, family membership has become multisited or transnational, with members dispersed in space. The migration of workers and the separation this entails has raised challenges to notions and ideals of “being family”. Unlike other workers on the move, the migration of domestic workers has some distinctive characteristics. It can be framed in terms of women moving between families and households; workers whose departure from their family of origin and insertion into their family of employment reconstitute the structure and content of family relationships in both material and imagined ways. Drawing on in‐depth interviews conducted in the Philippines and Singapore, we explore how migrant women and their family members define and negotiate family ideals, gender identities and family relationships, given the family's transnational configuration. Our findings provide some support to the notion that individual members in transnational families resort to “relativising” in fashioning responses to their situation.  相似文献   
根据地质建造和成矿特征,借鉴我国地质学家创立的矿床成矿系列理论,对敦煌成矿带的成矿系列进行了深化研究.按照成矿作用与地质建造的时间关系,将成矿系列细化为“同生”、“准同生”、“后生”、“表生风化”类别.同一套地质建造有关的几个世代的成矿系列自然地构成一个成矿系列家族(简称成矿系列族),在敦煌成矿带初步总结出7个成矿系列家族,为阐明区域成矿规律奠定了基础.  相似文献   
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