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Abstract Eclogites are distributed for more than 500 km along a major tectonic boundary between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons in central and eastern China. These eclogites usually have high-P assemblages including omphacite + kyanite and/or coesite (or its pseudomorph), and form a high-P eclogite terrane. They occur as isolated lenses or blocks 10 cm to 300 m long in gneisses (Type I), serpentinized garnet peridotites (Type II) and marbles (Type III). Type I eclogites were formed by prograde metamorphism, and their primary metamorphic mineral assemblage consists mainly of garnet [pyrope (Prp) = 15–40 mol%], omphacite [jadeite (Jd) = 34–64 mol%], pargasitic amphibole, kyanite, phengitic muscovite, zoisite, an SiO2 phase, apatite, rutile and zircon. Type II eclogites characteristically contain no SiO2 phase, and are divided into prograde eclogites and mantle-derived eclogites. The prograde eclogites of Type II are petrographically similar to Type I eclogites. The mantle-derived eclogites have high MgO/(FeO + Fe2O3) and Cr2O3 compositions in bulk rock and minerals, and consist mainly of pyrope-rich garnet (Prp = 48–60 mol%), sodic augite (Jd = 10–27 mol%) and rutile. Type III eclogites have an unusual mineral assemblage of grossular-rich (Grs = 57 mol%) garnet + omphacite (Jd = 30–34 mol%) + pargasite + rutile. Pargasitic and taramitic amphiboles, calcic plagioclase (An68), epidote, zoisite, K-feldspar and paragonite occur as inclusions in garnet and omphacite in the prograde eclogites. This suggests that the prograde eclogites were formed by recrystallization of epidote amphibolite and/or amphibolite facies rocks with near-isothermal compression reflecting crustal thickening during continent–continent collision of late Proterozoic age. Equilibrium conditions of the prograde eclogites range from P > 26 kbar and T= 500–750°C in the western part to P > 28 kbar and T= 810–880°C in the eastern part of the high-P eclogite terrane. The prograde eclogites in the eastern part are considered to have been derived from a deeper position than those in the western part. Subsequent reactions, manifested by (1) narrow rims of sodic plagioclase or paragonite on kyanite and (2) symplectites between omphacite and quartz are interpreted as an effect of near-isothermal decompression during the retrograde stage. The conditions at which symplectites re-equilibrated tend to increase from west (P < 10 kbar and T < 580°C) to east (P > 9 kbar and T > 680°C). Equilibrium temperatures of Type II mantle-derived eclogites and Type III eclogite are 730–750°C and 680°C, respectively.  相似文献   
In the Shackleton Range of East Antarctica, garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks occur as lenses in supracrustal high-grade gneisses. In the presence of olivine, garnet is an unmistakable indicator of eclogite facies metamorphic conditions. The eclogite facies assemblages are only present in ultramafic rocks, particularly in pyroxenites, whereas other lithologies – including metabasites – lack such assemblages. We conclude that under high-temperature conditions, pyroxenites preserve high-pressure assemblages better than isofacial metabasites, provided the pressure is high enough to stabilize garnet–olivine assemblages (i.e. ≥18–20 kbar). The Shackleton Range ultramafic rocks experienced a clockwise P–T path and peak conditions of 800–850 °C and 23–25 kbar. These conditions correspond to ∼70 km depth of burial and a metamorphic gradient of 11–12 °C km−1 that is typical of a convergent plate-margin setting. The age of metamorphism is defined by two garnet–whole-rock Sm–Nd isochrons that give ages of 525 ± 5 and 520 ± 14 Ma corresponding to the time of the Pan-African orogeny. These results are evidence of a Pan-African suture zone within the northern Shackleton Range. This suture marks the site of a palaeo-subduction zone that likely continues to the Herbert Mountains, where ophiolitic rocks of Neoproterozoic age testify to an ocean basin that was closed during Pan-African collision. The garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks in the Shackleton Range are the first known example of eclogite facies metamorphism in Antarctica that is related to the collision of East and West Gondwana and the first example of Pan-African eclogite facies ultramafic rocks worldwide. Eclogites in the Lanterman Range of the Transantarctic Mountains formed during subduction of the palaeo-Pacific beneath the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   
In No. 50 kimberlite pipe of Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, an eclogite inclusion(nodule), which is extremely rare in kimberlites, was discovered and phlogopite exsolutionlamellae were found in garnets of the inclusion. Microscopic, TEM and energy spectral observa-tions and studies confirmed that these lamellae are phlogopite. They are colourless and acicularin section, generally 0.5-5μm in width and 10-100μm in length. Nevertheless, fine lamellae,0.05-0.1μm wide and 1-2μm long, are also well developed. Along [111] of the garnet, three setsof phlogopite lamellae show oriented arrangement approximately at angles of 60°-70°, indi-cating that these lamellae might be the product of exsolution from garnet as a result ofpressure-release when eclogite ascended from the relatively deep level to the relatively shallowlevel of the mantle. Tiny acicular exsolution minerals (or inclusions) are commonly found ingarnet and pyroxene in eclogite inclusions of kimberlites all over the world and it has been re-ported that the identified exsolution minerals include pyroxene and rutile. This is the first timethat phlogopite exsolution lamillae were found in eclogite inclusions in the world.  相似文献   
Low‐temperature eclogite and eclogite facies metapelite together with serpentinite and marble occur as blocks within foliated blueschist that was originated from greywacke matrix; they formed a high‐pressure low‐temperature (HPLT) subduction complex (mélange) in the North Qilian oceanic‐type suture zone, NW China. Phengite–eclogite (type I) and epidote–eclogite (type II) were recognized on the basis of mineral assemblage. Relic lawsonite and lawsonite pseudomorphs occur as inclusions in garnet from both types of eclogite. Garnet–omphacite–phengite geothermobarometry yields metamorphic conditions of 460–510 °C and 2.20–2.60 GPa for weakly deformed eclogite, and 475–500 °C and 1.75–1.95 GPa for strongly foliated eclogite. Eclogite facies metasediments include garnet–omphacite–phengite–glaucophane schist and various chloritoid‐bearing schists. Mg‐carpholite was identified in some high‐Mg chloritoid schists. PT estimates yield 2.60–2.15 GPa and 495–540 °C for Grt–Omp–Phn–Gln schist, and 2.45–2.50 GPa and 525–530 °C for the Mg‐carpholite schist. Mineral assemblages and PT estimates, together with isotopic ages, suggest that the oceanic lithosphere as well as pelagic to semi‐pelagic sediments have been subducted to the mantle depths (≥75 km) before 460 Ma. Blueschist facies retrogression occurred at c. 454–446 Ma and led to eclogite deformation and dehydration of lawsonite during exhumation. The peak PTconditions for eclogite and metapelite in the North Qilian suture zone demonstrate the existence of cold subduction‐zone gradients (6–7 °C km?1), and this cold subduction brought a large amount of H2O to the deep mantle in the Early Palaeozoic times.  相似文献   
北秦岭榴辉岩Sm-Nd同位素年龄   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采自陕豫交界秦岭群中的榴辉岩主要由石榴子石和绿辉石组成,同时还含有少量的角闪石和金红石。本工作由四个单矿物和全岩五个样,测得Sm-Nd等时年龄为400±16Ma,(r=0.997575),εNd=十3.6,说明在加里东期北秦岭造山带发生过高压变质事件。  相似文献   
榴辉岩中石英出溶体的拉曼光谱学研究及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王璐  金振民  何谋春 《地球科学》2003,28(2):143-150
利用拉曼光谱学和费氏台方法对若干地区超高压榴辉岩中柯石英和榴辉岩中石英出溶体的超显微构造特征进行了研究.研究结果表明, 石榴石(或绿辉石) 中柯石英向石英相变是一个连续变化过程.绿辉石中石英出溶体和主晶具有一定的晶体学拓扑关系, 即石英出溶体长轴有两个展布方向: 平行于绿辉石(10 0) 裂理面和平行于绿辉石(- 10 1) 面.目前, 部分学者推断榴辉岩绿辉石中石英出溶体可作为超高压变质作用的标志.笔者认为, 棒状定向石英在绿辉石中出溶的温压条件和出溶机理尚未查明.因此, 需加强过量二氧化硅单斜辉石出溶机理的超高压实验研究, 从而为证实石英出溶体作为超高压标志提供实验定量约束.   相似文献   
The Xiongdian eclogite occurring in the Sujiahe tectonic melange zone at Luoshan County, Henan Province, in the western Dabie Mountains, is typical high-pressure (HP)-ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and medium-temperature eclogite. The occurrence, internal texture and surface characteristics of zircons in eclogite were studied rather systematically petrographically combined with the cathodoluminescence (CL) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. Zircons are mainly hosted in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries, have a multifaceted morphology and are homogeneous or exhibit a metamorphic growth texture in the interior, thus indicating that they are the product of metamorphism. SHRIMP analyses give zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 335 to 424 Ma and show a certain degree of radiogenic Pb loss; therefore it may be inferred that the age of 424? Ma represents the minimum age of a HP-UHP metamorphic age. From the above analyses coupled with previous Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb age d  相似文献   
西藏羌塘地区榴辉岩石榴子石和磷灰石中均发育矿物出溶体,结合电子探针和扫描电镜分析及能谱分析,确定了石榴子石中的出溶体有金红石、石英和角闪石,指示其可能经历了高压/超高压变质作用。本研究在磷灰石中发现了金红石出溶,并认为其可能是在高压/超高压条件下元素相互置换的结果,置换方式为Ti~(4+)(Fe~(2+)、Si~(4+))=2Ca~(2+),这些出溶体的形成为榴辉岩曾经历高压/超高压变质作用提供了矿物学证据。  相似文献   
大别山榴辉岩一片麻岩杂岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大别山榴辉岩由辉长岩、大陆拉斑玄武岩和少量泥灰质经高压变质作用形成。大别地块可划分出四个形成条件不同的榴辉岩区,它们代表一种构造-岩石组合体。片麻岩杂岩中各种高压变质岩类的发现证明它们与榴辉岩一起经历了原地高压变质过程。二者变质作用P-T参数的差异归因于抬升过程中退变质反应速度的不同。不同地区榴辉岩退变质组合及P-T条件与围岩的一致性表明,大别杂岩现今所展示的“递增”变质带是由榴辉岩相退变质作用形成的。高压榴辉岩-片麻岩杂岩的产生是印支期扬子与华北两个大陆板块碰撞的结果。  相似文献   
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