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Transverse secondary circulations involving surface convergence, observed in a well-mixed estuary in North Wales, are made visible by the collection of surface material along an axial line which extends continuously for many kilometres through the estuary. The circulation and axial convergence, however, are seen only during the flood phase of the tide and no similar behaviour has been observed during the ebb phase.Convergent circulations in the estuary are associated with small but steady transverse density gradients in the cross-section, produced by non-uniform advection of the longitudinal gradient through the channel. A diagnostic model, using measured mean distributions of cross-sectional density, indicates surface transverse velocities (~0.1 ms?1) similar to those observed in the estuary. The model further predicts appreciable transverse divergent currents at a fractional depth of 0.75: a prediction which has been tested in the estuary using a vertical array of accurately resolving current direction indicators.  相似文献   
1998年冬季南海环流的三维结构   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用1998年11月28日至12月27日南海的调查资料,采用三维海流诊断模式,计算了冬季南海三维海流,所得结果如下:(1)冬季南海环流系统方面:1)南海北部,在吕宋西北海域分别存在一个气旋式、反气旋式涡.2)南海中部,在越南近岸存在较强的、南向的西边界射流.其以东海域出现较强的气旋式环流.南海中部东侧海域存在一个较弱的反气旋式环流.3)南海南部,一般流速较弱.在112°E以西受反气旋式环流所控制,加里曼丹岛西北海域存在气旋性环流.由于受调查海域所限,这两个环流只部分出现.(2)上述环流系统与200 m层水平温度、密度分布对应较好.(3)南海冬季环流垂向速度分布方面:1)表层,南海北部,在吕宋西北为范围较大的上升流海区.而在东沙群岛附近海域出现了下降流.海南岛以南及东南海域也存在下降流.南海中部,越南以东海域出现范围较大的下降流,其以东为上升流海域,而在巴拉望岛西北海域又出现下降流.南海南部,基本上被上升流海域所控制.2)次表层与表层不同,例如在次表层,海南岛东南部海域出现上升流.中层和深层垂向速度分布与次表层相似.(4)关于南海垂向速度分量分布的动力原因:在表层,风应力旋度场起着主要作用;在次表层,β效应与斜压场相互作用是重要的动力因子,而风应力旋度场和β效应与正压场相互作用也有一定影响;在南海中部等区域的中层以及在南海的深层,主要受B效应与斜压场相互作用和B效应与正压场相互作用的共同作用.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to develop a holistic understanding of upwelling and downwelling along the south-west coast of India. The main objective was to elucidate the roles of different forcings involved in the vertical motion along this coast. The south-west coast of India was characterized by upwelling during the south-west monsoon (May to September) and by downwelling during the north-east monsoon and winter (November to February). The average vertical velocity calculated along the south-west coast from the vertical shift of the 26?°C isotherm is 0.57?m/day during upwelling and 0.698?m/day during downwelling. It was concluded that upwelling along the south-west coast of India is driven by offshore Ekman transport due to the alongshore wind, Ekman pumping, horizontal divergence of currents and by the propagation of coastally trapped waves. Whereas downwelling along the coast is driven only by convergence of currents and the propagation of coastally trapped Kelvin waves. Along the west coast of India, the downwelling-favorable Kelvin waves come from the equator and upwelling-favorable waves come from the Gulf of Mannar region.  相似文献   
沿岸上升流和沿岸急流的一个半解析理论   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在考虑了陆架地形后,在垂直海岸的x z剖面上 ,对Boussinesq流体的非线性海洋运动方程求得了总动量守恒、温度守恒和位势涡度守恒的 普 适形式,进而得到流函数所满足的椭圆型二阶偏微分方程,在给定流体沿地形运动的条件下 ,算出问题的解. 计算结果表明,沿岸可以出现上升流也可以出现下沉流,它依赖于海洋的 大尺度背景条件. 计算所得的上升流、沿岸急流、温度的锋区结构与一些观测事实接近.  相似文献   

Hourly wind speeds and directions taken at six sites near Vancouver, Canada over a period of one year during 1971–1972 have been analyzed. Mean magnitude ratios obtained for different wind directions under high wind conditions vary from about 0.3 to 1.4 and can be explained qualitatively by local shelter effects, local terrain effects or anemometer heights. The mean magnitude ratio is in every case shown to be essentially identical to the ratio of mean wind magnitudes, for high wind conditions; this is justified by simple analysis. The standard deviation of the magnitude ratio lies between 0.24 and 0.69 of the mean ratio. Uncertainty in this mean ratio, which is an important link in wind engineering design, may have to be incorporated into statistical design procedures to avoid taking unknown risks in the estimation of design wind speeds.  相似文献   
A steady state model of the Somali current including forcing by both the curl and the divergence of the wind stress is discussed. The model equations are linear, but the results presented are for the one nonlinear case. The grid resolution was 12 km in the zonal and 24 km in the meridional direction. The streamfunction and velocity potential of the current are presented for forcing by divergence and compared with a situation when only the curl is present. The results indicate that a two-gyre system appears in July, a representative month for the summer monsoon, only when divergence is included. Computations with available data indicate that the divergence is comparable in magnitude to the curl near the location of the Somali current. The model produces three other important features: (i) strong upwelling off the east coast of Africa, (ii) downwelling over central Arabian sea and (iii) a strong eastward current in the upper layer towards the interior of the Arabian sea near 12°N.  相似文献   
The baroclinic response of a stratified coastal embayment (Lunenburg Bay of Nova Scotia) to the observed wind forcing is examined using two numerical models. A linear baroclinic model based on the normal mode approach shows skill at reproducing the observed isotherm movements and sub-surface currents during a time of strong stratification in the bay. The linear model also shows that the isotherm movement in Lunenburg Bay is influenced by the wind forcing and propagation of baroclinic Kelvin waves from neighbouring Mahone Bay. The effects of nonlinearity and topography are investigated using a three-dimensional nonlinear coastal circulation model. The nonlinear model results demonstrate that the nonlinear advection terms generate a gyre circulation at the entrance of Lunenburg Bay, and the slope bottom topography at the mouth of the bay strengthens the sub-surface time-mean inflow on the southern side of the bay. A comparison of model-calculated currents in different numerical experiments clearly shows that baroclinicity plays a dominant role in the dynamics of wind-driven circulation in Lunenburg Bay.  相似文献   
Small amplitude water waves propagating in a medium with a steady non-uniform current are investigated. The non-uniform current is obtained by up- or downwelling through the horizontal bed. A new locally valid velocity potential correct to the second order is derived describing the combined wave–current motion. From this solution expressions for the local evolution of the wave amplitude and the wave number are extracted. These expressions are compared with the results found using the principle of wave action conservation and the linear dispersion relation, and good agreement is found at small distances compared to the wavelength. Unlike earlier works there is no restriction to deep water. The results valid for deep water are found as a special case of the general solution and agree with the solution found by Longuet-Higgins, M.S. and Stewart, R.W. (1961) The changes in amplitude of short gravity waves on steady non-uniform currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 10(4), 529–549. Furthermore, it is shown that the principle of wave action conservation in fact holds for waves propagating in a medium with a steady non-uniform current maintained by up-/downwelling also on finite depth.  相似文献   
An ocean circulation model for the British Columbia continental shelf is run with future initial conditions and forcing fields downscaled from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program archive. Average seasonal sea surface temperatures for the period 2065 to 2078 are projected to increase by between 0.5° and 2.0°C with respect to analogous averages from 1995 to 2008. Seasonal sea surface salinities are projected to decrease by as much as 2.0 over the same period, though there are some regions where and periods when small increases are projected. Though stronger winter winds result in larger Haida Eddies, slightly stronger summer winds along the western Vancouver Island shelf do not result in appreciable changes to either the cross-shelf upwelling or to the magnitude of Juan de Fuca Eddies or the timing of their formation. However, increased flows are projected in some seasons for the Rose Spit, Middle Bank, and Goose Island Bank eddies. More precipitation over the watersheds emptying into coastal waters produces larger freshwater discharges and, in particular, a stronger estuarine flow in Juan de Fuca Strait and a stronger Vancouver Island Coastal Current. Generally increasing winds and decreasing density mean that the winter minus summer range of sea surface heights is projected to increase all along the coast.  相似文献   
A Kuroshio damping phenomenon of a few days scale caused by a strong wind was studied using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and a two-way nesting model for the POM. We simulated an idealized eastward Kuroshio in a zonal channel in terms of the inflow/outflow condition at the western/eastern boundaries and examined responses of the idealized Kuroshio to a strong easterly wind. This study was motivated by observations of JMA research vessel Shumpu Maru which reported deformation of isopycnals and damping of the Kuroshio before and after the attack of Typhoon 6804. Deformation of isopycnals and damping of the Kuroshio are found to depend on magnitude of wind stress, intensity of stratification, distance of the Kuroshio from coast, and grid resolution. The deformation of isopycnals is related to the vertical circulation pattern caused by the divergence/convergence of the onshore Ekman transport. A simple stratification model composed of Niiler (1969)'s modification of the Ekman transport and the coastal boundary is proposed to explain the damping phenomenon. An idealized cape was added in other experiments in order to study whether the Kuroshio damping mechanism discussed here works in three dimensions. The newly developed two-way nesting model for the POM was applied for this experiment and made it possible to clarify more detailed features of response in the nested area than did the coarse grid model.  相似文献   
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