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Samples of groundwater were collected from 17 sites in the Jianghan plain in July 2007. Sixteen phthalate esters (PAEs) were detected in samples collected by using solid-phase extraction (SPE)-gas chromatography (GC). The results show that there were one or several PAEs in all the samples, and the concentrations of total PAEs ranged from 80.12 to 1882.18 ng/L. Four PAEs, i.e. di-isobutyl phthalate (DIBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), bis (2-ethoxyethyl) phthalate (BEEP) and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate DEHP) were the dominant species. Among these, DIBP, DBP and DEHP concentrations were closely related to the water supply from the Yangtze River, Hanjiang River and Honghu Lake. However, the distribution of BEEP was irregular, which may be due to the application of some kind of products containing BEEP in the related areas. PAE distribution was irrelevant to the electrical conductivity and sample depth.  相似文献   
This study reports comparisonsbetween model simulations, based on current sulfurmechanisms, with the DMS, SO2 and DMSOobservational data reported by Bandy et al.(1996) in their 1994 Christmas Island field study. For both DMS and SO2, the model results werefound to be in excellent agreement with theobservations when the observations were filtered so asto establish a common meteorological environment. Thisfiltered DMS and SO2 data encompassedapproximately half of the total sampled days. Basedon these composite profiles, it was shown thatoxidation of DMS via OH was the dominant pathway withno more than 5 to 15% proceeding through Cl atoms andless than 3% through NO3. This analysis wasbased on an estimated DMS sea-to-air flux of 3.4 ×109 molecs cm-2 s-1. The dominant sourceof BL SO2 was oxidation of DMS, the overallconversion efficiency being evaluated at 0.65 ± 0.15. The major loss of SO2 was deposition to theocean's surface and scavenging by aerosol. Theresulting combined first order k value was estimated at 1.6 × 10-5 s-1. In contrast to the DMSand SO2 simulations, the model under-predictedthe observed DMSO levels by nearly a factor of 50. Although DMSO instrument measurement problems can notbe totally ruled out, the possibility of DMSO sourcesother than gas phase oxidation of DMS must beseriously considered and should be explored in futurestudies.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements of rain acidity and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) at the ocean surface and in the atmosphere were performed at Amsterdam Island over a 4 year period. During the last 2 years, measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the atmosphere and of methane sulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt-sulfate (nss-SO4 2-) in rainwater were also performed. Covariations are observed between the oceanic and atmospheric DMS concentrations, atmospheric SO2 concentrations, wet deposition of MSA, nss-SO4 2-, and rain acidity. A comparable summer to winter ratio of DMS and SO2 in the atmosphere and MSA in precipitation were also observed. From the chemical composition of precipitation we estimate that DMS oxidation products contribute approximately 40% of the rain acidity. If we consider the acidity in excess, then DMS oxidation products contribute about 55%.  相似文献   
Atmospheric dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were measured at Baring Head, New Zealandduring February and March 2000. Anti-correlated DMS and SO2 diurnalcycles, consistent with the photochemical production of SO2 from DMS, were observed in clean southerly air off the ocean. The data is used to infer a yield of SO2 from DMS oxidation. The estimated yields are highly dependent on assumptions about the DMS oxidation rate. Fitting the measured data in a photochemical box model using model-generated OH levels and the Hynes et al. (1986) DMS + OH rate constant suggests that theSO2 yield is 50–100%, similar to current estimates for the tropical Pacific.However, the observed amplitude of the DMS diurnal cycle suggests that the oxidation rate is higher than that used by the model, and therefore, that theSO2 yield is lower in the range of 20–40%.  相似文献   
邻苯二甲酸二甲酯及其异构体的好氧微生物降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
3种苯二甲酸二甲酯异构体(邻、间和对苯二甲酸二甲酯)主要应用于化学工业,作为增塑剂和生产聚酯的原料。用邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为惟一碳源,从红树林底泥中驯化、富集、培养、分离得到的微生物对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(Dimethylphthalate,DMP)及其异构体对苯二甲酸二甲酯(Terephthalate,DMT)和间苯二甲酸二甲酯(Isophthalate,DMI)具有较强的降解作用。此菌株16SrDNA分子生物学的鉴定为Rhodococcusruber1k。实验得出该菌能够在苯二甲酸二甲酯作为惟一碳源和能源的培养基中生长。浓度为50mg·L-1的DMP、DMI和DMT分别在6、10、11d内可以完全被降解;DMP能够在好氧条件下被该菌快速降解,生成邻苯二甲酸一甲酯(monomethylphthalate,MMP)和邻苯二甲酸(phthalicacid,PA)2种主要中间产物,最终可以完全矿化成CO2和H2O;该菌对DMI和DMT的降解速度则比DMP慢。两者的降解中间产物间苯二甲酸一甲酯(MMI)和对苯二甲酸一甲酯(MMT)却不能被Rhodococcusruber1k继续降解而在培养基中积累。结果表明苯二甲酸二甲基酯的3种异构体能够被红树林底泥中的土著微生物降解。降解速度及降解途径与底物的化学结构有密切关系。  相似文献   
渤海、黄海是高产二甲基硫(Dimethyl Sulfide, DMS)的大陆架海区。该海区DMS的现场调查研究有助于准确评估海洋DMS释放量及其对全球气候变化的负反馈作用。目前,无论是基于模型还是直接测量法的通量估算均以表层海水或低层大气DMS浓度为基础,因此,先进的检测技术对其通量估算的准确度具有决定性作用。气相色谱法、质谱法、化学发光法以及卫星遥感技术是现在常用的观测技术,而本文则基于苯辅助光电离离子迁移谱技术进一步提出了一种可在海域现场观测海水中DMS的方法。通过结合动态气提-Nafion管在线除水进样系统,消除环境水汽的干扰;在最优条件下,基于DMS两个产物离子峰,可以实现0.10~120 nmol/L之间DMS的定量分析,检测限低至0.065 nmol/L;然后将所建方法应用于2019年秋季渤海、北黄海海水中DMS的现场观测。结果表明,表层海水中DMS的浓度为0.080~0.96 nmol/L(平均值为(0.44±0.34)nmol/L),其海气通量为0.12~17.75 μmol/(m2·d)(平均值为( 3.23±4.02)μmol/(m2·d));通过结合实验室检测结果、环境因子和浮游植物群落结构讨论了海水样品低温储存条件下DMS的变化和影响因素,结果显示,营养盐成分及浮游植物群落结构是影响储存样品中DMS浓度显著增加的主要因素,进一步表明了现场观测方法的建立对海洋DMS释放量的准确评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   
邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(dimethyl phthalate,DMP)是近海环境有机污染物之一,不仅对海洋生物造成毒害,且能在生物体内富集和放大,对海洋生态系统形成严重威胁。本文以鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)为研究对象,通过测定比生长速率、叶绿素a含量、光合和呼吸速率、光合基因rbcL转录水平上的相对表达量等指标,研究了鼠尾藻对不同浓度DMP的响应。结果表明,低浓度的DMP(0.lmg/L)短时间内(≤15d)能促进鼠尾藻的生长和叶绿素a的合成,并使藻体的光合作用增强,诱导光合基因rbcL的表达,而在高浓度DMP(≥0.3mg/L)的作用下,鼠尾藻的生长速率、光合和呼吸速率、rbcL基因的表达量均随着暴露时间的延长呈明显下降趋势,且DMP浓度越高,降幅越大。以上研究结果对了解DMP对鼠尾藻胁迫的影响机制奠定了基础,为保护海洋经济藻类的养殖环境提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
The Arctic has become a sink for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) originating from lower latitudes, and relatively high levels have been found in different biota. Recent studies have identified detrimental effects on wildlife including endocrine disruption, impairment of enzyme activity, and reduced immune function. The Arctic spider crab, Hyas araneus, shown interesting potential for its use as sentinel organism in polar ecosystems. This study investigated the effect of 2,2',4,4'-tetra bromo diphenyl ether (BPDE), bisphenol A (BPA), and diallyl phthalte (DPA) on H. araneus in a three weeks exposure study. Expression of multixenibiotic resistance (MXR) proteins has been studied using the C219 monoclonal antibody which allows identifying an immunoreactive protein of 40 kDa in the digestive gland while no such protein could be observed in the gills. Expression of this protein was increased by exposure to DPA (+75%; p<0.05, n=10). All compounds significantly affected muscle acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity (p<0.05, n=10) with 50 microg/L DPA having the strongest effect by lowering the value to 37% of control. The total oxyradical scavenging capacity measured in the digestive gland toward peroxyl, hydroxyl and peroxynitrite was also significantly reduced indicating a decreased resistance to oxidative stress generated by DPA (p<0.05, n=5). These results thus suggest the potential detrimental effects of DPA even at concentration as low as 50 microg/L on H. araneus.  相似文献   
对黄河三角洲东北部地区的高分辨率水声学资料进行了综合研究。根据所记录的破坏土体变形程度、运动产生的平面形状和地貌特征形态,对土体失稳过程进行分类:浅表土体变形、塌陷凹坑、滑坡和沉积物重力流。结果表明:(1)浅表土体形变的变形程度最低,出现在研究区斜坡上部平滑海底,主要为绳网状泄水构造和表层拉张裂隙。(2)塌陷凹坑在研究区内广泛出现,是局部土体液化后发生了垂直沉降的结果。(3)滑坡多发生在水下斜坡的中上部,由弧形塌陷区、狭窄的冲沟通道和负地形沉积物堆积区组成。滑坡陡坎后缘发现拉张裂隙。(4)沉积物重力流是土体发生变形程度最大,搬运距离最长的土体破坏变形形式。局部区域多次受到沉积物重力流切割和充填作用。  相似文献   
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