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针对核电厂结构,在考虑土-结构相互作用(SSI)的情况下进行随机地震反应分析,探讨地基岩土参数的不确定性对反应堆厂房楼层反应谱(FRS)的影响。运用ANSYS软件模块建立核电厂(NPP)结构有限元模型,通过设置边界弹簧单元和阻尼装置来考虑SSI效应;并且通过设置具有概率意义的弹簧刚度和阻尼系数,来模拟土特性参数的不确定性。随机响应分析与确定性分析的结果对比,揭示了岩性地基条件下SSI效应对核电厂FRS的影响以及地基岩土参数不确定性对FRS的影响程度。研究表明,在岩性地基条件下,亦不应忽略SSI效应;考虑SSI效应的随机分析模型同确定性模型相比,二者的分析结果较为接近,两方法都可用于NPP的FRS敏感性分析评估之中,并可进行相互比照。  相似文献   
为了满足定量解释的需要,地震资料处理必须是高分辨率、振幅保持和相位控制的.面向海洋地震资料的相位控制处理技术包括利用远场信号进行确定性零相位化、Q补偿、预测反褶积及剩余相位校正等.利用模拟远场信号求取确定性去气泡及零相位化算子.此文基于相位控制处理,讨论了海洋地震资料的相位和极性判别方法,探讨了大于24 ms算子长度的预测反褶积对于保持信号形状的必要性,介绍了东海三维地震资料相位控制流程.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2018,1(2):286-303
Nanogeology is a subject that is a combination of geology and nanoscale science, and it has been a frontier field in recent years. It is also a new subject with the features of intersectionality and multidisciplinary. Digging deeper into geological problems and nanoscale phenomena helps better revealing the more essential mechanisms and processes in geological science, which is also an evitable path in the development of geology. In this paper, we elaborate the concept, feature and main subdisciplines, and summarize three stages of nanogeology development from preliminary research in the 1990s to subject formation in China. After summarizing the researchers’ achievements in this field, we illustrate some primary research progresses of nanogeology in China as eight subdisciplines. On the basis of the above content, we propose the development prospect of nanogeology in China. There are many geologic problems with scientific values and economic benefits, such as research of geologic fundamental problems, resource exploration and development, mechanism study and prediction of geological activities (disasters), mechanism research and management of environmental pollution and others. Nanogeology has a great potential in China to solve all of these problems. As a result, the theories and methods of nanogeology will become enriching and advanced. It offers important theoretical basis and technological methods to deal with major issues concerning the national economy and the people’s livelihoods, such as the prediction of geological activities, as well as resource distribution and its exploration and utilization.  相似文献   
辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
环境效率是生态效率的重要组成部分。基于环境效率对于指导区域经济与环境协调发展的重要意义,以重工业基地辽宁沿海经济带为例作环境效率研究,应用数据包络分析(DEA)和随机前沿分析(SFA)测算辽宁沿海经济带2001~2009年工业环境效率和产出弹性。在此基础上利用Tobit模型构建多元线性回归,分析工业环境效率的关键影响因素。结果表明:2001~2009年辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率有大幅提高,但与理想状况仍有一定差距。其中大连的工业经济增长主要依靠劳动力推动,对环境成本的依赖正在减小,丹东、营口和葫芦岛3市的工业增长需要牺牲更多的环境成本。重工业化、资本密集化和高新技术化不利于工业环境效率提高,经济发展水平的提高则极大地促进了工业环境效率的提高。所有制结构、生产规模、外商投资和环境管理力度等因素因其作用的两面性,对工业环境效率无有效影响。  相似文献   
宋周莺  祝巧玲 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1785-1797
中巴经济走廊是“一带一路”6大经济走廊之一,而贸易畅通是“一带一路”建设的核心环节。研究中巴贸易关系演变及其影响因素、分析其贸易潜力,对推进“一带一路”建设具有重要的示范作用。论文从中巴贸易发展态势、商品结构、空间格局等方面揭示中巴贸易关系,运用随机前沿引力模型分析中巴贸易关系的主要影响因素、并探析其发展潜力,以期为推进中巴经济走廊建设提供科学支撑。研究发现:① 中巴贸易发展迅速,中对巴贸易顺差持续扩大;中国主要出口机械及电气设备等资本密集型产品,主要进口纺织原料及纺织制品等初级产品和劳动密集型产品。② 中国各省份与巴基斯坦的贸易合作存在明显的空间差异,东部沿海省份与巴贸易联系较紧密,西部各省份除新疆外与巴基斯坦贸易额均较小。③ 中国多数省份对巴贸易商品结构发生显著变动,其中,新疆、山东等进出口商品结构多元的省份的变动相对较小。④ 中国各省份的经济发展水平和市场规模对中巴贸易拉动较强;海运距离对中巴贸易规模有显著的负向影响;领土接壤为中巴组织边境贸易提供了良好条件;铁路和水运口岸的建设对中巴贸易具有积极影响。⑤ 中国各省份与巴基斯坦均有较大贸易潜力,内蒙古、云南、广西、陕西等省份的合作潜力更明显。  相似文献   
陈宇 《世界地理研究》2021,30(5):893-902
领土疆域是现代国家存在和发展的客观地理空间实体,对国家的长治久安和繁荣稳定具有根本现实意义。在人类社会发展的演进历程中,人类社会共同体在有着固定地理边界的领土上建立了现代国家,然而随着人类探索世界的范围因认知能力、科学技术及经济全球化等变化而扩展,国家地理疆域的形态也由此发生了深刻变化。现代国家的地理疆域已经从领土、近海和近空传统地理空间,向深海、远洋、太空、极地和信息等现代地理空间延展。总的来看,现代国家疆域的形态特征的变化主要表现为,由二维空间向多维空间的变化,从确定性空间向不确定空间延展,从地理空间迈向向利益空间发展,从主权空间向战略空间扩展。在现代国家的地理疆域已经发生变化的前提下,中国在构建人类命运共同体中提出了以和平、主权、普惠、共治为治理原则来治理国际关系新疆域,这不仅为治理国际关系新疆域贡献了中国智慧,也有效推动了中国疆域治理迈向更高台阶。  相似文献   
Deterministic seismic hazard in Egypt   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The predictability of the position, spatial coverage and intensity of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) in the summers of 2010 to 2012 was examined for ensemble prediction systems(EPSs) from four representative TIGGE centers,including the ECMWF, the NCEP, the CMA, and the JMA. Results showed that each EPS predicted all EASWJ properties well, while the levels of skill of all EPSs declined as the lead time extended. Overall, improvements from the control to the ensemble mean forecasts for predicting the EASWJ were apparent. For the deterministic forecasts of all EPSs, the prediction of the average axis was better than the prediction of the spatial coverage and intensity of the EASWJ. ECMWF performed best, with a lead of approximately 0.5–1 day in predictability over the second-best EPS for all EASWJ properties throughout the forecast range. For probabilistic forecasts, differences in skills among the different EPSs were more evident in the earlier part of the forecast for the EASWJ axis and spatial coverage, while they departed obviously throughout the forecast range for the intensity. ECMWF led JMA by about 0.5–1 day for the EASWJ axis, and by about 1–2 days for the spatial coverage and intensity at almost all lead times. The largest lead of ECMWF over the relatively worse EPSs, such as NCEP and CMA, was approximately 3–4 days for all EASWJ properties. In summary, ECMWF showed the highest level of skill for predicting the EASWJ, followed by JMA.  相似文献   
我国陆地边疆人口空间分布与地形关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王兰辉  吴瑞 《地理空间信息》2011,(5):109-111,114
以我国国境线内50km缓冲区为研究区域,分析我国陆地边疆地区人口总体分布,结果符合黑河-腾冲线的规律,再叠加分析我国陆地边疆地区人口密度曲线与地形剖面线,总体探究了人口空间分布与地形的关系,最后分别统计分析人口与高程、坡度、地形起伏度及坡向之间的关系,研究结果对进一步探究我国陆地边疆人口空间分布规律的内在机理有一定帮助...  相似文献   
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