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This article borrows a statistical method from physical geography—topographical prominence—to suggest a new technique for measuring the relative significance or rank of population centers. Unlike raw population measures, prominence gives consideration to both the spatial intensity of concentrated population areas as well as the spatial dependence or independence of neighboring settlement clusters in relation to one another. We explain how to apply the topographic prominence calculation method to gridded population data and examine its practical utility through case studies of several U.S. states. We then discuss some ways in which parametric choices about point-to-surface transformations can result in considerably different outcomes and offer further suggestions for conceptualizing and measuring population center significance.  相似文献   
The corals Acropora austera and Platygyra daedalea have been the subject of extensive reproductive and population genetic studies in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park (iSimangaliso), on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, eastern South Africa. Despite this, estimates of size at first maturity in these two species are lacking. This information could be used to provide a baseline to differentiate juveniles from adult sizes of corals, an important factor for assessing the condition of scleractinian communities in reefs. Here, we present the methods followed to provide such estimates for these two hard corals. Using generalised linear models and assuming knife-edge maturity (50% probability), it was estimated that A. austera from iSimangaliso matures at c. 15 cm mean colony diameter (MCD) (95% CI: 9.25–20.75 cm MCD) and P. daedalea matures at c. 7 cm MCD (95% CI: 4.55–8.39 cm MCD). These estimates were comparable to those for tropical species which is remarkable considering the high-latitude nature of the sampled reefs. It is expected that the findings from this study will assist in the assessment of reproduction, recruitment, survival and genetic variation in clonal organisms such as corals, and will provide a baseline to assess the effects of climate change on coral communities in the region.  相似文献   
During 1974, 5045 snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) were tagged at various locations along the north‐east coast of the North Island. Most were trawl‐caught using a canvas cod‐end in shallow inshore areas. Four types of tags were used, of which two were found to be effective: a large single‐barbed dart tag, and a lock‐on spaghetti tag. For the period up to the end of October 1975, 88 (1.74%) were returned. Highest returns were from the Hauraki Gulf (2.3%) and lowest from Northland (nil). Analysis of the recapture data showed that most movements were local, with a mean distance between tagging site and recapture position of 13.9 nautical miles (25.7 km). Four movements greater than 50 miles (92.6 km) were recorded. Local movements in the Hauraki Gulf were associated with the spring/summer spawning period. This movement, out from inshore areas which are closed to seiners and trawlers, and schooling behaviour, are thought to be the main factors contributing to the peak in snapper catches at this time of the year.  相似文献   
Little is known about the downstream propagation of stream channel alterations initiated by urban flow regimes. In this study, freely available Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data were combined with ground survey data to derive information on changes in stream cross sections in a North Carolina watershed, moving downstream across an urban-to-rural land-use boundary. Regression analyses relating LiDAR model and ground survey data exhibit poor relationships for all channel morphometric measurements except reach-average channel capacity. Application of the channel capacity regression reveals a negative power function pattern of downstream decline in channel enlargement. The largest declines occur before streams enter the rural landscape, with more gradual declines afterward. The largest declines in channel size might be attributable to reservoir effects along reaches with wide floodplains. Model results indicate no discernible enlargement once rural land covers and percentage impervious areas of about 60 percent and 16 percent of watershed area, respectively, are reached.  相似文献   
1IntroductionThedeclinesofpositridersltiphavebecomegeneralizedtrendsaroundtheworld.TheresultSleadtorapidgroaningovenunentalsubsidiesandgreatdeficitsontheaccountofhallSitoperators.Inonerecentsurveyof147transitagencies,threeoutoftenagenciesreportedthatinthepastthreeyears.riderslilpontheirSystemhaddecreased.Illanothersurveyofmorethan200~itagenciesintheUnitedStates.44%ofallmanagerssaidridership--PAncularlytheproblemofdecliningridershjp--isoneofthemostimportantcurrentissuesfortheiragenCy.Evenfi…  相似文献   
The debate surrounding US climate policy has been strongly influenced by concerns about the impact that placing a price on GHG emissions could have on potentially vulnerable populations, including senior citizens. This article shows that seniors would be one of the best protected groups under the climate policies recently debated in the US Congress. Moreover, low-income groups would also be protected generally under these proposals. This is due to a combination of existing government transfer programmes that automatically adjust benefit payments to account for inflation and provisions in the proposals.  相似文献   
Geo-temporal Twitter demographics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks and uses highly disaggregate social media sources to characterize Greater London in terms of flows of people with modelled individual characteristics, as well as conventional measures of land use morphology and night-time residence. We conduct three analyses. First, we use the Shannon Entropy measure to characterize the geography of information creation across the city. Second, we create a geo-temporal demographic classification of Twitter users in London. Third, we begin to use Twitter data to characterize the links between different locations across the city. We see all three elements as data rich, highly disaggregate geo-temporal analysis of urban form and function, albeit one that pertains to no clearly defined population. Our conclusions reflect upon this severe shortcoming in analysis using social media data, and its implications for progressing our understanding of socio-spatial distributions within cities.  相似文献   
Research and development programs for improved productivity and profitability in horticulture have focused largely on understanding biophysical factors and production and harvest technologies. By contrast, relatively few studies focus upon the existing status of a rural community in terms of demographics, rationales and motivations underlying current farm management practices. Understanding such factors is increasingly important as pressures from climate change, globalised market forces, land-use competition and ageing workforces intersect on farms and for farmers. This paper explores experiences among macadamia growers in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia, with the aim to better understand and improve the targeting of development programs to meet grower needs and aspirations, for improved industry resilience. Results suggest that growers are a diverse, ageing demographic who came into the industry with a variety of skill sets. Noting a lack of previous farming experience for many growers, we highlight the need to consider information transfer and succession planning, along with aspirations to consolidate properties and skills. New engagement approaches are recommended, with tailored extension to different grower groups. To aid with this process, a classification tree was developed for the purposes of separating growers into groups with different support needs.  相似文献   
Recent estimates of growth and mortality rates in extant Chesapeake Bay, USA oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations are used to quantify changes in both population abundance (dN/dT) and shell accretion (dS/dT) associated with modern population demographics. The demographics of oyster populations that would be required to maintain reef accretion rates commensurate with sea level rise over geological time frames are examined using estimates of oyster longevity in pre-colonial (pre -1600) times combined with parallel estimates of pre-disease endemic mortality. The analysis demonstrates that modern populations, with their disease related, age-truncated demographics, are generally not capable of maintaining and building biogenic reefs through accretion. Estimates of filtration rates associated with Chesapeake Bay oyster populations prior to 1600 considerably underestimate actual benthic-pelagic coupling during that period. Pristine oyster populations would have supported water column turnover rates on the order of minutes to hours. Thus, the spatial footprint of oyster reefs was limited by available productivity in the estuary. Accretion rate calculations for pristine (pre-1600) oyster reefs describe the intimate relationship between benthic-pelagic coupling and the presence or absence of oyster reefs and the associated communities.  相似文献   
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