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The day and night vertical distributions of the dominant planktonic crustaceans in Xujiahe Reservoir were investigated on July 7, 1998. Sampling was carried out at Station D in the upstream region, Doupuohe, and Stations LI and LII in the downstream region, Lujiaodao. At Station D and Station LI, Leptodora kindti showed diel vertical migrations. In Daphnia galeata and Diaphanosoma dubia a limited reverse diel vertical migration was found at Station D, and large individuals tended to stay in lower layers during the day. Neutrodiaptomus incongruens seemed to avoid the water column of 0–6 m by day, but a detectable proportion of the population moved upwards at night. Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides showed a clearly defined diel vertical migration behavior at all three stations. The vertical distribution of Thermocyclops crassus was similar at different stations: in daylight hours it was found almost exclusively in the water column below 6 m and during the night a significant proportion of the population shifted upwards.  相似文献   
Abstract. Despite its commercial value, little is known about the feeding ecology of the greater forkbeard, Phycis blennoides (Brünnich 1768). The stomach contents of 2631 greater forkbeard were taken at monthly intervals off the coast of the Gulf of Valencia (western Mediterranean). They were examined in order to assess the diet and to determine the fish size- and season-related dietary variation of the species. Prey items were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. The basic food consisted of epibenthic species, mostly Decapoda, Mysidacea and Teleostei. A change in food composition based on fish size was observed and seasonal variation in diet was also recorded. The food overlap analysis indicated a high convergence in diet among similar size groups.  相似文献   
先天免疫是宿主抵抗病原感染的第一道防线,在病原的传播和疾病的发展过程中发挥重要的作用。甲壳动物属于无脊椎动物,仅具有先天免疫,而不具备适应性免疫,其主要依靠细胞免疫和体液免疫来实现免疫防御功能,抑制病原体增殖。JAK/STAT途径是调节无脊椎动物免疫反应的主要途径之一,本文主要从细胞因子受体(Dome)、JAK酪氨酸激酶(JAK)、信号传导及转录激活因子(STAT)、调节因子的结构、在宿主体内的表达及发挥的功能等来综述在养殖甲壳动物中JAK/STAT信号通路的研究现状。目前已在对虾、螯虾和蟹等近十种甲壳动物中报道了此通路的元件,而且各元件均具有保守的典型结构域,同类元件在不同种类甲壳生物中的结构有所差异,但是功能基本相似。这些元件均被证实通过调节JAK/STAT通路的信号转导来影响抗病能力。目前仅在凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)中鉴定出JAK/STAT信号通路的所有元件,对其他甲壳动物中剩余元件的鉴定仍有必要,并且甲壳动物JAK/STAT信号通路对其他信号通路的影响还有待深入研究。通过本文希望能为该通路在甲壳动物中调控机制研究提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   
Recent research and management plans for seagrass habitats have called for landscape level approaches. The present study examines the spatial utilisation of subtidal seagrass beds by fish and decapods around the coast of Jersey (49°N 02° W). A hierarchical scale of landscape configuration and the plant characteristics of eight seagrass beds were measured and the contributions of these variables as predictors of the properties of the fish and decapod assemblages were evaluated using multiple linear regression models. The results indicated that total diversity had a negative relationship with transect heterogeneity and total species number had a weak negative association with increasing fragmentation. Both total diversity and total species number showed a positive relationship with depth. In fact, in all models of species number and densities, values were higher in deeper seagrass beds. Total decapod density increased with aggregation of seagrass patches within a landscape. In addition to landscape configuration, smaller-scale structural changes in both canopy height and epiphyte load appeared to influence densities of decapod crustaceans. At night, fewer patterns could be explained by the independent variables in the model.  相似文献   
Sediments and marine organisms such as mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), fish (Mullus barbatus, Serranus scriba), crabs (Polybius henslowi) and shrimp-like crustaceans (mysids, euphausiids) were sampled on European coasts, France, Spain) and analysed for their PAH content by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The PAH concentrations determined in the organisms were significantly negatively correlated with logKow values, but to different extents according to the species. This was explained by the greater exposure of the organisms to the lower molecular weight compounds with differences resulting from different feeding habits, habitat, and biotransformation capacities of the organisms in relation to trophic levels. The influence of these observations on the use of different sentinel species in biomonitoring programmes is discussed.  相似文献   
The northern New England beach wrack community with special reference to the cosmopolitan amphipod crustacean, Orchestia platensis, was examined at estuarine and open coastal habitats. Beach wrack was dominated by the plant genera Ascophyllum, Zostera, Spartina and Chondrus, and was most abundant during spring and late summer. Animal community numbers, biomass and frequency in fresh to moderately decomposed wrack were dominated by O. platensis throughout the year at all habitats; oligochaetes and Collembola were also important. The abundance of O. platensis showed high spatial and temporal variability, with low abundance generally associated with decreased amounts of wrack during colder months. An exception was the winter presence of the species at one estuarine habitat, in patchy aggregations within gravel-cobble refuges. The abundance of O. platensis averaged 1280 (0.04 m2)−1, with a maximum of 7040 (0.04 m2)−1. The life cycle of O. platensis is bivoltine, with summer-hatched young reaching maturity within 1 month. Laboratory studies indicate females with up to 4 broods (30 days)−1, averaging 18 eggs brood−1.Orchestia platensis is omnivorous, eating fresh plant tissue, live oligochaetes, Limulus eggs and diatom ‘fuzz’. The rate of laboratory consumption of algae and Zostera was 0.05 mg plant mg−1 wet body weight day−1. Presumptive predators of O. platensis are juvenile green crab, Carcinus maenus, and the earwig. Anisolabis maritima. The mobility, aggregation and aggressiveness of O. platensis assist the species in establishing and maintaining populations in the rigorous wrack habitat. The general competitive superiority of O. platensis over its congener, O. gammarella, and the co-occurrence of these species on both eastern and western Atlantic shores is discussed.  相似文献   
The presence of decapod crustaceans in the Pliocene and Pleistocene (MIS 5e) fossil record of Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago) is herein reviewed. Our study raises the number of fossil decapods from this island from one species to 10 taxa (three for the Pliocene and seven for the Last Interglacial). Four of these 10 taxa are reported for the first time in the fossil record, worldwide. A new species of a mud shrimp is also described (Upogebia azorensis n. sp.). Our study suggests that the Plio–Pleistocene decapod assemblages of the Azores did not differ significantly from modern ones, being dominated by species that are today widespread across the Webbnesia ecoregion, the Mediterranean Sea, and the eastern Atlantic shores, including the Azores. As far as can be judged from the limited fossil record, apparently no tropical crab species with a Cabo Verdean/Senegalese provenance reached the Azores during windows of opportunity associated with Glacial Termination 2 or with the initial setting of the Last Interglacial period. This contribution increases the total number of marine taxa reported for the Pliocene and Pleistocene outcrops of Santa Maria Island to 218 and 155, respectively, highlighting the scientific relevance of its palaeontological heritage.  相似文献   
乐清湾口海域春秋季甲壳动物的群落结构特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2012年春季和10月在乐清湾口海域开展渔业资源调查所获甲壳动物资料,对乐清湾口海域的甲壳动物的种类组成、优势种、物种数量分布、生物多样性和群落结构相似性等群落结构特征及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出34种甲壳动物,隶属于2目17科23属,春季优势种仅有三疣梭子蟹1种,秋季为日本、口虾蛄、中华管鞭虾、三疣梭子蟹4种,两季优势种更替较显著;秋季物种数较春季丰富,调查水域中心区域物种数较多;秋季甲壳动物生物多样性指数高于春季;甲壳动物群落结构与海洋环境密切相关。乐清湾口海域的甲壳动物以季节性的广温低盐种类为主,该海域位于河口,受瓯江径流影响较大;春季受瓯江径流淡水水团影响,物种较少,而秋季受交汇水团影响,物种丰富;春秋季组内并无明显规律,地形、水深和水系等外部因素对甲壳动物群落结构影响较大。  相似文献   
Abstract. Zooplankton is an essential component of the marine and brackish food chains. The ecotoxicological risk of zooplanktonic communities, estimated by the modern methodological approach of biomarkers, can be used as an early warning signal of ecosystem health. The aim of this project is to estimate the potential use of several biomarkers (esterases, mixed function oxidases, porphyrins) in zooplanktonic organisms. Studies were carried out with different zooplanktonic crustaceans: the copepods Acartia margalefi and Acartia latisetosa collected in Ganzirri Lake (Messina); the mysid Siriella clausi collected in Faro Lake (Messina); the mysids Diamysis bahirensis, Siriella armata and Mysidopsis gibbosa collected in Stagnone di Marsala (Palermo); the Antarctic euphausiids Euphausia crystallorophias and Euphausia superba; the am-phipod Streetsia challengeri and the euphausiid Meganycthiphanes norvegica collected after a shore-stranding along Messina's Ionian coast. Moreover, experiments were carried out with the benthic decapods Eriphia verrucosa and Pachygrapsus marmoratus from a rocky shore of Messina's Ionian coast. Acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) was determined in homogenates of whole organisms. The key result of this project concerns the different AChE activity basal values of different crustacean species. Particular attention should be paid to the difference in basal activity found between the Antarctic and the Mediterranean species.  相似文献   
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