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The influence of emergent and submerged macrophytes on flow velocity and turbulence production is demonstrated in a 140 m reach of the River Blackwater in Farnborough, Hampshire, UK. Macrophyte growth occurs in patches and is dominated by Sparganium erectum and Sparganium emersum. In May 2001, patches of S. erectum were already established and occupied 18% of the channel area. The flow adjusted to these (predominantly lateral) patches by being channelled through a narrower cross‐section. The measured velocity profiles showed a logarithmic form, with deviations attributable to topographic control. The channel bed was the main source of turbulence. In September 2001, in‐stream macrophytes occupied 27% of the channel, and overhanging bank vegetation affected 32% of the area. Overall flow resistance, described by Manning's n, showed a threefold increase that could be attributed to the growth of S. emersum in the middle of the channel. Velocity profiles showed different characteristic forms depending on their position relative to plant stems and leaves. The overall velocity field had a three‐dimensional structure. Turbulence intensities were generally higher and turbulence profiles tended to mirror the velocity profiles. Evidence for the generation of coherent eddies was provided by ratios of the root mean square velocities. Spectral analysis identified deviations from the Kolmogorov ?5/3 power law and provided statistical evidence for a spectral short‐cut, indicative of additional turbulence production. This was most marked for the submerged vegetation and, in some instances, the overhanging bank vegetation. The long strap‐like leaves of S. emersum being aligned approximately parallel to the flow and the highly variable velocity field created by the patch arrangement of macrophytes suggest that the dominant mechanism for turbulence production is vortex shedding along shear zones. Wake production around individual stems of S. emersum close to the bed may also be important locally. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigated whether trochophore larvae of the polychaete Hesiocaeca methanicola, which lives on exposed ice‐like methane hydrates between 500 and 600 m, could consume near‐bottom picoplankton. In laboratory trials larvae significantly reduced the growth rates of all types of picoplankton, including heterotrophic bacteria, Prochlorococcus sp., Synechococcus‐type cyanobacteria and phototrophic eucaryotes <3 μm. Our findings suggest that these types of plankton may be important food sources for deep‐sea planktotrophic larvae.  相似文献   
A Classification of Hypersaline Waters, Based on Trophic Criteria   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
F. D. Por 《Marine Ecology》1980,1(2):121-131
Abstract. A classification of hypersaline waters is proposed on the basis of the food chain structure of their biota. Four steps of increasing salinity and respective shortening of the food-chains are recognized, respectively named: alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-hypersaline waters.
Some general aspects, dealing with cosmopolitism of the biota, production, competition and benthic ecology in hypersaline waters are discussed.
The relevance of ecological studies in hypersaline waters to theoretical ecology and to the new technological uses of saline waters is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   
浅水湖泊水生植被遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浅水湖泊中,水生植物具有净化水质、抑制藻类、提供鱼类食物和栖息环境等生态功能,同时,其过度扩张也会加速湖泊淤浅和沼泽化、引起湖泊二次污染等环境负效应.实时动态地掌握湖泊水生植被类群和种群的空间分布及其面积、生物量等指标信息,对湖泊生态修复和评估、水生植被恢复和管理等具有重要现实意义.遥感技术的大面积、实时、动态等特点...  相似文献   
抑食金球藻(Aureococus anophagefferens)可以形成褐潮, 并对贝类、浮游动物等多种生物均能造成不利影响。为进一步探究抑食金球藻对浮游动物的影响, 本文以日本虎斑猛水蚤(Tigriopus japonicus)为实验生物, 研究抑食金球藻对日本虎斑猛水蚤摄食、存活、生长发育以及繁殖的影响。日本虎斑猛水蚤具有易于在实验室培养、生长周期短、雌雄异体等优点, 是海洋毒性污染物检测的模式生物。实验利用高效液相色谱分析方法, 在日本虎斑猛水蚤体内色素中检测到了抑食金球藻的特征色素19’-丁酰氧基岩藻黄素(But-fuco), 表明日本虎斑猛水蚤能够摄食抑食金球藻。当微藻生物量(相对碳含量)分别同为0.7 μg/mL和7.2 μg/mL时, 在抑食金球藻中无节幼体发育至桡足幼体及成体的存活率均高于以青岛大扁藻为饵料的对照组, 但无显著差异, 并且在前者中无节幼体的发育时间显著低于后者, 12 d内雌体的产卵次数与产卵量显著高于后者。结果表明, 日本虎斑猛水蚤在抑食金球藻中能进行正常的生命活动, 并且是首次报导的一种能够在抑食金球藻中正常摄食、生存、生长发育和繁殖的浮游动物。因此, 当褐潮发生时, 由于贝类幼体等生物会受到显著的不利影响, 日本虎斑猛水蚤等抗性较强的生物可能会成为优势种, 从而会影响浮游动物群落结构的组成, 进而可能会使整个海洋生态系统发生变化。本研究有助于全面了解褐潮对海洋生态系统的影响。  相似文献   
古果属(Archae fructus)研究进展及其时代的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迄今最早的被子植物—古果属(Archaefructus),包括“辽宁古果”和“中华古果”,以其对折状心皮在轴上螺旋状排列、雄蕊成对状着生、具单沟状花粉等特征。显示了它们在早期被子植物中的原始性。古果属茎枝细弱、叶子细而深裂、叶柄基部多膨突等特征。反映了该属的水生革本特征。根据对其生殖器官及营养器官等特征研究,推测该属很可能源于现已灭绝的、古老的种子蕨类。结合对其伴生的植物化石及相关地质、地理背景等综合分析,认为古果属及叉县组下部的时代为晚侏罗世,而并非早白垩世。  相似文献   
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