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  2013年   9篇
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Cape hake in Namibian waters are demersal and mesopelagic spawners, spawning peaking offshore between 100 and 400 m deep, depending on local environmental conditions. The cross-shelf circulation, low-oxygen layers and mesoscale gyres are three important environmental factors influencing hake spawning behaviour and subsequent transport of the spawning products. Normally, hake spawn offshore near the bottom at depths of 150–400 m. However, during one cruise, spawning was concentrated below several subsurface mesoscale gyres, resulting in reduced dispersion of the eggs and larvae. When the low-oxygen layer above the bottom is pronounced, hake spawning has been observed close to the top of the layer at oxygen concentrations as low as 0.2–0.3 m? ??1. The relatively small size of the eggs and their high specific gravity make them ascend quite slowly from the spawning depths, 10–40 m per day. Consequently, hake eggs spawned deeper than 200 m hatch before they reach the upper mixed layer. The newly hatched larvae are relatively undeveloped, without functional eyes or mouth, and display little swimming activity during their first hours, but laboratory observations have revealed subsequent periods of downward swimming activity. Based on current field observations, on buoyancy measurements of eggs and larvae and on observed larval behaviour, it is concluded that hake eggs and larvae are transported onshore by features of the upwelling subsurface circulation that compensate for offshore movement of surface water. This may be the basic mechanism concentrating early juvenile hake nearshore. Spawning activity near the low-oxygen layer might be a behavioural adaptation to minimize egg predation, because few other species are expected to survive such low concentrations of oxygen.  相似文献   
Between 1887 and 1888, Henry L. Marindin, Assistant Topographer of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, conducted a detailed survey of the outer shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, providing an important base line for future comparisons, “which will be of value to geologists and others who study the changes in the coast-line”. In 2007, the Land-Sea Interaction Program of the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies began a project to resurvey Marindin's profiles and cross-sections to quantify changes to landforms and the nearshore environment that have occurred over the past century for use in estimating future conditions in the context of climate change and sea level rise. In order to facilitate reliable, quantitative shoreline comparisons, the translation of historical spatial data to contemporary horizontal (e.g., NAD83) and vertical (e.g., NAVD88) reference systems is paramount. With historical transects translated to NAD83 using methods developed as part of a previous study, the goal of this work is to develop an accurate estimate of the relationship between Marindin's elevation data and NAVD88. Recognizing that the physical and social landscape had changed significantly over the past 120+ years, a historical base map was prepared to assist with the recovery of 19th century benchmarks. Using the base map, five Coast survey benchmarks were recovered and resurveyed. Based on the results of this work, the local mean sea level datum of Marindin's survey is estimated to be 1.13 feet (0.34 meters) below the NAVD88 plane of reference.  相似文献   
In recent years, sardine Sardinops sagax spawning has been recorded inshore off central Namibia. Field observations on eggs and laboratory measurements show that spawning, demonstrated by the distribution of newly spawned eggs, takes place just below the upper mixed layer. The high positive buoyancy of the eggs causes them to ascend rapidly to the surface layer, where they are moved offshore by upwelling-induced offshore transport. However, increased wind-induced mixing also influences the vertical distribution of eggs, causing them to be partly mixed down below the layer moving offshore and into the layer moving inshore. This mechanism acts to retard the transport and offshore loss of eggs from the spawning areas. The vertical distribution of sardine larvae, with highest concentrations deeper than 20 m, indicates active movement out of the layer moving offshore, and this tendency seems to be more pronounced for older larvae. Hence, vertical migration of larvae is an additional factor mitigating their loss from nearshore. Taken together, these features seem to minimize the offshore loss of offspring, particularly in periods of low stock biomass when spawning close to the shore seems to be common.  相似文献   
The distribution of tar balls over the Agulhas Bank during 1977 and 1978, although variable, was consistent with the oceanography of the region. Mesoscale patches of tar-ball concentrations appeared to move onto the Agulhas Bank from the south between 20 and 21°E, under the influence of prevailing winds and currents. Substantial concentrations were observed inshore and offshore in the region east of Cape Agulhas. Data of a hydrological and meteorological nature, on ship's drift and from drift cards have shown the existence of a zone of surface divergence extending southwards from Cape Agulhas. Surface water east of Cape Agulhas (20°E) tends to move slowly eastwards and northwards and water west of the same longitude has a predominantly westerly component. The surface currents east of Cape Agulhas would tend to move the tar balls, which accumulate in eddies in the area, on shore, whereas west of Cape Agulhas on-shore flow is less pronounced. The residence time of tar balls on the Agulhas Bank appears to be substantial, in the range 2—8 weeks. It is concluded that the beaches between Cape Agulhas and Mossel Bay are highly susceptible to pollution by oil and tar balls.  相似文献   
A Monte-Carlo simulation approach is used to investigate the relative robustness of the results of the Butterworth–Andrew (B 1 = K and B 1 estimated) dynamic production-model observation-error estimators to different "true" values of the ratio of initial biomass B 1 to unexploited equilibrium biomass K. The simulations use an underlying operating model typical of that appropriate for stocks of Cape hake off southern Africa. The B 1 = K variant of the estimator results in lower estimated expected discrepancies for a number of management quantities over a wide range of the value of the "true" ratio. In addition, it is less likely to provide severe overestimates of the f 0.1 total allowable catch (TAC). Not all management quantities are equally sensitive to the value of the "true" ratio. In particular, f 0.1) TACs can be severely overestimated, although the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is relatively well determined over a wide range of values of the ratio. It is therefore recommended that harvesting strategies which do not permit TACs to be set in excess of the estimated MSY be preferred.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to investigate the spatial, diurnal and interannual dynamics of the pelagic component of Namibian hake stocks. Data were derived from trawl surveys conducted on board the R.V. Dr Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1991–1999. In addition to trawl surveys, acoustic methods were applied concurrently to quantify fish biomass off the bottom (above the headline). The pelagic component of hake was variable in both time and space – it was denser in the north and at depths of 200–500 m. Pelagic densities also correlated well with the density of adult fish (≥30 cm) at the bottom, but not with that of young hake (>18 and <30 cm) at the bottom. Pelagic densities were lowest at midday and highest at night, early morning and late afternoon densities being intermediate between the two. Incorporation of acoustic methods allows for at least partial account to be taken of diurnal variation in determining catchability. The fraction of the biomass off the bottom was not the same each year, thus affecting assessment and management advice for the stock, even if the survey results are treated only as relative indices of abundance. More field studies are needed to investigate the size range and species of hake active in vertical migration.  相似文献   
A total of 772 bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas was caught in Natal's protective "shark nets" between 1978 and 1990. Confusion in distinguishing C. leucas from C. amboinensis resulted in their catch data being combined from 1966, when data collection began, to 1977. The catch rate of the species pair declined until 1977, recovered until the mid 1980s, but subsequently declined again. The trend in catch rate of C. leucas alone for the period 1978–1990 was similar, with minima of 0,70 sharks·km-net?1·year?1 in 1978 and 0,95 in 1990, and a maximum of 2,08 in 1986. Recaptures of six tagged sharks suggest that the species is not highly migratory. Catches, particularly of immature sharks, were highest at the northernmost beaches. Most bull sharks were caught in summer and in turbid water (mean water clarity 2,0 m). The sex ratio of the catch was 1 male to 1,3 females. Sizes ranged from 74 to 213 cm precaudal length, with modes of 141–145 cm (males) and 171–175 cm (females). Size at maturity for both sexes was between 180 and 190 cm. The mating season was prolonged but with a summer peak. Seven gravid females were examined; the mean litter size was 8,7 embryos and size at birth was approximately 55 cm. Fluke infections were observed on 9 per cent of animals examined. As size increased there was a shift in diet, in terms of frequency of occurrence, from teleost to elasmobranch predominance. There was a high incidence of benthic and demersal species in the stomachs. Minor prey groups included mammals, birds, turtles, molluscs and crustaceans. Scavenging appeared to be important.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution and migration of the Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis were investigated on the basis of midwater and bottom trawl collections taken over diel cycles at two sites on South Africa's south coast. Attempts were also made to investigate the relationship between bottom trawl catch rates and acoustic abundance estimates. During the first cycle, horse mackerel were dispersed in midwater during the night, and towards sunrise they coalesced into schools and migrated to the seabed where they remained throughout the day. During that cycle, horse mackerel did not appear to feed, despite the prevalence of potential food, mainly Calanus copepods and euphausiid larvae, in the water column. In contrast, during the second cycle, horse mackerel remained near the seabed during the 24-h experiment, but they exhibited a marked feeding periodicity, with most feeding taking place in the late afternoon. They appeared to select for larger copepods in the water column. Several reasons are advanced to explain the difference in the vertical migratory behaviour of horse mackerel between the two sites, on the basis of the vertical distribution of their potential prey. Diel differences in acoustic estimates of horse mackerel abundance were significantly reduced after applying an acoustic deadzone correction factor. Trawl catches, however, could not be reconciled with acoustic estimates during the day, when horse mackerel were too close to the bottom for effective echo-integration.  相似文献   
Rates of daily egg production, moulting and egg hatching success, as well as total lipid content and composition of Calanoides carinatus, were measured in the region of the southern Angola Curre nt SAC), the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF) and the coastal upwelling area of the northern Benguela Current (NBC) system during February–March 2002. There were distinct differences in the vertical distribution, growth characteristics, lipid content and composition of populations in the SAC/ABF and NBC regions, indicative of different physiological states. Whereas in the NBC, C. carinatus was actively growing in response to elevated chlorophyll a levels associated with coastal upwelling, it comprised deep-living C5 copepodids with very large wax ester reseves (c. 40–50% dry mass) and extremely low metabolism in the SAC/ABF, suggesting diapause. This study provides the first data on lipid composition (lipid classes, fatty acids and alcohols) of this copepod in the region; in particular, the diapausing C5 contained high-levels of long-chain, mono-unsaturated fatty acids (23% of all fatty acids) and alcohols (69% of all fatty alcohols) in addition to trophic markers of diatoms, viz. 16:1(n-7) and 20:5(n-3). Based on total lipidcontent, the maximum survival time of the diapausal component of C. carinatus was estimated to be 149–192 days, whereas active surface-dwelling C5s and females could not survive for more than 10 days without feeding.  相似文献   
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