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The objective of this work is to assess the concentrations of three factions of air particles (settable particles, TSP and PM10) and the levels of several toxic elements in a clay atomisation industry through aerosol sampling at several points inside an industrial plant. Mechanical activities, which produce diffuse emissions, are the main process of discharge of particles in both indoor and outdoor workplace environments in the atomisation plant. The levels of As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ba and Ni increase in the zones with higher concentrations of particles and lower ventilation. The concentrations of As and F are not influenced by the recycling processes. The levels of Cd and Pb do not show great enrichment in air particles collected inside the atomisation plant although the content of both elements is associated with ceramic muck recycling. Finally, the content of B in waste water is mainly transferred in gaseous phase to the atmosphere during the process of drying by atomisation.  相似文献   
Surface soils were collected in the aquatic–terrestrial ecotone (ATE) of Yongnianwa wetland, downstream of Haihe River basin of North China in June of 2007. Samples were subjected to a total digestion technique before they were analyzed for total concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn to investigate their pollution levels in the ATE. The contamination index, integrated contamination index, geoaccumulation index, toxic units, and sum of toxic units were adopted to assess the heavy metal contamination levels and ecotoxicity, respectively. The results showed all the selected element concentrations in upland soils of the ecotone were relatively higher than those in the lowland soils. No Cr pollution was observed in all soil samples, but almost all samples were slightly polluted by Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn except for Site 1. The contamination indexes and geoaccumulation indexes consistently presented no contamination for Site 1 and slight contamination for other sites. The ΣTUs increased from lowland to upland, but the whole level of toxicity in this ecotone was relatively low.  相似文献   
We have modeled the distribution of nine toxic metals in the surface sediments from 163 stations in the Venice lagoon using published data. Three entrances from the Adriatic Sea control the circulation in the lagoon and divide it into three basins. We assume, for purposes of modeling, that Porto Marghera at the head of the Industrial Zone area is the single source of toxic metals in the Venice lagoon. In a standing body of lagoon water, concentration of pollutants at distancex from the source (C 0) may be given byC=C 0e–kx wherek is the rate constant of dispersal. We calculatedk empirically using concentrations at the source, and those farthest from it, that is the end points of the lagoon. Averagek values (ppm/km) in the lagoon are: Zn 0.165, Cd 0.116, Hg 0.110, Cu 0.105, Co 0.072, Pb 0.058, Ni 0.008, Cr (0.011) and Fe (0.018 percent/km), and they have complex distributions. Given thek values, concentration at source (C 0), and the distancex of any point in the lagoon from the source, we have calculated the model concentrations of the nine metals at each sampling station. Tides, currents, floor morphology, additional sources, and continued dumping perturb model distributions causing anomalies (observed minus model concentrations). Positive anomalies are found near the source, where continued dumping perturbs initial boundary conditions, and in areas of sluggish circulation. Negative anomalies are found in areas with strong currents that may flush sediments out of the lagoon. We have thus identified areas in the lagoon where higher rate of sediment removal and exchange may lessen pollution.  相似文献   
PAH concentrations of 61 surface soil samples collected from the Yellow River Delta (YRD), China were measured to determine occurrence levels, sources, and potential toxicological significance of PAHs. The total concentrations of ∑PAHs ranged from 27 to 753 ng/g d.w., with a mean of 118 ± 132 ng/g. The highest concentrations was found in the mid-southern part of the YRD (753 ng/g), which was associated with the oil exploration. The ratios indicated that the PAHs throughout the YRD were mostly of pyrogenic origin; while various sites in mid-southern part in the region were derived mainly from the petrogenic sources. Multivariate statistical analyses supported that the PAHs in surface soils of the YRD were principally from the coal and biomass combustion, petroleum spills, and/or vehicular emissions. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in soils were at low potential of ecotoxicological contamination level for the YRD.  相似文献   
The computer program PHREEQC was used to determined the distribution, chemical speciation and mineral saturation indices in a fresh groundwater environment with limited mining activities in the adjoining areas. The aim was mainly to determine the potential risk of a coastal plain aquifer contamination by some potentially toxic elements. The results show that the elements Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, and Zn are distributed as free metal ions. Arsenic is in the neutral form of H3AsO3 o, while three species of aluminium [Al3+, AlOH2, Al(OH)2 +] dominate. The major species of uranium include UO2CO3, UO22++, UO2+, and UO2OH+, respectively, in order of abundance. The groundwater is saturated with respect to alunite [KAl3 (SO4)2 (OH)6], basaluminite [Al4 (OH)10 SO4], boehmite [Al(OH)], Cu metal (Cu), cuprous ferrite (CuFeO2), diaspore [AlO(OH)], gibbsite [Al(OH)3], goethite (FeOOH), hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4) and uraninite (UO2). Most of the species are not mobile under the prevailing pH (3.3 to 5.9) and Eh (7 to 158 mV) conditions. The mobile ones are very low in concentration and will be immobilized by precipitation of mineral phases. The study concludes that presently these species do not pose any risk to the aquifer.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Extensive literature (Brown et al., 1985; Sawhney et al., 1981; Bierman and Swain, 1982; Connolly, 1980; Lopez-Avila and Hites, 1980; O扖onnor, 1988) described lots of sorbed pollutants or toxic substances in bed sediments of rivers, even after the effluent was halted for a long time. This is particularly true for hydrophobic organic compounds that can be sorbed on the particles and accumulated in the river bed sediments (Karickhoff et al., 1979). Pollution events of…  相似文献   
Monitoring of toxic substances in the Hong Kong marine environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-term programme for monitoring toxic substances in the marine environment was established in Hong Kong in 2004, focusing on chemicals of potential ecological and health concern. The programme ran on 3-year cycles, with the first two years monitoring marine water, sediment, biota, and the third year monitoring pollution sources. Twenty-four priority chemicals were measured, including dioxins/furans, dioxin-like PCBs, total PCBs, PAHs, DDTs, HCHs, TBTs, phenol, nonylphenol (NP), NP ethoxylates, PBDEs and metals. Results from the first three years of monitoring indicate that toxic substances in the Hong Kong marine environment were within the range reported for the coastal waters in China and other regions, but generally lower than in the Pearl River Estuary. The levels met the standards for protecting aquatic life and human consumption. Sewage effluent, stormwater and river water were possible sources of phenolic compounds; whereas air deposition or regional pollution, rather than local discharges, may contribute to the dioxins/furans, PAHs and PCBs found in the marine environment.  相似文献   
This paper describes a computational model of digestive gland epithelial cells (digestive cells) of marine mussels. These cells are the major environmental interface for uptake of contaminants, particularly those associated with natural particulates that are filtered from seawater by mussels. Digestive cells show well characterised reactions to exposure to lipophilic xenobiotics, such as oil-derived aromatic hydrocarbons (AHs), which accumulate in these cells with minimal biotransformation. The simulation model is based on processes associated with the flux of carbon through the cell. Physiological parameters such as fluctuating food concentration, cell volume, respiration, secretion/excretion, storage of glycogen and lipid, protein/organelle turnover (autophagy/resynthesis) and export of carbon to other tissues of the mussel are all included in the model. The major response to AHs is induction of increased autophagy in these cells. Simulations indicate that the reactions to AHs and food deprivation correspond well with responses measured in vivo.  相似文献   
Five‐step sequential extractions were employed to fractionation of Ni, Cr and Cu in soil polluted by anthropogenic activities and determine the mobility of the metals. Twelve samples were collected on an agricultural area that was located near an airport and intercity roads in Elazig‐Turkey. Exchangeable, organically bounded, carbonate bounded, adsorbed species on Fe and Mn oxides and residual species (except silicates) of Ni, Cr and Cu were extracted into solution by using CaCl2, Na4P2O7, Na2EDTA, NH2OH–HCl and HNO3–H2O2, respectively. Mobile metal concentrations in fractions and total recoverable in soils were determined by using inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES). Total recoverable Ni, Cr and Cu concentrations were in the range of 40–119, 45–126 and 23–72 mg kg?1, respectively. It was observed that total concentrations of metals in some of the samples were higher than the permitted values. The sum of the mobile percentages of metals was found to be lower than 50%. The Ni, Cr and Cu percentages for exchangeable species are in the ranges of 0.18–1.64, 0.03–0.59 and 0.42–2.53%, respectively.  相似文献   
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