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As an approach to development, many see capitalism as reaching across an enormous range of scholarly domains and political interests. For some time geographers and others have begun to conceptualize capitalism as less of a system of intrinsic economic logic and more a collection of social and discursive relationships. By bringing capitalism into the “discursive world” these commentators and others have provided the theoretical ground for an exploration of alternative economic forms, especially those that are more socially and ecologically just. This paper makes an argument for putting sustainable development through the same theoretical scrutiny. Drawing on examples from the US we recruit the concept of “actually existing sustainabilities” from Altvater’s concept “actually existing socialisms” as an entry point to this conversation. Our purpose is to show that the potential for sustainability in the US exists in current local policies and practices if we rethink how we frame it.  相似文献   
为建设"数字西宁"地理信息公共平台,本文利用AMC580多视角航空摄影仪的倾斜摄影技术和Smart3DCapture软件为数据处理平台,以高原城市西宁市实景真三维模型数据生产为例介绍了数据生产过程及其应用领域。结果表明,用倾斜摄影的方法能高效、高质量地实现实景真三维数据生产。倾斜摄影技术不仅从多个角度采集地面影像,从而克服了传统航空摄影技术只能从垂直角度进行拍摄的局限;倾斜摄影建立三维模型技术相对于传统的三维建模方法而言,凸显其建模速度快、成本低等优势;且所获取的真实、详细、丰富的地物信息,更符合人眼视觉习惯的真实且直观的世界。  相似文献   
土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。真实、准确的土地所有权数据是国家进行宏观经济调控的基础和重要依据。本文以广东省韶关市某村为试点,介绍了农村土地承包经营权确权登记的技术路线和工作流程,探讨了权属调查及数据库建设的方法。  相似文献   
区块链本质上的去中心化和安全特性,使得其很适合于解决目前教育领域面临的困难.本文首先介绍了区块链的基本技术原理,包括区块的结构和区块链的构成、区块链技术平台的体系结构、区块链的分类、共识算法、智能合约.接着分析了目前教育领域发展的终身教育和跨地区教育的新形势,以及传统数字化教育系统面临的主要问题.然后从教育相关信息的多方共享和验证、学习过程跟踪、激励和学习路径塑造、学习评估、教育管理与决策辅助等几个方面对区块链技术在教育领域的应用现状进行了介绍和分析.最后总结了目前区块链技术应用到教育领域的主要问题,并展望了未来的发展方向.  相似文献   
Smart card-automated fare collection systems now routinely record large volumes of data comprising the origins and destinations of travelers. Processing and analyzing these data open new opportunities in urban modeling and travel behavior research. This study seeks to develop an accurate framework for the study of urban mobility from smart card data by developing a heuristic primary location model to identify the home and work locations. The model uses journey counts as an indicator of usage regularity, visit-frequency to identify activity locations for regular commuters, and stay-time for the classification of work and home locations and activities. London is taken as a case study, and the model results were validated against survey data from the London Travel Demand Survey and volunteer survey. Results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to detect meaningful home and work places with high precision. This study offers a new and cost-effective approach to travel behavior and demand research.  相似文献   
本文通过探讨我国1949 年以来三次重要农村经济改革及其对我国农民收入变化的影 响, 明晰我国农村经济改革与农民收入三起三落的相互关系以及农村经济发展过程中存在的相 关问题: (1)每次改革都发生在农村经济发展停滞不前, 甚至影响到全国经济发展之时; (2)每次农 村经济改革都带来了农村经济的快速发展, 但持续时间不长, 且随之而来的是农民负担过重, 农 村经济陷入困境; (3)农民收入增长的幅度略有下降。本文认为新农村建设是我国1949 年以来三 次农村经济改革的延续, 基于已有三次改革以及新农村建设提出背景的分析, 指出: (1)农村经济 发展现状再一次提出了对农村经济改革的需求; (2)土地改革、家庭联产承包责任制属开源之策; 税费改革属节流之需; 新农村建设应该是在市场经济背景下, 从根本上实现广开财源之举。基于 以上分析并借鉴国外农村建设的经验, 阐释新农村建设的实质, 从而就我国新农村建设提出相关 建议。  相似文献   
杜福光 《测绘工程》2014,23(11):51-55
随着社会经济与信息技术的不断发展,地市级智慧城市建设提上日程,如何建立一套规范统一而又具有通用性的地理信息共享服务平台是其关键.平台建设必须考虑三方面内容,即建设内容、运维机制与具体应用.在智慧唐山建设过程中,以面向服务为目标,顾及地市级地理信息共享服务平台的通用性,针对总体需求、总体架构、关键技术等方面进行设计,明确地理信息共享服务平台建设的内容、运维机制建设以及示范应用等内容,探讨适用于地市级智慧城市地理信息共享服务平台构建的解决方案.  相似文献   
为了进一步探索"感知校园"建设为师生带来的便利服务,该文以物联网、GIS、SOA、三维展示等技术为基础,以MapGIS K9为基础支撑平台,设计了一种感知校园服务平台。该平台面向广大师生,支持Web客户端和移动终端两大类终端设备,集虚拟校园服务、校园导航服务、校园视频监控、客流统计分析、校园活动等功能为一体,实现了学习、工作、管理和生活等信息的较全面感知,为师生的校园生活提供了一个便捷的信息感知、查询与交互的感知服务平台,为建设智慧校园提供参考。  相似文献   
Transitioning to more efficient and less carbon-intensive heating is a monumental policy challenge in the United Kingdom. However, very few households in the UK—and perhaps even elsewhere—have actual experience with state-of-the-art smart heating systems that may utilize enhanced control or feedback. Drawing from a unique sample of actual adopters of smart heating, this study closely examines the heating preferences, practices, and profiles of homes when they are given smarter heating systems. The study utilizes qualitative household data from the Energy System Catapult’s Living Laboratory of 100 smart homes in Birmingham (West Midlands), Bridgend (Wales), Manchester (Greater Manchester), and Newcastle (Northumberland). We examine the heating preferences and profiles of participants, with findings inductively organized around the themes of temperature, including tradeoffs between comfort, cost, and value; time, including the utility of heat scheduling; and space, including zonal heating controls. We also discuss patterns of learning, the emergence of environmental values, and issues of discomfort. We conclude by commenting on important distinctions between radiant and ambient heat, as well as between scheduled and on-demand heat. The main findings are 1) tradeoffs between comfort, value and cost occur when it comes to smart heating; 2) people want different numbers of warm hours in their homes at very different times; 3) households chose to heat different numbers of rooms; and 4) there are other non-monetary and non-functional aspects of smart heating that households value.  相似文献   
自智慧地球概念提出后,世界各国给予广泛关注,国内也先后启动了智慧城市建设相关计划。经原国家测绘地理信息局批准,作为智慧临沂建设重要组成部分的智慧临沂时空信息云平台建设也正式启动。该文介绍了智慧城市时空大数据平台建设的必要性及国内外智慧城市时空大数据平台建设的典型结构,阐述了智慧临沂时空信息云平台的主要建设内容,包括时空基准、时空信息大数据中心、时空信息云平台、云支撑环境、智慧应用等方面,并对智慧临沂建设的成果和下一步工作重点进行了总结和展望,为临沂市智慧城市应用打下基础,并为全国智慧城市的建设积累宝贵经验。  相似文献   
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