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Application of wavelet transform analysis to landslide generated waves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the results of a preliminary study on aerial landslide-generated waves, which has been mainly intended to establish a method for analyzing water surface records. Some simple physical experiments, reproducing the Scott Russell's wave generator, were carried out in a small two-dimensional wave flume; the Wavelet Transform (WT) is applied to analyze wave measurements and it is shown that useful information can be obtained by means of this technique. The celerity of impulsively generated waves, reflection by an overflow structure and seiching phenomena of the flume are studied. A discussion of the results along with some remarks about ongoing research is also given.  相似文献   
We carried out observations of sea-level fluctuations simultaneously at three stations on the coast of Heda Bay, Honshu, Japan, using supersonic-type water level gauges controlled by a personal computer. Analyses of the obtained data showed predominant spectral peaks at periods of 7.6, 2.0 and 1.3 minutes for all three stations. Comparison of the observed data with numerically calculated normal oscillation modes of the bay indicates that these three spectral peaks correspond to the theoretical first, third and seventh normal modes of the basin respectively, judging from the results of cross-spectral analyses. The reason for the absence of the remaining normal modes, especially of the second or the lateral first mode of the basin, is briefly considered.  相似文献   
对渤、黄海14个主要海湾的原始验潮记录进行了分析,从中筛选出水位变化幅度大于或等于50cm的54个假潮个例,着重分析了伴随假潮过程的天气形势,把可能引发假潮的天气形势归纳为4种基本类型。分析结果显示:绝大多数(92%)引发假潮的天气个例都与锋面活动有关;所有个例中低层大气基本上都是弱静力稳定,且都具有较强的垂直风速切变。根据观测事实和稳定度理论分析认为,低层大气的弱静力稳定层结构以及由垂直风速切变引起的剪切不稳定性,是假潮气象学成因的一种必要条件和物理机制。  相似文献   
太湖表面定振波的数值计算和最大熵谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
逄勇  濮培民 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(2):157-162
利用水动力学方程对太湖表面的定振波进行计算,算得定振波周期约为452min,另外,利用1992年8月29-31日在太湖西山观测到的水位资料,采用最大熵谱法,分析太湖表面的定振波,得周期值约为450min。计算和分析的周期值基本吻合,取熵谱分析结果得太湖表面的单节点定振波周期值为450min。  相似文献   
We deployed bottom-mounted quadrapod equipped with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV), and optical backscatter sensor (OBS) over two semidiurnal tidal cycles along the western coast of the Yellow Sea, China. In combination with shipboard profiling of CTD and LISST-100, we resolved the temporal and spatial distributions of tidal currents, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and particle size distributions. During the observations, tidal-induced bottom shear stress was the main stirring factor. However, weak tidal flow during the ebb phase was accompanied by two large SSC and median size events. The interactions of seiche-induced oscillations with weak ebb flow induced multiple flow reversals and provided a source of turbulence production, which stripped up the benthic fluff layers (only several millimeters) around the Jiaozhou Bay mouth. Several different methods for inferring mean suspended sediment settling velocity agreed well under peak currents, including estimates using LISST-based Stokes’ settling law, and ADCP-based Rouse profiles, ADV-based inertial-dissipation balance and Reynolds flux. Suspended particles in the study site can be roughly classified into two types according to settling behavior: a smaller, denser class consistent with silt and clay and a larger, less dense class consistent with loosely aggregated flocs. In the present work, we prove that acoustic approaches are robust in simultaneously and non-intrusively estimating hydrodynamics, SSC and settling velocities, which is especially applicable for studying sediment dynamics in tidal environments with moderate concentration levels.  相似文献   
太湖定振波的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文华 《湖泊科学》1992,4(4):23-28
初步分析研究了太湖定振波的变化规律,结果表明:(1)东、西太湖有各自的振动周期,东太湖变化范围在181—292min,平均为243min;西太湖在120—540min,平均为400min。(2)观测到的最大振幅(1/2波高)为120—130mm。(3)用差分法对定振波的特征值进行了近似估算,其周期误差为20min。(4)定振波引起的湖流相当大,当振幅为100mm时,最大流速可达±20cm/s。(5)定振波振幅的突变与气压场、风场和降水分布不均匀并在短期内发生突变有关。  相似文献   
南海北部沿岸海洋站的假潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集和分析了南海北部沿岸15个海洋站所在港湾发生假潮的资料,并对其中较大振幅的典型假潮个例,进行了港湾基态自然周期分析和假潮振动的频谱分析。研究发现,假潮最大振幅振动多发生在天文潮的高潮或低潮期间;根据海湾地形尺度用梅立恩(Merian)公式计算得出的海湾基态自然周期;和根据资料曲线估计得出的假潮周期,以及功率谱分析得出的周期,三者非常接近。从本文研究所得结果来看,这些海湾的较大振幅假潮多发生在春、夏季,且都和风速、风向以及气压的剧烈变化有关。这些大气扰动在春天多为冷空气南下,在夏季多为热带气旋活动。研究认为,假潮的发生很可能是大气振动通过外海表面波作为中间机制,与港湾自由态振动之间产生耦合共振的结果。  相似文献   
本文给出了该港湾假潮振幅> 20cm 出现的频数、假潮的周期和延时,还讨论了假潮变化的成因。  相似文献   
Harbor resonance induced by subaerial landslide-generated impact waves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Past studies of harbor resonance have mainly been restricted to the quasi-steady oscillations induced by steady wave conditions. This paper investigates the response of a rectangular harbor to subaerial landslide-generated impact waves based on physical models, in order to compare the oscillations induced by steady and transient waves. In response to steady incident waves, oscillations within the harbor need to experience a long process to obtain their maximum value before the input energy and the losses are balanced. Landslide-generated impact waves usually include components with solitary wave characteristics and also components with dispersive wave characteristics. Each component travels with a different celerity. Usually, solitary wave components propagate faster, and arrive in the harbor first. Oscillations attain their maximum status as soon as these components arrive. The subsequently arriving components with dispersive characteristics do not enhance the resonance oscillations. So the waves with solitary characteristics are considered to play an important role in harbor resonance. Numerical experiments, using the FUNWAVE model, were conducted in order to further verify these conclusions.  相似文献   
根据山东半岛沿岸12 个验潮站的水位资料曲线,摘取了各站的假潮参数(周期、振幅、延时和峰值出现时刻),并对该区域沿岸大振幅假潮变化做了统计分析,给出了假潮的基本特征——发生频率、月出现率、振动周期、延时和峰值出现的时刻;分析了假潮周期的谱型,最后还讨论了大振幅假潮形成的初步原因。  相似文献   
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