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在过去30年中,降海鲑的发育得到了大量关注,研究降海鲑的发育,特别是如何调控降海鲑发育的时间和品质,以便幼鲑移入海水网箱。洄游型鲑科鱼类幼鲑向降海鲑的转变包含了一系列的行为、形态、生理的改变,这都为降海洄游进入河口做准备。降海鲑发育受几种激素的促进,包括生长激素、胰岛素样生长因子-I、皮质醇、甲状腺素,而催乳素通常会抑制发育。鳃氯细胞中特殊的离子转运蛋白(NKA、Na+/K+/Cl-协同转运蛋白和Cl-通道)丰度的增加引起盐分泌能力的提高,从而有利于降海鲑在海水中生长、游泳和存活。具银化期的鲑科鱼类(如大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)、硬头鳟(Oncorhyunchus mykiss)、银大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus kisutch)至少在淡水中生活一年,达到临界最小规格之后才可改变其对光周期的响应。如果在银化前未达到这个最小规格,则需等到下一年(或更长)。鲑科鱼类如何在一年中合适的时间确定其规格或生长率,并增加对光周期的响应性,这一重要的领域还未得到大量的关注。因此,了解降海鲑渗透生理及入海窗口期,查明不同鱼类适宜生长盐度,入海时间和方式非常重要,可为鲑科鱼类(如虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、硬头鳟等)在黄海冷水团规模化养殖提供理论支持。  相似文献   
Fecundity in Jasus verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards, 1851) has been studied by a detailed investigation of (a) the total weight of eggs carried by female specimens, (b) the average number of eggs per 1 g sample, and (c) the total number of eggs carried by females. In mid October 1966, 217 females “in berry” (that is, carrying external eggs) were examined and measured at Spirits Bay, New Zealand. The fecundity study is based on the results obtained from 21 selected specimens, with carapace lengths from 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm.

A direct relation was found between the total weight of eggs carried and increase in carapace length. The total weight of eggs carried varied from about 51 g to 238 g for carapace lengths of 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm. No correlation was shown between the average number of eggs per 1 g sample and increase in carapace length. Considerable variation was noted in the number of eggs per 1 g sample, which ranged from a low count of 6,453 eggs to a high count of 8,341 eggs. The total number of eggs carried by female J. verreauxi was found to be related to an increase in carapace length. Furthermore, increase in fecundity per relative carapace length increase was noted to be greater in smaller specimens than in larger specimens. The total number of eggs carried ranged from about 385,000 for a carapace length of 15.5 cm to 1,940,000 for a carapace length of 23.5 cm.

Fecundity, as measured by the total weight of eggs carried and the total number of eggs produced, was found to be much higher in J. verreauxi than in several Jasus species previously studied by other workers.  相似文献   
黄海冷水团大型鲑科鱼类养殖研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄海中部洼地的深层存在一个巨大的夏季冷水团,面积约13万km^2,水质优良,可以利用现代海洋装备在此海域养殖大型鲑科鱼类。中国海洋大学黄海冷水团鲑鱼养殖团队研发了养殖工船,概念性地设计了海浪能驱动的5万m^3的全潜式钢构网箱"深蓝1号"和约17万m^3的养殖-能源-管理于一体的"深蓝2号"智能钢构网箱,成功地完成了黄海冷水团鲑科鱼类养殖技术路线的验证。为实现规模化安全生产,仍需对养殖容量与黄海冷水团变动、适养种类及其育种、养殖技术、病害防治、饲料研发、机械化生产与智能化管理等进行深入研究。  相似文献   
Activities that manipulate ecosystems to support economic activities provide major introduction pathways for non-native species. As such, substantial differences in the socioeconomic conditions between countries could influence how ecosystems are manipulated and thus impact the composition of their communities of non-native species. Here, we compared the influence of freshwater fish aquaculture production and macro-socioeconomic drivers on the freshwater fish allodiversity of Europe between 1970 and 2009. A divergence in the socio-economic conditions of Europe prevailed during much of the latter half of the 20th Century as a result of the Cold War. For example, GDP and GDP per capita were significantly higher in Western bloc countries compared to the Eastern bloc. In this 39 year period, aquaculture production in Eastern bloc countries was dominated by Asian cyprinid fish whereas in Western bloc countries it was dominated by the North American rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Analysis of a European database on introduced fish into the wild from aquaculture revealed that in entirety, there were 279 separate freshwater fish introductions in Europe associated with aquaculture (Eastern bloc 118, Western bloc 161), involving 117 species from 32 families. There was relatively low homogeneity in these introduced fishes between the two blocs; only 28 species were introduced into both. Western bloc countries also had significantly more introduced fishes and more introduction events, and less similarity in the introduced fishes between their countries. Aquaculture production was a significant predictor of the number of non-native freshwater fish across all the countries, although additional factors, especially human population size and GDP per capita, were also significant predictors. Thus, aquaculture has been a strong introduction pressure in Europe and provides a reliable predictor of fish allodiversity.  相似文献   
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