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海洋学   11篇
  2013年   11篇
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Demersal fish surveys carried out off Namibia from 1990 to 2000 were used to study the dynamics of demersal fish assemblages on the shelf and upper slope. The study was performed on each major assemblage, i.e. over the shelf (100–300 m deep) and the slope (300–600 m). Changes in size spectrum, diversity, species composition and trends in abundance of the dominating species were analysed. The most evident changes were those related to overall abundance and diversity of the slope assemblage.  相似文献   
Growth rates determined from recovered tagged galjoen Dichistius capensis and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus were compared to predictions from growth models based on otolith ring counts. Galjoen could not be sexed externally, but it was assumed that all fish >450 mm total length were females, which grow faster than males. Those smaller than this were assumed to include mostly males and were treated as a "male" sample. Male and female white steenbras grow equivalently. Tagged "male" (n = 322), and female galjoen (n = 34) and white steenbras (n = 14) grew more slowly than the model predictions. The discrepancy is likely attributable to the physiological effect of external tags on growth.  相似文献   
The major processes involved in the supply and removal of dissolved oxygen in the shelf region between 24 and 28°S are discussed in relation to the development of oxygen-deficient conditions. The area subject to this oxygen deficiency varies both seasonally and geographically. It is suggested that both the shallow distribution of rock lobster in this part of the Benguela Current system and the periodically low catch per unit effort may be related to the onset of oxygen deficiency. Preliminary laboratory findings indicate that avoidance of oxygen-deficient areas by rock lobster might not be caused solely by the lack of oxygen per se, but by the co-existence at low oxygen concentrations of toxic reduced compounds such as hydrogen sulphide.  相似文献   
Genetic variability of the Kunene horse mackerel Trachurus trecae and the Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis was examined using starch gel electrophoresis of enzymatic proteins on individuals collected along the Angolan coast. Six polymorphic enzyme loci were found in both species. The idh-2* locus displayed differences between the two species, and several alleles at different loci exhibited different allele frequencies between the two species, indicating that they are genetically different. Significant differences found in the distribution of allele frequencies between Kunene horse mackerel from the Benguela region of Angola indicated that this species consist of more than one randomly mating population in Angolan waters.  相似文献   
Interview questionnaires and access point surveys were conducted in order to describe and quantify the catch composition of the inshore net-fisheries in the Western Cape, South Africa. A total of 138 562 fish, representing 29 species from 20 families, was recorded in 141 monitored commercial gillnet fishing operations between February 1998 and October 1999. Numerically, the legal target species, harders Liza richardsonii, dominated the catches, contributing 94.87% of the total gillnet catch. Elf, Pomatomus saltatrix, horse mackerel Trachurustrachurus capensis, gurnard Chelidonichthys capensis and barbel Galeichthys feliceps were the most common bycatch species, and contributed 4.2% to the total catch numerically and occurred in 12–47% of the marine 44–64-mm gillnet catches that were monitored. Five species most frequently targeted by shore-anglers on the West Coast: galjoen Dichistius capensis, white stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps, hottentot Pachymetopon blochii, silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, also occurred in gillnet catches. Most of the bycatch consisting of immature, undersized fish that were often injured during entanglement and were not released alive. L. richardsonii also numerically dominated the beach-seine hauls that were monitored (>99%) with only four bycatch species being recorded in low numbers. Beach-seine questionnaire respondents, however, reported sporadic catches of at least 17 bycatch species, including occasional appreciable catches of the important linefish species L. lithognathus and A. inodorus.  相似文献   
The relationship between mass and length and the landed mass/whole mass conversion factors for Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis were investigated and compared to the results of an earlier study. Earlier length/mass relationships overestimate the mass of small soles but underestimate that of large soles. The mass conversion factor of the present study also differed from the earlier results.  相似文献   
Eelgrass beds have been postulated to support different faunal communities from unvegetated sandflats, in part because of the stabilisation of sediments in eelgrass beds and their destabilisation in sandflats due to bioturbation. More specifically, eelgrass beds have been hypothesised to support disproportionately greater numbers of small, flexible and non-burrowing species, and bioturbated sandflats to support more large, hard-bodied burrowers. These concepts were tested in Langebaan Lagoon on the west coast of South Africa, where beds of the eelgrass Zostera capensis and sandflats dominated by Callianassa kraussi bioturbation are mutually exclusive. In eelgrass beds, sediment penetrability was significantly reduced compared to that in sandflats. Distinctly different faunal communities occurred in the two habitats, and the suite of species characteristic of each was consistent between years and between sites. Overall, density was higher in eelgrass beds than in sandflats. In contrast to previous studies, however, richness and diversity in sandflats were greater than, or equal to, values for eelgrass beds. There is convincing support for the hypothesis that burrowers are more prevalent in sandflats and less prevalent in eelgrass beds. Conversely, body flexibility does not differ between habitats and sizes are greater in the eelgrass beds than in the sandflats.  相似文献   
The results of detailed morphological, experimental, field and modelling studies on various aspects of the trophic ecology of sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Benguela ecosystem are synthesised, and differences in the trophodynamics of these two species are highlighted. Anchovy possess a relatively coarse branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by particulate-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weight-standardised clearance rates than do sardine for prey >580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton and excrete <50% of ingested nitrogen; feed inefficiently on phytoplankton and derive the bulk of their dietary input from larger zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on mesozooplankton. In contrast, sardine possess a relatively fine branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by filter-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weightstandardised clearance rates than do anchovy for prey <580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton but excrete >50% of ingested nitrogen; are able to feed on phytoplankton but derive the bulk of their dietary input from smaller zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on microzooplankton. These differences provide compelling evidence that anchovy and sardine are trophically distinct, and indicate that the two species show resource partitioning based on zooplankton size. The implications of these trophic differences for ecosystem functioning are discussed, and support the hypothesis that species alternations between anchovy and sardine, both in the southern Benguela and in other upwelling ecosystems, are likely to be trophodynamically mediated.  相似文献   
Data on ocean temperature, currents, salinity and nutrients were obtained in an area off Algoa Bay on the south-east coast of South Africa during a ship's cruise in early November 1986. Satellite imagery provided information on the position of the Agulhas Current during the cruise period, while wind data were available from weather stations on the eastern and western sides of Algoa Bay. It is surmised that wind-forcing plays a major role in water circulation in the Bay and over the inshore continental shelf remote from the influence of the open ocean. The predominantly barotropic current flow, of the order of 0,5 m·s?1, was downwind and influenced by topographic features and coastline shape. The Agulhas Current influences the ocean structures by long-term (large episodic meanders) and short-term (upwelling forced by the Current, core upwelling in frontal eddies and warm frontal plumes at the surface) fluctuations. Temperature structures showed well mixed water in Algoa Bay and a strong thermocline over the continental shelf, and were typical of a western boundary current in the Agulhas Current itself. The presence of a thermocline at 30–50 m over the shelf prevented upward mixing of nutrients. The Current exerted a dominant effect on shelf waters north of Algoa Bay.  相似文献   
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