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The environmental impacts of artisanal fishing gear on coral reef ecosystems were studied in the multi-gear fishery of southern Kenya to evaluate which types of gear have the greatest impact on coral reef biodiversity. The gear types studied were large and small traps, gill nets, beach seines, hand lines and spear guns. Levels of coral damage, proportion of juvenile fish and discards, size and maturity stage at first capture were quantified and compared amongst the gear types. Results indicate that fishers using beach seines, spears and gill nets cause the most direct physical damage to corals. Spear fishers showed the highest number of contacts to live corals per unit catch followed by fishers using gill nets (12.6 ± 1.8 and 5.9 ± 2.0 coral contacts per kg fish caught per trip respectively). Apart from discarding 6.5% of their daily catch in the sea, as it was too small, beach seine fishers also landed the highest percentage of juvenile fish (68.4 ± 15.7%), a proportion significantly higher (p < 0.001) than in any other gear. The size and maturity stage at first capture for 150 of 195 species caught by all gear types was well below the lengths at which they mature. For example, 100% of Lethrinus xanthochilus, 99% of Lethrinus nebulosus and 94% of Lethrinus harak caught were juveniles. Across all gear types, 50.1 ± 22.7% of the catch consisted of juvenile fish, indicating serious growth overfishing. Field assessment of levels of coral density showed that fishing grounds where beach seines were still in use had a significantly lower density than where beach seining was not used. This correlation is likely to arise in part because seines cannot be used in the most coral rich areas, and in part because coral loss is a consequence of seine use. On a per gear basis therefore, beach seines had the most impact on coral reef biodiversity. This study emphasizes the need to enforce restrictions on destructive gear and mesh sizes.  相似文献   
Several tuna regional fisheries management organizations (t-RFMOs) have adopted retention requirements for skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin tunas caught by purse seine vessels to reduce discards, create disincentives to catch small fish, and incentivize the development and adoption of more selective technologies. Although retention policies in the t-RFMOs have been limited to target tunas in purse seine fisheries, some have advocated for an expansion of those policies, and t-RFMOs could consider expanding retention policies to a greater number of species and/or to other gear types. This paper discusses the benefits and costs of broader retention policies for purse seine and longline tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). Using bycatch data from observers and logbooks from the U.S. purse seine and longline fleets operating in the WCPO, this paper documents the types and magnitude of fish discarded. For the purse seine fishery, this information was used to estimate direct impacts of having to off-load at the initial point of landing in key Pacific Island ports. For the longline fishery, estimates of direct impacts were limited to Honolulu and Pago Pago, American Samoa, the two primary ports where U.S. catch is landed. Expanding retention policies beyond the target tunas and to other gear types would further reduce discarding and possibly provide stronger incentives to develop and use more selective techniques. Beyond impacts to the ecosystem and fisher behavior, adopting broader retention policies may have other implications, and this paper explores those implications on vessels, processors, and communities. In general, as is the case with most direct interventions on fishing operations, there will be both benefits and costs, and the magnitude of those impacts will depend on the scope and extent of any expanded retention policy.  相似文献   
采用叠加法照度计算模式,根据一组鲐鱼灯光围网渔船中3艘不同渔船的水上集鱼灯布置参数,使用自行开发的水上集鱼灯水下光场计算系统,对各船的水中照度分布进行了计算,获得船舷右侧中部水深方向200 m范围内不同深度的照度,并使用Surfer 8.0软件绘制等值曲线图,结果表明:主灯船在总功率为180 kW的情况下,10 lx的等照度曲线水平方向最远在56 m左右,水深方向不超过20 m;离船水平距离40 m、垂直距离40 m处的照度约为0.01 lx。副灯船在总功率为120 kW的情况下,10 lx的等照度曲线水平方向最远在46 m左右,水深方向不超过18 m;离船水平距离33 m、垂直距离38 m处的照度约为0.01 lx。网船在总功率为40 kW的情况下,10 lx的等照度曲线水平方向最远在45 m左右,水深方向不超过15 m;离船水平距离30 m、垂直距离35 m处的照度为0.01 lx左右。从集鱼灯的配置情况来看,主灯船、副灯船与网船目前的配置均较好,但主灯船在灯距增大到0.26 m、灯高增大到5 m时可增加1.6%的有效水体体积,副灯船在灯距减少到0.28 m、灯高增大到5 m时可增加2.1%的有效水体体积,网船在灯距增大到0.64 m、灯高增大到9 m时可增加1.7%的有效水体体积。计算结果还表明,大幅度的增加光诱渔船的集鱼灯功率并不能很有效的提高该船的光诱范围。  相似文献   
关于我国金枪鱼围网渔业发展问题的几点探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文通过对联合国粮农组织公布的1989-1998年金枪鱼渔获量的分析,清晰了我国发展金枪鱼围网渔业的趋势,并着重对于围网生产密切相关的渔场选择、捕捞技术进行了几点探讨,还对开发科研工作谈了个人看法。  相似文献   
中西太平洋金枪鱼围网技术及存在的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金枪鱼围网产量约占全球金枪鱼捕获量的70%,发展金枪鱼围网渔业具有广阔的前景.本文根据中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司金枪鱼围网渔船的作业情况,分析了围网作业中的一些捕捞技术,并探讨了在发展该项目中存在的问题.  相似文献   
Annual variability in abundance and population structure of the copepod Eurytemora affinis was studied in the maximum turbidity zone of the Seine Estuary in 2005. An Eulerian sampling strategy was applied monthly from March to July and from September to December. Chlorophyll a and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration, copepod abundance and stage distribution, and phytoplankton abundance were measured in sub-surface and near-bottom water during the ebb phase. Total E. affinis abundance was at a maximum in March and April (>200 × 103 ind. m−3), and decreased from May to September (<25 × 103 ind. m−3). This decrease corresponds to annual increases in temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton abundance, which was dominated by large diatoms, and decreases in SPM and river discharge. The phenology observed in 2005 was almost two months earlier compared to previous studies in the 1990s, when E. affinis reached maximum abundance in May and June. The low proportion of nauplii (<50%) in the population and high abundance of ovigerous females suggests that low recruitment is probably related to anomalously low temperatures in late winter (<5 °C). Whatever the horizontal position of the population in the estuary, adult and late copepodid stages are distributed in higher salinity than naupliar stages. Overall E. affinis population abundance was driven by parameters that characterize water masses at the tidal scale and by river discharge and chlorophyll a at the annual scale. By integrating the tidal effect, the high-frequency sampling protocol used appears to be optimal for investigating annual variability of planktonic communities in megatidal estuaries.  相似文献   
Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) stock abundance is tightly driven by the high and unpredictable variability of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem. Management of the fishery therefore cannot rely on mid- or long-term management policy alone but needs to be adaptive at relatively short time scales. Regular acoustic surveys are performed on the stock at intervals of 2 to 4 times a year, but there is a need for more time continuous monitoring indicators to ensure that management can respond at suitable time scales. Existing literature suggests that spatially explicit data on the location of fishing activities could be used as a proxy for target stock distribution. Spatially explicit commercial fishing data could therefore guide adaptive management decisions at shorter time scales than is possible through scientific stock surveys. In this study we therefore aim to (1) estimate the position of fishing operations for the entire fleet of Peruvian anchovy purse–seiners using the Peruvian satellite vessel monitoring system (VMS), and (2) quantify the extent to which the distribution of purse–seine sets describes anchovy distribution. To estimate fishing set positions from vessel tracks derived from VMS data we developed a methodology based on artificial neural networks (ANN) trained on a sample of fishing trips with known fishing set positions (exact fishing positions are known for approximately 1.5% of the fleet from an at-sea observer program). The ANN correctly identified 83% of the real fishing sets and largely outperformed comparative linear models. This network is then used to forecast fishing operations for those trips where no observers were onboard. To quantify the extent to which fishing set distribution was correlated to stock distribution we compared three metrics describing features of the distributions (the mean distance to the coast, the total area of distribution, and a clustering index) for concomitant acoustic survey observations and fishing set positions identified from VMS. For two of these metrics (mean distance to the coast and clustering index), fishing and survey data were significantly correlated. We conclude that the location of purse–seine fishing sets yields significant and valuable information on the distribution of the Peruvian anchovy stock and ultimately on its vulnerability to the fishery. For example, a high concentration of sets in the near coastal zone could potentially be used as a warning signal of high levels of stock vulnerability and trigger appropriate management measures aimed at reducing fishing effort.  相似文献   
根据3艘舟山灯光围网渔船的生产统计数据,通过层次 分析法(AHP),分析了影响渔船捕捞能力的因子(总吨位、主机功率、作业天数和水下灯功率),并根据各影响因子的重要性确定其权重,建立影响灯光围网渔船捕捞能力的多因子评价模式。结果表明:总吨位对灯光围网捕捞能力的影响最甚,其次是主机功率、作业天数和水下灯功率,其所占权重分别为0. 461 2,0.342 4,0.137 1和0.059 4。  相似文献   
中国沿海围网技术参数的分析和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对中国沿海几十种围网的技术参数进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   
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