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Samples of lower Palaeozoic bedrock from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland were examined using reflected light microscopy and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These samples contained organic material which included bitumen (structureless organic material), acritarchs, chitinozoa, scolecodonts and graptolites. The reflectance of the organic material increased from acritarchs towards graptolites with bitumen showing a wide range of reflectance. Multiple phases of oil migration through one sample were inferred by examination of the bitumens: the lowest reflecting being more recent than the highest reflecting bitumen. Combined reflectance and Rock-Eval analysis indicate that these samples are mature to overmature. The two oldest samples (Arenig-Llanvirn, Ordovician) are assessed as mature and as having potential for generation of liquid hydrocarbons, but must be considered as mainly gas prone.  相似文献   
Dolerite dykes intruding Variscan plutonites were studied in terms of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. The main mineral constituents were studied and the sequence of crystallization has been derived. The geochemical characteristic indicate mantle origin of the dolerites and magma sources different from the hosting granitoids. From SHRIMP analyses of five spots on four different zircon crystals, resulted a 292.0±4.1 Ma age that is interpreted as the time of crystallization of the dolerite. The hosting granitoids are probably the result of mixing between two possible end-members: enriched mantle and acid metaigneous or lower crustal metasediments.

The Variscan age of the dolerites, in combination with the geochemical characteristics, indicated that the enriched mantle basaltic material should be the source of the dolerite veins. These mantle-derived basaltic melts may represent the underplated material, which probably provided the necessary thermal input to the dehydration melting in the lower crust. The dolerites should have intruded the newly formed batholiths before or at the first stages of their uplift, recording the last events of the Variscan subduction.  相似文献   

锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。它是由俯冲的太平洋板块对仰冲板块的上推作用,地壳下的上地幔物质底辟侵入的结果。海山顶部的岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。其主要矿物成分为斜方辉石、橄榄石、尖晶石、磁铁矿、蛇纹石和碳酸盐。手标本呈显晶质块状构造,薄片中呈粒状、残留状、筛网状及斑状变晶结构。岩石化学特征表现为:低Si和Al,高M/F值,含水,亏损了所有过渡金属。岩石的成因属超基性岩浆直接结晶,后经海水的参入,在热液作用下普遍发生蛇纹石化和碳酸盐化。  相似文献   
青藏高原南部白垩纪形成的冈底斯岩基是新特提斯大洋岩石圈向北部的欧亚大陆之下俯冲形成的安第斯型会聚板块边缘的重要组成部分。已经有研究证明,冈底斯岩基主要由钙碱性和埃达克质的花岗闪长岩组成,但本文报道了在冈底斯带东南缘产出的紫苏花岗岩。这种岩石主要由中长石、微斜长石、顽火辉石、透辉石、石英、富钛的黑云母和角闪石组成。在化学成分上,其铁镁指数FeO/(FeO+MgO)=0.47~0.50,钙碱指数MALI为-3.97~+0.11, 铝饱和指数ASI为0.83~0.92,是典型的镁质、钙碱性、准铝质紫苏花岗岩。计算出的结晶温度为850~950℃,压力>0.4GPa,形成深度为13~15km。紫苏花岗岩中的锆石为岩浆结晶成因,两个样品的U-Pb定年分别给出了87Ma的相同加权平均年龄。岩石学和地球化学特征表明,冈底斯带南缘晚白垩纪的紫苏花岗岩形成在典型的大陆岩浆弧环境。紫苏花岗岩和伴生高温麻粒岩的存在为冈底斯带在晚中生代经历的安第斯型造山作用提供了更加确凿的证据。  相似文献   
内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗迪彦庙蛇绿岩的识别   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
新识别出的内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗迪彦庙蛇绿岩位于中朝古板块与西伯利亚古板块之间的兴蒙造山带中部。通过对迪彦庙蛇绿岩进行详细的野外地质调查和岩石学、岩石地球化学的研究,发现迪彦庙蛇绿岩由孬来可吐和白音布拉格两个蛇绿岩带组成,各带宽约3km,延伸约30km,蛇绿岩各单元出露齐全。岩性由下到上主要为蛇纹石化方辉橄榄岩、层状-块状辉长岩、斜长岩、细碧岩、枕状玄武岩、角斑岩-石英角斑岩及硅质岩。蛇纹石化方辉橄榄岩稀土配分模式具SSZ型蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩特征;枕状玄武岩具岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT)特征;硅质岩的Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)比值显示大陆边缘沉积环境特征。  相似文献   
The Naga Ophiolite Belt is a part of the Naga-Arakan-Yoma flysch trough that occurs along the Indo-Myanmar border. It is represented by peridotites, mafic-ultramafic cumulates, mafic volcanics, mafic dykes, plagiogranites, pelagic sediments and minor felsic to intermediate intrusives. Minor plagiogranites, gabbros and thin serpentinite bands occur juxtaposed near Luthur, with the slate-phyllite-metagreywacke sequence (Phokpur Formation) adjacent to the contact. The development of tonalites, trondhjemites and diorites in the oceanic crust, which is grouped as plagiogranites, offers an opportunity to study the process of formation of silicic melts from mafic crust. Plagiogranites from Naga Ophiolite Belt contains moderate SiO2 (51.81–56.71 wt.%), low K2O (0.08–1.65 wt.%) and high Na2O (4.3–5.03 wt.%). The Naga Ophiolite Belt plagiogranites like ocean-ridge granites contain low K2O, high Na2O and CaO. The rocks investigated from Naga Ophiolite Belt contain TiO2 concentrations above the lower limit for fractionated Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalt which is above 1 wt% of TiO2 and the ternary plots of A (Na2O + K2O) F(FeOT) M(MgO) and TiO2-K2O-SiO2/50 indicate that the plagiogranite are tholeiitic in character and gabbro samples are calc-alkaline in nature. The plagiogranites are enriched in Rb, Ba, Th, U, Nb and Sm against chondrite with negative anomalies on Sr and Zr whereas Y and Yb are depleted to Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalt. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of the plagiogranite display enrichments in LREE (LaN/SmN: 2.37–3.62) and flat HREE (Eu/Eu*: 0.90–1.06). The Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalt normalization of gabbro is characterized by strong enrichment of LILE like Ba and Th. The REE pattern is about 50–100 times chondrite with slight enrichment of LREE (LaN/SmN = 2.21–3.13) and flat HREE (Eu/Eu*: 0.94–1.19). The major-element and trace element data of the NOB plagiogranites and their intrusive nature with host gabbroic rock suggest that the plagiogranites were produced by fractional crystallization of basaltic parental magmas at Mid Oceanic Ridge.  相似文献   
 Samples of basalt were collected during the Rapid Response cruise to Loihi seamount from a breccia that was probably created by the July to August 1996 Loihi earthquake swarm, the largest swarm ever recorded from a Hawaiian volcano. 210Po–210Pb dating of two fresh lava blocks from this breccia indicates that they were erupted during the first half of 1996, making this the first documented historical eruption of Loihi. Sonobuoys deployed during the August 1996 cruise recorded popping noises north of the breccia site, indicating that the eruption may have been continuing during the swarm. All of the breccia lava fragments are tholeiitic, like the vast majority of Loihi's most recent lavas. Reverse zoning at the rim of clinopyroxene phenocrysts, and the presence of two chemically distinct olivine phenocryst populations, indicate that the magma for the lavas was mixed just prior to eruption. The trace element geochemistry of these lavas indicates there has been a reversal in Loihi's temporal geochemical trend. Although the new Loihi lavas are similar isotopically and geochemically to recent Kilauea lavas and the mantle conduits for these two volcanoes appear to converge at depth, distinct trace element ratios for their recent lavas preclude common parental magmas for these two active volcanoes. The mineralogy of Loihi's recent tholeiitic lavas signify that they crystallized at moderate depths (∼8–9 km) within the volcano, which is approximately 1 km below the hypocenters for earthquakes from the 1996 swarm. Taken together, the petrological and seismic evidence indicates that Loihi's current magma chamber is considerably deeper than the shallow magma chamber (∼3–4 km) in the adjoining active shield volcanoes. Received: 21 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 February 1998  相似文献   
许德如  林舸等 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):598-608
海南岛前寒武纪基性岩类具有的不同的岩石地球化学特征,记录了海南岛前寒武纪大地构造环境和岩石圈的演化史。古中元古代时,琼中屯昌变基性-超基性岩,为大洋型火山岛弧低钾拉斑玄武岩,明显具有镁铁质-玄武质科马提岩特征,来源于高度亏损的地幔;与之同时代的琼西,则为一套具洋底玄武岩和岛弧拉弦玄武岩的过渡型玄武岩,是古俯冲带上部地幔楔和自消减带卷入地幔楔地壳物质所组成的混合端元部分熔融产物,具低亏损地幔特征,产生于弧后(或弧间)盆地环境;中新元古代的琼西变基性-超基性岩具铁镁质-超铁镁质科马提岩特征,来源于较高亏损的地幔,产于大洋板块边缘的构造环境。据此,可以推测,海南岛前寒武纪岩石圈演化至少经历了古中元古代的古板块俯冲、中新元古代的裂解二次事件,并伴随洋盆的出现。  相似文献   
论述了贵州省织金矿区龙潭组砂岩粒度特征,分析了矿区含煤地层的沉积环境.  相似文献   
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