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The embryonic wet weight, dry weight, yolk volume, energy content, and oxygen consumption of the southern pigfish Congiopodus leucopaecilus (Richardson, 1846) were followed from fertilisation to yolk sac absorption, at 11.5°c and salinity of 34.5%6. Measurements of yolk energy and catabolic energy changes did not show any evidence of an energy deficit before the onset of feeding capability.  相似文献   
应用通用引物 COIL 1490和 COIH 2198对翡翠股贻贝Perna viridis的性腺和体细胞线粒体DNA进行PCR扩增,获得661bp长度的COI基因片段,经过比对性腺与体细胞的COI片段,发现雄性性腺与体细胞COI基因均为一个单倍型,即体内只有一种线粒体DNA类型,没有发现双单性遗传现象,雌、雄性腺的COI基因片段变异率很低(0.31%)。应用PAUP构建了NJ树、MP树以及贝叶斯法构建了贝叶斯树,对股贻贝属3种间的系统关系进行了分析,结果表明,翡翠股贻贝P. viridis与P. canaliculus 和 P. perna 之间的分化与分歧年代的估算是相吻合的。  相似文献   
The effect of size and tissue parts as well as site locations on a suite of six anti-oxidative biochemical markers, viz. the enzyme degrading neural transmitters acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the Phase II transforming enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), the anti-oxidative enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), the lipid metabolite malondialdehyde (MDA) and the ratio of CAT/MDA, in the bivalve mollusc, Perna viridis, was studied. Field mussels were collected from the piers of University of Science and Technology (UST), Pak Sha Wan or Hebe Haven (PS) and Sai Kung (SK) in Port Shelter, Hong Kong. Statistically, ANOVA showed that the activity of all six biochemical markers were generally tissue dependent, size independent and location dependent. Tukey multi comparison test indicated that the biochemical activities fell into two groups, with SK the highest activity group in most cases. The significance of these findings in relation to long-term coastal water biomonitoring is discussed.  相似文献   
Shells of commercially valued bivalves in New Zealand, Crassostrea gigas, Perna canaliculus and Pecten novaezelandiae, are damaged by blister-causing Polydora polychaete species known to be close in morphology to the widely recorded oyster pest Polydora websteri Hartman. Recent New Zealand occurrences are here confirmed to relate to two species, P. websteri, and a second similar species, Polydora haswelli Blake & Kudenov, a new record for New Zealand, previously known only from Australia; the two species are described and compared. The worms have limited distributions, with P. websteri confirmed only for Pacific oysters (C. gigas) in northern New Zealand, although prior reports indicate it may also occur on scallops and have reached the northern South Island. Polydora haswelli has been found only in northern New Zealand, occurring on subtidal mussels and scallops and native oysters (Perna canaliculus, Pecten novaezelandiae, Ostrea chilensis), as well as co-existing with intertidal P. websteri on Pacific oysters. The worms are not present in Foveaux Strait O. chilensis beds, a major source of past oyster exports to Australia. The history of mud-blister worm outbreaks in Australasia is examined. While trans-Tasman exports of live oysters from New Zealand were commonplace during the nineteenth century, there is no evidence that mud-blister worms were present in New Zealand then. The earliest reports only date from the early 1970s and only from northern New Zealand, whereas a century earlier in the 1870s at least one of these pest worms had become widespread along eastern Australian coasts.  相似文献   
Green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) formed extensive reefs on soft sediments in sheltered embayments around northern New Zealand until overfishing and/or increased sediment input caused their virtual disappearance by 1980. To determine the role of mussel reefs as habitat for other animals, we located remnant soft-sediment reefs in five locations and compared the density, biomass, productivity and composition of mobile macroinvertebrate communities, and the density of small fishes associated with mussels, with fauna in the surrounding soft sediments. The mussel reefs had a distinct assemblage of macroinvertebrates, which had 3.5 times the density, 3.4 times the biomass and 3.5 times the productivity of surrounding areas. The density of small fishes was 13.7 times higher than in surrounding areas. These results show that soft-sediment mussel reefs support an abundant and productive fauna, highlighting the probable large loss of productivity associated with the historical decline in mussel habitat and the consequent desirability of restoration efforts.  相似文献   
The potential for oil rigs to transport diverse, reef-like communities around the globe makes them high risk vectors for the inadvertent spread of non-indigenous species (NIS). This paper describes two case studies where a suite of pre-border management approaches was applied to semi-submersible drilling rigs. In the first case study, a drilling rig was defouled in-water prior to departure from New Zealand to Australia. Risk mitigation measures were successful in reducing biosecurity risks to the recipient region, but they resulted in the unintentional introduction of the non-indigenous brown mussel (Perna perna) to New Zealand when the rig was defouled in-water by divers. In the second case study, lessons learned from this high-profile incursion resulted in a more structured approach to pre-border management, and this serves as a useful template for future rig transfers.  相似文献   
以马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)、企鹅珍珠贝(Pteria penguin)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)和近江牡蛎(oyster)的内脏团为原料提取、纯化多糖,与甘油、聚乙二醇400(PEG-400)、丙二醇和1,3-丁二醇四种常规保湿剂进行比较.结果表明,在相对湿度为44%时,前12h 吸湿率顺序为:马氏珠母贝<近江牡蛎<企鹅珍珠贝<翡翠贻贝< PEG-400<1,3-丁二醇<甘油<丙二醇;在相对湿度为80%时,前12 h 吸湿率顺序为:近江牡蛎<马氏珠母贝<企鹅珍珠贝<1,3-丁二醇<翡翠贻贝< PEG-400<甘油<丙二醇.前12 h 的保湿率顺序为:近江牡蛎>翡翠贻贝>马氏珠母贝>企鹅珍珠贝>甘油>1,3-丁二醇>丙二醇> PEG-400.翡翠贻贝吸湿性多糖优于其他贝类多糖,稍低于常规保湿剂.在相对湿度为80%时,前12 h 翡翠贻贝多糖的吸湿率大于常规保湿剂1,3-丁二醇,翡翠贻贝多糖保湿性稍弱于近江牡蛎,但强于其他贝类多糖和常规保湿剂要强一些  相似文献   
Marine mussels, Perna viridis, were transplanted from a reference site to various polluted sites around Hong Kong. After 30 d of exposure, antioxidative responses in the gills and hepatopancreas and tissue concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons [polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides (CPs)] were determined for individual mussels. Glutathione S transferase (GST) and glutathione (GSH) were positively correlated with tissue PCB concentrations. Only one of the enzymatic antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), showed significant response to tissue PCB. No significant correlation was found between tissue concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons and other enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and NADPH DT-diaphorase (DT-d). Oxidative stress, measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, was correlated with chlorinated pesticide concentrations in tissues. This study demonstrated a correlation between GST/GSH and chlorinated hydrocarbons. The apparent lack of correlation between trace organic pollutants and some of the enzymatic antioxidants may be due to the inhibitory effects caused by these chemicals. The above results suggest that more investigations are needed before these enzymes can be used as biomarkers.  相似文献   
用光镜和电镜技术初步探讨了翡翠贻贝Pernaviridis足丝器(Byssalappratus)的三大组成部分之间的空间结构关系,着重观察足丝柄部发生器(BSG)的片层结构,揭示小片具有典型的胶原原纤维电镜特征。此外,通过足丝丝部的表面结构观察,发现可用众多的突起来解释足丝表面对放射性碘的强机械吸附作用;利用足丝丝部横切片,计算出其长径约105μm,短径约40μm。  相似文献   
Intertidal population dynamics are driven by a complex series of processes, including larval supply and the possibility of larval predation by benthic animals such as filter-feeders. We hypothesised that cannibalism by adults could play a major role in the population connectivity of mussel populations by removing larvae as they attempt to settle in the adult habitat. Specifically, we tested hypotheses that consumption of mussel larvae by adults removes a significant proportion of potential settlers and is influenced by both settlement intensity and tidal state (flooding or ebbing). Predation of mussel larvae by adult mussels was investigated on incoming and ebbing tides during four spring tides by analysing the gut contents of adult Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from the low intertidal mussel zone between October 2005 and January 2006. Consumption rates were then compared with estimates of successful settler densities on natural beds. The results showed that mortality of competent mussel larvae through adult ingestion removes up to 77% a of potential settlers. Rates of larval consumption were highest during months of intense settlement, suggesting that mussels feed opportunistically, filtering a relatively fixed volume of water and removing particles, including larvae, in proportion to their densities in the water. Rates of larviphagy were also higher during receding than incoming tides. We suggest that this is due to changes in larval density or, more probably, in adult filtration efficiency that are related to the state of the tide. Despite significant effects of both tidal state and settlement intensity on rates of larval ingestion, neither had a significant effect on the proportion of potential settlers removed. During settlement more than half of all potential settlers are lost through cannibalism, with potentially serious consequences for population maintenance. The results highlight the paradoxical nature of the evolution of settlement mechanisms in mussels, which must balance the advantages of settlement in habitats favourable to adults against the consumption of larvae by adults.  相似文献   
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