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海洋学   19篇
  2013年   19篇
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Reproduction and recruitment of the surf clam Donax serra on two Namibian beaches were studied over a period of two years. Histological examination of the gonads indicated a discontinous annual reproductive cycle, related to monthly mean sea surface temperature. The spawning season lasted from August/September to February, but juveniles (2 – 6 mm anterior-posterior shell length) were only present for three months in the intertidal zone. The condition index indicates that the species spawns during autumn and summer, but histological validation is needed. The period when juveniles are abundant is decoupled from the spawning period and therefore cannot be predicted clearly, even if the spawning period is known. Starvation, hydrodynamic processes, chemical parameters and different release times during the spawning period are thought to cause the differences in settlement time and recruitment strength between locations.  相似文献   
This paper gives an overview of the main living marine resources of Namibia. It focuses on the scientific research conducted during the past decade as input to the management of these resources. The distribution and habitats of the most important harvested species and the main seabird populations are briefly described and discussed. The life histories of the major exploited species are summarized, with emphasis on spatial and temporal spawning patterns, dispersal of early life stages, migration patterns of recruits and adults, and diet, the latter particularly as it relates to potential competition between species. A number of commercially important species, such as the hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, deep-sea red crab Chaceon maritae, West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii, skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis, southern albacore Thunnus alalunga and to a lesser extent Cape horse mackerel Trachurus capensis, southern African sardine Sardinops sagax and Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis, are distributed across national boundaries, requiring regional cooperation in research and management. The history and current status of the major fisheries is discussed. Over the past 30–40 years total annual catches have declined from a peak of around 2 million tons in the late 1960s to less than a million tons in the 1990s. This decline has been due, mainly, to a collapse in the sardine stock in the late 1960s and 1970s, and a reduction in the catches of hake and horse mackerel under a conservative management strategy in the past decade. Changes in the abundance and distribution of commercially important species, as determined by acoustic and trawl surveys and catch-based analytical methods, are presented. The effect of major environmental anomalies on the distribution and abundance of the resources in recent years is discussed. The most dramatic anomaly in recent years was the wide-scale advection of low-oxygen water into the northern Benguela from the Angola Dome in 1994, and the subsequent Benguela Niño of 1995, which appear to have severely impacted the Namibian sardine population and many other resources. The present socio-economic value of the Namibian fishing industry is given together with the broad policy, legislation and formal structures for managing the living marine resources.  相似文献   
Demersal fish surveys carried out off Namibia from 1990 to 2000 were used to study the dynamics of demersal fish assemblages on the shelf and upper slope. The study was performed on each major assemblage, i.e. over the shelf (100–300 m deep) and the slope (300–600 m). Changes in size spectrum, diversity, species composition and trends in abundance of the dominating species were analysed. The most evident changes were those related to overall abundance and diversity of the slope assemblage.  相似文献   
In this study demersal survey data for the period 1990–1999 are used to investigate the average distribution of the Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus off Namibia in terms of density and mean length. Further, biomass estimates are compared on the basis of depth and density stratification. The main distribution of M. capensis was north of 27°S and that of M. paradoxus south of 24°S. M. paradoxus was deeper than M. capensis. For both species, average length increased with depth. M. paradoxus expanded its range to the north through the 1990s as its population size (off South Africa and Namibia) increased. In Namibian waters, small M. paradoxus were found only south of 25°S. Mean length of M. capensis increased north of 21°S, largely as a result of decreased numbers of small fish in shallower water. Abundance estimates stratified by depth were no different from those post-stratified on similar densities.  相似文献   
Previous field observations have suggested an association between the urchin Parechinus angulosus and juveniles of the abalone Haliotis midae. To test the generality and nature of this association, surveys were carried out at five sites between Cape Point and Danger Point in the kelp beds of the South-Western Cape, South Africa. These showed that both species occupy primarily hard substrata, showing preferences for encrusting coralline algae. They also confirmed a strong, positive relationship between urchins and juvenile abalone. Of the juvenile abalone sampled, more than 98% were found beneath sea urchins. All small (3–10 mm) and medium-sized(11–20 mm) juvenile abalone were under urchins, whether on flat or vertical reef, or in crevices. A small proportion (~10%) of larger juveniles(21–35 mm) was not found under urchins, and in these instances they occupied crevices instead. These findings are of particular importance in terms of their implications for the lucrative commercial abalone fishery in South Africa, indicating that urchins are of critical importance to the continued survival of viable abalone populations. There has been a dramatic decrease in natural populations of sea urchins over the past five years in the heart of the abalone fishing grounds, and the present findings suggest that this will lead to recruitment failure of abalone, because juvenile abalone seem dependent on the urchins. The long-term consequences for the industry may be crucial.  相似文献   
This paper considers the scientific achievements of the Benguela Environment, Fisheries, Interaction and Training (BENEFIT) Programme as reflected in 29 internally evaluated BENEFIT research projects carried out between 1998 and 2007 when the programme ended, and draws a number of important lessons relevant to future regional marine research programmes in the Benguela from the manner in which the projects were initiated and executed. The founding of BENEFIT, its organisational structures, and the way in which the projects were planned, formulated and executed through these structures are outlined. The major findings and other achievements of the research on fish resources, the environment and the linkages between them are discussed under these headings, and in the case of projects on resources, in relation to key questions developed from guidelines in the BENEFIT Science Plan. Based largely on a final evaluation by the programme's International Scientific Advisory Panel, it is concluded that BENEFIT added materially to greater knowledge of the dynamics of key resources in the Benguela, markedly increased the extent of environmental monitoring in the region, and the capacity for future such monitoring, and added significant new insights into key physical, chemical and biological processes of relevance to stock dynamics. BENEFIT's most important achievement in a wider sense was the pioneering development, almost from scratch, of a regional marine research community which, inter alia, was crucial in the development of other regional marine research activities in the Benguela, such as the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) Programme whose primary objective was the creation of a Benguela Current Commission. In this sense, the establishment of the Commission in 2007 to deal with transboundary management of the living resources of the Benguela Current and regional biodiversity issues can be regarded as the greatest single legacy of BENEFIT.  相似文献   
Spawning time and areas, and the length of the spawning season of shallow-water (Merluccius capensis) and deep-water (M. paradoxus) hake, were investigated from bottom trawl collections taken in Namibian waters between September 1998 and October 2000 and from August to November 2001. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the incidence of advanced maturity stages of M. paradoxus were low along the entire coast throughout the year, but with a few exceptions in the south (between Lüderitz and Orange River). By contrast, M. capensis spawn in the area throughout the year, but mainly between July and October. Evaluating the accuracy of visual maturity staging by comparing results with those of image and histological analyses revealed few errors in classifications of maturity stage in the field, with the exception of Stage 5 (spent and resting) in M. paradoxus. Specific GSI values were intercalibrated with the appearance of developing oocytes. As the GSI is quickly estimated, this new concept, designated here as a 'maturity reference line', could enhance understanding of the spawning biology of other species with a similarly complex, indeterminate spawning strategy. It is concluded that M. paradoxus do not appear to spawn in Namibian waters.  相似文献   
Genetic and morphological variation within the southern African population of Lampanyctodes hectoris was analysed. A total of 15 enzymes, encoding 22 isozyme loci, was examined (n = 327); seven were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 13.6 to 27.3%. The mean heterozygosity was generally low and ranged from 0.003 to 0.005. Genetic divergences between specimens from four areas along the west coast of southern Africa were negligible, genetic distance values (D) ranging from 0 to 0.00011. The results showed the population of L. hectoris to be genetically invariant. Principal Component Analysis was performed separately on ratios of 13 morphometric and 6 meristic variables (n = 446), and there was evidence of extensive overlap between fish from all areas. However, discriminant analysis suggested some morphological variability within this population. Although genetically the population of L. hectoris seems to be homogenous, morphologically it appears to be variable. A combination of these results suggests that there is no clear genetic basis for the slight morphological differentiation within the population.  相似文献   
The Lophius vomerinus component of the monkfish resource off Namibia was assessed by means of deterministic length- and age-based models. Steady state length cohort analyses illustrated that, although the model was sensitive to the rate of natural mortality, it was relatively insensitive to changes in terminal fishing mortality. These biases may, however, not be serious provided that estimates of abundance are used to reflect relative changes in the biomass dynamics of the population. The age-structured production model, tuned to trends in General-Linear-Modelling-standardized catch-per-unit-effort data and relative abundance indices calculated from hake (Merluccius spp.) biomass surveys, together with observed commercial and survey catches-at-age, showed similar trends. Both models provided evidence that the monkfish resource was fully to overexploited, with current harvesting levels higher than those concomitant with sustainable yields.  相似文献   
Orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus are unusual fish. They form dense aggregations that have fuelled lucrative fisheries at great depths (600–1 400 m), especially off Namibia, New Zealand and Australia. They are thought to be very long-lived (>100 years, maturity at 22 – 40 years), and to have exceptionally low natural mortality (M = 0.045–0.064 year?1) and slow growth rates (K = 0.055–0.070 year?1). In addition, they spawn large eggs and have low fecundity. These factors combine to make orange roughy highly susceptible to overfishing; most stocks are below 30% of pristine levels. Assessments are obtained from indices of catch rate and trawl, acoustic and egg surveys. Acoustic estimates are the most direct, but are confounded by the species' low target strength (?50 to ?53 dB)–attributable to the wax-filled swim bladder. Extracellular wax esters are stored in abundance and comprise mostly mono-unsaturated fatty acids, with low concentrations of the ω-3 fatty acid family. This unusual composition (resultant from the species' diet) ensures neutral buoyancy. Stock separation has been inferred mainly from biological studies, but genetic studies have also found differences among stocks within New Zealand and Australia. Deep-water habitat may be damaged by trawling operations and may take many years to recover, so in some quarters there is a call for a portion of suitable habitat to be set aside for preservation. Although Namibian orange roughy are shallower, smaller and younger than those in other stocks, the Namibian fishery sustained high catches for only a few years before quotas were reduced, from 12 000 to 1 875 tons. Three management lessons are suggested for developing orange roughy fisheries based on the Namibian experience: (1) imposition of catch limits during exploratory fishing; (2) starting the acoustic surveys earlier in the fishery, if possible; (3) greater reliance on trends in catch rate until a survey series has been established.  相似文献   
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