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用6.0×104拷贝、1.2×104拷贝和6.0×103拷贝3种剂量白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)对凡纳滨对虾和斑节对虾进行人工注射感染,比较了两种对虾对WSSV敏感性的差异。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾死亡时间随病毒剂量降低而延长,斑节对虾死亡时间没有明显差异;随病毒剂量的降低,凡纳滨对虾人工注射感染后病毒复制高峰时间显著延长,斑节对虾感染后病毒复制高峰时间相同,WSSV在凡纳滨对虾体内比在斑节对虾体内复制慢。对虾携带WSSV数量最低为3.3×107拷贝.g-1,最高为4.3×108拷贝.g-1。凡纳滨对虾比斑节对虾对WSSV的抵抗性更强。  相似文献   
Little is known about the genome of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). To address this, we conducted BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) end sequencing of L. vannamei. We selected and sequenced 7 812 BAC clones from the BAC library LvHE from the two ends of the inserts by Sanger sequencing. After trimming and quality filtering, 11 279 BAC end sequences (BESs) including 4 609 paired- ends BESs were obtained. The total length of the BESs was 4 340 753 bp, representing 0.18% of the L. vannamei haploid genome. The lengths of the BESs ranged from 100 bp to 660 bp with an average length of 385 bp. Analysis of the BESs indicated that the L. vannamei genome is AT-rich and that the primary repeats patterns were simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and low complexity sequences. Dinucleotide and hexanucleotide repeats were the most common SSR types in the BESs. The most abundant transposable element was gypsy, which may contribute to the generation of the large genome size of L. vannamei. We successfully annotated 4 519 BESs by BLAST searching, including genes involved in immunity and sex determination. Our results provide an important resource for functional gene studies, map construction and integration, and complete genome assembly for this species.  相似文献   
Shrimps( Litopenaeus vannamei) were intensively cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system for 98 days to investigate effects of 0.3 mg/L Cu on its performance, Cu budget, and Cu distribution. Shrimps in Cu-treated systems had greater mean final weight(11.10 vs 10.50 g), body length(107.23 vs 106.42 mm), survival rate(67.80% vs 66.40%), and yield(6.42 vs 5.99 kg/m 3), and lower feed conversion ratio(1.20 vs 1.29) than those in control systems but the differences were not significant. Vibrio numbers remained stable(10 4 –10 6 colony forming units/mL) in the rearing tanks of both control and treated systems. Total ammonium-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, pH, chemical oxygen demand, 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids were similar in controls and treatments. Dissolved Cu concentration in the treated systems decreased from 0.284 to 0.089 mg/L while in the control systems it increased from 0.006 2 to 0.018 mg/L. The main sources of Cu in the treated systems were the artificially added component(75.7% of total input), shrimp feed(21.0%), water(2.06%), and shrimp biomass(1.22%). The major outputs of Cu occurred via the mechanical filter(41.7%), water renewal(15.6%), and draining of the sediment trap(15.1%). The foam fractionator removed only 0.69% of total Cu input. Harvested shrimp biomass accounted for 11.68% of Cu input. The Cu concentration of shrimps in the Cu-treated systems(30.70 mg/kg wet weight) was significantly higher than that in control systems(22.02 mg/kg). Both were below the maximum permissible concentration(50 mg/kg) for Cu in seafood for human consumption in China. Therefore, recirculating systems can be used for commercial on-growing of Litopenaeus vannamei without loss of shrimp quality, even in water polluted by 0.30 mg/L Cu. The mechanical filter is the main route for Cu removal.  相似文献   
纳米塑料和纳米金属氧化物粒子在不同领域的使用量日益增多,这些纳米材料进入水生系统可能带来的相关环境风险引起了人们的关注.本文通过食相暴露,分析了100 nm纳米聚苯乙烯(PS)和纳米二氧化钛(TiO2)暴露对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)的血细胞功能和氧化还原平衡的干扰.实验组对虾分别投喂混有2...  相似文献   
几种优良养殖对虾杂合性的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
黎中宝  吴仲庆 《海洋科学》2002,26(12):45-48
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术研究了南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei),日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus),斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon),新对虾(Metapenaeus ensis)养殖群体杂合体缺乏及过量。结果表明南美白对虾在Est-2(F=0.705),Aat-2(F=1.000),两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏,在Adh-3(F=-1.000),Sdh-2(F=-1.000),Mdh-4(F=-1.000)三个位点上存在杂合子过量;日本对虾在Est-1(F=0.258),Sod-1(F=0.467)两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏;斑节对虾在Est-1(F=0.254),Sdh-3(F=1.000)两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏;新对虾在Aat-1(F=1.000)位点上存在杂合子缺乏,在Est-1(F=-0.158),Sod-1(F=-1.000),Me-4(-F=1.000)三个位点上存在杂合子过量。导致杂合子缺乏的主要原因可能是自然选择,近交,Wahland效应等。杂合子缺乏会导致某些基因从基因库中消失,造成种群遗传多样性的降低,从而降低物种适应环境的能力。  相似文献   
研究了3种凡纳滨对虾池塘养殖模式环境因子变化情况和对养殖效益的分析。实验分为3种不同的养殖模式:对虾单养组、鱼虾混养A组、鱼虾混养B组。结果表明:pH变化范围在8.40~9.06之间,其中对虾单养组pH较之两组鱼虾混养组略高,最高值达9.06;COD变化范围在101~211之间,其中对虾单养组COD较之两组鱼虾混养组略高,范围在132~211之间;氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度为对虾单养组>鱼虾混养A组>鱼虾混养B组;异养菌数目和弧菌数目,随着养殖的进行呈现逐渐增加的趋势,最大值分别为对虾单养组1.1×106 CFU/mL、2.0×103 CFU/mL,鱼虾混养A组1.45×106 CFU/mL、1.80×103 CFU/mL,鱼虾混养B组1.20×106 CFU/mL、1.56×103 CFU/mL;养殖效益上,总产值、纯利润、亩利润、投入产出比均呈现出鱼虾混养B组>鱼虾混养A组>对虾单养组。由此可见,凡纳滨对虾和鱼类混养,可以在保证水质的前提下,提高凡纳滨对虾养殖规格,提高投入产出比,增加养殖效益,是一种相较于凡纳滨对虾单独养殖优越的养殖模式;而不同规格和数量的鱼类和不同数量凡纳滨对虾的混养,又会产生不同的养殖效益。  相似文献   
对凡纳滨对虾的养殖采用新的投料和管理方法,不施肥,从放苗后2h开始投料,并由2餐/d改为5餐/d;管理上采用不施抗生素药物的生态养殖模式。定期抽样测量对虾的体长。结果表明,实验对虾生长速度比对照塘提高20%~30%,成活率高达86.33%,比对照塘高约20%。实验证明该方法值得推广。  相似文献   
Effects of hypoxia on the dopamine concentration and the immune response of White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were studied. The results showed that hypoxia had significant effects on the concentration of dopamine (DA) in the haemolymph, haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity of haemocytes and bacteriolytic and antibacterial activity in the haemolvmph (P<0.05). The concentration of the dopamine in haemolymph reached its maximum in the 3.0 and 1.5mgL-1 DO groups at 12h and 6h, and then returned to normal after 24h and 12h, respectively. All immune parameters decreased with the reduction of dissolved oxygen. Total haemocyte count (THC), the hyaline cells and semi-granular cells in the 3.0mgL-1 DO group became stable after 12h,while granular cells did so after 24h, The THC and different haemocyte count (DHC) in the 1.5mgL-1 DO group became stable alter 24h. Phenoloxidase activity and bacteriolytic activity in the 3.0 and 1.5mgL-1 DO groups reached their stable levels after 24 h and 12 h respectively, while phagocytic activity and antibacterial activity became stable after 24 and 12, and 36 and 24 It, respec-tively. It was also indicated that the changes of dopamine concentrations in haemolymph, haemocyte count and phenoloxidase activ-ity were obviously related to the exposure time under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
This feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of poultry by-product meal (PBM) as a protein source in the culture ofLitopenaeus vannamei. Seven isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to near to commercial diet with about 40% protein and 7.5% lipid. Fish meal was replaced by 0, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 100% of PBM (diets 1-7). The diet with 100% fish meal was used as a control (diet 1). Post-larvae were reared in an indoor semi-closed re-circulating system. Each dietary treatment was tested in 4 replicate tanks (260 L) of 40 shrimp, arranged in a completely randomized design. The shrimps were hand-fed for three times a day to near-satiation (0700, 1200 and 1800) for 60d. Percentage weight gain, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and body composition of shrimps were measured. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in growth performance among shrimps fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). However, shrimps fed diet 7 (100% fish meal replacement) had significantly lower (P<0.05) growth than those fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). Shrimp fed diets 2-4 (30%-50% fish meal replacement) showed significantly higher growth than those fed diets 6 and 7 (70% and 100% fish meal replacement, respectively). Survival ranged from 94.7% to 100.0% and did not differ significantly (P>0.05) among different experimental diets. No differences in body composition were found among shrimps fed different diets. These results showed that up to 70% of fish meal protein can be replaced by PBM without adversely affecting the growth, survival, FCR, PER and body composition of Litopenaeus vannamei.  相似文献   
凡纳滨对虾性别分化的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过组织学连续切片与扫描电镜观察,研究凡纳滨对虾的性别分化。结果显示:凡纳滨对虾外部形态的性别分化最早发生在仔虾后第37天,此时在扫描电镜下可观察到雄性附肢的芽基,仔虾后第45天,光镜下可观察到交接器;仔虾后第24天出现原始生殖细胞(PGCS),位于背大动脉的两侧及围心腔膜的腹面,细胞个体及细胞核明显比周围的细胞大,具有强嗜碱性,细胞核圆形或椭圆形,核内染色质清晰可见,随着生殖腺的发育,在第43天出现生殖管,第55天生殖腺可区分为精巢和卵巢。  相似文献   
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