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基于ROMS模式构建了模拟区域为(15.52°S-7.13°N,110.39°~134.15°E)水平分辨率为2′的潮波数值模式,分别模拟了印尼海域M2、S2、K1、O1四个主要分潮。模拟结果与29个卫星高度计交叠点上的调和常数进行比较,符合较好。M2分潮的振幅均方根差为3.4cm,迟角均方根差为5.9°;S2分潮的振幅均方根差为1.7cm,迟角均方根差为6.3°;K1分潮振幅均方根差为1.1cm,迟角均方根差为5.8°;O1分潮振幅均方根差为1.2cm,迟角均方根差为4.4°。M2、S2、K1、O1分潮向量均方根差分别为3.8cm、2.4cm、1.9cm和1.3cm,模拟结果的相对偏差在10%左右。根据计算结果分析了印尼海域的潮汐特征及潮能传播规律,结果显示:爪哇海以外的印尼海域主要为不规则半日潮区;全日潮潮能主要由太平洋传入印尼海域,而半日潮潮能则是从印度洋传入印尼海域。  相似文献   
印尼贯穿流的诊断计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全球大洋二维的自由表面诊断模型并采用气候态Levitus(2001)温盐资料及COADS风应力资料估算印尼贯穿流及其季节变化。结果表明,南海的Karimata海峡出流量对印尼贯穿流有显著的贡献,印尼贯穿流的平均流量为16.6Sv,流量在6月最大(18.5Sv),4月最小(12.7Sv)。与其它模式结果和观测结果一致的是,Makas-sar海峡流量在7月最大(13.8Sv),1月最小(0.2Sv),其年平均流量为6.7Sv;Karimata海峡是南海南部最大的出水口,年平均流量为2.6Sv,爪哇海水在5—9月之间流入南海,其它月份南海南部水流入爪哇海;Timor海峡是印尼贯穿流最大的出口;Lombok流量的季节变化表现为半年周期。通过模拟计算结果,结合动力计算,获取了Makassar海峡经向速度的垂向结构,结果显示Makassar海峡的经向速度有明显的垂向切变,100m层次的南向速度为30—35cm.s-1。  相似文献   
印尼海道的两度关闭与西太平洋暖池的形成和兴衰   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界海洋表层水温最高的西太平洋暖池,是全球驱动大气环流的最大热源之一,也是全球热盐环流传输带的热源。新生代晚期印尼海道的关闭是暖池得以形成的基本条件。在印尼海道区划出了对印度尼西亚穿越流起阻挡作用的5道屏障,分析了5道屏障的形成过程和年代,据此提出了印尼海道两度关闭的模式。板块运动导致印尼海道关闭,有利于暖池发展,同时也存在不利的负面影响,本区构造运动对暖池的演变具有特有的双向复合控制作用;由此出发勾勒了近1000多万年来西太平洋暖池的形成和兴衰史:11~9MaBP为原始暖池形成期,9~6MaBP为暖池演化的第一衰退期,6MaBP以来为现代暖池的孕育和发展期,其间在1~0.2MaBP穿插着暖池演化的第二衰退期。上述暖池兴衰史的演化模式,得到了暖池区ODP1143站浮游有孔虫组合所反映的古海水温跃层深度的验证。  相似文献   
The Impact of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) and the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) event for Indonesian rainfall has been investigated for the period from 1950 to 2011. Inter-annual change of IOD and ENSO indices are used to investigate their relationship with Indonesian rainfall. By using the wavelet transform method, we found a positive significant correlation between IOD and Indonesian rainfall on the time scale of nearly 2.5–4 years.Furthermore, the positive significant correlation between ENSO(sea surface temperature anomaly at Ni?o3.4 area indices) and Indonesian rainfall exists for shorter than 2 years and between 5.5 to 6.5-year time scales.  相似文献   
卡里马塔海峡贯穿流将中国南海的低盐水输运到爪哇海,与印度尼西亚贯穿流(印尼贯穿流)携带的西太平洋高盐水在印度尼西亚海(印尼海)交汇,二者通过混合、浮力强迫等过程相互作用.这改变了印度尼西亚海的水体热盐性质,影响局地海气交换和热带太平洋-印度洋之间的热盐交换.依据卡里马塔海峡、龙目海峡和望加锡海峡的实测表层海流数据,采用...  相似文献   
The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) links upper ocean waters of the west Pacific and Indian Ocean, modulates heat and fresh water budgets between these oceans, and in turn plays an important role in global climate change. The climatic phenomena such as the East Asian monsoon and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exert a strong influence on flux, water properties and vertical stratification of the ITF. This work studied sediments of Core SO18462 that was retrieved from the outflow side of the ITF in the Timor Sea in order to investigate response of the ITF to monsoon and ENSO activities since the last glacial. Based on Mg/Ca ratios and oxygen isotopes in shells of planktonic foraminiferal surface and thermocline species, seawater temperatures and salinity of both surface and thermocline waters and vertical thermal gradient of the ITF outflow were reconstructed. Records of Core SO18462 were then compared with those from Core 3cBX that was recovered from the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The results displayed that similar surface waters occurred in the Timor Sea and the WPWP during the last glacial. Since ~16 ka, an apparent difference in surface waters between these two regions exists in salinity, indicated by much fresher waters in the Timor Sea than in the WPWP. In contrast, there is little change in difference of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). With regard to thermocline temperature (TT), it increased until ~11.5 ka since the last glacial, and then remained an overall unchanged trend in the WPWP but continuously decreased in the Timor Sea towards the late Holocene. Since ~6 ka, thermocline waters have tended to be close to each other in between the Timor Sea and the WPWP. It is indicated that intensified precipitation due to East Asian monsoon and possible ENSO cold phase significantly freshened surface waters over the Indonesian Seas, impeding the ITF surface flow and in turn having enhanced thermocline flow during the Holocene. Consequently, thermocline water of the ITF outflow was cooling and thermocline was shoaling towards the late Holocene. It is speculated that, in addition to strengthening of East Asian winter monsoon, increasing ENSO events during the late Holocene likely played an important role in influencing thermocline depth of the ITF outflow.  相似文献   
天然气水合物降压试采过程中,水合物、游离气和水的三相混合层中的游离气首先被采出,从而提高降压效率,促进水合物分解;因此利用岩心刻度测井的方法开展南海神狐海域水合物三相混合层测井评价方法研究,对水合物矿体储量计算以及产业化开采具有重要意义.三相混合层与水合物层相比,其密度和中子孔隙度值均减小,纵波速度明显下降;与气层相比...  相似文献   
The role of the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) in the influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) on ENSO is investigated using version 2 of the Parallel Ocean Program(POP2) ocean general circulation model. We demonstrate the results through sensitivity experiments on both positive and negative IOD events from observations and coupled general circulation model simulations. By shutting down the atmospheric bridge while maintaining the tropical oceanic channel, the IOD forcing is shown to influence the ENSO event in the following year, and the role of the ITF is emphasized. During positive IOD events,negative sea surface height anomalies(SSHAs) occur in the eastern Indian Ocean, indicating the existence of upwelling.These upwelling anomalies pass through the Indonesian seas and enter the western tropical Pacific, resulting in cold anomalies there. These cold temperature anomalies further propagate to the eastern equatorial Pacific, and ultimately induce a La Nia-like mode in the following year. In contrast, during negative IOD events, positive SSHAs are established in the eastern Indian Ocean, leading to downwelling anomalies that can also propagate into the subsurface of the western Pacific Ocean and travel further eastward. These downwelling anomalies induce negative ITF transport anomalies, and an El Nio-like mode in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that persists into the following year. The effects of negative and positive IOD events on ENSO via the ITF are symmetric. Finally, we also estimate the contribution of IOD forcing in explaining the Pacific variability associated with ENSO via ITF.  相似文献   
Calcium and magnesium levels have been monitored in slope foot drainage waters on a dolomite bedrock. Both calcium and magnesium rich pulses occur. Short term dissolution experiments demonstrate high calcium levels in solution while other authors have suggested that long residence time groundwater has relatively high levels of magnesium due to calcite precipitation. Patterns of field fluctuations in Ca: Mg ratios can thus be tentatively interpreted in terms of short residence time water of high calcium content mixing with long residence time water of high magnesium content. Fluorometric dye tracing has been used to indicate the orders of magnitude of soil water residence times, suggesting that quickflow components are resident in the system for a few hours to a few days. Further work is in progress.  相似文献   
The paper looks at the process of lateral translocation in a small valley basin from the Northaw Great Wood, Hertfordshire. The valley basin comprises four lithostratigraphic units (London Clay and Pebble Gravel, and the others a mixture of these two), which were initially established in the field by a rough assessment of texture. Particle size analysis validated the lithostratigraphic units as delineated in the field; it was found unnecessary to alter the boundaries of the units. Patterns of lateral translocation of silt and clay (measured by the hydrometer method) and the amorphous colloidal hydrous oxides and hydroxides of Al, Fe, Mn and Si (measured in oxalate solution by atomic absorption spectrophotometry) are inferred from balance sheets of the relative gains and losses of the materials. Materials from horizons formed in lithostratigraphic units derived from London Clay are balanced against a clay dilution factor; those from the lithostratigraphic unit of Pebble Gravel against the dilution of sand on a clay-free basis. The results lead to the following conclusions about the process of lateral translocation: it has been a significant contributor to soil development; larger amounts of material have moved down-slope towards the hollow than over the nose because there has, theoretically, been more throughflow in the hollow; for some materials there has been less down-slope transport in lower horizons owing to less throughflow in them.  相似文献   
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