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海洋学   11篇
  2013年   11篇
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To establish a base line against which future pollution may be measured, eight common commercial species of New Zealand sea fish were analysed for cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc. One sample of edible muscle tissue was analysed for each of 70 samples of each species. The internal organs of up to five specimens of each species were also analysed. The fish studied were: kahawai, Arripis trutta, trevally, Caranx lutescens, tarakihi, Cheilodactylis macropterus, snapper, Chrysophrys auratus, moki, Latridopsis ciliaris, hapuku, Polyprion oxygeneios, kingfish, Seriola grandis and gurnard, Trigla kumu.

Although, none of the edible parts of the fish appeared to have trace element levels likely to be a public health problem (cadmium 0.002–0.02 ppm, chromium 0.01–0.04 ppm, copper 0.04–0.95 ppm, iron 0.9–13.5 ppm, lead ‘ 0.14–0.95 ppm, manganese 0.04–2.00 ppm, nickel 0.01–0.08 ppm, zinc 2.0–36.0 ppm), some of the organs (particularly the liver) had relatively high concentrations of elements such as cadmium (up to 54 ppm). Only if some industry were to seek to exploit internal organs of fish for human consumption would such levels become important. There was some evidence for a relationship between trace element concentrations and fish size for copper in kingfish and snapper, iron in hapuku, manganese in gurnard, and for zinc in kingfish and tarakihi. Some element pairs such as copper and zinc, iron and manganese, appeared to have concentrations which were mutually related. It was assumed that the elemental concentrations reported represent natural levels and are not the result of significant man‐made pollution because there are no major industries or large urban centres adjacent to the fishing grounds.  相似文献   
Three species of Arietellidae are described from the south‐west Pacific: a new species of Paraugaptilus, a species which can not be separated from P. buchani, and Arietellus aculeatus. The identity of A. aculeatus is clarified by comparison of type material and material from the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, and an unidentified Atlantic species of Arietellus, evident from the comparison, is described.  相似文献   
The diet of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) was studied in specimens from Lake Benmore, a deep, oligo‐trophic lake in South Island, New Zealand. Between November and July, both species fed mainly on small molluscs (Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Physa sp., and Gyraulus corinna) gleaned from the littoral weed beds. Energy values for the three species of mollusc were determined: P. antipodarum, 6000 J g‐1; G. corinna, 5500 J g‐1; Physa sp., 9800 J g‐1. Potamopyrgus antipodarum yielded little energy to the fish, unless its shell broke during passage through the gut. Physa sp. was the most profitable mollusc, irrespective of shell breakage and Potamopyrgus antipodanim the least profitable. The mean energy value per snail for G. corinna and Physa sp. eaten by rainbow trout was 25–30% less than for snails eaten by brown trout, possibly because rainbow trout ingested empty shells from the sediment surface. Rainbow trout extracted about 20% more energy than brown trout from unbroken shells. In July, 84% of the brown trout switched to predation of common bullies, Gobio‐morphus cotidianus, probably as a result of bully reproductive behaviour. Rainbow trout did not show the same change, apparently because they were feeding in deeper water where few bullies were available. The low‐energy diet and its possible connection with growth rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of Gobiomorphus cotidianus,Retropinna retropinna, Gambusia affinis, and Anguilla australis were compared between two shallow lakes in the lower Waikato River basin, to examine the relationship between turbidity and diet. Lake Waahi and the south arm of Lake Whangape had been turbid (20–40 g suspended solids (SS) m?3) and devoid of submerged macrophytes since the late 1970s and early 1980s, respectively. The main basin of Lake Whangape had been generally clearer (5 g SS m?3) with dense beds of submerged macrophytes, but at the time of sampling (1987) water clarity had deteriorated (> c. 10 g SS m3) and submerged macrophytes had declined. The mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni was an important prey for all species of fish from turbid water bodies but was less important in stomachs of fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Apparently, mysids were not an important prey in Lake Waahi before it became turbid. Chironomid larvae and pupae dominated the diets of small fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Fish and mysids were the most important prey of shortfinned eels in both lakes, with mysids most important in Lake Waahi. High mysid densities in the turbid water bodies provide an alternative food resource apparently compensating for those lost by fish when water clarity declined and submerged macrophytes collapsed.  相似文献   

Common native fish species that are rare in New Zealand rivers with high suspended solids (SS) concentrations were identified to determine which species were likely to be most affected by high SS concentrations. Mortality rates for the three most sensitive species (banded kokopu Galaxias fasciatus, redfin bully Gobiomorphus huttoni, common smelt Retropinna retropinnd) were measured over a range of SS concentrations to identify lethal concentrations. The survival of banded kokopu and redfin bully was not reduced by SS concentrations up to 43 000 g m?3; however, the 24‐h survival of common smelt was reduced by SS concentrations over 1000 g m?3, and its median lethal concentration (LC50) was close to 3000 g m?3. SS concentrations over 3000 g m?3 for more than 24 h will therefore reduce smelt but not affect the mortality of most other common native fish species. Although mortality from high concentrations of SS can account for the scarcity of smelt in rivers with high SS concentrations, mortality from high SS does not explain the scarcity of banded kokopu or redfin bully in such rivers. High turbidity (>20 nephelometric turbidity units) is known to limit the upstream migration and recruitment of juvenile banded kokopu in rivers with increased SS concentrations. Banded kokopu is therefore affected by increased turbidity from SS rather than lethal SS concentrations. As redfin bully were not affected by either high turbidity levels or high SS concentrations, the low abundance of this species in rivers with high SS concentrations is likely to be related to the siltation of benthic habitats.  相似文献   
The narrow‐beam echo sounder (3.5° half angle, 20 kHz) is capable of resolving the configuration of deep scattering layers to 750 m and was used to study the ecology and population density of organisms that make up the layers. Several layers to 1,000 m depth were identified in the South Pacific Ocean, and the population densities calculated. Swimming speeds of possible predators are estimated at 0.2–0.3 m.sec‐1. Among organisms calculated to range in length from 0.01 m to 0.07 m, the larger were interpreted as grazing on smaller organisms, after comparing results from two echo sounders of 12 kHz and 20 kHz frequencies respectively.  相似文献   
Energy contents of several freshwater animal species collected from Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, were determined by bomb calorimetry. Values are shown to vary seasonally and between size classes. Because of this variability the use of a single energy value of an organism in an energetics study is not recommended.  相似文献   

The responses of common smelt (Retropinna retropinna Richardson), inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns), common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall), and shrimp (Paratya curvirostris Heller) to ammonia and low dissolved oxygen (DO), separately and in combination, were measured in a fluvarium. Only common smelt avoided high or low ammonia (c. 8.5 and 2.0 g m?3 NH3, respectively) and low DO (c. 2 g m?3) alone and in combination. Shrimp avoided high ammonia and low DO+ammonia but not low DO on its own. Inanga and bullies showed no significant negative response to either contaminant; rather, inanga were strongly attracted to low ammonia and bullies to low DO. These results parallel those from toxicity experiments that show common smelt and shrimp are usually among the most sensitive native species to various contaminants. The consistent and appropriate avoidance behaviour shown by common smelt, in particular, suggests this species would be a good indicator organism for assessing the health of lowland waterways.  相似文献   
Larval and juvenile fish drifting on ebb tides were collected from early summer to mid autumn at various locations in the Taieri River and Waipori River estuary, South Island, New Zealand. A total of seven species of fish were recorded, however only three species were regularly collected. These were the larval common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall), larval inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns), and postlarval cockabully (Tripterygion nigripenne Valenciennes). Common bully densities were highest in mid January, with the highest densities being recorded drifting out of Lake Waihola. Inanga densities were highest in March and April, with the highest densities being recorded in the channels draining wetland areas where extensive tidal inundation of riparian vegetation occurred. Cockabully were recorded from February to April, mostly at more downstream sites. Inland penetration by marine species was considerable, with two marine species, clingfish (Trachelochismus pinnulatus Forster) and smooth leatherjacket (Parika scaber Forster), being recorded c. 12 km upstream in late summer.  相似文献   
Most indigenous New Zealand freshwater fish are benthic, and use substrate elements for shelter, cover, and nesting sites. Sedimentation can reduce the amount of interstitial space provided by the substrate, thus reducing the amount of available cover and potentially influencing fish abundance. To test the effects of sedimentation on fish density, upland bullies (Gobiomorphus breviceps Stokell) were introduced into experimental channels with different substrate treatments. After an acclimatisation period, they were allowed to emigrate. The maximum fish density and relative habitat suitability was then determined by the number of fish remaining after 6 days. Bully numbers declined by over 50% after 6 days in the trials with no cover, whereas with 20 cobbles providing cover for 40 bullies, numbers reduced by only 10%. When sufficient fine sediment was added to fill the spaces under the cobbles, bully numbers reduced by more than 60%, regardless of the number of cobbles. However, when cobbles were raised above the fine sediment, the number of bullies remaining in the channels was similar to the number remaining with cobbles and no sediment. The overall effect of high levels of sedimentation on bully density was similar to that of providing no cover, with the effect diminishing as the level of sedimentation decreased.  相似文献   
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