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5种有机磷农药对鮸状黄姑鱼胚胎和仔鱼毒性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了敌百虫、敌敌畏、甲胺磷、呋喃丹和乐果等5种有机磷农药对Miao状黄姑鱼(Nibea miichthiodides)胚胎和前期仔鱼的毒性。结果表明,在实验设置的浓度条件下,甲胺磷对胚胎的毒性最大;乐果对胚胎的毒性最小;敌百虫和敌敌畏对仔鱼的毒性大于其他3种有机磷农药;敌百虫、敌敌畏、甲胺磷和呋喃丹对仔鱼的毒性大于对胚胎的毒性,而乐果对两者的毒性是基本相似。  相似文献   
Baseline information is presented on embryo malformation rate and biomarkers in fish as indicators of sub-lethal stress caused by pollution in coastal waters of Xiamen, PR China. Fish and eggs were sampled from several areas in Xiamen coastal waters (Xiamen Harbour, Maluan and Tongan Bays and East Channel), where varying levels of pollutant input have been documented. Comparative sampling was done at a "cleaner" reference site at Dongshan Island. Embryonic malformation rates, which indicate general water quality, varied with location and species of fish, and exceeded background levels for unpolluted waters (assumed approximately 5%) by up to eightfold at some sites. Generally, sites around Xiamen Harbour show signs of poor water quality having highest mean levels of embryo deformity (20-30%) and these decreased towards open waters (Tongan Bay, Eastern Channel) where abnormalities approached background levels. An indication that toxic contaminants may be having a localised effect in the region, particularly in the harbour was reinforced by the biomarker assays. However, activities of the biomarkers ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and glutathione S-transferase in fish livers indicate no clear pattern, and there is no evidence that fish from the four sampling areas have been more or less exposed to PAHs and other compounds that induce these biomarkers. Antioxidant biomarkers (glutathione peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and reduced glutathione) suggest that exposure to xenobiotics appears to be lowest in Dongshan and Maluan and highest in the harbour and Tongan. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in fish muscle indicated possible effects by organophosphate and carbamate pesticides in Xiamen waters and these effects may be greatest in the area of the harbour.  相似文献   
采用显微镜和连续切片技术,观察了大菱鲆胚胎发育阶段的形态学和组织学特征。结果表明,大菱鲆胚胎发育主要经历6个时期;在14℃,胚体经108h即可孵化出膜。胚胎在64细胞期出现纬裂,分裂球分化为外层的包被层和内部的深层细胞;多细胞期形成卵黄合胞体层;低囊胚期形成囊胚腔。受精后26h30min胚盾出现。胚盘下包65%时,头突...  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread persistent pollutants that readily undergo biotic and abiotic conversion to numerous transformation products in rivers, lakes and estuarine sediments. Here we characterize the developmental toxicity of four PAH transformation products each structural isomers of hydroxynaphthoic acid: 1H2NA, 2H1NA, 2H3NA, and 6H2NA. Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) embryos and eleutheroembryos were used to determine toxicity. A 96-well micro-plate format was used to establish a robust, statistically significant platform for assessment of early life stages. Individual naphthoic acid isomers demonstrated a rank order of toxicity with 1H2NA > 2H1NA > 2H3NA > 6H2NA being more toxic. Abnormalities of circulatory system were most pronounced including pericardial edema and tube heart. To determine if HNA isomers were AhR ligands, spatial-temporal expression and activity of CYP1A was measured via in vivo EROD assessments. qPCR measurement of CYP1A induction proved different between isomers dosed at respective concentrations affecting 50% of exposed individuals (EC50s). In vitro, all ANH isomers transactivated mouse AhR using a medaka CYP1A promoter specific reporter assay. Circulatory abnormalities followed P450 induction and response was consistent with PAH toxicity. A 96-well micro-plates proved suitable as exposure chambers and provided statistically sound evaluations as well as efficient toxicity screens. Our results demonstrate the use of medaka embryos for toxicity analysis thereby achieving REACH objectives for the reduction of adult animal testing in toxicity evaluations.  相似文献   
周利  相建海  郑严 《海洋与湖沼》2002,33(6):648-656
比较了 1 985— 1 998年间由同一褶皱臂尾轮虫 (Brachionusplicatilis)种群在实验室内历年产生并收存的休眠卵的孵化效果 ,并初步探讨了胚胎“激活”处理对孵化的影响。结果表明 ,休眠卵的收存年度或时间对其在一定孵育期内的总孵化率 (THR)和日孵化率 (DHR)有极显著影响 (x2 检验 ,p<0 .0 0 1 ) ,但THR和DHR与储存时间间均无显著的相关性 ,而是呈极大波动。同时发现“激活”作用具有促使孵化高峰提前到来、增强孵化同步性的双重功效 ,从而可明显缩短孵育时间 ,提高孵化速率。但“激活”前后多数卵样的总孵化率无显著变化 (p >0 .0 5 )。详细讨论了可能导致孵化率波动的多种因素 ,例如遗传变异、培养历史、储存及孵化的环境条件等。  相似文献   
贻贝(Mytilus edulis)发育早期酸性和碱性磷酸酶活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用组织化学和分光光度技术对贻贝卵、胚胎和早期幼虫酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性进行了定位和定量研究,以探讨贝类早期发育过程中的免疫防御机制。组织化学显示,从卵细胞到D型面盘幼虫各个时期都呈ACP和AKP阳性,卵细胞中阳性颗粒较大且分布比较均匀,受精卵中央着色较深,卵裂期核区呈强阳性且大分裂球内阳性颗粒较多,原肠胚和担轮幼虫外层细胞阳性较强,面盘幼虫外套膜边缘膜、内脏团和面盘基部呈强阳性。生化测定ACP和AKP活力,均是卵细胞最低,随着发育酶活力逐步提高,其中ACP活力在受精后和囊胚期明显提高,囊胚期达到最高峰,其后又略有下降;AKP活力在卵裂期、担轮幼虫和面盘幼虫提高较大,面盘幼虫期酶活力最高。ACP和AKP可能在贻贝的发育早期抵抗病原生物侵染方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
刘家富 《海洋科学》1999,23(6):61-65
连续观察人工育苗中同一批受精卵,在水温23.2~23.4℃,盐度27.00~27.80条件下,经过26h36min孵出仔鱼,并继续观察仔,稚鱼发育过程中的形态特征与生态习性,还比较了不同年份与不同批次的观察资料,讨论了水温等环境条件变化的对胚胎发育的影响,以及仔,稚鱼器官发育与日龄,生长速度等关系。  相似文献   
以紫外灭活的同源(大黄鱼)精子和未灭活的异源(鮸鱼)精子为激活源, 采用冷休克处理的方法诱导了大黄鱼雌核发育二倍体, 进行胚胎发育和 SSR 标记分析的比较研究。结果表明, 异源组的受精率和孵化率高于同源组, 但存活率低于同源组; 两组中经冷休克处理未能恢复倍性的胚胎发育畸形而陆续死亡, 恢复倍性的胚胎在发育程序上均与普通大黄鱼相同, 但各阶段出现时间较对照组滞后; SSR 分析显示同源组子代中有 16.7%出现父本条带, 异源组子代均未出现父本条带。以灭活的同源(大黄鱼)精子和未经灭活的  相似文献   
温度和盐度对青岛文昌鱼胚胎发育的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
青岛文昌鱼的胚胎在 18℃以上才能正常发育 ,并随着温度的升高而加快 ,但超过34℃胚胎解体 ,低于 14℃发育受阻。正常胚胎发育的盐度范围是 2 1~ 33,最适盐度为 2 4 .5~ 30 .2。  相似文献   
Critical tissue copper (Cu) residues associated with adverse effects on embryo-larval development were determined for the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) following laboratory exposure to Cu-spiked seawater collected from San Diego Bay, California, USA. Whole body no-observed-effect-residues (NOER) were similar, with means of 21 and 23mugg(-1)dw, for M. galloprovincialis and S. purpuratus, respectively. Mean whole body median effect residues (ER50) were 49 and 142mugg(-1)dw for M. galloprovincialis and S. purpuratus, respectively. The difference in ER50s between species was reduced to a factor of <2 when expressed as soft tissue residues. Coefficients of variation among whole body-ER50s were 3-fold lower than median waterborne effect concentrations (EC50) for both species exposed to samples varying in water quality characteristics. This suggests that tissue concentrations were a better predictor of toxicity than water concentrations. The CBRs described herein do not differentiate between the internal Cu concentrations that are metabolically available and those that are accumulated and then detoxified. They do appear, however, to be well enough related to the level of accumulation at the site of action of toxicity that they serve as useful surrogates for the copper concentration that affects embryonic development of the species tested. Results presented have potentially important implications for a variety of monitoring and assessment strategies. These include regulatory approaches for deriving saltwater ambient water quality criteria for Cu, contributions towards the development of a saltwater biotic ligand model, the conceptual approach of using CBRs, and ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   
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