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地震预报意见以大量资料为基础,依靠专家经验和多学科知识并通过会商讨论形成。显著地震发生后,快速、准确、有效地研判震情可为后期应急指挥和地震现场工作奠定基础。本文以Datist软件为平台,基于四川及邻区的基础资料,设计研发符合四川震情的震后会商资料快速产出系统,当四川及邻区发生中强地震时,通过该系统可在收到地震短信5分钟内以请求触发的方式快速产出应急会商资料,并以微信、PowerPoint和Word的形式将基础资料发送给分析预报人员,为后期趋势分析奠定基础。  相似文献   
自20世纪70年代至今,中国地震局持续召开年度全国地震趋势会商会,对来年中国大陆地区的地震趋势作出综合判断,按照"东部5级、西部6级以上"的目标划定年度地震危险区.因为年度危险区的形状不规则、预测震级不同以及每年发生地震数量有限,难以对其预测效能进行科学、客观的评价,也不利于通过有真正信息增益危险区来积累预测经验.本研究采用新近发展的"博弈评分"(gambling score)方法评估了年度地震危险区预测结果的显著性.博弈评分是利用"参考模型"计算每个危险区预测成功与否的参考概率作为"奖励"标准,根据实际地震对应情况进行加分或减分.采用泊松模型和古登堡/里克特定律作为参考模型,对1990-2003年期间的年度地震危险区的预测效能进行了评估和分析.结果表明,虽然年度预测效能之间的差异较大,但是年度地震危险区预测结果明显优于非均匀泊松模型.这一方面表明年度地震危险区的圈定含有一定的地震前兆信息,得分高的危险区的判定依据将为提高地震预测准确率提供有益信息并积累有效的经验,另一方面也揭示了年度会商结果在前兆观测资料和地震活动背景空间分布知识之间整合的不足,即年度地震危险区的圈定在技术上仍有提高的余地.  相似文献   
以2010—2013年深圳市气象局门户网站"业务咨询"板块公众咨询信息和深圳国家基本气象站观测资料为基础,从咨询量的时间变化规律、与多种气象因素的关联性等角度,对公共气象服务需求的特点进行分析,以揭示公众的公共气象服务需求在时间和要素上存在的规律和特征。结果表明:1)汛期是一年中市民最为关注天气的时段,周三和周五是一周内公众气象信息需求最大的时段;汛期市民最关注的天气是台风,秋、冬季节市民更为关注气候预测信息。2)市民高度关注降水,其精细化和个性化预报仍有很大提升空间;对相对湿度的关注,主要源于对"回南天"等潮湿天气的关注;日照时数与公众咨询密切相关,但主要通过降水间接影响;市民较少咨询气温,但在炎热、寒冷天气下,气温与市民咨询量表现出明显的相关性。  相似文献   
Conflicts over resource are becoming increasingly frequent as human development accelerates and resource limitations become evident. The impact of these conflicts is felt disproportionately by Indigenous Peoples, who despite international recognition that they must be consulted over resource extraction, have not been adequately included in policy development. As creation of effective environmental policy relies on meaningful consultation of all stakeholders, there is now a global outcry surrounding this eroded process. In British Columbia, Canada, a lack of meaningful government consultation has resulted in the approval of large-scale developments (the Site C Hydroelectric Dam and the Pacific Northwest Liquefied Natural Gas terminal) that are directly opposed by multiple stakeholders (First Nations, the academic community, conservation organizations, and other concerned citizens). A key component of the consultation process, trust, is explored here. Specifically, how poor government consultation erodes stakeholder trust in the consultation process. This trust is essential if holistic environmental policy, policy that protects both the environment and the economy, is to be created.  相似文献   
Public participation in decision-making about development has many benefits especially in the coastal zone and in the near-shore marine environment. This research expands the discussion of public involvement in decisions about marine resource use by examining public participation in environmental impact assessment as relevant for offshore renewable energy facilities. A review of empirical and theoretical research supports the development of a framework for further analysis. The framework consists of five main features: (1) effective communication, (2) broad-based inclusion, (3) prioritization, (4) early three-way learning, and (5) alternatives analysis. The paper's concluding sections explore the relevance of such a framework and indicate possible applications.  相似文献   
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